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I miss world bosses and gliding


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> @Mea.5491 said:

> > @Deihnyx.6318 said:

> > Aren't you allowed to team up with others friends and play?


> It's not that we can't team up. It's the fact that there is no real **reason** to team up. Which is why many people complain about the lack of social interaction in MMOs these days. Which is why many people complain that most MMOs feel like single player games. I don't mind some solo content but it's getting too much for this genre. MMO veterans who started playing these games early 2000s mostly played them for the social aspect and some of us miss it. You think "MY" thinking is self-driven but there was a huge discussion about this on Reddit a while ago and tons of people agreed that group content should be waaay more important in MMOs. If you don't agree, that's okay. We have to accept the fact that there are many types of players. You don't have to worry, developers love solo players, I can't change the way devs work so my opinion is basically useless but I am still free to tell it just like anyone else.


I did start with GW1, which I miss a lot for every good moments I had with it. But there was no meta or anything like that. Instead you would group for elite instances or story missions... exactly like you do with PoF and HoT raids. You could also solo most of it if you really wanted. I don't see a problem with giving a choice.


Also, for "social" driven games, I don't think MMOs are the right genre. A game like NwN which would let you create their own servers, have the players create their own stories and maps pretty much like a paper version of D&D is what I would consider social.

MMOs are more about leveling up, completing stuff, fashion war and bragging about titles after grinding for months.


I think that we need a balance, which HoT didn't have either. HoT had too much group content, this one has a lot less. Maybe the new raids will take care of that.


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> @Mea.5491 said:

> > @Vladish.3940 said:

> > The only kitten person here is you. Insulting someone because they choose to play the game differently than you is childish in the least. I AM solo player, and I CHOOSE to play the game that way. People have many reasons for playing solo, that don't revolve around your over-inflated ego and concept of being anti-social. You quite frankly, thought your comment show a lot of ignorance and blatant stupidity. I CHOOSE to play mostly solo, because my health problems do not let me to play at other people's pace and I don't feel like being a hindrance to no one. On the other hand I miss dynamic events and meta events that I was able to jump in and participate in while doing things SOLO and at MY OWN PACE, so your point is moot altogether. How about going back to school and learning how to express yourself in an intelligent manner that doesn't revolve around throwing wild, unfounded accusations at people you don't know and OBVIOUSLY know nothing about.


> That's funny because you are the one who is directly insulting me, I was talking about solo players in general and I didn't turn this into a personal thing like you just did! If you want to play solo, go play single player games. Like it or not, solo players are the reason why the massively MULTIPLAYER genre is slowly dying. We need to put MULTIPLAYER back into M**M**O. This is my opinion and I will not change it because you have "health issues".


Were zone dominating meta events part of the origination of the MMORPG genre? Or were there MMO games and MMORPGs in particular long before games where zone wide meta events were brought into the genre?

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> @Verthurnax.2784 said:

> >Lonami.2987Lonami.2987

> I know right. They listened the complaints of those who don't even play the game, the ones that come and cry in forums because they can't afk in hot maps since mobs can agro. Anet seemed to had listen only this players that can't even use a lfg or don't want or try to improve a bit in gameplay since they hated for some reason hot maps wich for me gived some of the best experience i had in a videogame since it felt like playing an mmo for the first time. Yeah maybe the metas where repetitive and a bit grindy, but filling a map with players on multiple squads that work togheter to achieve a goal was unique and best thing about Gw2. Anet listened to this cry noobs and they gived us Pof with 5 huge beautifull maps with no meta at all. All this maps are very similar to the core ones where you can 100% it solo and then never return back to it, the only mmo feeling i can get is the bounties wich are not that great since they are like the bandits bosses. Also no new dungeons at all, no underwater gameplay, no new guild events and every other masteries you have here don't matter at all and probably mounts wont count for future expansions aswell because it seems they designed it just for some maps only.

> Hot had a meh story line but the meta maps made the diffrence, entertaining me and the many players for more than 2years. Pof instead gived us a better story but the maps as they are will be deserted just like the ones from living world story 3.

> So yeah, congratulations to all HOT haters you turned the new expansion maps into a bigger more beautifull Queensdale.


Yeah, bounties need some improvements, and quickly. Good idea, but the way they were implemented makes them boring as hell.


> @wacounda.7421 said:

> Such a disappointment.

> Those maps are a massive step backward.

> they're pretty but there's nothing to do there.

> i mean we're back to hearts and sh** boring events.


> I loved the HoT's meta-events, i expected that PoF PvE would have been based on similar mechanics.

> But it's just random solo PvE.... event Hp are now solo....



Completed PoF in 2 weeks without rushing, and I haven't gone back since. It's just sad.


> @AliamRationem.5172 said:

> > @Nury.3062 said:

> > PoF is not HoT ! I enjoy the more relaxing environment in PoF,if I want to be killed by everything and be in constant fight mdoe I go in HoT. And how can tou say that gliders are useless,it's not that you will stay forever on PoF maps...Gliding is a HoT thing,Mounts a PoF thing,we have diversity in movement and maps . Masteries are still upgrades and boosts to PoF specific feature just like HoT. You seem to dislike something,but bring valid points not your personal feelings.


> The HoT maps provoked strong reactions for and against. However, I think the biggest mistake they made was that they went all one way with it. What they should have learned from the reaction to HoT is that players have very strong preferences in map design. They seemed to acknowledge this in the LS3 map designs, which provided us with a broad spectrum of designs. Now it appears they've gone all one way again.



This is the major problem with ArenaNet, they have no middle term, and they always go to the extremes with everything.


> @Draknar.5748 said:

> How the heck can you say Anet has a trend of forgetting about a mechanic? The new maps that immediately preceded the expansion had abundant use of glide mechanics. Then PoF came out and this expansion doesn't utilize drafts/leylines/whatever. That's one item. You can't say something is a trend because of one data point...


Dungeons, Stronghold, Guild Missions, Hardcore World Bossess, Underwater Combat... And the list goes on and on.


> @Mea.5491 said:

> > @Deihnyx.6318 said:

> > Aren't you allowed to team up with others friends and play?


> It's not that we can't team up. It's the fact that there is no real **reason** to team up. Which is why many people complain about the lack of social interaction in MMOs these days. Which is why many people complain that most MMOs feel like single player games. I don't mind some solo content but it's getting too much for this genre. MMO veterans who started playing these games early 2000s mostly played them for the social aspect and some of us miss it. You think "MY" thinking is self-driven but there was a huge discussion about this on Reddit a while ago and tons of people agreed that group content should be waaay more important in MMOs. If you don't agree, that's okay. We have to accept the fact that there are many types of players. You don't have to worry, developers love solo players, I can't change the way devs work so my opinion is basically useless but I am still free to tell it just like anyone else.


The game should do much more to encourage grouping and socializing. For example, when there's multiple players nearby, spawn a bonus chest that requires two levers to be pulled, so you need someone else to help you open it.


And yeah, I play mostly for the social aspect, too. If you want to be competitive, roleplay, face challenging content, etc, there's better games out there.


> @"Egg Shennn.6240" said:

> Obviously you can still glide, you just don't have updrafts. But I've used gliding in quite a few places to get around to something so it's still been a very handy mechanic in PoF for me.


The lack of gliding mechanics is pretty depressing though. I loved them and wanted to see more, but it seems they're done for good.


I fear the same will happen with mounts, once a new shiny feature replaces them.

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I do wish that the PoF maps had Updrafts in them, and I hope that they add more of the previous map's mechanics to LWs4 and Xpac3 maps in future. I get that they want to focus the content on the new tools, but there's still a lot of fun to be had with the old ones (except for Bitterfrost torches, those can stay dead).

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I just wish they would give the griffon the ability to use updrafts, disable mount in the air and maybe ley lines. Updrafts with the griffon would have given them the excuse to add updrafts to PoF maps and given PoF only players the ability to play LWS3 content. I like going around Bloodstone Fen with the griffon but it's a pain having to land to switch to gliding mode.

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I have never found the whole Shadow Behemoth style encounters to be particularly challenging or fun. As a social thing, I suppose they serve their purpose. Most of them however, due to power creep have become "blink and you miss it" style spamfests. Many of the ones that aren't, the ones that require players to actually play, go largely untouched.

Shadow Behemoth, Fire Elemental, Great Jungle Wurm, Karka Queen, Modniir Ulgoth, Foulbear Chieftain are not " big baddie(s) that needs 80+ players to be defeated". They are events where 80 people show up, 15 do the mechanics and the rest press 1 and loot when the boss dies. They are events that draw a large number of "least effort for most possible reward" gamers who contribute little. They rely on the fact that 15 other people doing the job + their autoattacks ensures success.

Fire Elemental is a great example as you watch 10 people do the pre-event, and the others wait and fire off dance emotes, drop Fun Boxes and show off their particle effects. Then the Elemental appears and lasts how long these days?

Watch at Shadow Behemoth as 12 people run around closing the portals while the rest just stand in place waiting for the next burn phase.

Look at t4 Dry Top. No one touches the Legendary Sand Giant most cycles, but you can bet there are a bunch of people who logged in right on time for the Skritt Queen's door to open.

Bounties don't have this problem.

Bounties serve the same purpose as these World Bosses, are more engaging and are less tolerant in their mechanics of those just standing in place and spamming skills. They are rewarding and fun. I would hate to see Anet allocate development time to step backwards and give us another Karka Queen rather than giving us more bounties with more interesting mechanics.

As a Social Event, these World Bosses are pretty good, as they give people reasons to come together and clown around and have fun but I wouldn't want to see any real dev time be given to making more of them.

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Not inculding meta events in PoF was a big fail. Those new maps feel so empty after finishing story and all bounties... Meta events was the thing that distinguish this game from other generic mmorpgs and the first thing that draw me to GW2... I really hop they fix this mistake in upcoming LS.

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> @Draknar.5748 said:

> How the heck can you say Anet has a trend of forgetting about a mechanic? The new maps that immediately preceded the expansion had abundant use of glide mechanics. Then PoF came out and this expansion doesn't utilize drafts/leylines/whatever. That's one item. You can't say something is a trend because of one data point...


One item? Hmmmm....maybe you've forgotten about all the OTHER masteries we worked to finish in HoT and LW3 which are useless outside their own maps..bouncing and speed boost mushrooms, poison immunity, nuhoch portals, exalted portals, exalted assistance, oakheart's reach, Sirens of Orr, etc, etc.


I understand that new maps need to provide mechanics that allow people who didn't buy the previous expac to navigate around, and give people something new to learn, but many new mechanics and masteries were introduced with every single map, and then were pretty much useless throughout the whole rest of the game.


I mean, if I HAD to choose something that ought to have been continued from among all the previous masteries, gliding features such as updrafts and ley lines would be it, because griffon or not, there are times when gliding is useful.


But I think it would be nice to have new places where some of that past mastery comes in handy. Maybe a bouncy mushroom that sends you right to the top of a mountain instead of having to work your way from ledge to ledge with the springer. Maybe an Itzel village where you can get some information or services if you speak the language. Maybe being able to use Counter Magic against some of the new magical attacks. Would it hurt?

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> @Serophous.9085 said:

> So people are actually telling those who havent bought PoF that you wont like it, so dont buy it? And arguing how its not made for them, etc etc? So we are basically swapping when HoT was released and the arguments there. Okay.


> But why not try to convince people to buy PoF so Anet gets more money to fund their game? I mean...you are driving away business XD


Because customers are not sales representatives and it isn't our job to convince other people to give arenanet money. My desire to honestly tell a friend if they'll like something is always going to be greater than my desire for arenanet to make money. I don't work for arenanet.


As consumers it is our job to pay for things we actually want. As a developer it is arenanet's job to make things that we find worth buying. Convincing people to buy things they don't want does not encourage a developer to make things they do.

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There are actually meta/boss events on the new maps. Vabbi has quite a big one called Serpents' Ire, with a nice, epic boss battle at its climax, and Desolation also has one called Maws of Torment, which involves a three lane assault against an enemy base, culminating in another big boss battle. Neither can be done without a suitably large force of players coordinating.


Here are links for more info on the events:





P.S. For Serpents Ire in particular, you'll want to get onto a good map using the LFG system. If you're just on some random map, chances are a lot of people won't be doing it (because they don't realize it's there or whatever) and so it won't progress past the first stage. Even if you do get on a good map, it's still a long and difficult event, probably among the most challenging in the game as far as open world events go.

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