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Scourge is very OP

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I just played for the first time in ages and scourge is broken. It is way way way too strong and way way too easy to play. They literally just lay a bunch of AOE and stuff dies.


The problem with scourge is access to burning. I would do the following changes:

- Reduce radius of ghastly breach to 240

- Sadistic searing should not apply burning, maybe 1 bleed stack

- Oppresive collapse should only apply 1 torment stack

- Sand savant recharge reduce figure made 15% instead of 33%. Radius made only 60 bigger.

- Demonic lore, increased damage reduced from 33% to 10% (just in case)

- Manifest sand shade - increase cast time to 1 second and remove the cripple


I am not biassed, I only ever play necro. I understand necro at a level higher than almost anyone and scourge is broken and not fun. I know mesmer is also broken. It needs nerfing ALOT too.


Significant nerfs are needed.

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If you just played for the first time in ages, I can see why you would think Scourge is broken. It can be difficult to beat if you have no experience fighting it. It does have very clear windows for you to go in on, but only if you know what you're looking at. The main thing to look out for is Desert Shroud. That's when they turn black and pulse out damage for a few seconds. Once that's down, you really only have Torch skills (get behind them and you're safe from Torch 4, keep walking and you're safe from Torch 5), Ghastly Breach, and a single fear that bring pain outside of the core Necro skills you're used to. Ghastly Breach, that Fear, and Desert Shroud all had their cooldowns increased this Tuesday, so these windows have opened up even more.


Welcome back to the game.

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> @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> If you just played for the first time in ages, I can see why you would think Scourge is broken. It can be difficult to beat if you have no experience fighting it. It does have very clear windows for you to go in on, but only if you know what you're looking at. The main thing to look out for is Desert Shroud. That's when they turn black and pulse out damage for a few seconds. Once that's down, you really only have Torch skills (get behind them and you're safe from Torch 4, keep walking and you're safe from Torch 5), Ghastly Breach, and a single fear that bring pain outside of the core Necro skills you're used to. Ghastly Breach, that Fear, and Desert Shroud all had their cooldowns increased this Tuesday, so these windows have opened up even more.


> Welcome back to the game.


Nah dude, it is just total face roll and totally busted. No class should put out that many condis so quickly. And yes most the other classes are busted too. Mesmer, guardian and scourge all need nerfing. The others seem fine to me.

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> @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> I find it hard to believe you understand necro at a higher level than anyone yet are only just returning back to the game after ages.


The game isn't complicated. I didn't play at all since maybe 2 years after release and came back for the season 5 or 6 or something and instantly got legend on repear and was like 40th or something in the leaderboards despite not playing for 18 months. Left again after about 3 weeks for another 18 months and just came back to try the game. The game is a simple game and it is simply obvious that scourge is busted beyond belief. Sometimes it takes fresh eyes to see these things. It needs big nerfs. So does mesmer and guardian imo.

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> @"Lordrosicky.5813" said:

> > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > If you just played for the first time in ages, I can see why you would think Scourge is broken. It can be difficult to beat if you have no experience fighting it. It does have very clear windows for you to go in on, but only if you know what you're looking at. The main thing to look out for is Desert Shroud. That's when they turn black and pulse out damage for a few seconds. Once that's down, you really only have Torch skills (get behind them and you're safe from Torch 4, keep walking and you're safe from Torch 5), Ghastly Breach, and a single fear that bring pain outside of the core Necro skills you're used to. Ghastly Breach, that Fear, and Desert Shroud all had their cooldowns increased this Tuesday, so these windows have opened up even more.

> >

> > Welcome back to the game.


> Nah dude, it is just total face roll and totally busted. No class should put out that many condis so quickly. And yes most the other classes are busted too. Mesmer, guardian and scourge all need nerfing. The others seem fine to me.


Yes, when facing people who still need to learn where the dodge button is (and that's exactly who you would be matched against after 2 years of inactivity), it can be a total faceroll. So can a lot of things.

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> @"Lordrosicky.5813" said:

> > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > If you just played for the first time in ages, I can see why you would think Scourge is broken. It can be difficult to beat if you have no experience fighting it. It does have very clear windows for you to go in on, but only if you know what you're looking at. The main thing to look out for is Desert Shroud. That's when they turn black and pulse out damage for a few seconds. Once that's down, you really only have Torch skills (get behind them and you're safe from Torch 4, keep walking and you're safe from Torch 5), Ghastly Breach, and a single fear that bring pain outside of the core Necro skills you're used to. Ghastly Breach, that Fear, and Desert Shroud all had their cooldowns increased this Tuesday, so these windows have opened up even more.

> >

> > Welcome back to the game.


> Nah dude, it is just total face roll.


if only ppl were any decent at fighting them.

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> @"Lordrosicky.5813" said:

> > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > If you just played for the first time in ages, I can see why you would think Scourge is broken. It can be difficult to beat if you have no experience fighting it. It does have very clear windows for you to go in on, but only if you know what you're looking at. The main thing to look out for is Desert Shroud. That's when they turn black and pulse out damage for a few seconds. Once that's down, you really only have Torch skills (get behind them and you're safe from Torch 4, keep walking and you're safe from Torch 5), Ghastly Breach, and a single fear that bring pain outside of the core Necro skills you're used to. Ghastly Breach, that Fear, and Desert Shroud all had their cooldowns increased this Tuesday, so these windows have opened up even more.

> >

> > Welcome back to the game.


> Nah dude, it is just total face roll and totally busted. No class should put out that many condis so quickly. And yes most the other classes are busted too. Mesmer, guardian and scourge all need nerfing. The others seem fine to me.


ranger are still broken...to much sustain+mobility+ range+dmg everything

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Focus/lack of focus on necros and teams cleaving aside. 1 thing to note is since this patch has greatly reduced all around outgoing damage every class that is supposed to live long, die slowly such as, and not only, necro has gotten more powerful.

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What OP is proposing is huge overkill to necro. Necro needs dmg to stay relevant due to completle lack of active defense. I encourge anet to nerf scourge further only if defensive capabilities are buffed to compensate. Right now scourge is support spec which needs another support to stay alive in team fights

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Scourge is low skill garbage in some ways it reminds me of pre-nerf DH. Lots of on point powerful aoe that has no place in a game where just giving up control of points until you can kill them from range is just not really rational play. It really makes no sense aoe abilities always need to be weaker (usually significantly) weaker then single target abilities or it just doesn't make sense from a balance stand point. The purpose of aoe abilities should generally be to slowly wear people down over time if you don't more out of the area not kill quickly by themselves.

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> @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > @"Lordrosicky.5813" said:

> > > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > > If you just played for the first time in ages, I can see why you would think Scourge is broken. It can be difficult to beat if you have no experience fighting it. It does have very clear windows for you to go in on, but only if you know what you're looking at. The main thing to look out for is Desert Shroud. That's when they turn black and pulse out damage for a few seconds. Once that's down, you really only have Torch skills (get behind them and you're safe from Torch 4, keep walking and you're safe from Torch 5), Ghastly Breach, and a single fear that bring pain outside of the core Necro skills you're used to. Ghastly Breach, that Fear, and Desert Shroud all had their cooldowns increased this Tuesday, so these windows have opened up even more.

> > >

> > > Welcome back to the game.

> >

> > Nah dude, it is just total face roll and totally busted. No class should put out that many condis so quickly. And yes most the other classes are busted too. Mesmer, guardian and scourge all need nerfing. The others seem fine to me.


> Yes, when facing people who still need to learn where the dodge button is (and that's exactly who you would be matched against after 2 years of inactivity), it can be a total faceroll. So can a lot of things.


I dont think they reset mmr. When I played the first time round I was rank 1 when the solo queue leaderboard ended. So I had the highest solo mmr in the game. Then when I came back after 2 years away I got farmed by try hards because my mmr didnt reset. I think the people I am playing against are decent

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> @"Virelion.4128" said:

> What OP is proposing is huge overkill to necro. Necro needs dmg to stay relevant due to completle lack of active defense. I encourge anet to nerf scourge further only if defensive capabilities are buffed to compensate. Right now scourge is support spec which needs another support to stay alive in team fights


That would be fine. The damage needs to be toned down a lot though. And not in a way that hurts base necro. So scourge shades or scourge only weapons or scourge traits must be nerfed.

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To claim scourge has no defense is laughable. Yes it lacks evasion and blocks but 27k HP, 3 stun breaks, barrier spam, weakness spam, spectral armor and 2 fears is more than enough to handle on point fights.


Ranging them down is the most effective counter but staff still has 1200 range and you are conceding the point which is the win condition of the game type. You either die fighting them on point or lose control of the point - win win for the scourge which is why the whole design is broken for conquest.



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> @"mrauls.6519" said:

> Let them keep their AoE skills... Just reduce the amount of damage/condi output... Every AoE shouldn't be as strong as a single target skill.


> Time to nerf


They already got massive increase in cds.Anymore nerfs and they will simply fade from all 3 game modes, because baddies cry.


Every other class has to be nerfed now to keep those condi dps to survive long enough to kill things.If you nerf necro they will have zero chance to even see anything die.Burst is too high now and mesmers can blow everyone up yet everyone cries about necros.


I can name a bunch of class to worry about:


Firebrands:Kept necros alive healing and buffing

THieves with deadeye:Insta kill you with stacks and blow you up.

Mesmers insta invis infinite dodges evades and blows you up instantly.


You want to talk problems? all of them have superior evade/mobility/blocks etc and necros are slow.IF you take away offensive CC and dmg, we got NOTHING.


Balance is about counters paper rock scissors.


If scissors is nerfed then paper will dominate rock and be the dominant overpowered one.


Boons are a issue and classes are too boonspam happy.You want to deal with necros? nerf boonspam BOOM solution.


less boons=less boon corrupt.

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> Necros don't need anymore nerfs its l2p issue.Sorry if i'm being cold, but scourge just got nerfed on their cds, and now have fairly long cds on everything.


I wouldn't say it's exclusively a L2P issue. They're still pretty meta in AT's because they're too powerful for how faceroll easy they are.


The trouble is that the way ArenaNet has chosen to balance them doesn't actually solve the source(s) of the problem -- how braindead easy it is to play because of sand savant and the scourge itself acting like a shade.

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