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Are you content with the State of PvP since the launch of Path of Fire?


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It sucks, really because the PvP team is doing fucking well, implementing ATs and stuff.


Even the balance team is doing somewhat more frequent changes, they just happen to miss the mark HARD and often. Most of the changes either do nothing or just break things even more.

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Not in the slightest and I'm surprised this is even a question. They dropped the expansion in t he middle of a season and PvP has been a complete rolling dumpster fire ever since. No semblance of class balance. I mean we are talking utterly clueless. When they do try to nerf something that needs they do so in an over the top hamfisted way that makes it unplayable. Then the nonsensically nerf/buff things that didn't need it to begin with or skills no one uses. It stems form 2 reasons. they don't listen to the community and clearly don't play their own game. The cheating is completely out of control. So yeah PVP is in the worst state I have ever seen it since launch.

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I'm not in the slightest bit satisfied, balance got completely out of hand since PoF. I'm actually disappointed because I expected the devs to have learned something about balance with the first experience which as HoT but instead PvP became but a shadow of what it used to be, it's sad to see the game mode that brought me to the game become so bad and not fun that made me take a break from the game its been 2 months now.

It's even more sad to me when I think about my class, revenant, and realize that anet makes it more obvious each patch that they don't understand their own class and don't seem to be interested at all in fixing it, rev still carries a lot of bugs/glitches since day one of it's launch.


I have hope that the devs can put things back on track, but until then I will just stay away from the game and watch how things evolve in future patches.

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> @"Coolguy.8702" said:

> Frequent balance patches now, more communication between devs and players on forums. Only thing pvp needs now tho is variety, doing the same thing over and over gets boring af after a while


Last balance patch was two seasons ago.

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I am fine. Even though I play ele, lulz. They try to communicate, they get their hands (mostly) on what needs tweaking... I don't always agree, but that's alright, I guess.


And I can't really complain about matchmaking, neither last season nor this one (so far). Except that it takes long, but that's not Anet's fault.


€: Oh, I hope they will take more serious action against wintraders and cheaters though... but they obviously try already, which is good.

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> @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> I am fine. Even though I play ele, lulz. They try to communicate, they get their hands (mostly) on what needs tweaking... I don't always agree, but that's alright, I guess.


> And I can't really complain about matchmaking, neither last season nor this one (so far). Except that it takes long, but that's not Anet's fault.


> €: Oh, I hope they will take more serious action against wintraders and cheaters though... but they obviously try already, which is good.


are we playing the same game?

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> @"Devilman.1532" said:

> Not in the slightest and I'm surprised this is even a question. They dropped the expansion in t he middle of a season and PvP has been a complete rolling dumpster fire ever since. No semblance of class balance. I mean we are talking utterly clueless. When they do try to nerf something that needs they do so in an over the top hamfisted way that makes it unplayable. Then the nonsensically nerf/buff things that didn't need it to begin with or skills no one uses. It stems form 2 reasons. they don't listen to the community and clearly don't play their own game. The cheating is completely out of control. So yeah PVP is in the worst state I have ever seen it since launch.


Rolling dumpster fire filled with necro shades and pushed along by Mesmer clones... :angry:


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caused myself and my whole guild to quit lol, so yeah not happy


add back in duo/team queue and balance the game so it's less of a spam fest and more than half of the specialisations are viable (ie multiple supports, not just FB, no scourge dominance etc) and you'll see us again


or don't, I'm totally fine with virtually throwing down in ubisoft's online arena ':-D. sure I'd like to play berserker and scrapper, but not in this PoF meta


but dudes, gw2 PvP post PoF is utter garbage. it's got super powercreep, extremely unbalanced power levels for classes, unpunished hackers, botters and wintraders. plus if you're at a decent rank you can't 'enjoy' the experience w a friend. there is no rational reason to be playing gw2 PvP in 2018

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> @"Jacobin.8509" said:

> Certain POF specs appear to have been designed without spvp in mind and clearly break conquest mode.


This pretty much. Boon removal/corruption and aoe CCs make sPvP currently close to being unplayable.


There needs to be a design roll back to almost all boon removal/corruption skills and removal of aoe CC from scourge, SB and holo (and most classes as well).


And renegade needs a redesign from scratch, starting with figuring what the fuck is it supposed to do. To a lesser extent adjustments in FB.

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> @"Jacobin.8509" said:

> Certain POF specs appear to have been designed without spvp in mind and clearly break conquest mode.


Unfortunately, this.

Fun fact is that they started to split patch notes between game modes, and even so they are unable to limit those new classes by changing their mechanics in SPvP.

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I think they're on the right track of toning everything down, but mesmer is still running rampant and the worst part is I was placed in platinum as a rev (dropped down to gold) but every game a mesmer on one of the teams is just straight up flaming everyone for not winning team fights when all they're doing is back capping. Its fine that they're using their superior mobility to backcap but they don't even realize that their class has an upperhand in most fights and don't understand that not every class has such strong performance even if you aren't that good at the class. People also still struggle to realize whats going on with their teammates and have this sort of tunnel vision and get pissed off when a squishy teammate is constantly targeted and focused by the other team.


But yeah, balance still needs a lot of work. Necros aren't op anymore I dont think, but theyre anti fun. Giant, constant area denial with extreme condi pressure. As a rev, this is not fun to play against even if I'm able to take the necro down. So its not necessarily the condi output that necro can do thats annoying, its the giant area denial with condi output that is anti fun.


Mesmers have too many effin evades, let alone too many clones and phantasms that clutter the screen making it hard to even target the real mesmer every 4 seconds even though I know which one it is. Then they have extreme spike damage that is just redonkulous. If any other class could do that it would be an immediate issue for Anet.


Then theres a lot of weak classes. I play mostly rev and ele so most of my knowledge is with those two classes. Ele is really underwhelming. I've built a decent burn Weaver build that works fairly decently at spiking people, but its a one trick pony. Power Herald actually doesn't seem too bad right now, but is not strong in the current meta of invulns, spike damage, and condi area denial. And that is all rev has. Even it's demon spec which is theoretically supposed to be strong against other condi builds sucks because everyone is given boon corrupt skills so there goes your resistance out the window.


Sorry about the rant y'all. Have a chill day.

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I think the pvp was at its best point somewhere in vanilla, no idea which patch it was. There were some bunker builds which were ridiculously op at defending, but I think that with few tweaks we could get really well balanced pvp. I remember there was bountiful of builds available in pvp, something that today is in a sphere of dreams. You have to play X or you gonna have a bad time.

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