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Charr cultural armor: medium = awful / heavy = perfect

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I created my second Charr character a couple of days ago. My first one was a warrior, and since I fell in love with the Dreadnought cultural armor set, I had no issues. The set is beautifully textured, as are the two other cultural heavy armor sets. It has so much depth and detail, it simply looks awesome; there is no tail clipping issue, either, and the boots look fantastic on Charr feet.


Now, my new character is a thief, therefore wears medium armor... and not only the non-cultural sets but even the ones specificially designed for Charr are an affront to the eye:

* flat, washy textures (especially compared to the rich heavy ones)

* awful clipping (not just on the tail, but generally around the waist/legs area, as well as the boots-leggings clipping)

* excessively wide "skirts" with awfully stretched elements

* boot textures (especially the non-cultural ones) look awkwardly compressed

* awful clipping of back items and two-handed weapons floating in the air


What is this? Couldn't you, dear devs, have made at least **all** the **cultural** armor sets look equally nice? :( (It seems like you invested sufficient time and love only into the heavy ones since they had higher priority because important story NPCs like Rytlock Brimstone are wearing them.)

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:


> What is this? Couldn't you, dear devs, have made at least **all** the **cultural** armor sets look equally nice? :( (It seems like you invested sufficient time and love only into the heavy ones since they had higher priority because important story NPCs like Rytlock Brimstone are wearing them.)


The medium ones were made likely with ranger in mind or so i want to think.

"Some" ,and i use that word loosely, of the light armor pieces are actually rather nice.

On light charr cultural amror

- T1- T3 Chest are all nice

- T1 and T2 head peaces are nice. T3 would be nice if you could keep your mane/hair while wearing it.

- Shoulders on T1 & T2 are nice. T3 is just bland honestly ill just say it here the only good thing from T3 imo on light is the chest armor.

- T1 and T2 have decent boots.

- If you dont mind skirts the T1 and T2 are are alright also.


The medium armor probably has the worst look on charr all around and thats not just limiting to culture armor. ITS VERY HARD TO GET A GOOD LOOK WITH MEDIUM ARMOR ON CHARR.

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> The medium ones were made likely with ranger in mind or so i want to think.


What does that have to do with the quality of the texturing??


> The medium armor probably has the worst look on charr all around and thats not just limiting to culture armor. ITS VERY HARD TO GET A GOOD LOOK WITH MEDIUM ARMOR ON CHARR.


The all-caps won't make your statement less irrelevant in the context of this thread, because I was very clear in my statement when I said, "They could have made at least the **cultural** sets all equally nice." That's just three sets (!) per armor weight, and you would expect that _all sets_ **specifically designed for a race** would fit said race perfectly, no? So yes, they really did a lousy job on the Charr cultural medium sets.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> I created my second Charr character a couple of days ago. My first one was a warrior, and since I fell in love with the Dreadnought cultural armor set, I had no issues. The set is beautifully textured, as are the two other cultural heavy armor sets. It has so much depth and detail, it simply looks awesome; there is no tail clipping issue, either, and the boots look fantastic on Charr feet.


> Now, my new character is a thief, therefore wears medium armor... and not only the non-cultural sets but even the ones specificially designed for Charr are an affront to the eye:

> * flat textures (especially compared to the rich heavy ones)

> * awful clipping (not just on the tail, but generally around the waist/legs area, as well as the boots-leggings clipping)

> * excessively wide "skirts" with awfully stretched textures

> * boot textures (especially the non-cultural ones) look awkwardly compressed

> * awful clipping of back items and two-handed weapons floating in the air


> What is this? Couldn't you, dear devs, have made at least **all** the **cultural** armor sets look equally nice? :( (It seems like you invested sufficient time and love only into the heavy ones since they had higher priority because important story NPCs like Rytlock Brimstone are wearing them.)



No love for charr it seems.

According to GWefficiency they make up around 12% of all characters and are played only 9% of the time. In contrast human characters make up ~39% and hold 44% of total playtime.

Although I can see others might like them, personally I just find the humanoid-feline frame isn't for me.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > The medium ones were made likely with ranger in mind or so i want to think.


> What does that have to do with the quality of the texturing??



As far as the low texturing whats your definition of low yeah its not shiny like heavy armor but bone and wood can only be so high of a texture. I never noticed them looking too bad before although ill have to go take another look.


> The all-caps won't make your statement less irrelevant in the context of this thread, because I was very clear in my statement when I said, "They could have made at least the **cultural** sets all equally nice." That's just three sets (!) per armor weight, and you would expect that _all sets_ **specifically designed for a race** would fit said race perfectly, no? So yes, they really did a lousy job on the Charr cultural medium sets.


Woops I didnt even notice that. The all caps was pure mistake must have hit caps lock instead of shift x.x not shouting forgive me.

As far as clipping issues yes they all should fit perfectly. although I know some armors do tend to flop when the characters body size is scaled thicker or higher than the original designed armor.

The way skirts look on the max bulky sized charr is horrid. x.x


Medium armor in general looks bad on charr the medium sets with the exception of 1 or 2 peaces of armor from maybe the T3 look pretty bad too. Also depends on color and a few other things ive seen some people make bits and parts of them look decent if not surprisingly good with other armors. But as a whole yes the medium looks cheap compared to the heavy. But then again imo the only good heavy is the T3 the T1 and T2 heavy look ridiculous lol.


All of this aside if there is a major clipping issue i think Gale already made a thread where you can post the armor and visual references for them to look into I might suggest seeing if you can find that and post pictures and examples there.


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I have found with Charr it takes A LOT of mixing and matching armor skins to make something truly aesthetically pleasing. Sadly it is a well known fact that Charr armor receives little attention/effort.


But once you find the right combination of skins you’ll be looking cool. ?


I made it work with my Charr nec and ele.

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I have a charr thief too, which is secondary to my main (a sylvari ranger) and I really like the way she looks. However I will admit it took time to get an armor combination that worked out... I do still use pieces of the cultural sets for her though, so I don't think it is all bad... but then I don't use all cultural pieces, so thats a point against it.


I do think personal taste do play in on this though... I mean I don't like the heavy armor on charr... any heavy armor. But then thats my general distates for "too much bulk" and the heavy look overall.

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I agree with much that has been stated about Charr and the quality of their cultural armor, as well as in regards to armor appearances in general on Charr (especially for the medium armor weight).


As skirts on cats is not my thing, this was about the best I could come up with for medium armor that is to my taste (sometimes with slight variations, like the cultural Drover helm).


Seems to go well with the bloodstone weapon set, but I plan to also check out the glacial set on it with an ice blue scheme sometime.


![](https://i.imgur.com/eschjs3.gif "")



This is my primary appearance for heavy armor on Charr (sometimes with slight variations):

![](https://i.imgur.com/kftuv0Q.gif "")



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The 'flat' textures are simply a result of heavy armour being made of metal - which is shiny, and medium armour being made of leather - which is not.


Other than that it's pretty much personal taste. I think most heavy armour looks too bulky on charr, even the cultural stuff. But I quite like the medium armour, especially the lower tier versions. My main problem with charr cultural armour in general is that it hides their fur pattern, and I want to show it off. I put my charr thief in the Order of Whispers armour specifically because the coat shows off his fur (that and he's a member of the Order).

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The cultural armor for every race is THE best armorpieces in the game, I just wish we had more of these or kept having more racial armors since they fit them well.

I actually like the Charr medium armor, the only I dislike is the Light T3 since it looks really boring except the headpiece which suits perfect for Necromancers.

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> @"Alga.6498" said:

> The cultural armor for every race is THE best armorpieces in the game, **I just wish we had more of these**


I agree.


> or kept having more racial armors since they fit them well.

> I actually like the Charr medium armor, the only I dislike is the Light T3 since it looks really boring except the headpiece which suits perfect for Necromancers.


Maybe you don't play with max model texture details activated, or maybe you never care to zoom in and thus only glimpse at the overall look. Yes, overall they might look great, but when you compare the details between heavy and medium Charr armor, you should definitely spot the differences (i.e., all the flaws in the medium sets that I mentioned in my OP).

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> The 'flat' textures are simply a result of heavy armour being made of metal - which is shiny, and medium armour being made of leather - which is not.


Not true. It's about depth and 3D details, which heavy has and medium does not.


When you look at the medium heritage set, for instance, the cords wrapped around the left biceps and glove look plastic (i.e., 3-dimensional with depth, just like the metal lion heads on the Charr's heavy shoulders). When you compare this to the cords wrapped around the Charr's Wrangler upper arms/elbows (part of the coat piece) they are as flat as a pita.


Then turn your Charr in said Wrangler coat around and look at the awfully flat extra pieces (clasps/buckles, or those little bone pieces) - everything is a-flat, nothing is 3-dimensional except the strawlike stuff at the coat's edges on the arms/shoulders (even the amulet thingie looks ridiculously flat). Also, the buckle at the back is totally blurry/washy.


**On the heavy armor sets everything is detailed and nicely textured, no such flaws.**

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Alga.6498" said:

> > The cultural armor for every race is THE best armorpieces in the game, **I just wish we had more of these**


> I agree.


> > or kept having more racial armors since they fit them well.

> > I actually like the Charr medium armor, the only I dislike is the Light T3 since it looks really boring except the headpiece which suits perfect for Necromancers.


> Maybe you don't play with max model texture details activated, or maybe you never care to zoom in and thus only glimpse at the overall look. Yes, overall they might look great, but when you compare the details between heavy and medium Charr armor, you should definitely spot the differences (i.e., all the flaws in the medium sets that I mentioned in my OP).


I do uses the highest graphic texture and I also zoom in since I am a fashion wars player. It's an OK armor but comparing to the other armor weight for T3, Medium and Heavy looks way cooler than the light one, that's just my opinion.

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As a charr medium armor veteran myself, I am with you 1000%.


Surprised you haven't mentioned the bug (extreme texture mapping issue) with the T1 Medium Armor chest piece that has part of the back armor ridiculously weighted the to the elbow joint on the right shoulder so it literally explodes the geometry of your characters armor when you attack or run on all fours. It has been like this since 2013 with no fix, and it is the only medium armor chest I like on my charr. (Equip T1 Medium and look under the right armpit, it looks like stretched gum.)


I also have a charr warrior and the gear options for them are 10x better because of the option to select different legplates/pants and chest/breastplate.


Medium is stuck with terrible, terrible trench coats that clip everything. AND one of the biggest problems is due to medium being almost all trench coats the legging designs are so half ass'ed and are literally just flat textures with no depth or detail (most of them). SO when you use one of the 3 chest armor models that aren't a trench coat to avoid clipping, all you get is skin tight shit-hole textures.


Not to mention T2 while looking okay, forces gloves to hide, even though it's skin tight armor....AND it's hood, while cool and something I like to see, pushes your back piece another 5 inches off your back, so the floating back-piece issue that shift up and down so ridiculously in the air when you switch between 1h and 2h weapons is exacerbated tenfold.


And the T3 is literally the ONLY medium leg armor that isn't a skin tight legging option, so it clips with virtually every chest piece selected unless it's one of the very few, and usually underwhelming non trench coat chest armors (ie the t3 medium chest).


PS. Some of the new Charr faces literally do not work with many medium armors or gem store items. No matter what I do I can't get glasses, headbands, and certain hoods to display correctly. The forehead clips through many of them.

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