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What is your PVP main?

Crab Fear.1624

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My main is Warrior, but the last season that I played(Season 9), I used guardian 80% of the time(Core radiance)...considering how all my friends on game told me that last season was cancer and nothing that was broken got actually fixed and the forum reaction to this little sPvP-PvE skill split, i might as well just quit sPvP for good lol If I wanna have some PvP fun I will go WvW, atleast there I know stuff aint supposed to be balanced at all

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First of all. Why in the Torment did you have to add the Potato option? How is any *person* going to vote for anything else?


Second, I do not have a main. The more you stick with just one profession, the worse you get at dealing with the rest.


"Jack of all trades, master of none"? Nah. That's a lie! "Polymath or pollywog", I say.



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I don’t know that I really have a pvp main as I switch around a lot. Even in one night if I have a lot of time to play I might play 3-4 different professions (1-2 games each).


I guess if I had to chose one: I have most games played on ranger, which I mainly played glass longbow/GS. So I guess that would indicate it to be my “main”. Second most games played would be thief with various builds.

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Rev with hammer + sword + axe the last two seasons; sword + shield + staff the season before. But is NOT my main, is the ONLY class I play in PvP since I ditched the Guardian a year ago. And is not really the class, but the Herald spec: as mediocre as is, the core Rev and the Renegade are utter garbage.

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