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Should the Collections for the legendary weapons return? [POLL]

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Hey guys!


I'd like to raise this topic again (if it was ever raised) about the new way of creating the legendary weapons. I need to do it, because what happened to the newest legendary: Claw of the Khan-Ur is unforgivable! I mean the history and the nostalgia as the reader of Ghosts of Ascalon (I read it twice and I still return to it) was finally brought back, and it didn't have ANY side story, ANY new special dialogues with Dougal Keane for example, completely nothing!


When I saw the advertisement on the trailer, I thought this legendary was pretty special for Devs, that they wanted to share their hype about this legendary, and what we got was just some dry gold farming. Of course I love this new legendary, mostly because of the nostalgia, not because I love the skin, I simply like it.


Is there any way to bring the old-fashioned collections for the legendary weapons like before Eureka?


I know the 2/3-months cadence isn't much time, but if I would know that you are working for making the legendaries alive, I mean you feel that you DO the legendary, not FARM it, then I would wait every 2 episodes for the legendaries, because what I really care is quality, not quantity.


I hope this post will be noticed and I hope for quite interesting discussion about where the legendary weapons are heading to.


Do you like the new way (buying Shards and farm), or would you like to get legendary weapons every 2 episodes (?) (If they will need that time to prepare the collection and design) and have the collection/side story for them like all 1st-generation legendary weapons and first four 2nd-generation weapons or like the ones following after Eureka?


Thank you for your attention!

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No but not for the reason you stated in the poll.

It's because, as Anet stated when they decided to remove collectons, doing a legendary weapon collection takes too much time (including bugs to required events still present even on old collections), meaning that we wouldn't get a legendary weapon every living episode anymore and that's far worse than not having a collection imo.

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no because,


> @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> It's because, as Anet stated when they decided to remove collectons, doing a legendary weapon collection takes too much time (including bugs to required events still present even on old collections), meaning that we wouldn't get a legendary weapon every living episode anymore and that's far worse than not having a collection imo.


however i would like them to add some flavor text to legendary weapons (and maybe precursors)

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> no because,


> > @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> > It's because, as Anet stated when they decided to remove collectons, doing a legendary weapon collection takes too much time (including bugs to required events still present even on old collections), meaning that we wouldn't get a legendary weapon every living episode anymore and that's far worse than not having a collection imo.


> however i would like them to add some flavor text to legendary weapons (and maybe precursors)


I'm fine with that but not at the expense of release times.

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> @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > no because,

> >

> > > @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> > > It's because, as Anet stated when they decided to remove collectons, doing a legendary weapon collection takes too much time (including bugs to required events still present even on old collections), meaning that we wouldn't get a legendary weapon every living episode anymore and that's far worse than not having a collection imo.

> >

> > however i would like them to add some flavor text to legendary weapons (and maybe precursors)


> I'm fine with that but not at the expense of release times.


i doubt having a writer come up with a small paragraph of text takes much time and there already are some weapons with flavor text so the systems are in place.

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Yes it's kinda sad not to have any special involvement with NPCs. But honestly i prefer the new system to the old one. The old system is 1/3 actual "Quest" and lore and 2/3 resource sink with a ton of gated materials. In terms of resource sinks, i much prefer the straight forward no bullshit attached version of current precursor crafting to the old "look it's a quest, kinda".

Second, there's the periodicity involved. Like @"Zaraki.5784" said, when they implemented the current iteration of precursor crafting the devs said the old system was unsustainable, and that this system would allow for devs to release legendaries as soon as the weapon model and effects are in place, without having to delay it for months to get the quest part done.

And even if devs could implement them like that, it would be impossible for players to keep up and actually do the quest as intended, without resorting heavily or exclusively to the trading post (inflating ascended materials a lot) since the time-gated nature of ascended materials would make it impossible for a player to get all of the materials done for the precursor before a second one was released. (you need 100 days worth of Deldrimor steel for most Precursors, the release cadence is roughly 90 days at most, when no issues arise).

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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> As stated above. I would like to see more legendary journeys ofcourse, but if it takes that long to make I dont really see it a good idea. Hence the most ambiguous answer on your list. Yes they should, but I dont care for such a drawn out development process.


I felt like The Shining Blade's side story in One Path Ends was pretty nice. I agree the collections have the bugs, and they do nothing with them, but even though they won't ever think about bringing the collections back, we can also talk about some alternatives like putting the story of legendaries in episodes, or giving some special dialogues, or some special side collection, like for example a mini related to the legendary weapons, for example if you complete the legendary, you can now unlock the collection for your mini- maybe even miniature of the legendary, just an example. :D



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Not in the original form, I found them too annoying and grindy sometimes. But I really enjoyed what they did with the Hunter's Journal in the first Chuka and Champawat collections. So I would vote not for collection, but a little story tied to the individual item. Even if it's just a little thing, but stories are what makes things interesting IMO.

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> @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> No but not for the reason you stated in the poll.

> It's because, as Anet stated when they decided to remove collectons, doing a legendary weapon collection takes too much time (including bugs to required events still present even on old collections), meaning that we wouldn't get a legendary weapon every living episode anymore and that's far worse than not having a collection imo.


^ This.

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Knowing how events bug and are a pain to keep them working, I would say no. It was a nice touch for the 1st gen legendary, but when you need events to FAIL in order to complete a collection, you give the griefers a powerful tool to ruin someone's day. :/

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > As stated above. I would like to see more legendary journeys ofcourse, but if it takes that long to make I dont really see it a good idea. Hence the most ambiguous answer on your list. Yes they should, but I dont care for such a drawn out development process.


> I felt like The Shining Blade's side story in One Path Ends was pretty nice. I agree the collections have the bugs, and they do nothing with them, but even though they won't ever think about bringing the collections back, we can also talk about some alternatives like putting the story of legendaries in episodes, or giving some special dialogues, or some special side collection, like for example a mini related to the legendary weapons, for example if you complete the legendary, you can now unlock the collection for your mini- maybe even miniature of the legendary, just an example. :D


I can only partially agree with pretty nice, because I don't think they should mettle so much in such side stories. =P


And they haven't really done away with legendary style of journeys, in my view. Unlocking the primeval merchant, unlocking the griffon, getting the old dwarven styled weapons, astral/stellar weapons, probably also the henge backitem all are similar to legendary journeys. Some are shorter, some are grindier, but they all seem to serve the same purpose.


Considering legendary weapons really are costly either way I don't feel too bad that they aren't doing those anymore, though on the other hand the stories behind some of them could be explored a bit more.



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Thanks all for really good discussion about this matter!


The reason I posted this poll was that I was pretty upset that Claw of the Khan-Ur didn't get any side story or something like Chuka and Champawat- Mini collection.


I'd vote: 'Yes!!!' though.


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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> Thanks all for really good discussion about this matter!


> The reason I posted this poll was that I was pretty upset that Claw of the Khan-Ur didn't get any side story or something like Chuka and Champawat- Mini collection.


> I'd vote: 'Yes!!!' though.



Most gen2 weps have no side story. You just craft em within 5 mins if you got all mats. Claw isnt any different, ANET said that it requires many resources to do collections. Also, the original Claw is inside black citadel, if memory serves....

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> Hey guys!


> I'd like to raise this topic again (if it was ever raised) about the new way of creating the legendary weapons. I need to do it, because what happened to the newest legendary: Claw of the Khan-Ur is unforgivable! I mean the history and the nostalgia as the reader of Ghosts of Ascalon (I read it twice and I still return to it) was finally brought back, and it didn't have ANY side story, ANY new special dialogues with Dougal Keane for example, completely nothing!


> Thank you for your attention!


But... I would much prefer they be implemented similar to the Caladbolg and Griffon where you have an epic journey to an end mission that fights a nasty boss (well Griffon boss wasn't that nasty but you get my point). I always thought Legendary weapons would include some form of boss fight related to the lore e.g. you are on a legendary quest to find the ghost of so and so, I was a bit disappointed to discover that the collections involved a boat load of gold and no "final battle." Granted the collection quests were fun. I recently crafted the Jugg and giggled at the ooze part of the collection. I also don't think the collections need to be as involved as they are in the Gen 1 and Gen 2s.


I guess, I am just disappointed the collections were removed because to me, they represented a truly unique aspect of this game that set it apart from others.


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I like the new way. I've made both Chuka and Champawat and H.O.P.E. and found the scavenger hunt for H.O.P.E. to be much less engaging than the one for Chuka; when i got to tier4 of H.O.P.E. and saw that 59-item collection page, that was really demotivating. The difference between those 2 collections (for me) was that Chuka had an actual story with connections, whereas H.O.P.E. was just 'kill this boss for x item' take four similar items to place C and press 'f'- there was no emotional connection, unlike finding out what you did during Chuka and Champawat.

In voting so, i haven't made any of that type of gen2 legendary though i did make the Moot and Bifrost as i got their precursors as drop/tp.

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> @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> No but not for the reason you stated in the poll.

> It's because, as Anet stated when they decided to remove collectons, doing a legendary weapon collection takes too much time (including bugs to required events still present even on old collections), meaning that we wouldn't get a legendary weapon every living episode anymore and that's far worse than not having a collection imo.


Yeah, this. I think some flavor text to certain items could be done without too much issue, but I wouldn't want them to try to do the old HoT collection way that took up so much time.

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