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Which class is best for PVE?


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> @"mayogirl.4160" said:

> Hi all, I'm a lvl 80 mirage rn, and I just cannot solo pve with my current char right now. Which class/specialization would you recommend for soloing PVE? Any drawbacks of said class? Thanks!


Mirage is a very soloable class. Post your gear and Build and let us all offer more specific feedback.

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go Ranger , power build with LB and GS , tank and dps pet (its easy to play if u dont care about mixmaxing and want to play a relaxed build) , u can try soulbeast but its a petless build ....


Other option is Warrior , tons of options , DH is a good option too for just having fun and PVE overworld


of course Necro minion build , or reaper

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> @"HyperLooser.2698" said:

> rev is good both power and condi. Can solo champs and everything, provides its own might and crit and vuln. Renegade AoE destroys defiance bars quick and can kite even with melee weps.


I really like my rev, but I feel its a lot of work, and in no way can I solo champs

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> @"schmots.6803" said:

> > @"HyperLooser.2698" said:

> > rev is good both power and condi. Can solo champs and everything, provides its own might and crit and vuln. Renegade AoE destroys defiance bars quick and can kite even with melee weps.


> I really like my rev, but I feel its a lot of work, and in no way can I solo champs


It's more difficult to solo camps on a rev than some other classes but it's still trivial to do so.

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i will say this for you if you want a class that can solo but takes time to lern its will be mes and thief they can solo anything but you need to play them for a wial to get used to the way they play. like mes is condi is op in pvp wvw and pve when you lern the ins and outs of it. for thief its all good but if you like daggers go deadeye and the dps is good. it is all up to playstyle though so if you just want easy then go necro or ele for it for ele go staff and zerker and you can solo almost anything. necro is a heavy condi type so not mutch to say on that.

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Well I know at least what's the *easiest* PvE class.


Soulbeast, without a question.


**One click immortal pet skill, dead -> 100% hp on 2s cd** (since the pet comes back at 100% hp the soulbeast cd doesnt really matter, just the reset)


I play mine with condi sb/sb just for *extra* ease of play. Its so amazingly broken.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> Well I know at least what's the *easiest* PvE class.


> Soulbeast, without a question.


> **One click immortal pet skill, dead -> 100% hp on 2s cd** (since the pet comes back at 100% hp the soulbeast cd doesnt really matter, just the reset)


> I play mine with condi sb/sb just for *extra* ease of play. Its so amazingly broken.



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> @"Warlyx.6732" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > Well I know at least what's the *easiest* PvE class.

> >

> > Soulbeast, without a question.

> >

> > **One click immortal pet skill, dead -> 100% hp on 2s cd** (since the pet comes back at 100% hp the soulbeast cd doesnt really matter, just the reset)

> >

> > I play mine with condi sb/sb just for *extra* ease of play. Its so amazingly broken.


> what?

Wat what? Soulbeast in and out (2s), pet comes back at 100% health every time, even from dead. The pet is immortal. Dont even need pet swapping anymore.


I assume its intended behaviour, because otherwise best bug since the mesmer fall trait doing 20K+ damage a second.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Warlyx.6732" said:

> > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > Well I know at least what's the *easiest* PvE class.

> > >

> > > Soulbeast, without a question.

> > >

> > > **One click immortal pet skill, dead -> 100% hp on 2s cd** (since the pet comes back at 100% hp the soulbeast cd doesnt really matter, just the reset)

> > >

> > > I play mine with condi sb/sb just for *extra* ease of play. Its so amazingly broken.

> >

> > what?

> Wat what? Soulbeast in and out (2s), pet comes back at 100% health every time, even from dead. The pet is immortal. Dont even need pet swapping anymore.


> I assume its intended behaviour, because otherwise best bug since the mesmer fall trait doing 20K+ damage a second.


You cannot merge with a dead pet...you either merge before it dies or you swap it, so it's intended indeed

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> @"mayogirl.4160" said:

> Hi all, I'm a lvl 80 mirage rn, and I just cannot solo pve with my current char right now. Which class/specialization would you recommend for soloing PVE? Any drawbacks of said class? Thanks!


I am pretty sure it is not up to the class - mesmer is very capable class at PvE side, too - but either gears, build or most probably getting used to mesmer playing. Trying another class will probably help you to find out those fancy bits on mesmer, too, so here are my suggestions.


From the classes I have / have played, if you want pretty relaxed PvE side playing, try druid-ranger. Druid spec really changes the entire nature of the class, so you will need to level your ranger all the way up to 80, and after that grab those 250 Hero Points to unlock Druid spec. I admit that it can be pretty tedious task. My druid-ranger has been my PvE work horse just because it is versatile and very forgiving both in solo and group play (that is, it is forgiving class to your team messing up things). Druid/ranger is my most played class so far.


Another possibility could be Guardian, as you can trait it to allow simple and straight-forward game play with just core traits. On Guardian you most probably want later unlock both HoT and PoF specs (Dragonhunter and Firebrand), thought. For me, Guardian was once quite refreshing experience at lower levels. I later switched back to play my Druid-ranger more, and my Guardian is mostly reserved for WvW larger scale fights, where Druid/ranger feels very underwhelming.


I heartly suggest you to try out any class you think you could like. Either you find a class that suits your play style better (you could help us to help you to state more clearly how you'd like to play, what are you expecting from a class), or you will find your mesmer and its greatness again.

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"Warlyx.6732" said:

> > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > Well I know at least what's the *easiest* PvE class.

> > > >

> > > > Soulbeast, without a question.

> > > >

> > > > **One click immortal pet skill, dead -> 100% hp on 2s cd** (since the pet comes back at 100% hp the soulbeast cd doesnt really matter, just the reset)

> > > >

> > > > I play mine with condi sb/sb just for *extra* ease of play. Its so amazingly broken.

> > >

> > > what?

> > Wat what? Soulbeast in and out (2s), pet comes back at 100% health every time, even from dead. The pet is immortal. Dont even need pet swapping anymore.

> >

> > I assume its intended behaviour, because otherwise best bug since the mesmer fall trait doing 20K+ damage a second.


> You cannot merge with a dead pet...you either merge before it dies or you swap it, so it's intended indeed

In that case my pet is broken because I interpret this as merging with a dead pet :(

Maybe I am just misunderstanding something here but the pet going to 0 hp and the character saying it's down is dead right? I dont normally play SB (or ranger for that matter). I just know it feels too easy for PvE.

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I didnt know that if you unmerged straight afterwards your pet gets full HP again. This makes tanking champions very easy, even with the 8s timer before you can summon pet again it should last that long atleast). Given how good your pet is at drawing aggro it definitely makes Soul Beast a very good solo class for new players when taking short bow and taking the trait that makes SB skill pierce. Only draw back is dmg takes some time to ramp up against trash mobs compared to power chars who can one shot them.

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> @"eldrjth.7384" said:

> I didnt know that if you unmerged straight afterwards your pet gets full HP again. This makes tanking champions very easy, even with the 8s timer before you can summon pet again it should last that long atleast). Given how good your pet is at drawing aggro it definitely makes Soul Beast a very good solo class for new players when taking short bow and taking the trait that makes SB skill pierce. Only draw back is dmg takes some time to ramp up against trash mobs compared to power chars who can one shot them.

The damage is pretty decent if you run full vipers and ramp up is fast enough. I dont even have good gear, my mirage currently got my viper trinkets so I just threw in whatever was laying in the bank lol. Like a marauder earring, an apothecary ring, dont even know what amulet it was haha. Meh it works for world completion and yes, it most definetly make it easy.


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The best part of Ranger is that your pet will almost always revive you if you get downed. But I hate their bows. Axe/Torch is much more fun to me.


Mesmer is definitely difficult to play and master. It's all about reading and reacting to situations. For example, in PoF, they really ramped up the ranged attacks of the mobs. So behoove you to equip weapons, skills and traits that absorb or reflect ranged attacks--which mesmer has plenty of counterplay against ranged attacks.

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> @"Zin Dau.1749" said:

> The best part of Ranger is that your pet will almost always revive you if you get downed.

In particular in worst case scenario where you literally drown from boredom because the weapons suck - underwater combat. Soloed terror-seven and fluffy a couple days ago and went down quite alot lol. Pet got your back.

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> @"mayogirl.4160" said:

> Hi all, I'm a lvl 80 mirage rn, and I just cannot solo pve with my current char right now. Which class/specialization would you recommend for soloing PVE? Any drawbacks of said class? Thanks!


Hello! All classes are good in PvE with the right build. If you are new to the game, website like GW2 Meta can help give you an idea of possible gear and builds.


For new Mesmer I would recommend ranged weapons. Both great sword and staff are solid ranged weapons in open world PvE. Great sword works better with power builds and staff with condition builds.


As a general gearing advice, I would strongly recommend not getting any gear with healing power or toughness. And for Mesmer I would not recommend hit points either. Seems counterintuitive, but dead mobs deal the least damage. And if you are not sure what you are doing building none damage builds are not advisable.

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