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How do you feel about Renown Hearts?

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Repeatable hearts are okay, but I really hate they override the mini-map pointing to the nearest event if they're not done first (again).

PoF maps are pretty dead as-is. I'd enjoy doing more random events in them if I could find them fast before having to grind the repeatables - which I won't do.

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> @"Vault Girl.6792" said:

> Repeatable hearts are ok, as long as you can see those you have already completed. It gets really annoying when you need one heart for map completion, but can't remember which one you haven't done yet. Or is there any way to check that?


Patience is a virtue. Almost exactly one year after this comment, ANet adds an option for the compass to not guide you towards previously completed hearts. :D

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I've always hated the hearts, not because of what they are but because of how they are handled. Why not have us do cool stuff like fight hordes of enemies or some such thing rather than have to clean cows, or fetch rocks. If I didn't need them for map completion and the rewards granted by map completion, I would never touch them at all because they are boring as sin.

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Still think that "Hearts" should be something more like doing a couple of small tasks (3 options each, 1 should be kill something. But much faster than current filling heart), to trigger a relevant Dynamic Event. And once that succeeds, the heart is done. Over.


Basically, just make them stations to spawn Events. They would fill the exact same role as they currently do, and direct new people toward events.


I don't even have an opinion on the repeatable hearts from ls3 and later, as I've just blatantly ignored them at every turn. If I've ever completed one, it was by accident or because I needed to get a POF mount.

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Where is the neutral option? Overall I don't really like them nor hate them. I guess if you count things strictly I do hate them because there are ones that I hate but none that I love so if we were scoring them I would be giving them a negative score.


> @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> Basically, just make them stations to spawn Events. They would fill the exact same role as they currently do, and direct new people toward events.



That is what hearts were supposed to be but at some point ANet veered off the path.


> @"Vault Girl.6792" said:

> Repeatable hearts are ok, as long as you can see those you have already completed. It gets really annoying when you need one heart for map completion, but can't remember which one you haven't done yet. Or is there any way to check that?


Already completed hearts have an infinity symbol on the bottom. There is a similar change for repetable HPs.


Before completing



After completing once


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> @"Goettel.4389" said:

> PoF maps are pretty dead as-is. I'd enjoy doing more random events in them if I could find them fast before having to grind the repeatables - which I won't do.


Off-topic, but what the kitten? Where do you pull that intel from? I spent last weekend in PoF maps, and there are a lot of ppl playing there. Yea, you won't find huge atrocious farming zergs there, like on Silverwastes, but this is actually a great thing - at least, for me. On events, there are usually 5-10 ppl present, and it's as much as you need for them to still stay fun, and the whole action to not feel as random skill-spam madness.

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I think they just need a few tweaks. I'd go with something like this:


* Repeating hearts can be a bit tiresome, specially when you just want do a quick purchase of a non-daily reward of a heart you completed before.

* Repeatable hearts should allow buying any non-daily items from them without repeating them.

* Repeating a heart would only be necessary to refresh daily rewards in the heart vendor.

* The participation required to repeat a heart would be reduced to 66% of the participation required to complete it for the first time.

* Participating in a successful meta-event would always complete the heart that contains it.

* Hearts should never cover small limited areas. Whatever you do in any map should always be in the area of a heart, including more out of the way areas like jumping puzzles and mini-dungeons. So hearts that cover small areas would get those areas extended until they collide with the edges of the map or another heart area.

* Core maps have too many hearts. They should rework them so there's less hearts required for map completion. Since removing map objectives is likely harder than adding more, it'd probably be easier to add on top of it instead. Something like this:

* Rework non-repeatable hearts into 'silver hearts'. The color of their icons would change to a gray-blusih silver, and they would no longer be required for map completion.

* Then add just 3-8 repeatable golden hearts in each core map depending on the size and density of the map. They would be completed by doing any events and silver hearts within them, and they would replace silver hearts for map completion.

* All silver hearts within a gold heart would share the same vendor tab. When a silver heart is completed, the gold heart and all silver hearts within it would have the rewards previously found in that silver heart when it was golden.

* Completing any silver heart would always complete its corresponding golden heart.

* Golden hearts will have a tab with daily repeatable rewards like other repeatable hearts. The rewards could be things like packages of materials of level tiers matching the area similar to bonus rewards obtained from doing events.

* This way, for map completion you won't have to complete all old non-repeatable hearts in a map, only the new repeatable gold hearts. While to get a specific reward from a specific vendor you will have to do that specific silver heart. And once you've done a heart, you won't have to repeat the golden heart to buy from it unless you want a daily bonus reward.

* HoT maps would get just 2-3 heart per map by converting the Faction Provisioners and mastery vendors into renown heart NPCs, giving them more noticeable icons.

* These renownheart/Faction provisioners would still work just as always, letting you trade the same things without having to complete the heart first.

* These vendors would also get an additional tab for repeatable daily rewards, offering map keys and one daily cheaper daily provisioner token that is bought with karma. These daily rewards would be the only ones requiring to complete the heart again.


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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> What to like about hearts? No, seriously? They are just mindless time-wasters, like "approach an object and press F key" or "kill this weak mob which is not even bit interesting and challenging to fight". 98% of them feel like a tutorial for noobs you would never do, but have to as they are required for map completion. There is nothing interesting to them, no gameplay at all bound to them, no thinking and real decision making. They are worthless as gameplay elements, a chore, as somebody else said above. I really would love for them to become completely optional (not tied to map completion), and ofc the fact you need to repeat them to access a vendor is piece of kitten.


Well yeah, but what you have described is every MMO ever. I much prefer the hearts over similar systems where you have to return to the quest giver to turn in the quest and get rewards.


No matter what type of business model they employ, every MMO designer's primary goal is to get you playing the game for as many hours a day as possible. Many hopefully use that to drive them to release interesting and engaging content, while others continue to release 'busywork' type activities. /shrug

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> > What to like about hearts? No, seriously? They are just mindless time-wasters, like "approach an object and press F key" or "kill this weak mob which is not even bit interesting and challenging to fight". 98% of them feel like a tutorial for noobs you would never do, but have to as they are required for map completion. There is nothing interesting to them, no gameplay at all bound to them, no thinking and real decision making. They are worthless as gameplay elements, a chore, as somebody else said above. I really would love for them to become completely optional (not tied to map completion), and ofc the fact you need to repeat them to access a vendor is piece of kitten.


> Well yeah, but what you have described is every MMO ever. I much prefer the hearts over similar systems where you have to return to the quest giver to turn in the quest and get rewards.


and many games have adjusted their quests so you don't need to return at all, just complete it and it's remotely completed.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> > > What to like about hearts? No, seriously? They are just mindless time-wasters, like "approach an object and press F key" or "kill this weak mob which is not even bit interesting and challenging to fight". 98% of them feel like a tutorial for noobs you would never do, but have to as they are required for map completion. There is nothing interesting to them, no gameplay at all bound to them, no thinking and real decision making. They are worthless as gameplay elements, a chore, as somebody else said above. I really would love for them to become completely optional (not tied to map completion), and ofc the fact you need to repeat them to access a vendor is piece of kitten.

> >

> > Well yeah, but what you have described is every MMO ever. I much prefer the hearts over similar systems where you have to return to the quest giver to turn in the quest and get rewards.


> and many games have adjusted their quests so you don't need to return at all, just complete it and it's remotely completed.


I'm rather glad to hear that. It was one of the first things I noticed when I started GW2 and loved the different approach. ANET really has spoiled me for other MMOs.

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I honestly think that heart quest system is one of the weakest points of the game.


They are terrible for player immersion and tell no significant story of the region. In other games map quests are at least are part of an arching story of that region. Here, we got some meaningless, trivial jobs that are rarely and barely connected to the story.


The fact that you don't have to turn them in or talk to NPC is also quite weird since in order to complete them you basically need to remain close to the heart NPC

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I hate all hearts. They are most boring and generic "quests", all of them feel the same. Repeatable LS hearts are just dumbest thing ANet has ever done. If you want to give some map specific material on daily basis - fine, but don't block the merchant, just block the purchase of material bundle until heart is done. Core POF hearts are biggest offenders, they block merchant just for sake of blocking merchant, they don't even have daily reward - it's pure annoyance.

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As a person who likes to complete the maps, the idea of the hearts being repeatable actually bugs the hell out of me as it will always look like they're not done on the map, even when they are done.


The idea of the hearts being done, is that you completed that task during the time period of the story, or to say you have helped out. The fact they become repeatable makes it seem like a "groundhog day" situation. There is no logical reason to make them repeatable, specially in later end maps.

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Really appreciate that they added the long awaited hide repeatable hearts option for the content guide, as that was one of my biggest problems with repeatable hearts. I'm ok with stuff being locked behind repeatable hearts, but it seems like the majority of LWS3+ hearts give so little progress per action and take so much more time to grind through than core hearts do, that I just get bored and log off after getting halfway through them.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> My issue with hearts is that the storytelling is so poor with them. Need more story from the NPCs or something. Better story, in fact...


Story on itself won't change a thing. Yea, I'll actually read the text instead of skipping it like I do now, sure, but the "gameplay" bound to them is still boring repetitive grind not worth even a few minutes of my time. They either need to make them as interesting as dynamic events, or just make them non-mandatory content (not needed for map completion).

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