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No fishing event?

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Correct me if I’m wrong, and please tell me I’m wrong,

But I didnt see a fix for the fishing event in Windswept Isles..

I have all these recordings in my inventory, but I can’t turn them in because the golem ‘*wants them in order*’ and is stuck on the fishing event..

Please anet, fix it asap, when you have it, no need to wait for the next tuesday, just roll the patch

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Not every change gets mentioned in the patch notes. Did you go out to the isles to check if it's running?


Didn’t have time to check ingame,

But considering its the talk of the day for several weeks now, I would be surprised they omitted it in the notes and put in less notable stuff

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > Not every change gets mentioned in the patch notes. Did you go out to the isles to check if it's running?


> Didn’t have time to check ingame,

> But considering its the talk of the day for several weeks now, I would be surprised they omitted it in the notes and put in less notable stuff


There are always things that don't get mentioned in patch notes; it's not a question of whether it's an important change to some or not. It's possible that the fix is in the build but that they still have to manually reenable it (since they manually disabled it in the first place).


I never assume stuff is fixed until I check myself (or someone else confirms); equally, I never assume stuff remains broken without trying it out myself (or hearing from others who did). In other words: trust, but verify.

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No, No sign of it. If a fix is too difficult or time consuming why don't they just add an NPC who can give out the required item, or at least change the order the recordings can be handed in - half the active population must be carrying around the same seven recordings.

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03/27/2018 - Late Notes

* World Polish

Gendarran Fields: Players will no longer be trapped inside the battle pit cages if they're inside the cage when it closes.

**Sandswept Isles: Fixed a crash related to the "Catch as many fish as you can" event.**

Sandswept Isles: Fixed an issue that could prevent Eerie Driftwood nodes from reappearing for some players after completing the Gathering Storms meta-event.

* General

Unstable Magic Ability icons on bounty targets are again displaying in their own row in the UI so they don't move around as other effects are added/removed from the target.

* Fractals

Fixed a bug in the daily achievement rotation that was inaccurately awarding credit for the Aetherblade fractal when completing the Volcanic fractal.

* Hall of Chains

Soulless Horror

Fixed some issues that caused Necrosis to be applied to the entire raid party despite there being a fixated champion player.

Fixate now applies revealed, which breaks and prevents stealth.

If neither champion player uses the Issue Challenge special action skill prior to entering the arena, the first champion to enter receives the Fixate effect—previously the champion player who interacted with the red rune was prioritized.

Personal Story

* Items

Fixed a bug that caused Olmakhan bandoliers to function as invisible containers.


The General Comment is something I asked for several times, too, glad to see it :D

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Surely there has to be an easier way of rectifying a bug on such a pivotal game event like this. A contingency would be so much more helpful than hanging on the hopes of the devs to get something fixed for so long. The order in which the recordings have to be handed in is painful enough as it is, and means that heaps of inventory space is taken up while the 'fix' is still being worked on. And because it's so new, it's not just affecting a few players, but rather most of the playing population in that map. It's all I see in conversation for weeks in Sandswept Isles now.


Not a good look for your most recent work, Anet.

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> @"Valandil Dragonhart.2371" said:

> Surely there has to be an easier way of rectifying a bug on such a pivotal game event like this.

First, it's not a "pivotal game event." It affects a single collection. The vast majority of players aren't far enough along to have to worry about it.

Second, what "easier way" would you suggest? Removing the necessity for the event entirely? That's not necessarily "easy," it's just different.


> A contingency would be so much more helpful than hanging on the hopes of the devs to get something fixed for so long.

A contingency means creating a new mechanic, so that there are two methods in the game to obtain the same goal. And that means more work; that's hardly "an easier way."


> The order in which the recordings have to be handed in is painful enough as it is, and means that heaps of inventory space is taken up while the 'fix' is still being worked on.

No question: if you've gotten to the point you need this event, it's super annoying.


> And because it's so new, it's not just affecting a few players, but rather most of the playing population in that map. It's all I see in conversation for weeks in Sandswept Isles now.

It's been at most a few players, cycling into the map, asking if it's fixed yet. (In at least one case I saw, it was the same player logging in via different characters.) You can't extrapolate from "talked about a lot in map" to "most of the playing population", especially since there are all sorts of other things discussed in /map, also.


> Not a good look for your most recent work, Anet.

I can't think of any bugs that are "good looks" for ANet.


Look: I get that it's super frustrating. I get that no one likes waiting, especially since you already went through the time gating for the software. But let's try to remember that it's a huge game, filled with all sorts of players. There are always a variety of bugs in software this complex, some of which is easily addressed, some not. It takes time to get them addressed and ANet, like any studio, is going to prioritize. They are going to make sure that when it's fixed, it stays fixed, that they aren't substituting one bad issue for a differently bad one.


tl;dr sometimes, we just skritt out of luck and have to wait things out.


PS a less-pleasant example is the Belcher's Bluff achievements. Those are blocked by a bug so obscure that none of the current employees are quite sure where to start troubleshooting. I'm sure it will get fixed eventually, but it's been a forever wait already and there's no light at the end of the tunnel. Not yet, anyhow.


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Was it really _that_ necessary to deconstruct my entire post like that?


I was merely expressing my displeasure with the circumstances, which anyone can do. I just do it with a bit more punch. I like to be direct with my statements. The hard fact remains, they sat on this for weeks without doing anything about it until recently, and it's not just me that was affected by it.


It's been fixed now so we can move along. I got my backpiece completed and I left the map a little happier than the past couple of weeks.

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> @"Deimos.4263" said:

> I just want to catch all the fish I can! I didn't even know it was for a collection, i just saw a lot of threads about it and it sounded cool.



It's pretty fun, I was looking for it's return just to do it as well. I still haven't figured out how to actually do it right though. I jump in the water and get them that way. :3

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> @"Valandil Dragonhart.2371" said:

> Was it really _that_ necessary to deconstruct my entire post like that?


> I was merely expressing my displeasure with the circumstances, which anyone can do. I just do it with a bit more punch. I like to be direct with my statements. The hard fact remains, they sat on this for weeks without doing anything about it until recently, and it's not just me that was affected by it.


You didn't just express displeasure. You implied that it was somehow wrong of ANet to work on fixing the fundamental problem with the event, instead of focusing on just getting people the achievement.

Further, it's simply not true that they _sat on this_ for weeks. The fact that we didn't see a fix for weeks isn't the same as them doing nothing.



> It's been fixed now so we can move along. I got my backpiece completed and I left the map a little happier than the past couple of weeks.

Cool. Let's move on, then.

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