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How Many Characters Do You Have?

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10 currently, 9 holding pve builds and one with a wvw build, 4 more to make to account for all the pve builds i want (including 1 theif and 1 engi cus i hate those classes and i only need them for spec collections), and then 2 more for wvw, and then 1 extra for bag opener, totalling to 7 more i need character slots for (17 total)


Thats: 2 ele, 2 mesmers, 1 guardian, 1 warrior, 1 revenant, 2 rangers, 1 necro. 3 sylvari/3 charr/2 asura/1 human/1 norn.


guardian holds my wvw build (support FB) and thus i still need a solo roam and something that hurts in group situations.

gonna get a second guard for sure because i love power DH for pve and I cant change my guard's build because, as a RPer, im very attached to her character. xD Need a second warrior for berserker builds because as much as i absolutely love spellbreaker, i love and usually prefer condition damage based builds on all games and this is no exception.


tentatively deciding on extras as well. i don't really enjoy revenant that much, renegade is kinda fun but it comes nowhere remotely close to how much i love mesmer, ele and guard so my renegade already got demoted to becoming the character that holds all my extra obsidian refinement stuff (sooooo much dragonite ore....), though i would like to try herald so I might make one absolutely last as an RP character (and probably second mule lolz).


on top of that, i'd also like a third mesmer to hold power chrono for me (i liked it before it became meta and unless it becomes power reaper, i'll like it even when it loses its place in the meta : P), maybe another ele for the aesthetic of condi weaver (ie eles with swords), maybe another guard for dps firebrand, that's like 4 more (totalling 21) extras im considering lmao.


race wise, i need so many more asura. i love them. asura master race. i want another charr or maybe two to get some horn styles I like, though charr faces aren't so good so I might struggle to make a 5th charr lmao. i also want another female norn at least, and several more sylvari, so between the 7 to 11 characters i need i should be more than satisfied character design wise.


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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> It's comforting to see I am not the only one who hates to delete key farmers. XD


I’m another. My newest level 80 is my key farmer that I’ve used for years. I have a set of gear I use for key runs and I liked how she looked in her Mistward armor skins so much that I tomed her to 80 a couple months ago.

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I have 18. Needed every combination of race and armor weight, with an even distribution of professions and genders (and it's still not balanced!). Also I messed up one character, but it's too late to delete him. I'll probably make more once I finish getting all of these to 80 (except one, but he's a special case). Each has their own character, personality, and place on the "team", like the old Hasbro toy commercial-shows. I'm planning a web series (or stream) where I roleplay these characters, but I need better tech, more skills, and friends to play supporting characters. Perhaps I can get by with short stories instead...

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I've got one of every profession. But i'm only plying my Charrdian the most of the time. Second place goes to my Mesmer. Started half a year before HoT release as Necro. As deeper i got into the game as much more boring he gets. So i ended up playing all classes to 80 and messing with em around to find my thing. Takes me till a month ago to finally really fall in love with the Guardian. Now i can't even imagin to play an other toon. Only my Mesmer from time to time. The others are just there as walking storagerooms.

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I have 3 full Ascended characters with full map and story completion.

I wanted a Celestial character of each armor weight, so I have Cele Firebrand, Cele Engi and Cele Ele.

95% of my current playtime goes to my Firebrand. I'm a mainoholic. :)

I also have a Druid I only use in PvP, a permabanker and a weekly Key farmer.

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I only have 24 characters, all level 80, all with full elite specs, all with full equipment sets, most with more than one, and all are 'playing' characters, no mules or alts. 17 of them have world map completion. Multiples of every class except thief (only have the one). All are human except for a norn. Don't know how she got in the mix. I also have 2 slots from recent sale, so it will be 26 characters total someday.

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> @"Mea.5491" said:

> I have 3 full Ascended characters with full map and story completion.

> I wanted a Celestial character of each armor weight, so I have Cele Firebrand, Cele Engi and Cele Ele.

> 95% of my current playtime goes to my Firebrand. I'm a mainoholic. :)

> I also have a Druid I only use in PvP, a permabanker and a weekly Key farmer.


3 full sets of cele armor and weapons... this is super impressive to me.


There should be an achievement

"Masochist" comes to mind ;)

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> It's comforting to see I am not the only one who hates to delete key farmers. XD


I hate to do it but still I grit my teeth and axe them. It helps that I already have an established RP human warrior, as well as a number of alts that haven't got as much RP as they should. It also helps that I always include "key" somewhere in the name, albeit worked into something lore-friendly (eg Jason Keynes, Keysa Miller, Megan Keyman, etc) and it's fun to come up with new ones.

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I have 10. 1 of each profession plus a key farmer that I bumped to lvl 50 for opening bags. 7 are fully ascended, working on the 8th.


6 male Charr

2 female Norns

1 male Asura

The key farmer / bag mule is human this time around.


The only other thing that I haven't seen mentioned is names. With so many characters, it's hard to know who people are. I stuck with the name Grizz across my Charrs with various last names. My female Norns are Grizza and my Asura Engi is Grizzmo Gizzmo. At least this way my guildies recognize me.

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"Mea.5491" said:

> > I have 3 full Ascended characters with full map and story completion.

> > I wanted a Celestial character of each armor weight, so I have Cele Firebrand, Cele Engi and Cele Ele.

> > 95% of my current playtime goes to my Firebrand. I'm a mainoholic. :)

> > I also have a Druid I only use in PvP, a permabanker and a weekly Key farmer.


> 3 full sets of cele armor and weapons... this is super impressive to me.


> There should be an achievement

> "Masochist" comes to mind ;)


I know, right? I need that as a title! :D

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> > It's comforting to see I am not the only one who hates to delete key farmers. XD


> I hate to do it but still I grit my teeth and axe them. It helps that I already have an established RP human warrior, as well as a number of alts that haven't got as much RP as they should. It also helps that I always include "key" somewhere in the name, albeit worked into something lore-friendly (eg Jason Keynes, Keysa Miller, Megan Keyman, etc) and it's fun to come up with new ones.


I try not to get attacked to my key farmers. If they're specifically a key farmer I'll click create, skip to end and then only allow myself to change 1 thing about them (usually the face or hair) rather than spending too much time thinking about them, so I don't get attached.


But part of why I don't mind deleting characters is I know if I'm really attached to them they'll show up again at some point. 3 of my GW2 characters started out as temporary characters, were deleted and then re-made as permanent characters later on (2 with different professions). One of my Elder Scrolls Online characters started out as a temporary character in Dragon Age: Origins, but I liked her so much I kept reusing her.

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9 human female, 1 for each class

now also 4 Asura, for classes I like more.

1 free slot

No Norn, as I like brain more than alcolized muscles.

No Charr, as I do not like their military, autotarian, industrial-anti-ökologic society.

No Sylvari, they always ended in the salat-bowl or on the compost for their "good/bad-plant"-ness (derived from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gutmensch), found it the high-light of HoT to deposite Traherne on the compost. Canach (and partially Caithe) have a hard task to improve their reputation with me :)

Around 15 potential Lvl 80 char in the bank (Birthday-Scrolls and tomes)

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16 in total. 4 each of the Sylvari, Charr, Norn and Human races. 1 female of each of these races, the rest male. They don't really have specific purposes. I have 2 of most professions which, since the release of PoF, works well for me because I don't need to switch elite specializations (and with it gear and other traits) on a character but just have everything ready and the way I want it on separate characters. I've even done this with my Elementalists, even though the difference between Tempest and Weaver is mostly (if not only) the elite trait line. I might not have bothered with this for my Elementalist had it not been for a specific character concept I wanted to try out for a light armored character (and I already had 2 Mesmers and Necromancers at that point). Only Thief and Engineer hold a single character slot on my account. Not interested in Deadeye so no reason for a second Thief. And Engineer I only started to like since the Holosmith specialization. Anything I do in game I do with whatever character I want, since I'm not into the main/alt thing. Fractals are the only exception, but that's only because I don't have all my characters equipped with AR (and don't find that a high priority; I have 4 or 5 with 150 or more AR at the moment, so still plenty of choice to switch it up when I feel like it).

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