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How to beat a Mesmer in SPvP?

Crab Fear.1624

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I am willing to "learn to play".


Will the proponents of the current Mesmer and developers like to explain to "all of us" how we can prevail with **skill and tactics** against today's Mesmer?


If you could keep it brief, neutral, and perhaps bullet your points, it would do so much for the community.


Not every player is a top 10, 50, 100...250 player, and we will still have to fight what seems like a insurmountable battle. I, among others, would appreciate some guidance.


The claim is that they are balanced, after all.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> The claim is that they are balanced, after all.


Er - literally no one is claiming this, least of all mesmer players.


The only difference in opinion is the accuracy as to the specific areas that are unbalanced, rather than senseless emotional ranting.

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There are a lot of factors to consider. How good is the mesmer? What build is he running? What profession are you playing? What build are you running? Is this a duel? Is it on or off point? Are you expecting support or will his get there first? Etc.


If it is a duel (in a dueling server with rules that state you can't just run away indefinitely) then a DPS warrior or guardian could win against a lower skilled mesmer with enough pressure. If he's bad enough then you could win on anything though.


If it's during a match and your goal is only to kill the mesmer and not necessarily win, you can play thief, call target on the mesmer, wait for your team to get him low enough then go in for the burst.


If you're at your home point alone (and you're not a mesmer) then you can either try to stay on point and ping that point on the map and just try to stay alive until help arrives, or disengage if you think you can't survive and come back when you have support.


If you are a spellbreaker then you could win if the mesmer is playing poorly, or if it's a small enclosed point with no ledges to Port to (like the side points on Skyhammer).


Tl;Dr: no other profession counters mesmers so you can only realistically win if the mesmer is bad and/or the situation is in your favor with you having support from teammates.


Edit: grammar error

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> @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > The claim is that they are balanced, after all.


> Er - literally no one is claiming this, least of all mesmer players.


> The only difference in opinion is the accuracy as to the specific areas that are unbalanced, rather than senseless emotional ranting.

I guess they took down the WvW/PvP split balance thread that previewed the balance update.


I assume with a balance path the claim would be that "all is balanced" lol.



Also, that was sarcasm. I know that literally no player that is not a mesmer main (or that will be) would make this claim.

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> @"Kako.1930" said:

> There are a lot of factors to consider. How good is the mesmer? What build is he running? What profession are you playing? What build are you running? Is this a duel? Is it on or off point? Are you expecting support or will his get there first? Etc.


> If it is a duel (in a dueling server with rules that state you can't just run away indefinitely) then a DPS warrior or guardian could win against a lower skilled mesmer with enough pressure. If he's bad enough then you could win on anything though.


> If it's during a match and your goal is only to kill the mesmer and not necessarily win, you can play thief, call target on the mesmer, wait for your team to get him low enough then go in for the burst.


> If you're at your home point alone (and you're not a mesmer) then you can either try to stay on point and ping that point on the map and just try to stay alive until help arrives, or disengage if you think you can't survive and come back when you have support.


> If you are a spellbreaker then you could win if the mesmer is playing poorly, or if it's a small enclosed point with no ledges to Port to (like the side points on Skyhammer).


> Tl;Dr: no other profession counters mesmers so you can only realistically win if the mesmer is bad and/or the situation is in your favor with you having support from teammates.


> Edit: grammar error


Hammer Guardian should never beat Chaos mesmer. The sheer amount of Aegis alone is enough to shut bursts down.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > The claim is that they are balanced, after all.

> >

> > Er - literally no one is claiming this, least of all mesmer players.

> >

> > The only difference in opinion is the accuracy as to the specific areas that are unbalanced, rather than senseless emotional ranting.

> I guess they took down the WvW/PvP split balance thread that previewed the balance update.


> I assume with a balance path the claim would be that "all is balanced" lol.



> Also, that was sarcasm. I know that literally no player that is not a mesmer main (or that will be) would make this claim.


Sure, I forgot you tend to make funny/sarcastic posts. :)

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> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > @"Kako.1930" said:

> > There are a lot of factors to consider. How good is the mesmer? What build is he running? What profession are you playing? What build are you running? Is this a duel? Is it on or off point? Are you expecting support or will his get there first? Etc.

> >

> > If it is a duel (in a dueling server with rules that state you can't just run away indefinitely) then a DPS warrior or guardian could win against a lower skilled mesmer with enough pressure. If he's bad enough then you could win on anything though.

> >

> > If it's during a match and your goal is only to kill the mesmer and not necessarily win, you can play thief, call target on the mesmer, wait for your team to get him low enough then go in for the burst.

> >

> > If you're at your home point alone (and you're not a mesmer) then you can either try to stay on point and ping that point on the map and just try to stay alive until help arrives, or disengage if you think you can't survive and come back when you have support.

> >

> > If you are a spellbreaker then you could win if the mesmer is playing poorly, or if it's a small enclosed point with no ledges to Port to (like the side points on Skyhammer).

> >

> > Tl;Dr: no other profession counters mesmers so you can only realistically win if the mesmer is bad and/or the situation is in your favor with you having support from teammates.

> >

> > Edit: grammar error


> Hammer Guardian should never beat Chaos mesmer. The sheer amount of Aegis alone is enough to shut bursts down.


Yeah, that's why I said it also depends on what build they're running and how bad they are. If they're not running chaos and are really bad then even a hammer guard could beat them. Generally speaking, though, no other profession with any build should beat a mesmer if the mesmer is halfway decent. :P

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> I am willing to "learn to play".


> Will the proponents of the current Mesmer and developers like to explain to "all of us" how we can prevail with **skill and tactics** against today's Mesmer?


> If you could keep it brief, neutral, and perhaps bullet your points, it would do so much for the community.


> Not every player is a top 10, 50, 100...250 player, and we will still have to fight what seems like a insurmountable battle. I, among others, would appreciate some guidance.


> The claim is that they are balanced, after all.


Shadow arts core condi thief. Wait in stealth for them to get out of stealth, apply your ranged condi (pistol stealth attack with poisons) watch them melt.

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You have to know your abilities before going into the 1v1, if you can't disengage from a fight then there isn't much point in you trying to enter a 1v1.


Mesmer has excellent disengage ability and can chase in general and mirage has even better chasing ability with sword, so you should bear this in mind, because of these facts mesmer in the right hands is the best 1v1 class. It can disengage, and re-engage fights quickly.


Mirage has a lot of interrupts, a lot of evasion, and a lot of stunbreak too, which are more traits which make it the best 1v1 class. Generally mesmer is better in smaller fights because his phantasms and clones won't get cleeved down as quickly and a lot of his damage is single target, for this reason mesmer will always try to split enemy comps up by playing 3 caps, then the second his team creates an advantage he will try to create more momentum by outnumbering fights or juking 1v2+ with clever use of portal. You should always avoid playing mesmer on his terms, try to get him into the team fight where he is less capable and more vulnerable.


If it's a chaos mesmer (unless you're a scourge, in which case you should be in the team fight anyway), or a condi mesmer (and you don't have a lot of cleanse), I would avoid the 1v1. If it's a GS mesmer I would be a lot happier to go into the 1v1, with good baiting skills and breaking LoS to block bursts without wasting evades you can easily win the fight vs GS mesmer. If GS mesmer goes into stealth, start moving away, get behind something to break LoS, visualise where he is moving, learn his stealth skills and learn to time how long he has.

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Let me think, so the first step to take as a rev, is that you want to watch carefully if the mesmer is running power or disenchanter. If they are power, then random dodge the first few seconds cause 90% of power mesmers use their burst on initial encounter. Wait for their blurred frenzy to end, then strike. Oh wait, they have distortion? Dodge some more, hol' up, they have jaunt and blink? Okay say goodbye cause that mf is just going to disengage and reset, GG.

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As has been said, if varies by what you are playing. You beat them like you beat any other class. You play to your strengths and to their weaknesses. If you don't know what those are, then you need more practice. Some match ups will be bad. And some of you are clinging to god awful builds.


Generally, a good strategy is to destroy their clones. You will need to pay attention to where the real mesmer is, but this isn't hard. Unless they are bad, you won't kill them quickly.

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You can beat mesmer with decent skill. When i play mesmer:

- i dont like: necro, warrior, i try to kill them but when fail i run away

- i dont really fear but leave them if it takes too much time: druid, firebrand (when they use tanky builds)

- i try to kill fast: necro, ele, thief

- i fear good thieves

- i fear good warriors

- i very dislike good holos

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> @"DaShi.1368" said:

> As has been said, if varies by what you are playing.

What varies? Chance of success?


>You beat them like you beat any other class.

So if I approach the fight with a mesmer the same as I approach the fight with a warrior, I will be ok?


>You play to your strengths and to their weaknesses.

Feel free to point out the weakness, since it was plural a bullet list will make it easier

>If you don't know what those are, then you need more practice.


Recieving instruction is the point of this thread, I guess it can be considered practice

>Some match ups will be bad.


This is given

>And some of you are clinging to god awful builds.


speculation, and useless information


> Generally, a good strategy is to destroy their clones.


Like all 8 of them with AOE (that targets 5) that most classes don't have alot of


>You will need to pay attention to where the real mesmer is, but this isn't hard.


Knowing where the real mesmer is not so hard, its clicking through the other 7 clones body blocking the screen


>Unless they are bad, you won't kill them ~~quickly~~.


Fixed that last part for you.



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> @"DaShi.1368" said:

> As has been said, if varies by what you are playing. You beat them like you beat any other class. You play to your strengths and to their weaknesses. If you don't know what those are, then you need more practice. Some match ups will be bad. And some of you are clinging to god awful builds.


> Generally, a good strategy is to destroy their clones. You will need to pay attention to where the real mesmer is, but this isn't hard. Unless they are bad, you won't kill them quickly.


Yeah the best way to get better in sPvP is to learn every single class, play them all for a few hours here and there in game. Get onto metabattle.com and learn all the meta builds and the popular lower tier builds. You'll soon find yourself timing not only your own cooldown's but your enemies cooldown's as-well. You'll start thinking like oh hes used distort, he just used his last dodge, I know he has used blink and he has no stability up, now I can carefully make sure he isn't near the mirage mirrors and hit him hard with the deeps, stuns and interrupts. Oh hes on sword now, an illusion just spawned and leapt at me, hes using sword 3 and is going to try and swap with the illusion, immobilising me and unloading blurred frenzy, I've gotta dodge this e.t.c.


> @"allias.1420" said:

> Let me think, so the first step to take as a rev, is that you want to watch carefully if the mesmer is running power or disenchanter. If they are power, then random dodge the first few seconds cause 90% of power mesmers use their burst on initial encounter. Wait for their blurred frenzy to end, then strike. Oh wait, they have distortion? Dodge some more, hol' up, they have jaunt and blink? Okay say goodbye cause that mf is just going to disengage and reset, GG.


If the mesmer is running disenchanter its almost definitely likely they are running power. What you should be looking out for is whether they are chrono or mirage, and what weapons they are using. Other things to look out for are things like portal, if mesmer isn't running portal, they have more utilities, but can be locked down easier in a team fight.


If it's a GS mesmer, are they running portal, and are they running mantra of distraction or disenchanter, if distraction you need to be esp careful to avoid using skills while they are throwing greatswords, you'll need to be esp careful to stay near something which can break LoS, and be esp careful of blowing your blocks, stunbreaks and evades. If running disenchanter you can be more risky and get closer, you can try to interrupt it or nuke the illusion fast and just generally be more careful of popping your boons if your unsure whether its on CD or not.


Learn how to use LoS to bait people, stay near something which can break it. Learn the ranges of skills, and use range to your advantage. Learn every class, every build, every skill. Learn every maps jumping puzzles. Learn rotations, how and when to +1, when you can 1v2 and create advantage (not when your team has more dead players than theirs) what overextending is, what is over commiting. Are you better than your team mates? (should you be in the 1v1's?) Watch enemy deaths, time their respawns (esp theif and when you are fighting on their close node) Which classes are better vs which, where should you be. Learn when to disengage and re-engage. Know your surroundings, escape routes.


Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water making it's way through the cracks. Water can flow, it can crash, you put water in a cup it becomes the cup, be like water. In the middle of chaos lies opportunity.



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just beat a plat mes 1v1 and then he ported away to decap so did I really beat him 1v1? no I don't think so, but I think they should definitely give mesmer another leap or another portal, or another blink or another invuln or another random blind proc or more invis or even more random aegis's or maybe they should just change the class to where players can use 1-2 buttons and get all of that at once just to really simplify the class and give mesmer players an even larger advantage than the one they have :)

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> @"jbondo.9817" said:

> just beat a plat mes 1v1 and then he ported away to decap so did I really beat him 1v1? no I don't think so, but I think they should definitely give mesmer another leap or another portal, or another blink or another invuln or another random blind proc or more invis or even more random aegis's or maybe they should just change the class to where players can use 1-2 buttons and get all of that at once just to really simplify the class and give mesmer players an even larger advantage than the one they have :)


I smell a balance dev taking notes. A mesmer main balance dev.


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> @"jbondo.9817" said:

> just beat a plat mes 1v1 and then he ported away to decap so did I really beat him 1v1? no I don't think so, but I think they should definitely give mesmer another leap or another portal, or another blink or another invuln or another random blind proc or more invis or even more random aegis's or maybe they should just change the class to where players can use 1-2 buttons and get all of that at once just to really simplify the class and give mesmer players an even larger advantage than the one they have :)


This is how it works. You take bull charge to catch him, he takes another skill to run away. BALANCED! (no jokes). And yes, if he left you on a point - you won! Captured points give +5 in every 10 seconds, while dead enemy only 5. So you just need to control the point for 10 seconds.

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> @"jbondo.9817" said:

> just beat a plat mes 1v1 and then he ported away to decap so did I really beat him 1v1? no I don't think so, but I think they should definitely give mesmer another leap or another portal, or another blink or another invuln or another random blind proc or more invis or even more random aegis's or maybe they should just change the class to where players can use 1-2 buttons and get all of that at once just to really simplify the class and give mesmer players an even larger advantage than the one they have :)


This is how it works. You take bull charge to catch him, he takes another skill to run away. BALANCED! (no jokes). And yes, if he left you on a point - you won! Captured points give +5 in every 10 seconds, while dead enemy only 5. So you just need to control the point for 10 seconds. This is why many players create USEFUL builds instead of "I MUST KILL THEM ALL" builds, feel the difference.


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