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Whats your main


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> @"Gilgamesh.5167" said:

> Im quite intrested in what is the most played proffesion currently in the game. Also tell us why you find your class fun to play.


Hey look at that, the numbers are pretty balanced. Good job anet. I play a lot of wvw and main warrior most of the time, I just like the hack and slash. You know, up close and personal like. I have a lot of different toons, but they just seem to lack in places. I would love to main deadeye, but its kinda clunky and dies to a breeze. But warrior is good to roam, havoc, and zerg with. Warrior is great to show on when you are unsure what tag is on, because some tags are territorial and lock teams. Warrior brings its own stability, healing, and cleanse. Being able to be outside of a team and not die so fast is great and I hope warrior is a strong part of world versus world until the day anet pulls the plug.

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My thief would probably be my main, honestly. I think she's my oldest character. Actually, I know she is. But having somewhat recently started playing mirage, I finally don't hate playing mesmer. Fun fact, my mesmer is my second oldest character, by just a few days. A week, max. And only with mirage do I now actually enjoy playing the class.


So yeah, between my thief and mesmer. Going MM with necromancer was also pretty damn fun in pve, but now she's mostly my go-to character for the incredibly rare moments I feel crazy enough to actually want to play pvp/wvw. Of course, I obviously won't go minion master in wvw, though.

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I play a guardian as my main, mostly because when I started playing dungeons were big, and I did a lot of pugging.


Now, I don't know if you knew this, but anyone can pug :3


So running a guardian increased group survivability, and made pugs SO MUCH better for me.


With the death of dungeons, I moved on to DH and Firebrand. Both feel great with the guardian's tools and base mechanics. I feel like its a really well designed class all around.


I also relate really well to female charr for some reason, which my guardian is.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Firebrand since February. Which is funny because I couldn't get into core Guard for 5 years but I love FB so much. :) I rerolled from core Engineer after they changed my favorite trait line (Alchemy) to the point that I did not enjoy my character's gameplay anymore.

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  • 10 months later...

Since starting in the summer of 2013, I played on and off until I really got the feel for the game. My main has always been a guardian/DH. About a week ago, I started really working toward reaper. I leveled my necro with tomes, so I wasn't very good with it, but I got enough points to use the GS, and the new reaper form, so i just started doing random things, like HoT zones to open up the maps, and start HP hunting. By the time I opened up the entire spec line, I had really figured out how to play the spec, and fell in love with it. Coming from a class with one of the lowest health pools, to one of the highest, plus a second health bar, I'm loving the passive tankiness.


I have decided to make necro, and more specifically reaper, my new main. I'm opening up the scourge line now, and it's pretty fun, but I'm always gonna love swinging 2h weapons, so reaper will be my main, but its nice to know scourge is a fun alternative.

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Main is Asura -one of every profession- though if I had to pick one profession I hold more dear nor any other it would be core Engineer. It sucks. It's been neglected, is in no wise competitive unless you choose Holosmith. Scrapper had a chance but most bunkers are a joke in this game. So why continue to play it?


Sometimes, even though it's against all better judgement, you just have to love something and keep loving it for the potential it has or, at least, once had.


PS. I still miss you, deployable turrets.

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I voted Necromancer, but it'll no doubt change since I have a hard time sticking with a main. It was Engineer on launch and became Mesmer during HoT. I play all the classes and have 2 80s of each (aside from Rev and Thief).


I like professions for several different reasons, but themes is really high on that list. Necromancer is fairly thematic, even if it's core traits are still a little wonky (leagues better than they used to be). I think Condi Reaper is one of the most thematic builds in the game. There's a fairly strong Chill Reaper on metabattle. The build itself isn't meta, but it looks so great when you're playing it! Even my Necromancer who dresses in white and pinks looks scary when all the enemies around her are frozen. Then the massive scythe from shroud is very flashy. Really gives a good scary vibe! BUT! I don't like playing Reaper. It's way too straightforward and slow. I don't really mean that as an insult, it adds to the theme. I will sometimes switch to Reaper purely for thematic purposes. I like Scourge, even if the theme isn't all that great for me. Possessed sand is neat and all, but "eh" is the best I can say about it. I do much prefer the playstyle of Scourge over Reaper. I like thinking about my shades and planning out (relative to the combat-pacing) what to do. Even if that plan is already mostly laid out beforehand.


I'd really like to go back to Engineer. Holosmith and Scrapper don't really do it for me. I hope the next elite spec just has silly amounts of explosions or something.


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