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Avoiding Grubs

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TL;DR - What is the feasibility of an optional model replacement for grubs (and similar) enemies? (Please note this is not a demand).


(Originally posted [here](

) on Reddit) My partner suffers from a severe case of vermiphobia, making some exploration and map completion almost impossible without slowing our progress to guide them through risky areas (though they usually opt to cheese it or forego the area entirely).


Has anyone else had issues with this as well? If so, what ways have you worked around this?

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While I can sympathize with your partner's phobia and how it must make some gameplay difficult, I don't think it's likely that a model change for the offending enemies will happen. It'd require some rather specific developer time and changes, and since it'd be for a very small portion of the gaming population, I can't imagine it happening.


Unfortunately, I can't really think of any helpful advice on how to work around it. I hope you and your partner are able to work out something that works for you both.

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It know and have my own phobia. But the issue is that there are so many, fear of heights are limiting people to do jumping puzzles. Fear of water also blocks map completion. Etc.

a common way to fear a real life phobia is actually facing ones fear in a virtual world. So help your partner. Let him/her play alone, with you fysicially at his/her side. Support and be gentle. And if it gets too much, take over,

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I would add a suggestion: Zoom out. Way out. Use camera control settings to get your camera as far from the action as possible. At that point the grubs are more visible by nameplates than by grotesque wormy features. Then peripherally watch the ground so as to avoid standing in ick, while mostly focusing on the target name plate at the top of the screen.


It's a lot less immersive, but I think your friend wants to avoid this particular immersion :)

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I'm extremely grateful for the sympathy and suggestions I've received so far (both here and on the subreddit).




> @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> While I can sympathize with your partner's phobia and how it must make some gameplay difficult, I don't think it's likely that a model change for the offending enemies will happen. It'd require some rather specific developer time and changes, and since it'd be for a very small portion of the gaming population, I can't imagine it happening.


Yeah, I'm aware that this isn't a major issue. I would imagine however that the engine supports modifying the colour palette for any given entity which could aid both colour blind people and some issues with arachnophobia and vermiphobia. For example: if a grub is surrounded in particle effects y/o has a brighter colour scheme, it masks the shape of the abdomen and adds disbelief to my partner's fear, allowing them to tolerate it long enough to get rid of it.


As of now, I already partially follow the advice of @"Donari.5237" in that I typically have my partner either remove their glasses and zoom out, OR close their eyes. Then I guide them through areas with high population of grubs, killing any along the way which turn hostile. However, this does mean that they aren't able to tag any kills and I'm basically escorting them through caves and forests.

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> @"Aisyx.3742" said:


> As of now, I already partially follow the advice of @"Donari.5237" in that I typically have my partner either remove their glasses and zoom out, OR close their eyes. Then I guide them through areas with high population of grubs, killing any along the way which turn hostile. However, this does mean that they aren't able to tag any kills and I'm basically escorting them through caves and forests.


Don't forget Ogre Pet Whistles, Flame Elemental Powder, and any class or race skills that can summon pets to fight for them. Pets and turrets don't care what they're attacking, and can continue to work even when the player is somewhat distracted.

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Afaik, GW2 doesn't allow this, but if the game allowed you to "override" things like graphics etc, like how several types of games allows you to put files in an "override" folder in the game install folder, and have the game load those instead of the original files.


That would have allowed you to make a local change, to for example modify one enemy type to "look" like another. (example, change the grub with a bandit...)


Iirc, I think this is possible in WOW. I remember it being possible in the old Infinity Engine games (Baldurs Gate etc). All the Elder Scrolls games etc. But can understand why ANet wouldn't want it for their game.

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> @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> Afaik, GW2 doesn't allow this, but if the game allowed you to "override" things like graphics etc, like how several types of games allows you to put files in an "override" folder in the game install folder, and have the game load those instead of the original files.


> That would have allowed you to make a local change, to for example modify one enemy type to "look" like another. (example, change the grub with a bandit...)


> Iirc, I think this is possible in WOW. I remember it being possible in the old Infinity Engine games (Baldurs Gate etc). All the Elder Scrolls games etc. But can understand why ANet wouldn't want it for their game.


I remember that, I thought it was a nice touch. This would allow you to, for example, use a bear model instead of a grub. It'd still be a grub as far as the game is concerned and have all the attacks you would expect but it would appear as a bear on your client alone.


I do not believe that GW2 allows you to do this but maybe there is a way though?

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Oh... I thought this was going to be about PvP players in the lobby... Only way for your friend to avoid grubs without relying on you OP is a mass AOE attack from afar, sending their pet in if they are a ranger, or being brave, getting in there, and cleaning up. They should find some satisfaction in clearing them out.

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> @"Aisyx.3742" said:

> TL;DR - What is the feasibility of an optional model replacement for grubs (and similar) enemies? (Please note this is not a demand).


> (Originally posted [here](

) on Reddit) My partner suffers from a severe case of vermiphobia, making some exploration and map completion almost impossible without slowing our progress to guide them through risky areas (though they usually opt to cheese it or forego the area entirely).


> Has anyone else had issues with this as well? If so, what ways have you worked around this?


I'm sorry for your Partner but unfortunatly, if game designers would take into account all more or less common phobia then we would barely have enemies to fight...

No Spiders, Grubs nor Dogs (Fear of Dogs is actually a surprisingly common phobia). Nor would we have flight, heights or dark places or Thunderbolt and lightning (..very very frightening me...).

Then come people who dislike any amount of gore (no more risen, undead, awakened), people who're afraid of skeletons etc etc and then we end up with a bunch of ambient creatures. Or not, most of them are insects & frogs and people are scared of them as well so we're left with bunnys and chicken. But I've met 2 people already who're scared of chicken and one who was scared of bunnys (watched too much Knights of the holy grail by monty python I assume). But then we still have a world full of forrests and flowers and dirt and untamed nature. Oh but the fear of germs is pretty damn common as well so we'll have to clean that up as well. Then we're left with a few of the cleaner rooms of rata sum or so.


I'm exaggerating but people are weird and while I truly understand how troublesome it must be for your partner I'm afraid there isn't much to do against that. Just try to avoid those areas and when you play together clean those areas for him/her. I hope you get my point ;)

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I can sympathize for sure; for the longest time, playing games that had spiders in them gave me the creeps, especially BIG spiders. Most of the time I had a flamethrower or something, but when I had a measly pistol or a plank, I'm like: So much nope! Then, I discovered something odd: If I'm protecting someone, I bulldoze through the fear and see my goal already completed, if that makes sense. And, I know it sounds terrible, but I laughed when Trahearne got pulled by a spider, it's like : "ho crap, what's this even? oh my gosh aaagggghhhh!" *flail*


well done!

yep, I need sleep.

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