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Feedback on the State of the Mesmer [merged]

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My biggest problem with Mesmer right now is that the Meta Chrono build, with 2 defensive trait lines and all defensive traits it is doing as much damage as many other classes running offensive trait lines. Risk/Reward is non existent for so many Mesmer builds, and I feel that this may be the biggest offender.


Mirage is still very OP, but I find them slightly easier to deal with than the Chrono-cancer builds. Phantasms are very-very overturned, and this gets so much worse with Chronophantasma.

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First off, the level of toxicity amongst players in these “OP class” threads is degusting. When you debate with someone and can no longer disprove or prove your point and then jump to stating the other person’s grammar is bad, they’re bed, etc you automatically INVADIALTE your entire side. Everything you’ve stated before and after means absolutely nothing. I know a lot of Mesmers will dislike this, but I will go over what’s making Mesmer (mirage and chrono) so strong in a bit, but first you’re going to have to survive my rant. Break out your survivability, cause you’re going to need it!


The amount of fabricated claims against Mesmer is just insane at this point. Eight plus clones to prema stealth, the list goes on. Before claiming a class is broken why don’t you try playing it first, to see how it functions. Mesmer cannot have any more than THREE clones up at one time! However, they may have 3 clones up and several phantasms at one time. Phantasms are extremely easy to notice as they’re a transparent purple/ pink. The Phantasm change was a very BIG quality of life change for Mesmer, especially because of how its main mechanic functions. This is both a buff and a nerf, as Mesmers can no longer rely on phantasms to rally them when they’re down. If you every played Mesmer, it has some of the WORST down state abilities.


Some of my favorite fabricated complaints about Mesmer besides the two mentioned already includes the ones asking to do away with clones/ phantasms completely as its too hard to tell where the Mesmer is, or how Mesmer has no tells on its more devastating skills. Understand this clearly, this is the gimmick of Mesmer, its not going to change, learn to tab target or acutely focus the clones. Fighting a Mesmer is like playing the game “one of these things does not belong”, the one with the most buffs on their bar usually is the Mesmer, that’s not hard to notice, unless you don’t pay attention to it! Because of the phantasm changes you can NO longer ignore clones, you need to kill them. This is extremely easy to do since they have very little health. Its also not hard to tell When a Mesmer is going to shatter, look 3 clones are up and they’re all suddenly running towards me = shatter inc. Or better yet the claims that stealth is too powerful for Mesmer as it can hide them, before they burst. You know that’s not just a massive tell but there is also another class called thief that does this too, maybe you should treat the Mesmer a bit like a thief when you notice them going into stealth. Last are the ones asking for Mesmer to see 70%-80% damage reduction, THAT’S STRIGHT UP GUTTING A CLASS, does not matter what class this is done to THAT’S GUTTING ALL DAMAGE FROM A CLASS and this seems to be what most people want when they view a class as OP! What I’m getting at here is that most of the complaints are about learn to play issues and not what is actually broken with Mesmer.


There are other classes/ specs way more broken them Mesmer! Warrior, Guard, Reve, Ranger, Thief, Necro all have specs that are extremely powerful/ broken. Yet all the hate is pushed towards Mesmer, because Its suddenly good to play when it once was not too much of a threat. What Mesmer is currently able to do now Thief has been able to due for years! The amount of condies a Mesmer puts out is nothing compared to a necro nor the stacks of burning from a fire brane. Ranger; decent mobility, health regen, and a pet that does about 95% of their damage while they can soak up everything and anything. I can go way more into detail but if you made it this far I guess its time for what you’ve been waiting for!


What is currently making Mesmer (both chrono and mirage) strong is insane synergy between trait lines. The traits in question are as follows:


• Dueling:

o Evasive Mirror.

o Deceptive Evasion.

o Blinding Dissipation + Ineptitude.

• Mirage:

o Renewing Oasis.

o Desert Distortion  Reformed Mirage Mirror.

o Elusive Mind (still strong even with 3s of -100 endurance).

• Utility:

o Signet of Illusions.


• Overview:

o F4 ability distortion causes any clones (max of 3) that were destroyed by this ability to spawn mirage mirrors due to the desert distortion trait. Each mirror procs mirage cloak which does not just trigger the ambush attack but also triggers renewing oasis and evasive mirror (the later if an attack was avoided). EM is a free break out of jail free card and condi cleanse, but only when the dodge button is used. Signet of Illusions is used to reset distortion to do the rotation again with little to no down time, thus making a mirage very difficult to pin down. On top of this, the ambush on the one handed sword is upright over powered, it is a spam-able blink that does not require you to actually hit the dodge button like EM nor does it require you to have a target to cast, it simply requires mirage cloak.



This has to do mostly with just one trait and the phantasm change, and that is Chronophantasma; When a phantasma dies it is re-summoned, does its attack again and then dies and becomes a clone. This definitely needs some changes and is why phantasmal Defender/ disenchanter is so powerful. Either put an ICD on it or it change it so that phantasms no longer spawn a clone after it dies.


I Have posted this as a show of good faith, in hopes of seeing other players come out about what truly is broken for their classes as I have for mine. This is what the forums are for, not fighting each other, that’s why we have PVP! If we do this, it will make it that much more easy for the Devs to properly balance classes, and maybe give them a bit of extra time to create some cool surprises for us.




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You're not considering the big issue. What's problematic is that you usually have to deal with 2 mesmer + scourge/tank aside. All my matchs in AT or high ranked against top100 players consisted on that.

So basically, this involves your setup to have 2 players with mobility and who can duel mesmers , plus players who can hold against scourge/tank on an other point at least. Which requires you to have a mirror setup. That's pretty much why most solo queue matchs are completly one sided, it's because of team setups.


The same occured with the last meta involving double scourge + firebrand. It worked well because it facerolls any crap setup..

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I try my best not to contribute to nerf/complaint threads because I don't like to assume that I know the answers and I know that a lot of how I view things could be a "l2p" issue. I am not the best player, but I do consider myself a bit above the average as far as skill goes.


With that said though, I do feel the need to bring up something that I feel is broken, and that is the synergy between Mirage and Evasive Mirror. I don't have a problem with it on core Mesmer or Chronomancer, but the amount of reflect uptime a Mirage can maintain with it is unbelievable. There are already a limited amount of windows of opportunity to attack a Mirage, but when they can evade while stunned and while attacking, there is very little counterplay to the trait when running a ranged weapon. My biggest issue is that this is a passive trait with a 1.5 second cooldown. The trait, from my perspective, is simply too powerful on Mirage and I believe it needs to be looked at by ANet.

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> "Okay first of all I would like to see Mirage and Scourge permanently deleted from the game. And Chronomancer locked into PvE only. I'm the only person here with any reasonable positions and the dev team are nothing but memes."


/For real though, pvp would be way better without them



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what do you think?

Sword ambush now have a **chance** to daze the enemy (30-40%)

Cronophantasma now leave your resummoned clones with lower hps and thus have a 50% dmg reduction

GS ambush might stack reduced from 2 per hit to 1, as well as vulnerability.

Mirage cloak duration now have a 15% reduced duration (3/4 sec instead of 1whole second)


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> @"Hylo.1968" said:

> what do you think?

> Sword ambush now have a **chance** to daze the enemy (30-40%)

> Cronophantasma now leave your resummoned clones with lower hps and thus have a 50% dmg reduction

> GS ambush might stack reduced from 2 per hit to 1, as well as vulnerability.

> Mirage cloak duration now have a 15% reduced duration (3/4 sec instead of 1whole second)



How would resummoned clones with lower hp mean lower damage?

Mirage Cloak was too weak and really clunky at 3/4 second when it was first introduced, that will likely not change.

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> @"EpicTurtle.8571" said:

> > @"Hylo.1968" said:

> > what do you think?

> > Sword ambush now have a **chance** to daze the enemy (30-40%)

> > Cronophantasma now leave your resummoned clones with lower hps and thus have a 50% dmg reduction

> > GS ambush might stack reduced from 2 per hit to 1, as well as vulnerability.

> > Mirage cloak duration now have a 15% reduced duration (3/4 sec instead of 1whole second)

> >


> How would resummoned clones with lower hp mean lower damage?

> Mirage Cloak was too weak and really clunky at 3/4 second when it was first introduced, that will likely not change.


misspelled,i meant lower hp AND lower dmg. MC reduced duration it's just my own opinion.

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> @"Jojo.6590" said:

> There are other classes/ specs way more broken them Mesmer! Warrior, Guard, Reve, Ranger, Thief, Necro all have specs that are extremely powerful/ broken. Yet all the hate is pushed towards Mesmer, because Its suddenly good to play when it once was not too much of a threat.


Nice speech but no...

All the professions you listed do have strong specs but non that compare with the sheer mechanics of mesmer and its e specs.


**Do you not realize how much freedom and power mesmer gets from the developers of this game.**

- When chono was first introduced they got alacrity which was something no other profession could do at the time. This alone solidified mesmer in any content in pve regardless of their damage or shatter issues. (its just now bleeding to other professions but mostly still covered by chrono)

- Now comes Mirage, Which came with the power to evade any attack while allowing nearly any strong offensive action to take place at the same time. Not to mention the sheer amount of condi application from 1 player when using a dodge (mechanic to avoid damage) is just insane.

- Then right after that part of mesmers core mechanic got a whole rework which is something no other profession has gotten in its entirety of the games existence despite how badly some of them need it.


Professions like Necro, Rev, to this day still have more problematic issues at a core level that directly ruins and handy caps their e specs anet still has yet to answer the question if they will ever see rework like mesmers to adress them. Its like mesmer gets its what it wants at every turn. Then mesmer mains sit here and question why people dont like them and why everyone wants their profession nerfed when it stomps over whats suppose to be the pros of every other profession.


You can question that scourge was badly busted for a whilebut guess what

Scourge was broken by a bug for nearly a month which was not intended by the devs. (oops accidental damage)



How ever

The addition of alacrity to chono was intended (Very unique buff)

The mechnics of mirage was intended (very broken dodge mechanic that allows one to deal damage at the same time)

The mesmer shatter and phantasms rework was intended. (A revamp of how the core of the class works improving it and its specs by a factor of several times) I could let this one go if they started to rework other professions but it seems they have no plans on doing that **Which is what annoys me the most**


What other profession has these kind of hand outs through its history. None of them do.

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can we have a statement by anet? is there gonna be anything done? or are u gonna make us play this entire season with this annoying overtuned mesmer?


also, you had a feedback threat asking about players opinions for the LAST balance patch and guess what EVERYONE was telling you that mesmer was too busted and you didnt take it serious at all and here we go mesmer is busted like crazy and the whole community is complaining.


if only you were listening to your communiy for once... god damit everyone wants this chrono shit to be nerfed already. just do it mid season with a hotfix.


and if u read through this post you will notice theres many mesmers giving feedback and serious suggestions how to balance mesmer without making it unviable.


stop fkin ignoring everything pls.

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:



> Nice speech but no...

> All the professions you listed do have strong specs but non that compare with the sheer mechanics of mesmer and its e specs.


> **Do you not realize how much freedom and power mesmer gets from the developers of this game.**

> - When chono was first introduced they got alacrity which was something no other profession could do at the time. This alone solidified mesmer in any content in pve regardless of their damage or shatter issues. (its just now bleeding to other professions but mostly still covered by chrono)

> - Now comes Mirage, Which came with the power to evade any attack while allowing nearly any strong offensive action to take place at the same time. Not to mention the sheer amount of condi application from 1 player when using a dodge (mechanic to avoid damage) is just insane.

> - Then right after that part of mesmers core mechanic got a whole rework which is something no other profession has gotten in its entirety of the games existence despite how badly some of them need it.


> Professions like Necro, Rev, to this day still have more problematic issues at a core level that directly ruins and handy caps their e specs anet still has yet to answer the question if they will ever see rework like mesmers to adress them. Its like mesmer gets its what it wants at every turn. Then mesmer mains sit here and question why people dont like them and why everyone wants their profession nerfed when it stomps over whats suppose to be the pros of every other profession.


> You can question that scourge was badly busted for a whilebut guess what

> Scourge was broken by a bug for nearly a month which was not intended by the devs. (oops accidental damage)



> How ever

> The addition of alacrity to chono was intended (Very unique buff)

> The mechnics of mirage was intended (very broken dodge mechanic that allows one to deal damage at the same time)

> The mesmer shatter and phantasms rework was intended. (A revamp of how the core of the class works improving it and its specs by a factor of several times) I could let this one go if they started to rework other professions but it seems they have no plans on doing that **Which is what annoys me the most**


> What other profession has these kind of hand outs through its history. None of them do.


Simply buy your statements alone it seems you haven't read my entire post,thank you for supporting several of my statements as you and several others have now helped me proves that the majority of people complaining about Mesmer simply don't understand how it functions and instead of actually wanting to see proper balance you rather the class be gutted.

If you actually went to the Mesmer thread in professions you would actually see that a good majority of the people that main Mesmer are up right honest about whats broken with the class, as well have come up with some very good ideas about how to fix them.

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> @"Jojo.6590" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:


> >

> > Nice speech but no...

> > All the professions you listed do have strong specs but non that compare with the sheer mechanics of mesmer and its e specs.

> >

> > **Do you not realize how much freedom and power mesmer gets from the developers of this game.**

> > - When chono was first introduced they got alacrity which was something no other profession could do at the time. This alone solidified mesmer in any content in pve regardless of their damage or shatter issues. (its just now bleeding to other professions but mostly still covered by chrono)

> > - Now comes Mirage, Which came with the power to evade any attack while allowing nearly any strong offensive action to take place at the same time. Not to mention the sheer amount of condi application from 1 player when using a dodge (mechanic to avoid damage) is just insane.

> > - Then right after that part of mesmers core mechanic got a whole rework which is something no other profession has gotten in its entirety of the games existence despite how badly some of them need it.

> >

> > Professions like Necro, Rev, to this day still have more problematic issues at a core level that directly ruins and handy caps their e specs anet still has yet to answer the question if they will ever see rework like mesmers to adress them. Its like mesmer gets its what it wants at every turn. Then mesmer mains sit here and question why people dont like them and why everyone wants their profession nerfed when it stomps over whats suppose to be the pros of every other profession.

> >

> > You can question that scourge was badly busted for a whilebut guess what

> > Scourge was broken by a bug for nearly a month which was not intended by the devs. (oops accidental damage)

> >

> >

> > How ever

> > The addition of alacrity to chono was intended (Very unique buff)

> > The mechnics of mirage was intended (very broken dodge mechanic that allows one to deal damage at the same time)

> > The mesmer shatter and phantasms rework was intended. (A revamp of how the core of the class works improving it and its specs by a factor of several times) I could let this one go if they started to rework other professions but it seems they have no plans on doing that **Which is what annoys me the most**

> >

> > What other profession has these kind of hand outs through its history. None of them do.


> Simply buy your statements alone it seems you haven't read my entire post,thank you for supporting several of my statements as you and several others have now helped me proves that the majority of people complaining about Mesmer simply don't understand how it functions and instead of actually wanting to see proper balance you rather the class be gutted.

> If you actually went to the Mesmer thread in professions you would actually see that a good majority of the people that main Mesmer are up right honest about whats broken with the class, as well have come up with some very good ideas about how to fix them.


Every profession has players that come up with very good ideas "THAT LOOK GOOD TO THEM!" The moment some one from another profession looks at those ideas they can see how busted they would be. Most nerfs that mesmers suggest are followed by buffs or trades that completely make the previous adjustment pointless. It does not matter how honest you are its still fact that its broken and simply only having mesmer players say this should be "x" and this should be "y" is not changing what it is in the "now".


Ive already addressed your Definition of **"Gutted"**

oh no there goes that word again. Its what you use to over state what would be making making one profession take a few steps down to stand with several others. While in reality its in a good spot still.


"Not understanding how mesmer works" is some how and excuse to allowing it to continue to be broken. The number of times mesmers have said this sickens me to my core. "You just dont understand how we work." As if its rocket science or something and I need 3 out standing degree's to understand when certain mechanics are broken by design.


You can continue to say that people are proving your point but the point is anet will act when enough people start finding that mesmer is causing things to be **unenjoyable** and it wont matter if people understand you or not. I dont want to see it gutted just fixed as it should be.


Make a post in great detail... better yet actually make a video with voice descriptive details.

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

Again, and this will be the last time I speak in regards to you as you seem to only want to believe what you feel is correct when indeed it is not. I went over in detail of how Mesmer is currently broken, explaining in detail which traits and abilities allow for it to be broken, if you chose to comment on someones post about their statements, its best to first read their entire post. Then you'd understand how you have greatly help me in proving several points about the people asking for Mesmer to be nerfed.



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> @"Jojo.6590" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> Again, and this will be the last time I speak in regards to you as you seem to only want to believe what you feel is correct when indeed it is not. I went over in detail of how Mesmer is currently broken, explaining in detail which traits and abilities allow for it to be broken, if you chose to comment on someones post about their statements, its best to first read their entire post. Then you'd understand how you have greatly help me in proving several points about the people asking for Mesmer to be nerfed.




Ok... same goes to you its best you do the same.

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"Jojo.6590" said:

> > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> >

> > >

> > > Nice speech but no...

> > > All the professions you listed do have strong specs but non that compare with the sheer mechanics of mesmer and its e specs.

> > >

> > > **Do you not realize how much freedom and power mesmer gets from the developers of this game.**

> > > - When chono was first introduced they got alacrity which was something no other profession could do at the time. This alone solidified mesmer in any content in pve regardless of their damage or shatter issues. (its just now bleeding to other professions but mostly still covered by chrono)

> > > - Now comes Mirage, Which came with the power to evade any attack while allowing nearly any strong offensive action to take place at the same time. Not to mention the sheer amount of condi application from 1 player when using a dodge (mechanic to avoid damage) is just insane.

> > > - Then right after that part of mesmers core mechanic got a whole rework which is something no other profession has gotten in its entirety of the games existence despite how badly some of them need it.

> > >

> > > Professions like Necro, Rev, to this day still have more problematic issues at a core level that directly ruins and handy caps their e specs anet still has yet to answer the question if they will ever see rework like mesmers to adress them. Its like mesmer gets its what it wants at every turn. Then mesmer mains sit here and question why people dont like them and why everyone wants their profession nerfed when it stomps over whats suppose to be the pros of every other profession.

> > >

> > > You can question that scourge was badly busted for a whilebut guess what

> > > Scourge was broken by a bug for nearly a month which was not intended by the devs. (oops accidental damage)

> > >

> > >

> > > How ever

> > > The addition of alacrity to chono was intended (Very unique buff)

> > > The mechnics of mirage was intended (very broken dodge mechanic that allows one to deal damage at the same time)

> > > The mesmer shatter and phantasms rework was intended. (A revamp of how the core of the class works improving it and its specs by a factor of several times) I could let this one go if they started to rework other professions but it seems they have no plans on doing that **Which is what annoys me the most**

> > >

> > > What other profession has these kind of hand outs through its history. None of them do.

> >

> > Simply buy your statements alone it seems you haven't read my entire post,thank you for supporting several of my statements as you and several others have now helped me proves that the majority of people complaining about Mesmer simply don't understand how it functions and instead of actually wanting to see proper balance you rather the class be gutted.

> > If you actually went to the Mesmer thread in professions you would actually see that a good majority of the people that main Mesmer are up right honest about whats broken with the class, as well have come up with some very good Most nerfs that mesmers suggest are followed by buffs or trades that completely make the previous adjustment pointless.

That's ridicolous

> Make a post in great detail... better yet actually make a video with voice descriptive details.

You don't need any video about it, just the wiki (if you truly know how **mirage**/**chrono** work


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> @"Hylo.1968" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > @"Jojo.6590" said:

> > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > >

> > > >

> > > > Nice speech but no...

> > > > All the professions you listed do have strong specs but non that compare with the sheer mechanics of mesmer and its e specs.

> > > >

> > > > **Do you not realize how much freedom and power mesmer gets from the developers of this game.**

> > > > - When chono was first introduced they got alacrity which was something no other profession could do at the time. This alone solidified mesmer in any content in pve regardless of their damage or shatter issues. (its just now bleeding to other professions but mostly still covered by chrono)

> > > > - Now comes Mirage, Which came with the power to evade any attack while allowing nearly any strong offensive action to take place at the same time. Not to mention the sheer amount of condi application from 1 player when using a dodge (mechanic to avoid damage) is just insane.

> > > > - Then right after that part of mesmers core mechanic got a whole rework which is something no other profession has gotten in its entirety of the games existence despite how badly some of them need it.

> > > >

> > > > Professions like Necro, Rev, to this day still have more problematic issues at a core level that directly ruins and handy caps their e specs anet still has yet to answer the question if they will ever see rework like mesmers to adress them. Its like mesmer gets its what it wants at every turn. Then mesmer mains sit here and question why people dont like them and why everyone wants their profession nerfed when it stomps over whats suppose to be the pros of every other profession.

> > > >

> > > > You can question that scourge was badly busted for a whilebut guess what

> > > > Scourge was broken by a bug for nearly a month which was not intended by the devs. (oops accidental damage)

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > How ever

> > > > The addition of alacrity to chono was intended (Very unique buff)

> > > > The mechnics of mirage was intended (very broken dodge mechanic that allows one to deal damage at the same time)

> > > > The mesmer shatter and phantasms rework was intended. (A revamp of how the core of the class works improving it and its specs by a factor of several times) I could let this one go if they started to rework other professions but it seems they have no plans on doing that **Which is what annoys me the most**

> > > >

> > > > What other profession has these kind of hand outs through its history. None of them do.

> > >

> > > Simply buy your statements alone it seems you haven't read my entire post,thank you for supporting several of my statements as you and several others have now helped me proves that the majority of people complaining about Mesmer simply don't understand how it functions and instead of actually wanting to see proper balance you rather the class be gutted.

> > > If you actually went to the Mesmer thread in professions you would actually see that a good majority of the people that main Mesmer are up right honest about whats broken with the class, as well have come up with some very good Most nerfs that mesmers suggest are followed by buffs or trades that completely make the previous adjustment pointless.

> That's ridicolous

> > Make a post in great detail... better yet actually make a video with voice descriptive details.

> You don't need any video about it, just the wiki (if you truly know how **mirage**/**chrono** work



Or you could just play the game. Which I you know... do... But I do agree that this is redicolous

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> @"Jojo.6590" said:


>First off, the level of toxicity amongst players in these “OP class” threads is degusting. When you debate with someone and can no longer disprove or prove your point and then jump to stating the other person’s grammar is bad, they’re bed, etc you automatically INVADIALTE your entire side.


_No you don't. You don't get to discredit a fair point in its entirety based on the nature of a portion of the the people who made it. You may only do that if they do not have a solid foundation for accusing the target of the argument (in this case, mesmer being broken) to begin with. People get passionate, especially when things are unfair. You can only disregard them if they are lying or completely unfounded. The nature of the argument is the class is, at this time, overpowered, and that holds true in several cases for Mesmer._


>The amount of fabricated claims against Mesmer is just insane at this point. Eight plus clones to prema stealth, the list goes on. Before claiming a class is broken why don’t you try playing it first, to see how it functions. Mesmer cannot have any more than THREE clones up at one time! However, they may have 3 clones up and several phantasms at one time. Phantasms are extremely easy to notice as they’re a transparent purple/ pink. The Phantasm change was a very BIG quality of life change for Mesmer, especially because of how its main mechanic functions. This is both a buff and a nerf, as Mesmers can no longer rely on phantasms to rally them when they’re down. If you every played Mesmer, it has some of the WORST down state abilities.


You're ignoring the fact that "several phantasms" is a large portion of what makes the class currently broken. The fact that they are extremely easy to notice IS part of the problem, not to mention to the fact that "several" can easily mean half a dozen, each of which do damage, apply soft cc, and grant boons. If you would, please take a look at the Staff / Sword Shield Chronomancer. No class should be able to manifest so many phantasms that it locks down anyone outside of 900r.


People who do not play mesmer will use "clone" as a blanket term for "illusion" or "phantasm" I am pretty sure the balance team knows this as well.


_I'll ignore the low hanging fruit of "Mesmers can no longer rely on phantasms to rally them while they're down."_


>Some of my favorite fabricated complaints about Mesmer besides the two mentioned already includes the ones asking to do away with clones/ phantasms completely as its too hard to tell where the Mesmer is, or how **Mesmer has no tells on its more devastating skills.**


Mesmer can initiate burst from stealth.


>Understand this clearly, this is the gimmick of Mesmer, its not going to change, learn to tab target or acutely focus the clones. Fighting a Mesmer is like playing the game “one of these things does not belong”, the one with the most buffs on their bar usually is the Mesmer, that’s not hard to notice, unless you don’t pay attention to it! Because of the phantasm changes you can NO longer ignore clones, you need to kill them. This is extremely easy to do since they have very little health. Its also not hard to tell When a Mesmer is going to shatter, look 3 clones are up and they’re all suddenly running towards me = shatter inc.


**We aren't largely complaining that mesmer is too hard to find. We are claiming that mesmer has too much access to too many tools for fights versus mesmers to be fair. Deflection.**


>Or better yet the claims that stealth is too powerful for Mesmer as it can hide them, before they burst.

>You know that’s not just a massive tell but there is also another class called thief that does this too, maybe you should treat the Mesmer a bit like a >thief when you notice them going into stealth.


Deflection, but I'll bite. You mean whine for their damage to be nerfed? Got it.



>Last are the ones asking for Mesmer to see 70%-80% damage reduction, THAT’S STRIGHT UP GUTTING A CLASS, does not matter what class this is >done to THAT’S GUTTING ALL DAMAGE FROM A CLASS


O h l o o k.


> There are other classes/ specs way more broken them Mesmer! Warrior, Guard, Reve, Ranger, Thief, Necro all have specs that are extremely powerful/ broken. Yet all the hate is pushed towards Mesmer, because Its suddenly good to play when it once was not too much of a threat. What Mesmer is currently able to do now Thief has been able to due for years! The amount of condies a Mesmer puts out is nothing compared to a necro nor the stacks of burning from a fire brane. Ranger; decent mobility, health regen, and a pet that does about 95% of their damage while they can soak up everything and anything. I can go way more into detail but if you made it this far I guess its time for what you’ve been waiting for!


Deflection. It's always been a threat and all of those classes you listed have at one point been D or E tier. OMEGALUL REVE.


>F4 ability distortion causes any clones (max of 3) that were destroyed by this ability to spawn mirage mirrors due to the desert distortion trait. Each mirror procs mirage cloak which does not just trigger the ambush attack but also triggers renewing oasis and evasive mirror (the later if an attack was avoided). EM is a free break out of jail free card and condi cleanse, but only when the dodge button is used. Signet of Illusions is used to reset distortion to do the rotation again with little to no down time, thus making a mirage very difficult to pin down. On top of this, the ambush on the one handed sword is upright over powered, it is a spam-able blink that does not require you to actually hit the dodge button like EM nor does it require you to have a target to cast, it simply requires mirage cloak.


I zoomed in on "only when the dodge button is used", as if endurance is a hefty price to pay for not eating a burst when you're out of cds.


> Chrono:

> This has to do mostly with just one trait and the phantasm change, and that is Chronophantasma; When a phantasma dies it is re-summoned, does its attack again and then dies and becomes a clone. This definitely needs some changes and is why phantasmal Defender/ disenchanter is so powerful. Either put an ICD on it or it change it so that phantasms no longer spawn a clone after it dies.


If you go that route, the problem is also with Continuum split, and Ether signet. It would be easier to cap the phantasms or reduce their damage/effects.


Mesmer mains are saying the phantasm change is "much needed". And I am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt on that given that pve might need it. A revert would be nice, but it is unfeasible given that the balance team cannot split mechanics between pve and pvp/wvw.


> I Have posted this as a show of good faith, in hopes of seeing other players come out about what truly is broken for their classes as I have for mine. This is what the forums are for, not fighting each other, that’s why we have PVP! If we do this, it will make it that much more easy for the Devs to properly balance classes, and maybe give them a bit of extra time to create some cool surprises for us.




Yes. The class needs to be balanced from the top down. Please do not gut mesmer's core like you've done with several other specs when elites overperform, balance devs. That being said, they still have a heaping plate of advantages, and it needs to be addressed.


I read your whole post, what do I win?




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Miss miss miss miss, block block,

Evade evade..

Block block..stealth.. block block..

Invulnerable, miss miss..


You critically hit X for 200 on a 8x 3k channel ONCE..

Your target disappeared and you are swinging in thin air..

A wild flurry appeared.


It's super effective..

Stealth.. block block..

miss miss, miss miss,

>!miss miss miss, miss miss miss.. miss miss.. %$#% miss..


Things hit you, or you hit you for over 9000

You are stunned..

You want to cast..

You are confused..

You are dead...


My combat log doesn't lie..


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> @"Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046" said:

> Miss miss miss miss, block block,

> Evade evade..

> Block block..stealth.. block block..

> Invulnerable, miss miss..

> Evade..

> You critically hit X for 200 on a 8x 3k channel ONCE..

> Your target disappeared and you are swinging in thin air..

> A wild flurry appeared.

> Invulnerable

> It's super effective..

> Stealth.. block block..

> miss miss, miss miss,

> >!miss miss miss, miss miss miss.. miss miss.. %$#% miss..

> Evade..

> Things hit you, or you hit you for over 9000

> You are stunned..

> You want to cast..

> You are confused..

> You are dead...


> My combat log doesn't lie..



Yep this is true. And oh after all of those defenses are expired they just teleport away and wait for them to come back. Yes!!!

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> @"Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046" said:

> Miss miss miss miss, block block,

> Evade evade..

> Block block..stealth.. block block..

> Invulnerable, miss miss..

> Evade..

> You critically hit X for 200 on a 8x 3k channel ONCE..

> Your target disappeared and you are swinging in thin air..

> A wild flurry appeared.

> Invulnerable

> It's super effective..

> Stealth.. block block..

> miss miss, miss miss,

> >!miss miss miss, miss miss miss.. miss miss.. %$#% miss..

> Evade..

> Things hit you, or you hit you for over 9000

> You are stunned..

> You want to cast..

> You are confused..

> You are dead...


> My combat log doesn't lie..



THIS is daily event ... nice balancing

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> @"Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046" said:

> Miss miss miss miss, block block,

> Evade evade..

> Block block..stealth.. block block..

> Invulnerable, miss miss..

> Evade..

> You critically hit X for 200 on a 8x 3k channel ONCE..

> Your target disappeared and you are swinging in thin air..

> A wild flurry appeared.

> Invulnerable

> It's super effective..

> Stealth.. block block..

> miss miss, miss miss,

> >!miss miss miss, miss miss miss.. miss miss.. %$#% miss..

> Evade..

> Things hit you, or you hit you for over 9000

> You are stunned..

> You want to cast..

> You are confused..

> You are dead...


> My combat log doesn't lie..



When combat log tells you to just stand and take it "It will be over soon my child" :'(

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