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Would be cool to have new maps!


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(Edit- This is about adding in more active maps to play on, not changing the current set of maps. So we have more than 4 maps in play)


Think it’s time to upgrade wvw by adding in a bunch if new maps, on top of the ones we already have. Seems reasonable for a few reasons… A good chunk of the player base participates (to varying degrees) in wvw, and would be a great refresher to have some new maps. Alliance stuff is coming, and having an additional set of maps would be a great way to launch that ship. Lastly, the game world is one of the most important aspects, and so far the game world inside wvw is running pretty stale…


“You can’t go halfway on a world,” he argues. “A world is such a powerful thing. It’s where your friends are. It’s the relaxing place where you hang out in the quiet moments between challenges. It’s the home that you grow to love, and that you’re ready to fight to defend when the story asks you to. We came to realize that the world wasn’t the setting; the world was the game.” -MO


See this thread for what I mean about “a good chunk” and for that MO quote…



See this thread for map ideas...



Future main competitor RvR world map, compared to GW2- http://camelotunchained.com/v3/bsc-design-docs/rvr-map/


Just to put things into perspective…


New PvE maps since August 28th 2012…






















That’s 20 new maps (with tons of content) over the course of 68 months. That's an average of 1 new pve map every 3.4 months. There are a total of 51 pve maps.




WvW maps since August 28th 2012…




That’s 2 new maps (which requires less content creation) over the course of 68 months. That’s 1 new map for wvw players every 34 months. There are a total of 5 wvw maps.


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I'd argue that many of us don't want or care about new maps, especially after the original bad format of DBL and how that disaster was forced on us. Maybe if they fixed balance, lag, and cheating I'd be all-in for something new, but at this point nope. I want to see the alliance system implemented first before they dedicate sparse wvw resources to maps.


Also, MO doesn't really seem to....get...wvw. "90/40/30%", yo.

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Takes a year to make a new map.

Last two efforts have been... not so great as rated by the players... eotm desert.


I'd like for them to at least make variations such as turning ebg into a winterscape, abl into a jungle(with tall trees that doesn't interfere with your view like auric basin). You can keep the layouts just change the look of the environment, also desert might be better as a winter map too.




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> @"Offair.2563" said:

> We all remember the huge successs DBL was at launch.


If you combine "new maps" and "wvw" into same sentence, you need to remember what happened when Anet tried to refresh WvW last time. Even now, years later, there are players, guilds and whole servers who avoid desert map.

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I would be nice to have 4 different maps. But they have to be almost the same and fair. And you can see how much they failed that when looking at the DBL.


I would love to have a Jungle, a Mountain and a desert map. If they would all be like the first borderland map. It would have been sufficent to just Change the textures. Just like they are doing witht he Events.


I would not Count on it since they failed twice so miserably.

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> @"Blodeuyn.2751" said:

> I'd argue that many of us don't want or care about new maps, especially after the original bad format of DBL and how that disaster was forced on us. Maybe if they fixed balance, lag, and cheating I'd be all-in for something new, but at this point nope. I want to see the alliance system implemented first before they dedicate sparse wvw resources to maps.


> Also, MO doesn't really seem to....get...wvw. "90/40/30%", yo.


I’d argue that the team is capable of doing multiple changes if they chose to.

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> @"CrimsonNeonite.1048" said:

> I don't think new maps are really needed.

> They could update the old maps visually and redesign the desert borderlands a bit, but otherwise they are as good as it gets. It's the least of the problems, most of us have with wvw.


And what happens to wvw when GW2 doesn’t make upgrades and players bail for CU?



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+10. Would love to see new additional maps. To me new maps means different tactics and that keep things fresh. I know others that are fine with same map everyday but personally I think we lost a lot of people over time since they didn't and same old same old lost to new and shinny.

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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> +10. Would love to see new additional maps. To me new maps means different tactics and that keep things fresh. I know others that are fine with same map everyday but personally I think we lost a lot of people over time since they didn't and same old same old lost to new and shinny.


Agreed about the new tactics.


A vocal group (whether major or

Minor depends on your perspective) couldn't/wouldn't adapt to the tactics required by the desert BL.


There in lies a large part of the problem with new maps. Though, the idea of three different BLs rotated between red blue and green would be good if it didn't take too much time from other needed WvW fixes.

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The maps besides the DBL are very simplistic and they kinda have to be. A new map would probably change up things quite a bit, with hundreds of new sneaky spots etc. to be discovered.


Imo the alpine borderlands and potentially EB should get some slight tweaks/overhauls but nothing mayor like greatly changing the overall structure. Things like the Skritt and Centaur camp don't have much of a place there and just changing the landscape a little in general might be a great idea. It's just a barren wasteland without much variation. The desert brought with it many more choke points and the importance of high ground that I feel like are really nice. I'd love to see more of that in the boring alpine maps honestly, especially now that you can glide.


The desert "sucks" for most people because they don't want to put in the time and effort to learn about the structure. Fire and Air Keep are some of the most confusing things to ever exist and often times you're not really sure if the path you're following is going to lead up to the cliff you want to get on but once you are past that I feel like DBL is simply a better map than the other BLs could ever be.



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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > +10. Would love to see new additional maps. To me new maps means different tactics and that keep things fresh. I know others that are fine with same map everyday but personally I think we lost a lot of people over time since they didn't and same old same old lost to new and shinny.


> Agreed about the new tactics.


> A vocal group (whether major or

> Minor depends on your perspective) couldn't/wouldn't adapt to the tactics required by the desert BL.


> There in lies a large part of the problem with new maps. Though, the idea of three different BLs rotated between red blue and green would be good if it didn't take too much time from other needed WvW fixes.


Truthfully, if we are tied to just 4 maps due to whatever, then would have loved to see a system of various maps that are randomly rotated in each week. Picture we had a pool of 20 maps that would sub in for the 4 each week with a system that ensured a map used last week was not valid for the random choice for the new week. Now I agree this would be too much for a lot of people, but that would have keep things fresh.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"CrimsonNeonite.1048" said:

> > I don't think new maps are really needed.

> > They could update the old maps visually and redesign the desert borderlands a bit, but otherwise they are as good as it gets. It's the least of the problems, most of us have with wvw.


> And what happens to wvw when GW2 doesn’t make upgrades and players bail for CU?


> http://camelotunchained.com/v3/bsc-design-docs/rvr-map/


One of the reasons that Warhammer Online had players fighting in their WvW up to the last minutes that the servers were on was the amount of maps that were played on. Was in game from beta up to the lights going out. You could start WvW at level 1 and rank all the way to max level by nothing but WvW. Admit spoiled from that a bit, there were effectively 29 maps in play with a tug of war style system in the highest group of maps. So as the fight pushed on way or another the maps you played on changed as the fight moved on. And that's not counting the open world PVP servers that allowed player versus player everywhere. Fighting that world boss, uhho here comes the otherside. PvPvAI now. So just having effectively two for years before getting EoTM and DBL was a bit redundant. But I would hope there isn't that long before another map comes out.

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> Takes a year to make a new map.

> Last two efforts have been... not so great as rated by the players... eotm desert.


> I'd like for them to at least make variations such as turning ebg into a winterscape, abl into a jungle(with tall trees that doesn't interfere with your view like auric basin). You can keep the layouts just change the look of the environment, also desert might be better as a winter map too.

Yea would be kinda nice... or at least give it seasons maybe. That do what you said.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> Agreed about the new tactics.


> A vocal group (whether major or

> Minor depends on your perspective) couldn't/wouldn't adapt to the tactics required by the desert BL.


> There in lies a large part of the problem with new maps.

Yeah, basically that. The playerbase has this _really_ fine line between "we want something new and different" and "this is too different, we're going to throw a collective tantrum about it for literally years rather than adapt".

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