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Is Anet brave enough to make Joko's plan successful?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Not without an awful lot of tech going into the game.

It won't happen anyway because it's too edgy/evil/dark for this game. But should they do it, should Joko be succsesful, plague the lands, awaken the dead and become godking of Tyria, they would have to preserve the pre-plague state of the core maps to not make the same mistakes that have been made with LS1 events, Kessex Hills was such a pretty map... At least that would be the only way I'd like to see it happen and the tech implemented could be put to use on so many maps in the future that I'd love to have it in game.


Anyways...so many reasons why it won't happen...might get close where we save the world in the last second, but Joko won't change the face of core Tyria. Maybe we get a new map somewhere close to core Tyria where he was able to spread the plague, some new NPCs in cities or maps nearby. But it will be contained to this map.

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I don't think he'd last long if he ends up stirring a dragon with his plan. He's still a small fry compared to the elder dragons. Also I think the scarab plague is less of a threat than it's being treated as. The level of tech and understanding is on such a different level than when it first popped up. When was the last time you heard of the bubonic plague threatening a society?

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  • 1 month later...

> @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> of course they're not brave enough. its a story for 12 year olds (literally). and people who want villains to win and the good guys to lose are minority. and thats not a good thing - i think destruction, defeat and death of many opens up a lot of possibilities and emotional interaction for players. destruction of LA and the Pact were very good examples but I would go even further and make the damage permanent (LA and Pact regenerated). things like Foefire , Searing, Cataclysm, Rise of Orr - these are the things I would like to see more in game and not just backstories.


We don't need Joko to win cause if he dose then Joko just opens the door for the other elder dragons to easily consume all magic in tyria alot faster.

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> @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

> I don't think he'd last long if he ends up stirring a dragon with his plan. He's still a small fry compared to the elder dragons. Also I think the scarab plague is less of a threat than it's being treated as. The level of tech and understanding is on such a different level than when it first popped up. When was the last time you heard of the bubonic plague threatening a society?


Would not be suprised if the scarab plague only kills so many and its stop because you can easily make cure to counter it now.

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> @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

> I don't think he'd last long if he ends up stirring a dragon with his plan. He's still a small fry compared to the elder dragons. Also I think the scarab plague is less of a threat than it's being treated as. The level of tech and understanding is on such a different level than when it first popped up. When was the last time you heard of the bubonic plague threatening a society?


I think this plague is a real threat, and Joko must pay for his wicked deeds.


Gorrik: No! It's Joko—he'll get the samples!

the Commander: Explain. Now.

Gorrik: The vault contains samples of the ancient Scarab Plague. The deadliest pestilence in history—it decimated Elona.

Gorrik: **Imagine Joko unleashing it throughout Tyria. Nothing would survive.**


And he did, he unleashed it... Now we have to localize the region where it was unleashed- we can disqualify Divinity's Reach, Frostgorge Sound and Mount Maelstrom- because we aready were there.


I think the Episode 3's map will be attacked by the plague, with Gorrik and Blish's help we'll have to isolate this location from others, but the Commander and some of our team will go this location to save as many people as possible- we will have a special protection from the plague- something like during the Flashpoint and our journey in Draconis Mons, also I think one of our guildmates/people we know will not survive in the process, even though he will have such protection.


But it's just a theory and with the incoming trailer maybe we'll have get some clues for another phase of speculating about Episode 3.



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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> And he did, he unleashed it... Now we have to localize the region where it was unleashed- we can disqualify Divinity's Reach, Frostgorge Sound and Mount Maelstrom- because we aready were there.

Huh, why? We don't know yet if he unleashed it already or not.

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The Scarab Plague is the wrath of the Immortal God who occupies Cancer (Luna=Water sign) because of Kormir's rebellion. It will happen again.


"The modern symbol for Cancer represents the pincers of a crab, but Cancer has been represented as many types of creatures, usually those living in the water, and always those with an exoskeleton. In the Egyptian records of about 2000 BC it was described as Scarabaeus (Scarab), the sacred emblem of immortality." - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cancer_(constellation)

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> @"Avador.8934" said:

> > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > And he did, he unleashed it... Now we have to localize the region where it was unleashed- we can disqualify Divinity's Reach, Frostgorge Sound and Mount Maelstrom- because we aready were there.

> Huh, why? We don't know yet if he unleashed it already or not.


If you look propery at Joko in _The Charge_ you can see him holding the plague that he stole from the Inquest's vault. Then he said that he could also take the Commander to hear the screams of Tyrians, but his 'new me' wanted rather to get rid of us so we would just die- he asked Lonai to do so, but she failed.


And he threw out the plague through a portal, then he created another portal for himself- both with unknown destinations.


They should have shown it as a cinematic.



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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> > @"Avador.8934" said:

> > > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > > And he did, he unleashed it... Now we have to localize the region where it was unleashed- we can disqualify Divinity's Reach, Frostgorge Sound and Mount Maelstrom- because we aready were there.

> > Huh, why? We don't know yet if he unleashed it already or not.


> If you look propery at Joko in _The Charge_ you can see him holding the plague that he stole from the Inquest's vault. Then he said that he could also take the Commander to hear the screams of Tyrians, but his 'new me' wanted rather to get rid of us so we would just die- he asked Lonai to do so, but she failed.


> And he threw out the plague through a portal, then he created another portal for himself- both with unknown destinations.


> They should have shown it as a cinematic.


There was a pretty big argue about that, since half of the people believe he threw the plague through that portal, while the other half believes that he took it with him. I personally stand with the latter group. All I saw that he threw something on an _inactive_ gate. To me it makes no sense he would throw the plague there because you need to activate the gate 1st and then throw something through. Most likely (at least according to my opinion) he just casted a spell to open the gate. As you can see, this thing he carries in his hand, he still has it after he threw that thing/spell/whatever, and departs with it through the other portal. I believe that he most likely only activated and caused it to malfunction, he even called it a 'small parting gift'. It would make no sense to call throwing the plague a 'small parting gift' when he threw it away from us. Another thing, because that gate was malfunctioning and porting to random locations, why would he want to throw it there if he did not know where it ends? The plague could as well end somewhere remote, like Far Shiverpeaks, or even further. If this is how he wanted to release the plague, so randomly, then there's a high chance for it to fail.

One more thing, near the end of the instance, we debate with the asura trio that he has plans for the Scarab plague. Two of them were there, when he opened the portal, meaning they saw it as well. So they also believe he carried it with him, rather than just throwing it away to an unstable portal with an unknown location. Because otherwise, everyone would be like: "Oh no! He released it! We need to immediately find where and stop it!". They wouldn't definitely be as calm as they were.

But I guess we'll see in the next episode, how the things really are...


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> @"Avador.8934" said:

> > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > > @"Avador.8934" said:

> > > > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > > > And he did, he unleashed it... Now we have to localize the region where it was unleashed- we can disqualify Divinity's Reach, Frostgorge Sound and Mount Maelstrom- because we aready were there.

> > > Huh, why? We don't know yet if he unleashed it already or not.

> >

> > If you look propery at Joko in _The Charge_ you can see him holding the plague that he stole from the Inquest's vault. Then he said that he could also take the Commander to hear the screams of Tyrians, but his 'new me' wanted rather to get rid of us so we would just die- he asked Lonai to do so, but she failed.

> >

> > And he threw out the plague through a portal, then he created another portal for himself- both with unknown destinations.

> >

> > They should have shown it as a cinematic.


> There was a pretty big argue about that, since half of the people believe he threw the plague through that portal, while the other half believes that he took it with him. I personally stand with the latter group. All I saw that he threw something on an _inactive_ gate. To me it makes no sense he would throw the plague there because you need to activate the gate 1st and then throw something through. Most likely (at least according to my opinion) he just casted a spell to open the gate. As you can see, this thing he carries in his hand, he still has it after he threw that thing/spell/whatever, and departs with it through the other portal. I believe that he most likely only activated and caused it to malfunction, he even called it a 'small parting gift'. It would make no sense to call throwing the plague a 'small parting gift' when he threw it away from us. Another thing, because that gate was malfunctioning and porting to random locations, why would he want to throw it there if he did not know where it ends? The plague could as well end somewhere remote, like Far Shiverpeaks, or even further. If this is how he wanted to release the plague, so randomly, then there's a high chance for it to fail.

> One more thing, near the end of the instance, we debate with the asura trio that he has plans for the Scarab plague. Two of them were there, when he opened the portal, meaning they saw it as well. So they also believe he carried it with him, rather than just throwing it away to an unstable portal with an unknown location. Because otherwise, everyone would be like: "Oh no! He released it! We need to immediately find where and stop it!". They wouldn't definitely be as calm as they were.

> But I guess we'll see in the next episode, how the things really are...



That's also what I've thought about, and at first I played this chapter I didn't even notice this plague in his hand- I was more consumed by the dialogue, but when I was trying to complete some of achievements, I was sure he throw it, because while he was entering his own portal, he didn't have this thing in his hand.


The story journal says: _We raced to the containment vault, but we were too late. Joko damaged the remaining asura gate and set Mordant Crescent Commander Lonai on us while he fled with the plague._


But it kinda denies what I saw, so I'm really confused about that.


We'll see in the episode 3.

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Remember when destroying a main hub city was unthinkable? And yet, Lion's Arch has been destroyed not once, but three times now (four if you count Old Lion's Arch). Remember when the Pact Fleet had enough power to defeat an Elder Dragon with a single cannon on a single, albeit very powerful, ship? Yeah... ask Mordremoth how that turned out.


It's not a matter of "brave". They have proven their willingness and ability to sweep everything away in service of a good story. The issue here is, "what would that accomplish?". Can Joko's plan, which already succeeded hundreds of years ago by the way, be told in such a way that the Scarab Plague can be unleashed and still let the players feel like they've won, somehow? I'm not sure that it can, but I look forward to ~~complaining about~~ whatever they come up with.

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Hmm what is the plague? It's a kind of disease like the leprosy? I remember well the last "cinematic", joko threw a spell to open an asuran gate to an unknown destination, and then passes through her holding a small glass case with I guess, scarabs eggs in it?, then he gave us a "little present" (bunch of awakened inquest), then the gate close and the self-destruct (fail-safe system as Inquest name it) launch himself opening a second time the gate. But what shocked me is, how joko destroyed the containment room/vault defenses and door whereas a ton of his minions died? I still haven't understood how he fled from the underworld... To end this, why he haven't killed and awakened taimi? <- about that, if she die, and then she is awakened, will she still be sick and have her degenerative aspect or would it stop?

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> > @"Avador.8934" said:

> > > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > > > @"Avador.8934" said:

> > > > > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > > > > And he did, he unleashed it... Now we have to localize the region where it was unleashed- we can disqualify Divinity's Reach, Frostgorge Sound and Mount Maelstrom- because we aready were there.

> > > > Huh, why? We don't know yet if he unleashed it already or not.

> > >

> > > If you look propery at Joko in _The Charge_ you can see him holding the plague that he stole from the Inquest's vault. Then he said that he could also take the Commander to hear the screams of Tyrians, but his 'new me' wanted rather to get rid of us so we would just die- he asked Lonai to do so, but she failed.

> > >

> > > And he threw out the plague through a portal, then he created another portal for himself- both with unknown destinations.

> > >

> > > They should have shown it as a cinematic.

> >

> > There was a pretty big argue about that, since half of the people believe he threw the plague through that portal, while the other half believes that he took it with him. I personally stand with the latter group. All I saw that he threw something on an _inactive_ gate. To me it makes no sense he would throw the plague there because you need to activate the gate 1st and then throw something through. Most likely (at least according to my opinion) he just casted a spell to open the gate. As you can see, this thing he carries in his hand, he still has it after he threw that thing/spell/whatever, and departs with it through the other portal. I believe that he most likely only activated and caused it to malfunction, he even called it a 'small parting gift'. It would make no sense to call throwing the plague a 'small parting gift' when he threw it away from us. Another thing, because that gate was malfunctioning and porting to random locations, why would he want to throw it there if he did not know where it ends? The plague could as well end somewhere remote, like Far Shiverpeaks, or even further. If this is how he wanted to release the plague, so randomly, then there's a high chance for it to fail.

> > One more thing, near the end of the instance, we debate with the asura trio that he has plans for the Scarab plague. Two of them were there, when he opened the portal, meaning they saw it as well. So they also believe he carried it with him, rather than just throwing it away to an unstable portal with an unknown location. Because otherwise, everyone would be like: "Oh no! He released it! We need to immediately find where and stop it!". They wouldn't definitely be as calm as they were.

> > But I guess we'll see in the next episode, how the things really are...

> >


> That's also what I've thought about, and at first I played this chapter I didn't even notice this plague in his hand- I was more consumed by the dialogue, but when I was trying to complete some of achievements, I was sure he throw it, because while he was entering his own portal, he didn't have this thing in his hand.


> The story journal says: _We raced to the containment vault, but we were too late. Joko damaged the remaining asura gate and set Mordant Crescent Commander Lonai on us while he fled with the plague._


> But it kinda denies what I saw, so I'm really confused about that.


> We'll see in the episode 3.


I was specifically watching for it when I played the episode, and he definitely holds on to the canister and takes it with him.

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tbh what I'd expect is joko carrying on with his plan, us failing in stopping him from doing so, but ultimately whoel attempt of "unleashing the plague" failing due to somethign silly that both joko and gorrik forget to take into calculation (former when making plan, latter when claiming unleashing it would be extremely bad)


silly reasons varying all the way from "civilisation progression during that period makes it impossible to get conditions right for a large scale outbreak" to "scarabs didn't like tyrian wheat as much" or maybe even with a tink of "but they very liked awakened corpses so here you'd have the plan even backfiring on him.

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The real question isn't whether they're brave enough to let Joko succeed, it's whether they're brave enough to let Taimi fail.


Just imagine it: the last scene of GW2, the entire planet cracks apart and fades into the Mists, setting the stage for GW3: Mistjammer.


Or it's a sixth sense ending, and we realize the commander failed to stop Tyria's destruction, and has just been a fractal echo the entire time (thus also explaining why the entire game is a set of infinitely repeating loops).

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> When I read this article it was just like I was reading my thoughts and observations: https://www.mmorpg.com/guild-wars-2/columns/know-your-enemy-praise-joko-the-greatest-villain-in-guild-wars-2-1000012571


> That would be the greatest moment in any MMO's history if he would unleash the plague and maybe even make himself the king of Tyria over the Awakened Tyrians.


> Very interesting things are yet to come...


We see on the home page of gw2 that Joko is there, blacked out, holding the Scepter of Orr, which Livia currently has.

How he gets it is a mystery I'm sure they will want to play out. What he does with it might not even be the "Plague" as everyone knows it.


Scepter of Orr: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Scepter_of_Orr

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