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cheating in the game

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Why nobody is doing nothing with players who stands in the place and kill mobs. If they are just stand, its OK, but once in a while they use a skill by using autoclick to do this. This is cheating and its not fair to other players. Several groups can be found in Bloodfin Lake (Iron Marches).

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> @"DeRusso.5928" said:

> Why nobody is doing nothing with players who stands in the place and kill mobs. If they are just stand, its OK, but once in a while they use a skill by using autoclick to do this. This is cheating and its not fair to other players. Several groups can be found in Bloodfin Lake (Iron Marches).


I can stand in place all day and kill mobs using a ranged skill and auto loot. And it's not cheating.

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> @"DeRusso.5928" said:

> I think that using programs like autoclick is forbidden. They are using it.


Report and move on. And they are probably using their autocast skill. You know, the skill you probably have set to #1. But you can change it. And there is nothing wrong with standing still while your pets/turrets kill mobs.

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> @"artemis.6781" said:

> > @"DeRusso.5928" said:

> > I think that using programs like autoclick is forbidden. They are using it.


> Report and move on. And they are probably using their autocast skill. You know, the skill you probably have set to #1. But you can change it. And there is nothing wrong with standing still while your pets/turrets kill mobs.


I think this is whats going on too and agree with it being alright until such a time that AN disables the feature.

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We need a sub-section on these boards for all the afk-farming threads. Or could any moderator make a sticky with all the official facts and merge every new thread into it? I doubt they really want a new thread every few days.



> @"Khailyn.6248" said:

> Sounds like the same kind of thing that was/is going on in bitterfrost frontier. all you can really do is report and move on. I dont remember ANs official stance on this as i think it was on the previous forum.


I think I have got a copy of the statement in question

![](https://i.imgur.com/DNbpFNH.jpg "")


In most cases, as other people above already pointed out, the players in question are NOT afk. They are in close range to their keyboard. It is not a very nice way of playing the game, but if your engine is powerful enough you could play another game and just switch windows once in a while. I heard of a lot of people who are watching movies while doing that.


I know of some players who are using clickers. It is technically not allowed to use them, but for another player or even a GM it is nearly impossible to spot the difference. As I pointed out above, we are having these threads every few days. So many paragraphs were written about the topic and so many discussions were done. Aside from the stuff from the old forums, we are not getting much information about the current status of the situation.


We have no clue when the investigation starts, how long after the report. Neither how many reports are necessary to trigger an investigation. That is why people recommend to just report them and walk away. If enough players do it, there might be an investigation some time. If the guy actually plays normal when the GM checks him, bad luck. Whenever I see an afk-farmer I block them with the nickname AFK FARMER. Once in a while, when I am really bored, I check my blocklist and look what the people in question are doing. Many of them actually play the game for real, and have got a great load of AP.


While reading through my archives, I also found this little cookie about bans



Looking forward to the next thread ...

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Right click, report, go play the game. It's not for you to decide fate of other players.


Passive gameplay is allowed. Using built in autocasting is allowed. Unless they are truly leaving the game on autopilot, they are allowed to play this way.


Also, "afk" farming is not really profitable.

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I have a guildleader who likes to chat on discord. When doing so, she often parks her character somewhere and uses a key from time to time to kill foes. She plays the game as intended and you call her a cheater? Maybe call everyone who plays the game different then you a cheater? You are on a slippery slope. Someone playing a black character? Ditch them. Man playing female characters? Suspend their accounts now!


Be careful to shame that what you don’t understand. If you suspect someone is cheating, report them. This report will be reviewed. This might takes time. So do not expect the person to be around for a few more days. You might have made wrong assumptions and the player isn’t really cheating. So they might remain in game forever as well,


So report and move along. It is something between the GM’s and the player who got reported,

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> @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

> I have a guildleader who likes to chat on discord. When doing so, she often parks her character somewhere and uses a key from time to time to kill foes. She plays the game as intended and you call her a cheater? Maybe call everyone who plays the game different then you a cheater? You are on a slippery slope. Someone playing a black character? Ditch them. Man playing female characters? Suspend their accounts now!


You are on a slippery slope yourself by putting words in the OPs mouth he never used and use sarcasm to ridicule his concern. These posts/threads are about people who are afk, they are about chars standing there for hours and hours (often the whole day/night) with skills being used at a fixed interval, and if you would invest just a little time it would be easy for you to tell that almost none of them ever are are "clicking from time to time". They are either using the game autocast function or a mouseclicker (in case of engineers because of more skills needed) to automate gameplay. And trust me, I have reported hundreds of those blob-afk farmers and only a tiny percentage of them is doing what your guildleader does, so don't use her as a petty excuse to dismiss the fact that 99% of them are cheating and not do what she does. Those who do what your guildleader does are not affected at all by the whole topic, because they will be available to react when a GM happens to check them, unlike all the other people in the blob who are afk farming.


The rest of the post is fine of course, report them and move on is the only reasonable advice when dealing with those cheaters as there is practically nothing else you can do (besides also blocking them like another poster wrote, which is also what I do).


PS: About what the poster before said "Also, "afk" farming is not really profitable.", of course this is untrue because if it was "not really profitable" people would not be doing it. In addition, profit is not only measurable in gold, it also includes stuff like Volatile Magic which is farmed in LS4 maps by those cheaters and then can be used for different items which would take a long time to farm manually otherwise.



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> @"Mokdad.3586" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > It’s only “cheating” if they’re truly AFK.

> >

> > Report them and move on.


> that doesnt make any sense. Lol


Read the thread especially the post with an image of an Anet post listing the criteria. What I stated makes perfect sense as one is only breaking the rules if they’re actually AFK. Inattentive farming is not against the rules.

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