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Feedback on the State of the Mesmer [merged]

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Stop saying that Mirage is OP cos this is stupid and this is why:

1. Mirage can't hold a point.

2. Mirage can't one shot.

3. It's more or less like a thief good in roaming and +1 but slower than a thief only can compete with a thief if you play sword and if so the condi damage is minor.

4. The good skills have long couldown's like torch 1 and 2 and torch 1 is so ez to be evaded with the sound effect so all you need to do is to wait 2.5sec and dodge or just move away especially the mesmer is slower than chrono(+25% speed).

5. The only problem is that mirage is all around cos it's the most fun class to play was it in pvp or pve and mirage is good vs core builds in general but not the SD thief(so much evades and free teleports and spam-able unblockable ).

6. Torment is not a good condi however the only good condi a mesmer can do is confusion forcing the high lvl players to disengage so they don't suicide using skills however the stupid players keep fighting and die and blame mirage for being op when the only problem is him being stupid ,so if you remove the confusion damage the condi mesmer in general gonna be useless and everyone gonna swap to power chrono if they are die-hard mesmers or just change the class .


and i will list here the real broken classes:

* The one shot power ele .

* The one shot core gard .

* Druid so much damage from the pets and so much heal and can hold a point vs 2

* S/D thief with the spam-able unblockable with 5k+ damage with crits with an evade frame what more you can ask for.

* P/P thief is op it the best version of deadeye and its not played in high lvl games simply cos they are ashamed to play it cos it's so ez .

* Scourge is lovley corupption is real in huge AOE's and the bariers make the scourge harder to kill more than a reaper if in good hands .

* ~~power rev~~ removed from the list till it show up on the next meta(due the public demand)

* The lovly FB support .

* The cute HOLO.

* The shy one shot power Mesmer (added due the public demand )

* The scary SB with perma resistance and double swing kill.

and more.....





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> @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> If history is a guide, Mirage is likely to be destroyed and/or Mirage distortion given to another class.


> I'm not saying I think that's appropriate or justified... but that would be in line with previous changes.


I'm afraid to lose interest in the game if they destroyed the most class i love .it's a very hard class to play and master and in the same time its the most fun if they change it to something boring or useless like renegade i'm likely gonna quite the game .

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> @"Luciferior.4802"

You don't have a clue don't you! brace for the power Creep after they nerfing the condi dmg especially the ele the only reason why ele isn't around cos its the hardest class to play however the burst combo for the one shot is ez and that all you need.

And about rev i specified ( one shot rev) that build is broken and i didn't said the bunker ventari cos the banker gard and ranger took it place .however rev is very bad vs condi bombs and totally crap if you are a renegade . i may agree with you that rev need some kind of buff in term of survivability (brace the new ventari meta then) but the damage need a nerf.

Mesmers in the other part are in the middle that why it not op was it condi or power, the power mesmer can only one shot in WvW not in sPVP and the bunker chrono is a lot less effective in holding a point , but druid can when being deadly, same thing about bunker gard .

My point here is mesmer's aren't crazy OP in anyway .the bunker mesmer isn't the best bunker the bursty mesmer isn't the most damaging the roaming mes isn't the faster it's in the middle .

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It might be not OP but the iteration of elusive mind is way too strong. Having a trait that makes the core concept of mirage even stronger is a bad idea imo, or rather, if the balance really wanted that, the cost of proc'ing its effect is way too low. Even chrono didn't have that.

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> @"flog.3485" said:

> It might be not OP but the iteration of elusive mind is way too strong. Having a trait that makes the core concept of mirage even stronger is a bad idea imo, or rather, if the balance really wanted that, the cost of proc'ing its effect is way too low. Even chrono didn't have that.


I feel what you talking about that specific trait is op i totally agree having a stun break on dodge is the best trait on available for the mirage but not the condi cleans however this trait is essential because the mirage is squishy and the dodge is without movement to be out of danger if they remove the stun break then you gonna be dead one time you are stunned .

However everyone on the forum aren't talking about that they all talk about the confusion and burning damage when other classes can one shot from 1200 rang. i'm just scared that mirage gonna be the next renegade ,because mirages burst are very high risk for a hope of a good reword cos you waste your stealth and condi cleans torch 1 and the F1 F2 skills and load of other skills and dodges so you can land a good burst if that didn't hit fully or partially you are in a bad position and if they reduce the condi damage especially from confusion the mesmer gonna be useless in sPVP cos your pressure gonna be low and negligible especially vs bunkers when they don't need to activate a lot of skills for the confusion to be effective.

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> @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> Stop saying that Mirage is OP cos this is stupid and this is why:

> 1. Mirage can't hold a point.

> 2. Mirage can't one shot.

> 3. It's more or less like a thief good in roaming and +1 but slower than a thief only can compete with a thief if you play sword and if so the condi damage is minor.

> 4. The good skills have long couldown's like torch 1 and 2 and torch 1 is so ez to be evaded with the sound effect so all you need to do is to wait 2.5sec and dodge or just move away especially the mesmer is slower than chrono(+25% speed).

> 5. The only problem is that mirage is all around cos it's the most fun class to play was it in pvp or pve and mirage is good vs core builds in general but not the SD thief(so much evades and free teleports and spam-able unblockable ).

> 6. Torment is not a good condi however the only good condi a mesmer can do is confusion forcing the high lvl players to disengage so they don't suicide using skills however the stupid players keep fighting and die and blame mirage for being op when the only problem is him being stupid ,so if you remove the confusion damage the condi mesmer in general gonna be useless and everyone gonna swap to power chrono if they are die-hard mesmers or just change the class .


> and i will list here the real broken classes:

> * The one shot power ele .

> * The one shot core gard .

> * Druid so much damage from the pets and so much heal and can hold a point vs 2

> * S/D thief with the spam-able unblockable with 5k+ damage with crits with an evade frame what more you can ask for.

> * P/P thief is op it the best version of deadeye and its not played in high lvl games simply cos they are ashamed to play it cos it's so ez .

> * Scourge is lovley corupption is real in huge AOE's and the bariers make the scourge harder to kill more than a reaper if in good hands .

> * The one shot power rev .

> * The lovly FB support .

> * The cute HOLO.

> and more.....








-Says Mirage is not OP

-Jebro and team had to ban the class because it trumped almost every class in a 1v1 in their tournament

-Tries to justify ele and rev one-shotting, even though they are the weakest classes.


Smh, stop trolling.

This honestly sickened me that you HONESTLY tried to back this crap up with one of the weakest arguments to date.

Just, no.


Mirage's job is to NOT hold points, but to basically do what thief does. Provide utility through taking down priority targets and providing mobility to themselves/teammates, while even getting +1s to key fights. Explain to me how you expect a damage spec to hold a point, when their whole theme is to evade and stay out of your good range? A mirage standing still is a dead mirage.

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yo really just can judge from a necro point of view (no scourge). i get absoulty rekt agianst mirages... and that they dont one shot is a lie they burn through full shroud and health wiht me using cele amulet or marauder. the one part that is highly OP is that they are never really tocuhable.. once they show up they passivly evade on actions making it impossible for me to send a single condi back... i have plyed hundrets of pvp matches now and roam a lot in wvw.. i have yet to see my first condi mirage kill... chrono at least was doable, i felt i had a fair chance.. but since i cant condi transfer due to the evades this classs is clowning OP.


also i have seen a lot of other threads the last weeks here were ppl argue that mirage right now is on a whole different level in 1v1 in comparison to other strong pof specs. last but not least it was the only class that was not really touhced in the recent balance patch. confusions stacks remained the same. that alone cries for inequality.

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> @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> > Stop saying that Mirage is OP cos this is stupid and this is why:

> > 1. Mirage can't hold a point.

> > 2. Mirage can't one shot.

> > 3. It's more or less like a thief good in roaming and +1 but slower than a thief only can compete with a thief if you play sword and if so the condi damage is minor.

> > 4. The good skills have long couldown's like torch 1 and 2 and torch 1 is so ez to be evaded with the sound effect so all you need to do is to wait 2.5sec and dodge or just move away especially the mesmer is slower than chrono(+25% speed).

> > 5. The only problem is that mirage is all around cos it's the most fun class to play was it in pvp or pve and mirage is good vs core builds in general but not the SD thief(so much evades and free teleports and spam-able unblockable ).

> > 6. Torment is not a good condi however the only good condi a mesmer can do is confusion forcing the high lvl players to disengage so they don't suicide using skills however the stupid players keep fighting and die and blame mirage for being op when the only problem is him being stupid ,so if you remove the confusion damage the condi mesmer in general gonna be useless and everyone gonna swap to power chrono if they are die-hard mesmers or just change the class .

> >

> > and i will list here the real broken classes:

> > * The one shot power ele .

> > * The one shot core gard .

> > * Druid so much damage from the pets and so much heal and can hold a point vs 2

> > * S/D thief with the spam-able unblockable with 5k+ damage with crits with an evade frame what more you can ask for.

> > * P/P thief is op it the best version of deadeye and its not played in high lvl games simply cos they are ashamed to play it cos it's so ez .

> > * Scourge is lovley corupption is real in huge AOE's and the bariers make the scourge harder to kill more than a reaper if in good hands .

> > * The one shot power rev .

> > * The lovly FB support .

> > * The cute HOLO.

> > and more.....

> >

> >

> >

> >




> -Says Mirage is not OP

> -Jebro and team had to ban the class because it trumped almost every class in a 1v1 in their tournament

> -Tries to justify ele and rev one-shotting, even though they are the weakest classes.


> Smh, stop trolling.

> This honestly sickened me that you HONESTLY tried to back this crap up with one of the weakest arguments to date.

> Just, no.


> Mirage's job is to NOT hold points, but to basically do what thief does. Provide utility through taking down priority targets and providing mobility to themselves/teammates, while even getting +1s to key fights. Explain to me how you expect a damage spec to hold a point, when their whole theme is to evade and stay out of your good range? A mirage standing still is a dead mirage.


how much mirages you know in top 25 ? non !! and if you say misha ill tell you that misha is playing engi in ranked now and last season he wasn't in top 25 and no mesmer in to 25 as long as i know

you saying mesmer should +1 yeah agree so mirage need a good burst mechanic to do that and if you remove the burstiness from it then good bye it's the new renegade and the confusion is the condi which mirage use to burst nerfing that is the worst idea ever .

and about UGO !! what you talking about frostball and misha were playing mirage and actually one of the UGO rules that you can play 2 mesmers in the same team but not the same spec for example chrono and mirage .

and fresh wever the one shot version is killing it in spvp you will recognise that if you face one .

the rev is more or less not available due the lack of condi cleans that's the only reason he isn't around much and if they nerff the condi damage you will face him a lot.

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> @"JustDemons.4358" said:

> yo really just can judge from a necro point of view (no scourge). i get absoulty rekt agianst mirages... and that they dont one shot is a lie they burn through full shroud and health wiht me using cele amulet or marauder. the one part that is highly OP is that they are never really tocuhable.. once they show up they passivly evade on actions making it impossible for me to send a single condi back... i have plyed hundrets of pvp matches now and roam a lot in wvw.. i have yet to see my first condi mirage kill... chrono at least was doable, i felt i had a fair chance.. but since i cant condi transfer due to the evades this classs is clowning OP.


> also i have seen a lot of other threads the last weeks here were ppl argue that mirage right now is on a whole different level in 1v1 in comparison to other strong pof specs. last but not least it was the only class that was not really touhced in the recent balance patch. confusions stacks remained the same. that alone cries for inequality.


that don't sound like a one shot to me ! and i will tel you how to transfer the conditions ez, target a clone or a phantasm and i my self random dodge after my burst when fighting the necros with plag signet simply because they auto react and activate it if i land my burst on them.and from what you said i guess you are not that experienced and mirage evade is like a normal dodge they can dodge your transfer ez if they pay attention to the hug circle above your head when activating the signet like every other class.

and i'm talking about the one shot on spvp not in wvw still the power mesmer can one shot a thief or other mesmers.

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Such a load of bullshit OP. all fucking lies.


This is what happens when A-net created a meta post core game that created builds with almost drastically reduced weaknesses. then kept inflating power. and then amongts those builds that are now created to have to deal with every game mechanic, CC, Burst, Condi's, mobility. and then amongst those new all arounder builds create overperformers and u get this.


Honestly we need a complete fucking nerf back to core levels for all classes, even shitty classes with gimmicks such as deadeye, soulbeast etc. assuming that is not possible. bring this shit which is all pof builds back to end of HoT levels that way u can atleast have actual build diversity. it's a few builds such as these that fucking kill so many pre pof levels from bieng playable.


We don't need mirage to be gutted, we need an actual thorough balance patch that adresses all classes. so that mirage relatively isn't shit.


funny enough, threads such as these that don't ask for a class to be gutted are also part of the problem. U don't need to destroy a class to achieve balance. and that is a-nets fault. maby if the nerf hammer wasn't so fucking terrible. people wouldn't bend over backwards to protect thier classes.

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> @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> > @"JustDemons.4358" said:

> > yo really just can judge from a necro point of view (no scourge). i get absoulty rekt agianst mirages... and that they dont one shot is a lie they burn through full shroud and health wiht me using cele amulet or marauder. the one part that is highly OP is that they are never really tocuhable.. once they show up they passivly evade on actions making it impossible for me to send a single condi back... i have plyed hundrets of pvp matches now and roam a lot in wvw.. i have yet to see my first condi mirage kill... chrono at least was doable, i felt i had a fair chance.. but since i cant condi transfer due to the evades this classs is clowning OP.

> >

> > also i have seen a lot of other threads the last weeks here were ppl argue that mirage right now is on a whole different level in 1v1 in comparison to other strong pof specs. last but not least it was the only class that was not really touhced in the recent balance patch. confusions stacks remained the same. that alone cries for inequality.


> that don't sound like a one shot to me ! and i will tel you how to transfer the conditions ez, target a clone or a phantasm and i my self random dodge after my burst when fighting the necros with plag signet simply because they auto react and activate it if i land my burst on them.and from what you said i guess you are not that experienced and mirage evade is like a normal dodge they can dodge your transfer ez if they pay attention to the hug circle above your head when activating the signet like every other class.

> and i'm talking about the one shot on spvp not in wvw still the power mesmer can one shot a thief or other mesmers.


target a clone or phantamsn xDDD yea well u wont wi fights when u dont dmg enemy playa xDDD. it will justprolong the inevitable

and i was just talking about dieing in 2 secs from full shroud in spvp

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:





> @Yukio blaster.9082, can u show us own build???



that's a guide how to play power mirage but no real 1 shooting if it's more than 1 sec the burst can't kill only if someone is already low or you are lucky to land the 3 clone shatter with crits and that situational however everyone are talking about the condi mirage not the power one and that what realy pisses me off when the power version is much more burstier and that from the core specs .

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> @"JustDemons.4358" said:

> > @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> > > @"JustDemons.4358" said:

> > > yo really just can judge from a necro point of view (no scourge). i get absoulty rekt agianst mirages... and that they dont one shot is a lie they burn through full shroud and health wiht me using cele amulet or marauder. the one part that is highly OP is that they are never really tocuhable.. once they show up they passivly evade on actions making it impossible for me to send a single condi back... i have plyed hundrets of pvp matches now and roam a lot in wvw.. i have yet to see my first condi mirage kill... chrono at least was doable, i felt i had a fair chance.. but since i cant condi transfer due to the evades this classs is clowning OP.

> > >

> > > also i have seen a lot of other threads the last weeks here were ppl argue that mirage right now is on a whole different level in 1v1 in comparison to other strong pof specs. last but not least it was the only class that was not really touhced in the recent balance patch. confusions stacks remained the same. that alone cries for inequality.

> >

> > that don't sound like a one shot to me ! and i will tel you how to transfer the conditions ez, target a clone or a phantasm and i my self random dodge after my burst when fighting the necros with plag signet simply because they auto react and activate it if i land my burst on them.and from what you said i guess you are not that experienced and mirage evade is like a normal dodge they can dodge your transfer ez if they pay attention to the hug circle above your head when activating the signet like every other class.

> > and i'm talking about the one shot on spvp not in wvw still the power mesmer can one shot a thief or other mesmers.


> target a clone or phantamsn xDDD yea well u wont wi fights when u dont dmg enemy playa xDDD. it will justprolong the inevitable

> and i was just talking about dieing in 2 secs from full shroud in spvp


this is impossible in normal stats and what i told you to do is what high lvl player's actually do and the mesmers when fighting necros in general they burst and shatter the clones and run out of reach so the necro can't transfer the conditions and then comeback to interrupt the heal with f3 if needed or with sword ambush but a one shot with this meta impossible especially with full shroud !! and necro especially power got a hug burst to power damage last patch so you saying that your only damage source is transferring the conditions !!

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> @"Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318" said:

> Such a load of kitten OP. all kitten lies.


> This is what happens when A-net created a meta post core game that created builds with almost drastically reduced weaknesses. then kept inflating power. and then amongts those builds that are now created to have to deal with every game mechanic, CC, Burst, Condi's, mobility. and then amongst those new all arounder builds create overperformers and u get this.


> Honestly we need a complete kitten nerf back to core levels for all classes, even kitten classes with gimmicks such as deadeye, soulbeast etc. assuming that is not possible. bring this kitten which is all pof builds back to end of HoT levels that way u can atleast have actual build diversity. it's a few builds such as these that kitten kill so many pre pof levels from bieng playable.


> We don't need mirage to be gutted, we need an actual thorough balance patch that adresses all classes. so that mirage relatively isn't kitten.


> funny enough, threads such as these that don't ask for a class to be gutted are also part of the problem. U don't need to destroy a class to achieve balance. and that is a-nets fault. maby if the nerf hammer wasn't so kitten terrible. people wouldn't bend over backwards to protect thier classes.


i can agree on one thing all classes need a re-balance cos every class have op builds that one shot or is bunker and impossible to be killed

the point of no return was HOT release and the boon spam with the elite mechanic .

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