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Worst T4 FRACTAL day ever!

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> @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> Only place where last laugh is unfair is 99cm endboss last phase but good groups skip that one anyways.

> Rest is ok and way less annoying if you have some stability. Chaos chrono, Druiden Elite spirit help a lot.


Well Twilight Oasis grenth phase can be pretty brutal with last laugh aswell.

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> @"Vrita.7846" said:

> > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> > I think the rest of us are going to need some context, because otherwise, this thread makes no sense.


> During Fractals of the Mists there are these things called "Instabilities" that add a mechanic to the fractal. Last Laugh is one of many instabilities you can get for a fractal. Basically what Last Laugh does is whenever you kill a mob, summoned or not, they explode knocking you back and dealing damage. During trash heavy encounters, you can find yourself chain cced cause getting hit by multiple explosions with knock you back multiple times. Today's fractal dailies were pretty bad cause they were all trash heavy.


Thanks for the explanation. Wow that sounds horrendous! :o

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> > @"Krypto.2069" said:

> > Anybody got some recorded footage of this?

> > I don't do many fractals but would like to observe this phenomenon! Sounds **BRUTAL**! :scream:


> This is not from yesterday's dailies, but check this instability out:


Wow, that's some intense shit! That rev did a pretty good job handling that madness alone for a stretch, though!


Thank you, Arden, for video link! :smile:


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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> > Only place where last laugh is unfair is 99cm endboss last phase but good groups skip that one anyways.

> > Rest is ok and way less annoying if you have some stability. Chaos chrono, Druiden Elite spirit help a lot.


> Well Twilight Oasis grenth phase can be pretty brutal with last laugh aswell.


Go with a standard healer support setup and if that doesn't work, try going with 5 DPS next time. Works for Amala by pushing the phase change faster to revive the dead & downed players (possible with 2-3 players alive). In my PuG'ing experience, 5 DPS for T.O(even with L.L) works better and I have my reasons for it.


For Underground with L.L, use stability and reflect during Panel Switch :smile: . Try avoid killing any melee Dredges while you're on the panel without stability, they don't do much dmg (unless there's more than 3 on you,try to take out the Dredge's with rifles).


I ran fractals several times a day (helping out friends and for fun). Base on my experience in PuG groups, understanding the mechanics and how things work plays a HUGE role. Not going to go through all the details but just an example to match with the OP ; a recent T4 group consist of Holo (Flame thrower full time), Soulbeast (Axe/Sword + dagger), Reaper, Staff Weaver (Fire Attunement AA & Lava Font only) :anguished: and nothing surprises me anymore.


*PS : Tried PuG'ing at different time zones for the pass 2 days, let's just say I'll stick to my normal playtime schedule* :wink:

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> @"Benjamin Arnold.3457" said:

> A last laugh nerf is coming soon. Keep the feedback coming!


Last laugh is painful but in terms of destabilizing players (lol) it might be a contender for #1 place. I'd say it should get changed to something that still requires intense movement and would still heavily punish players who try to cleave. As I see it, the best instabilities to actually require you to rethink your playstyle are the anti-things such as anti-stacking (social awkwardness) and anti-cleaving-without-thinking (last laugh).

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> @"maxwelgm.4315" said:

> Last laugh is painful but in terms of destabilizing players (lol) it might be a contender for #1 place. I'd say it should get changed to something that still requires intense movement and would still heavily punish players who try to cleave. As I see it, the best instabilities to actually require you to rethink your playstyle are the anti-things such as anti-stacking (social awkwardness) and anti-cleaving-without-thinking (last laugh).


You're kidding, right? Social awkwardness just makes people hate each other. Especially in pugs where you meet "druids" that want to heal you by running into your hitbox with CA#4 all the time, killing your scholar bonus. It's not just forcing to rethink playstyle. The good instabilities are non-invasive into your social interactions with other players. Flux bomb - makes me want to kill people sometimes. Same with social awkwardness.


Whats fun and enjoyable? Random rabbit/tentacle popping up. Random skyhammer, random Mai Trin bombardment. Mobs getting strong at low hp. Vindicators (though this also has people-hating potential but mainly because they go down, mobs are easy to kill). Basically the instabilities that increase difficulty but provide healthy environment for the fact that 5 sentient humans are inside an instance.

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Now that L.L is settled, lets move on to the next instability to put on the nerf table :lol: voting for Social Awkwardness!

> @"cloudsareyum.8120" said:

> I can't tell what I hate more, vindicators or the exploding enemies or both XD


> happily it feels like the vindicators recently are slightly more controllable, i remember right after one of the patches where it was just like death and dying everywhere for everybody


The new vindicators is a joke now (they don't attack/ have a long pause between attacks and often *freeze*) :tongue: certain class is able to solo it during downed state to get rallied.

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> @"Benjamin Arnold.3457" said:

> A last laugh nerf is coming soon. Keep the feedback coming!


It wouldn't be necesarry if you didn't mess with instabilities in the first place. There is no good solution now - you either waste your time to make instabilities annoyign and more players frustrated in the process or you make them weak so we are back to pre-change situation of instabilities being irrelevant.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > @"Benjamin Arnold.3457" said:

> > A last laugh nerf is coming soon. Keep the feedback coming!


> Why, you are ruining all the fun again


Either LL is nerf or they are prevented in certain fractal map. Otherwise there's more hate than love from players in general. More players are pugging in fractal, and level of skills varried. The mistlocks itself is good design.. but it's crazy in certain map. And combination of LL with other mistlocks can be very challenging for average group. If the group can not carry weaker player who fail to prove useful then this will end with kicking player out in pug. We don't want this to happen to T4. I believe any CM group (100+kp) can manage any mistlocks better in T4. I am referring to fractal team that dont do CM.

IMO, LL is nice mistlocks .. funny feature. Not sure what is better.. to completely change its function or keep as it is but avoid it in certain map. We don't have many maps. If certain fractal map is set to have only certain mistlocks variables rotation..Would that work?

I can understand why the dev wanted to hv mistlocks rotate so to make the map more dynamic feel.. also as we hv new specializations and progress forward in time.. the old fractal or dungeon become too easy to run.. hence something needs to be done to it. Revamp of fractal map is one good way but it takes quite a time to do that.. quite a difficult task.

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Two days ago I didn't play full cm run and did just rec.. joined a team with my husband. I told him.. let's play like old time .. be more considerate and nice .. follow the group pretending we are doing this first time .. if they want to kill every single npc in the map by all means! Let's do it! I was playing healer and my husband is DPS. We had two other Weaver's and one spb... our run in recs I'd say.. ok.. not bad ..No one dies the dps meter says 1 or 2 k from the Weaver's and spb. I don't hv any complain on their dps since the run was ok.. not speed clear tho but not tedious either. Can the same group manage T4? Maybe .. but I don't know .. I think the game success should measure highly on how players play as a team not what build players are running. if the player knows how his class works and play well as a group.. it should work .. or.. do we want to drive fractal only with optimal meta build?

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