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Trading un-used Gemstore items for Black Lion Statuettes.

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**---- What should we be able to trade in? ----**


> Self-Style Hair Kits. (For those with Permanent ones.)

> Black Lion Salvage Kits.

> Mystic Forge Stones.

> Metabolic/Utility Primers.

> Trading Post/Bank/Merchant Expresses. (Again for those with Permanent ones.)

> Upgrade Extractors. (For those of us with Permanent ones.)

> Revive Orbs. (Some people don't even use them at all.)

> _I am sure there is even more people would like to trade in._


**---- What do we get in return? ---**


> Black Lion Statuettes.

> (NOT gems. We do not want to harm Gem sales/Costumes/Account Upgrades, etc.)


**---- Why? ----**


> Some of us would love to be able to get Black Lion Statuettes for these because we could trade them for things we would actually use.


> I would like personally to trade most of my stuff in for Black Lion Statuettes and buy Revive Orbs and Teleport to Friends. Most of these items the ones of us who have stacks of them, come from Black Lion Chests anyhow. (The ones we paid for with Cash/Gold.)


**---- All we want is a way to turn them into something we will use. ----**


Black Lion Statuettes are a useful currency.

> Personally I would spend even more knowing I could get something for all those useless:

> Self-Styles Hair Kits + Upgrade Extractos, I get. (I have both Permanent ones of those.)

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That would be nice, don't forget old boosters...

I mean i've been playing this for 6 years... 90% of the chests i've opened didn't come with statuettes... Wouldn't mind trading some of the stuff cluttering my first bank section for some of them statuettes.

Don't forget the Repair kits, can't get anything more useless than that! 25-50 kits for a statuette wouldn't be a bad deal.

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It's unlikely that ANet's going to set up any sort of trade-in value for existing items that people choose not to use.


Black Lion Kits are bags of junk. They are sold for the entertainment value, not the contents. They are intended to have a high chance of useless, a guaranteed consolation prize of not-completely worthless, and, these days, a token that allows you to choose what you want. That's better than the equivalent entertainment lotto-type games offered across the world and at carnivals.


Further, some people have already deleted BL items that they couldn't find a use for. Many of them would be reasonably upset if ANet changed the rules to offer a trade-in value. Plus, it's a long-standing ANet policy to offer refunds or discounts for buyer's remorse, for items that have already been enjoyed "for some time." The best that ANet does is make good on discounts for those who bought just before a sale.


And importantly, offering a trade-in value for these items undermines ANet's own sales of gems, for which many people pay RL cash just to buy keys.


I get that people are disappointed by getting junk. But I hope that folks understand that is what BL chests offer: junk, with the enticement of a chance to win big. (Spoiler alert: only a tiny handful of people are jackpot-level of lucky and you & I aren't among them. Probably.)

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I suppose my reasoning for thinking this is up that I am one of those people who does pay RL cash to buy keys. I like supporting the game, but I would also not like to have the 36 Self-Style Hair Kits sitting next to my Permanent Hair Stylist Contract. Everytime I see another I think. "I did pay for it, but I would rather have anything else. Even a worthless junk totem that sells for 1s."

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I fully support OPs suggestion!


I do fear Illconcieved is right, but I can see a middle ground. Let's make it so that a BLC drop can never completely invalidate a later drop - let us trade in those items that have a permanent version:

* Hair-kit

* Bank

* Merchant

* TP

* Upgrade Extractor


Just a single statuette each would be awesome!

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I could see this working only if the exchange rate to get a statuette was twice the rate for getting the item with a statuette.

For example: To use statuettes to get a Self-Style Hair Kit, it costs 7 statuettes (a 1:7 ratio). To use Self-Style Hair Kits to get statuettes, it should cost 2 Self-Style Hair Kits to get 7 statuettes back (a 2:7 ratio).

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> @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> I could see this working only if the exchange rate to get a statuette was twice the rate for getting the item with a statuette.

> For example: To use statuettes to get a Self-Style Hair Kit, it costs 7 statuettes (a 1:7 ratio). To use Self-Style Hair Kits to get statuettes, it should cost 2 Self-Style Hair Kits to get 7 statuettes back (a 2:7 ratio).


Or just scuttle individual ones and accept some "transaction fee" or rounding error. If the hair kit is 7 statuettes, then exchanging it can return 3.

When what we have is already effectively made worthless by permanent versions that happen on individual drops, I'd take 1 Statuette for some of these things.


The functionality could be added into the Statuette vendor itself. Add a tab for item turn-ins, and bam, simple as that.

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I think trading in items should only be for items that you can get permanent versions of, because that's the only truly time you get something "useless" (just because you don't use something doesn't make it useless). And if it were possible to make trading them in only for people who have the permanent version, that would be even better.


Because part of what makes the blc's the blc's is the gambling, you might not get what you want but you *can* still use what you get for their purpose and you can't access their function without the item (on-demand banking/merchants/repairs can't be done without these items, reviving yourself in place can't be done without them, teleporting to friends can't be done without them, changing your hair/face can't be done without them). The only issue arises when you already have a permanent version of something, because then you really do have something on your hands that you already had access to with another item.

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I agree that some items can be made utterly useless by obtaining a permanent item of that type, but ultimately I’d actually like to see more usefulness out of the other “junk”. Whether it’s improved returns for boosters, TP tradeability, mystic forge recipes, or whatever, I’d like to see the junk become less junky.


Outside of that, yes I support the idea of a trade-in vendor. But the trade ratio has to be more prohibitive to protect the market for the keys. Something where it feels like almost a ripoff but at least you’re getting SOMEthing back.

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> @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> I think trading in items should only be for items that you can get permanent versions of, because that's the only truly time you get something "useless" (just because you don't use something doesn't make it useless). And if it were possible to make trading them in only for people who have the permanent version, that would be even better.


> Because part of what makes the blc's the blc's is the gambling, you might not get what you want but you *can* still use what you get for their purpose and you can't access their function without the item (on-demand banking/merchants/repairs can't be done without these items, reviving yourself in place can't be done without them, teleporting to friends can't be done without them, changing your hair/face can't be done without them). The only issue arises when you already have a permanent version of something, because then you really do have something on your hands that you already had access to with another item.


My exact thoughts honestly were on those items that have permanent versions. Then they become entirely useless when you land a Permanent one.

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> I fully support OPs suggestion!


> I do fear Illconcieved is right, but I can see a middle ground. Let's make it so that a BLC drop can never completely invalidate a later drop - let us trade in those items that have a permanent version:

> * Hair-kit

> * Bank

> * Merchant

> * TP

> * Upgrade Extractor


> Just a single statuette each would be awesome!


Agreed 100%. That was my main intention. The others I listed were just things people sometimes don't use.

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Best idea ever, and Should be implemented for items where permanent kits exist.


That way the people who hate self style hair kits could exchange them for black lion statutes.


That way players who have too many of a certain item, which becomes less valuable to them can be exchanged for something they actually want from black lion statutes.

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> @"Xecil.2798" said:

> Can we add everlasting harvesting items to the list as well for those of us that bought multiples back when they were character bound and not account bound?


The soulbound unlimited harvesting tools were all made tradeable with a vendor to get an account bound version of the same. That way, you can move the tools around at will to whichever alt you want to carry them.


On a follow up topic, I’d like to see certain account bound gems store tools added to the trade-in option as well. The addition of shared inventory slots made my second copper-fed salvage tool useless. It’d be nice to reclaim some value for what is essentially a permanent bank slot resident.

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Also highly unlikely as items bought directly for gems (as opposed to drops/BLChests) could be converted immediately into BLS.


In essence a BLS is worth the cost of a BL Key... any conversion would have to be comparative so as not to be less than this value in order to prevent arbitrage.




As a simple example,take the case of Revive Orbs. They're essentially equivalent in gems to a BL Key, additionally, they cost 2 BLS. - essentially twice the relative gem cost, ignoring bulk pricing. In order to keep parity, an orb would have to convert at 1 to 1 at best, but more likely would at 2+orbs per BLS.

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