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Please dont play rev in ranked SPVP


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Hopefully this is something that gets fixed soon. I tried Revenant back when it was somewhat OP in SPVP, but it quickly got nerfed, so I got highly disappointed. In the process, it lost some of the PvE appeal as well, so it mostly sits in its character slot unused. The best thing you can do, however, if the player playing it is literally being a hindrance, is try to reach out in a coaching manner, instead of a negative manner. It could be Revenant is their favorite class, even though they don't see the issues it has in PvP.

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> @"Nighthawk.4687" said:

> so straight up this entire season i played berserker strength rune hammer revenant, and i stayed in plat the entire season because of how bad everyone else is. Outdamaged all the scourges on my teams and died less. so.......


I can’t play revenant worth anything, but it’s not my main class so that’s probably why. Some people tend to have a knack for certain classes. For me it’s Mesmer. And I have to agree, sometimes it’s easy to climb the ladder in PvP if you’re fortunate with teams.

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> @"kahzee.6042" said:

> All you are is a giant liability and waste of a slot. Please play something that is actually worthwhile


> Thanks


Its so funny when they’re on the other team, you’ll almost feel sorry for them since they always die to everything which essentially makes it a 4v5

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> @"Nighthawk.4687" said:

> so straight up this entire season i played berserker strength rune hammer revenant, and i stayed in plat the entire season because of how bad everyone else is. Outdamaged all the scourges on my teams and died less. so.......


Yeah and it’s funny too because those same people that you beat using (arguably) a sub par class are the same ones posting how to nerf other classes. It blows my mind

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so fukin funny. rev is actually doing okay. the main issue was condi cleanse anyways. unless ur fighting a thief, rev can do surprisingly good and has an insane burst...


rev is still a class w a high skill cap and not easy to play for everyone but if OP was halfaway decent he would be teamed with and agsinst decent revs as well and would realize what he is saying only applies to lowtier silver and gold revs.


with the new patch coming up and many classes being nerfed and rev being untouched rev has a good chance of being back in meta.



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Is Rev still in a bad place? I can understand it when we had full condi cancer with Scourge and Mirage, but this meta is not a more power damage oriented? And we cant ignore that soon we gonna have another balance patch...lets wait and see how thing gonna turn out, maybe its not as good as Holo(wonder if after patch Holo will still be used) or faceroll like warrior, but still viable like a power guard or something, right?(havent played sPvP since last season)

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> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> Is Rev still in a bad place? I can understand it when we had full condi cancer with Scourge and Mirage, but this meta is not a more power damage oriented? And we cant ignore that soon we gonna have another balance patch...lets wait and see how thing gonna turn out, maybe its not as good as Holo(wonder if after patch Holo will still be used) or faceroll like warrior, but still viable like a power guard or something, right?(havent played sPvP since last season)


It's more about being outclassed. Holo, Mirage and Spellbreaker are just simply better for the role - they have more CC, more damage, more stability (rev has none), deal with both condition and power pressure better, etc. After the patch it'll be the same just switch spellbreaker for core war.

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > Is Rev still in a bad place? I can understand it when we had full condi cancer with Scourge and Mirage, but this meta is not a more power damage oriented? And we cant ignore that soon we gonna have another balance patch...lets wait and see how thing gonna turn out, maybe its not as good as Holo(wonder if after patch Holo will still be used) or faceroll like warrior, but still viable like a power guard or something, right?(havent played sPvP since last season)


> It's more about being outclassed. Holo, Mirage and Spellbreaker are just simply better for the role - they have more CC, more damage, more stability (rev has none), deal with both condition and power pressure better, etc. After the patch it'll be the same just switch spellbreaker for core war.


Adding that s/d Thief demolishes power Herald.

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> @"ScottBroChill.3254" said:

> NO, play rev until they do something about it


QFT, but Idk what you're talking about _nothing is wrong with rev_


People should play __More__ rev because it's the only difficult spec and winning with it is more beneficial to your ego than winning because you had more mesmers/supported scourges.

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