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I miss world bosses and gliding


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The only reason behind lack of glider-related content that I can see is that they didn't want to force people who bought PoF to buy HoT (unless it was their own choice), and I can understand that (albeit as I stated before, I do miss glider content as well myself). There is to hoping that Season 4 will include some combination of mount/glider content as well. Hopefully they stop picking on fans of GW1 with the new content though, lol.

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> @LightningWolfTigerBear.6725 said:

> Do we know for sure there are no world bosses yet? I remember seeing a giant cannon construct thing in the initial PoF trailer, did he turn out to be a story only boss?


If I remember correctly someone answered today that it was just part of the story - but unfortunately I don't know where I read it, I think it was somewhere on reddit.


> @Vladish.3940 said:

> There is to hoping that Season 4 will include some combination of mount/glider content as well.


*[cough](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/3944/griffon-mount "cough")* spoiler *[cough](

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it is a shame every one misses the fact that path of fire pack is a ode or toss back to guild wars its self and guild wars never had meta events or world bosses . putting that stuff into the new pack is a slap in the face to all guild wars vets . besides just because a new pack came out does not mean they shut and turned off the hot pack . you can still play hot pack for all the meta and world boss stuff all you like.


path of fire pack is a toss back to guild wars so just enjoy it for what it is .

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> @Tekey.7946 said:

> > @LightningWolfTigerBear.6725 said:

> > Do we know for sure there are no world bosses yet? I remember seeing a giant cannon construct thing in the initial PoF trailer, did he turn out to be a story only boss?


> If I remember correctly someone answered today that it was just part of the story - but unfortunately I don't know where I read it, I think it was somewhere on reddit.


> > @Vladish.3940 said:

> > There is to hoping that Season 4 will include some combination of mount/glider content as well.


> *[cough](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/3944/griffon-mount "cough")* spoiler *[cough](



Yeah, I have just seen that mount on of the posts in the forum. I almost spat my drink out, I want it so bad now ^^. Thanks for the link tho, we need to spread info about it, so more people will try to get it, and so I may get some help getting it when I finish the story :D

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> it is a shame every one misses the fact that path of fire pack is a ode or toss back to guild wars its self and guild wars never had meta events or world bosses . putting that stuff into the new pack is a slap in the face to all guild wars vets . besides just because a new pack came out does not mean they shut and turned off the hot pack . you can still play hot pack for all the meta and world boss stuff all you like.


> path of fire pack is a toss back to guild wars so just enjoy it for what it is .


The only thing I genuinely hate about LW3 and PoF is that instead of being a tribute to GW1, it feels (to me personally) like they took the GW1 lore and pissed all over it and old GW1 fanboy expectations (not like we've been fans of the franchise for as long as it was in existence :/ )


On the bright side, at least they didn't took away jumping for that retro feels ;D

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> @Nury.3062 said:

> PoF is not HoT ! I enjoy the more relaxing environment in PoF,if I want to be killed by everything and be in constant fight mdoe I go in HoT. And how can tou say that gliders are useless,it's not that you will stay forever on PoF maps...Gliding is a HoT thing,Mounts a PoF thing,we have diversity in movement and maps . Masteries are still upgrades and boosts to PoF specific feature just like HoT. You seem to dislike something,but bring valid points not your personal feelings.


The HoT maps provoked strong reactions for and against. However, I think the biggest mistake they made was that they went all one way with it. What they should have learned from the reaction to HoT is that players have very strong preferences in map design. They seemed to acknowledge this in the LS3 map designs, which provided us with a broad spectrum of designs. Now it appears they've gone all one way again.


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So people are actually telling those who havent bought PoF that you wont like it, so dont buy it? And arguing how its not made for them, etc etc? So we are basically swapping when HoT was released and the arguments there. Okay.


But why not try to convince people to buy PoF so Anet gets more money to fund their game? I mean...you are driving away business XD

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> @Serophous.9085 said:

> So people are actually telling those who havent bought PoF that you wont like it, so dont buy it? And arguing how its not made for them, etc etc? So we are basically swapping when HoT was released and the arguments there. Okay.


> But why not try to convince people to buy PoF so Anet gets more money to fund their game? I mean...you are driving away business XD


It's not about telling people what to think. You will have people who love the lack of certain features, and some that don't. I personally just expressed my opinions, which may or may not be a minority. Hopefully, as the opinions of variety of players get amassed, it may give Anet some ideas as to where to go with future content, and may or may not expose me to new points of view that may or may not change my opinion on the matter. If we can larger variety of opinions it could be quite a benefitial discussion, but really, and forum posts you should only be taking as someone's opinions. At least that's how it is for me.

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> it is a shame every one misses the fact that path of fire pack is a ode or toss back to guild wars its self and guild wars never had meta events or world bosses .


GW2 is far more popular that GW1 ever was, there's a lot of players who never played the first one.


So such callbacks are an odd design choice, to say the least. It'd be wiser to focus on what made GW2 popular.

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> it is a shame every one misses the fact that path of fire pack is a ode or toss back to guild wars its self and guild wars never had meta events or world bosses . putting that stuff into the new pack is a slap in the face to all guild wars vets . besides just because a new pack came out does not mean they shut and turned off the hot pack . you can still play hot pack for all the meta and world boss stuff all you like.


> path of fire pack is a toss back to guild wars so just enjoy it for what it is .


Did a developer actually come out and say that the reason why there aren't large scale meta events on these new maps is because it's a "throwback" to GW1?

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> @Zaltys.7649 said:

> > @WARIORSCHARGEING.2637 said:

> > it is a shame every one misses the fact that path of fire pack is a ode or toss back to guild wars its self and guild wars never had meta events or world bosses .


> GW2 is far more popular that GW1 ever was, there's a lot of players who never played the first one.


> So such callbacks are an odd design choice, to say the least. It'd be wiser to focus on what made GW2 popular.


It's not a callback in terms of design. Honestly the closest comparision would actually be HoT in terms of gameplay and challenge. GW1 was not a hand holding game in high level areas (at least until the end).

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> @Zaltys.7649 said:

> > @WARIORSCHARGEING.2637 said:

> > it is a shame every one misses the fact that path of fire pack is a ode or toss back to guild wars its self and guild wars never had meta events or world bosses .


> GW2 is far more popular that GW1 ever was, there's a lot of players who never played the first one.


> So such callbacks are an odd design choice, to say the least. It'd be wiser to focus on what made GW2 popular.


I hardly would call it a callback, given ho much effort they put into killing off any GW1 reference in most non-climactic, boring way possible (Lazarus and entire Mursaat angle, Vlast/Gleam). It seems that GW2 writers are bored of writing with GW1 in mind so they just getting rid of that content as fast as they can.

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> @Vladish.3940 said:

> I hardly would call it a callback, given ho much effort they put into killing off any GW1 reference in most non-climactic, boring way possible (Lazarus and entire Mursaat angle, Vlast/Gleam).



Have to agree, Gleam especially. That was absurdly anticlimactic, after years of buildup.

New players are probably left confused by this storyline, since from what I saw, it didn't explain much and instead just assumed that everyone's already familiar with the GW1 lore.

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> @Lonami.2987 said:

> I hope I'm wrong, but with what I've seen so far of the 5 new maps (which are awesome), there seems to be no world bosses (80 players, with their own special mechanics) and no gliding mechanics (updrafts, etc).


> ---


> Bounties are very, very good, and I love them. I would cry of joy if they were introduced retroactively for every zone of the game, specially if guild missions start including them too. However, they can be finished with 10 players easily, even legendaries. And that's fine, it's about time we got a middle-ground between normal events and huge bosses.


> However, **world bosses**, and by world boss I mean a big baddie that needs 80+ players to be defeated, plus a series of special mechanics and secondary events that need to be completed, have their own space, too. They are good to gather the community around the same spot, and work together towards something.


> They don't need to be hardcore, like Tequatl and Triple Trouble (I wish we got more hardcore world bosses, but that's another topic), something mid-level like Vinewrath, Twisted Marionette, or the Chak Gerents, would be fine. The challenge is important, but the sense of community they create is the real reason why they are so good.


> Look at Dragon's Stand. It has some flaws here and there (stinks of rushed deadline), but it's pretty much the best open world content of the game. The lanes are good, and the final fight is kitten. This kind of content is unique to GW2, there's no other MMO out there that does open world as good as we do. I want more of that!


> I feel like the current maps have nothing to do once you're done with them, and that worries me. Yeah, the expansion released yesterday, and I'm already thinking months ahead, but the sooner we talk about it the better (and I still hope I'm proven wrong about world bosses).


> ---


> Then, **gliding**, or lack thereof. There's a trend with ArenaNet design that annoys me, and it's creating new systems, and then forgetting about them. I love gliding. I love many of the cool mechanics introduced in LW3. And I hate that they aren't expanded or used elsewhere. I want more content designed for gliding. What about a gliding race? Or horizontal currents to navigate the desert? No, it seems gliding is over, and that's so sad.


> New systems getting dropped off once the novelty is over feels awful. If it's a design decision to keep each expansion independent, maybe it was a mistake to let people buy PoF without buying HoT. Maybe they should go back to the original hinted model of "pay 50€ and get new expansion plus all old ones", but keep the "30€ if you already have everything" for veterans only.


> Will PoF mounts be useless for the 3rd expansion? I would hate that. I want to keep using them with new content designed specifically for them, for all the years to come.


> ---


> Masteries have kinda lost their original purpose, too. They were designed to be these "boosts" or "upgrades", like in Metroidvania games, but with PoF we have no "classic masteries", just mounts. There's nothing like using new mechanics to interact with the new maps, only mounts. It feels kinda underwhelming when you are dismounted. HoT had gliding, but then it had other things like the mushrooms and the teleporters. It had a more general sense of progression, of interaction with the new lands.


> Just my two cents. I feel like ArenaNet went to the extremes once again, instead of searching for the middle ground. From an expansion ridden by meta-event world bosses, to an expansion with no world bosses at all. God kitten it.


I am not sure that supporting and developing around things like gliding, mushrooms, etc for two years before moving on to something else is dropping them once the novelty wore off. They had their run, exhaustively so, now its time to move on (finally, thank god).


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To the OP: me too. I still like PoF because of the different atmosphere but will definately go back to HoT lots of times in the future. The thing I love most about GW2 has always been the Dynamic Events: Meta events turned this up a notch. I know it can be hard to join/complete meta events, this is why I am always so thankful for Commanders and Guilds that are willing to take the inititative for these.


I also was hoping that we would see updrafts and leylines and shrooms in the new expansion, as well as backplaced in the old world, but I guess that will not happen because you need HoT for that: and implementing two ways to get to content, like a Springer and a jumping shroom, would take away from the whole "you can not do this content yet untill you unlock the Springer mount" setup of PoF.

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I love meta and I have been in the Pof maps these few days. I agree the maps are amazing but the events feel like you can hop in and out anytime you want. Some people might like it that way but I can see myself getting bored in merely 2 months. On the other hand I still enjoy HoT meta so much but was hoping PoF would be a balance for both meta and non-meta people. Just isnt the case now.

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> @Zaltys.7649 said:

> > @Vladish.3940 said:

> > I hardly would call it a callback, given ho much effort they put into killing off any GW1 reference in most non-climactic, boring way possible (Lazarus and entire Mursaat angle, Vlast/Gleam).


> ...

> Have to agree, Gleam especially. That was absurdly anticlimactic, after years of buildup.

> New players are probably left confused by this storyline, since from what I saw, it didn't explain much and instead just assumed that everyone's already familiar with the GW1 lore.


I agree. The only connection to that character that I have comes from me playing all of GW1 content and I know it from there. As new player, you see this dragon sacrifice itself and you are like, "whatever sucker, sucks to be you. STFU Aurene, no one gave a damn about him anyway." Basically the whole overplayed drama about him dying is completely out of place because I know absolutely nothing of him and have zero emotional investment in that character. I am just glad my main is a male sylvari and the voice actor sounds genuinely bored and irritated having to address anything related to Vlast, to the point that his sincerity about Aurene's loss sounds fake in itself. He is the kind of Ceara's prodigy I have envisioned him to be (proud parent here).

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> @Ashen.2907 said:


> I am not sure that supporting and developing around things like gliding, mushrooms, etc for two years before moving on to something else is dropping them once the novelty wore off. They had their run, exhaustively so, now its time to move on (finally, thank god).



There is no problem for them to dropping in extra bonus content that would use these mechanics for those that have it rather than having zero consistency in features they implement. So with next expansion I should be expecting the mounts to be dropped and/or maps to be designed in a way where mounts and gliders are obsolete and we have to keep using new.. I dunno... digging machines exclusively throughout the entire content? They also have hidden gliding mount, which means the extra content made for gliding wouldn't be a bad idea for those willing to farm that mount and/or have gliders (with me for one never getting that mount, but it is there). At this point it feels like that mount is a wasted gold aside from being "a new overpriced glider skin".

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How the heck can you say Anet has a trend of forgetting about a mechanic? The new maps that immediately preceded the expansion had abundant use of glide mechanics. Then PoF came out and this expansion doesn't utilize drafts/leylines/whatever. That's one item. You can't say something is a trend because of one data point...

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I don't need map wide events. However, 1 map like that at least would be awesome. But I do want some medium-large meta events at least. Doesn't have to cause the whole map to come running, but some sort of chain event that makes me feel like I'm making an impact.


As I've said before, PoF to me feels like the beginner map of a new MMO. Not an end game expansion.

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> @Deihnyx.6318 said:

> Aren't you allowed to team up with others friends and play?


It's not that we can't team up. It's the fact that there is no real **reason** to team up. Which is why many people complain about the lack of social interaction in MMOs these days. Which is why many people complain that most MMOs feel like single player games. I don't mind some solo content but it's getting too much for this genre. MMO veterans who started playing these games early 2000s mostly played them for the social aspect and some of us miss it. You think "MY" thinking is self-driven but there was a huge discussion about this on Reddit a while ago and tons of people agreed that group content should be waaay more important in MMOs. If you don't agree, that's okay. We have to accept the fact that there are many types of players. You don't have to worry, developers love solo players, I can't change the way devs work so my opinion is basically useless but I am still free to tell it just like anyone else.

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