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Don’t you want legendary armor outside of raids?

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Tenrai Senshi.2017" said:

> > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > @"Tenrai Senshi.2017" said:

> > > > > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > > > > No as it would devalue the Legendary Armour I suffered through the Raid grind to get.

> > > > >

> > > > > If you want it, you can do it too.

> > > >

> > > > If it involves different skins, I'm not sure how it would devalue your Raid armor. You can already get legendary armor outside of Raids anyway, just not with the Raid skins.

> > >

> > > He starts the thread by saying that he'd want the same skin if not a new one. To which this guy/girl replies no to the same skin being used.

> >

> > To be fair, his/her reply was not that specific, so it came across as a general "no" and not a "no, but yes under x conditions". That being said, I do agree that if legendary armor became available outside of Raids, it shouldn't use the Raid armor skins, but different skins unique to the content involved. For example, I'd love to see Fractal themed legendary armor.


> +1


Agreed, heck, is even love a non-legendary quality fractal armour

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Here's what it comes down to. They are going to keep the appearance tied to raiding. The backlash from players who earned their armor the legit way would be furious so I guarantee they wont add it to open world pve. They also said they will not be designing more.


"Legendary armor was implemented with Living World Season 3 Episode 5 "Flashpoint" on May 2nd, 2017, with the Perfected Envoy armor sets made available for acquisition. **There are no plans to release another set in the future**."


Your options are raid and get it or dont raid and dont get it.

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> @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

> I'm fine with legendary armor being obtainable in a PvE environment outside of Raids. However, Envoy skins are Raid skins and should therefore not be obtainable through other means. There are plenty of other Raid skins that are only available in Raids and I've never heard anyone complain about those. It's always about the legendary armor and/or its skins.

Nobody has problems with raid-boss specific weapon skins because they make sense. They're skins related to specific raid bosses, so of course they belong in raids. Legendary armor has nothing to do with raids at all, it's just arbitrarily locked in them because Anet knew the majority of players would never touch raids without being strongarmed into it.


Though now that you've brought it up, the white mantle weapon skins shouldn't be raid-locked either, they're in the hands of every White Mantle mob in LS3 and so should be obtainable in, say, Bloodstone Fen or Lake Doric.


>And if it truly was a matter of principle, we should've had these requests ever since the launch of the game for dungeon skins, and then for Fractal skins, etc.

I'm not sure this is a great example, since it's literally easier to get dungeon (and living story!) skins from reward tracks than doing the content the "right" way.

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> @"Auri.1365" said:

> > @"Raizel.8175" said:

> >... raids simply aren't accessible...


> They are easily accessible. Now even more than at the beginning as there are multiple training guilds/discord groups with experienced players teaching newbies.

> For example in the training guild where I am (RTI) there are regularly new people doing their first raids. They get the bosses explained and may kill several bosses in one evening.




No, they are not - especially not "easily". Training guilds are largely irrelevant to the majority of the playerbase as they aren't "public". It doesn't matter much if training guilds are promoted on several discords or reddit. Not even the official forum would matter much considering the 80/15/5-rule. Due to game-design, this game is already utterly, utterly unsociable to the point where raid-content is artificially kept niche (not due to difficulty, but due to accessibility). Training-guilds, statics, etc. have to be visible ingame, only then can you say that they're actually accessible. Makes me wonder why ANet develops all kinds of unneccessary stuff instead of finally implementing a decent guild-browser and an improved LFG. Those wouldn't just (partially) solve the accessibility-problem, but also some other problems as well.

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> @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > @"Auri.1365" said:

> > > @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > >... raids simply aren't accessible...

> >

> > They are easily accessible. Now even more than at the beginning as there are multiple training guilds/discord groups with experienced players teaching newbies.

> > For example in the training guild where I am (RTI) there are regularly new people doing their first raids. They get the bosses explained and may kill several bosses in one evening.

> >

> >


> No, they are not - especially not "easily". _**Training guilds are largely irrelevant to the majority of the playerbase as they aren't "public"**_. It doesn't matter much if training guilds are promoted on several discords or reddit. Not even the official forum would matter much considering the 80/15/5-rule. Due to game-design, this game is already utterly, utterly unsociable to the point where raid-content is artificially kept niche (not due to difficulty, but due to accessibility). Training-guilds, statics, etc. have to be visible ingame, only then can you say that they're actually accessible. Makes me wonder why ANet develops all kinds of unneccessary stuff instead of finally implementing a decent guild-browser and an improved LFG. Those wouldn't just (partially) solve the accessibility-problem, but also some other problems as well.


Does not being public mean you can't randomly join on a Wednesday raid night and get carried through all the bosses. Join the group! Ask in the forum section for a training guild! Why does everything have to be handed to people. Get off the kitten forum and go find a raid group! It really isn't hard with some effort but I suspect it's the effort part that people can't be bothered with.

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> When I refer to armor outside of raids I mean skins - the same set as raids or (preferably) a second one. Something that takes enough time and effort to earn to be as prestigious as ever, but accessible to people who can’t get past the raiding elitism for whatever reason. I’m thinking something that anyone can work on, but requires a long amount of time, involved each game mode a little bit - mostly PVE id image? Idk, that’s definitely something to discuss. Yes there are legendary sets in competitive game modes, but the skins are the same as ascended, you don’t get the prestige, nor such quite the feeling of accomplishment unlocking a truly legendary skin.


> TLDR; legendary armor with actual legendary skins obtainable outside raids


I'd love Ledgy armor for PVE non-raid content (Fractals or Dungeons..... hmmm, would actually be a great way to get people back into dungeons)

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> @"Zalavaaris.5329" said:

> > @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > > @"Auri.1365" said:

> > > > @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > > >... raids simply aren't accessible...

> > >

> > > They are easily accessible. Now even more than at the beginning as there are multiple training guilds/discord groups with experienced players teaching newbies.

> > > For example in the training guild where I am (RTI) there are regularly new people doing their first raids. They get the bosses explained and may kill several bosses in one evening.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > No, they are not - especially not "easily". _**Training guilds are largely irrelevant to the majority of the playerbase as they aren't "public"**_. It doesn't matter much if training guilds are promoted on several discords or reddit. Not even the official forum would matter much considering the 80/15/5-rule. Due to game-design, this game is already utterly, utterly unsociable to the point where raid-content is artificially kept niche (not due to difficulty, but due to accessibility). Training-guilds, statics, etc. have to be visible ingame, only then can you say that they're actually accessible. Makes me wonder why ANet develops all kinds of unneccessary stuff instead of finally implementing a decent guild-browser and an improved LFG. Those wouldn't just (partially) solve the accessibility-problem, but also some other problems as well.


> Does not being public mean you can't randomly join on a Wednesday raid night and get carried through all the bosses. Join the group! Ask in the forum section for a training guild! Why does everything have to be handed to people. Get off the kitten forum and go find a raid group! It really isn't hard with some effort but I suspect it's the effort part that people can't be bothered with.


Who the fu** talks about being carried? Can you please get rid of that stupid mentality?


I just want a decent way to find a guild/static ingame just like in every other sophisticated MMORPG where you either have a guild-browser, a world-chat or something like a guild-advertisement-chat. The forum does **not** help (please refer to the 80/15/5-rule - people using the forum mostly want already experienced people, pref. multiclass, pref. with sufficient time during the week - and yeah, I tried the forum, it does not help). GW2 being utterly unsociable by design is actually one of the main-factors why raids are largely inaccessible.

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> @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > @"Zalavaaris.5329" said:

> > > @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > > > @"Auri.1365" said:

> > > > > @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > > > >... raids simply aren't accessible...

> > > >

> > > > They are easily accessible. Now even more than at the beginning as there are multiple training guilds/discord groups with experienced players teaching newbies.

> > > > For example in the training guild where I am (RTI) there are regularly new people doing their first raids. They get the bosses explained and may kill several bosses in one evening.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > No, they are not - especially not "easily". _**Training guilds are largely irrelevant to the majority of the playerbase as they aren't "public"**_. It doesn't matter much if training guilds are promoted on several discords or reddit. Not even the official forum would matter much considering the 80/15/5-rule. Due to game-design, this game is already utterly, utterly unsociable to the point where raid-content is artificially kept niche (not due to difficulty, but due to accessibility). Training-guilds, statics, etc. have to be visible ingame, only then can you say that they're actually accessible. Makes me wonder why ANet develops all kinds of unneccessary stuff instead of finally implementing a decent guild-browser and an improved LFG. Those wouldn't just (partially) solve the accessibility-problem, but also some other problems as well.

> >

> > Does not being public mean you can't randomly join on a Wednesday raid night and get carried through all the bosses. Join the group! Ask in the forum section for a training guild! Why does everything have to be handed to people. Get off the kitten forum and go find a raid group! It really isn't hard with some effort but I suspect it's the effort part that people can't be bothered with.


> Who the fu** talks about being carried? Can you please get rid of that stupid mentality?


> I just want a decent way to find a guild/static ingame just like in every other sophisticated MMORPG where you either have a guild-browser, a world-chat or something like a guild-advertisement-chat. The forum does **not** help (please refer to the 80/15/5-rule - people using the forum mostly want already experienced people, pref. multiclass, pref. with sufficient time during the week - and yeah, I tried the forum, it does not help). GW2 being utterly unsociable by design is actually one of the main-factors why raids are largely inaccessible.


That's funny because people do it every day. I know I do.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

> > I'm fine with legendary armor being obtainable in a PvE environment outside of Raids. However, Envoy skins are Raid skins and should therefore not be obtainable through other means. There are plenty of other Raid skins that are only available in Raids and I've never heard anyone complain about those. It's always about the legendary armor and/or its skins.

> Nobody has problems with raid-boss specific weapon skins because they make sense. They're skins related to specific raid bosses, so of course they belong in raids. Legendary armor has nothing to do with raids at all, it's just arbitrarily locked in them because Anet knew the majority of players would never touch raids without being strongarmed into it.


> Though now that you've brought it up, the white mantle weapon skins shouldn't be raid-locked either, they're in the hands of every White Mantle mob in LS3 and so should be obtainable in, say, Bloodstone Fen or Lake Doric.


> >And if it truly was a matter of principle, we should've had these requests ever since the launch of the game for dungeon skins, and then for Fractal skins, etc.

> I'm not sure this is a great example, since it's literally easier to get dungeon (and living story!) skins from reward tracks than doing the content the "right" way.


Legendary armor has nothing to do with Raids at all? Who decided that? You? ANet decided to give raiders something to work towards, in the form of legendary armor. So it has everything to do with Raids. You can't make a claim just because you feel things should be a certain way. And your strongarm argument is hilarious at best. With all due respect, but if people need to be strongarmed into something to get a certain reward, they must not have wanted that reward enough in the first place. And being strongarmed in something that is essentially a leisure time activity is doing it wrong, in my opinion. For instance, I really like the PvP legendary back item, but I hate doing PvP. Instead of crying that they should add it to my preferred game mode or claiming I'm being "forced" to do PvP, I just choose not to torment myself with something I don't like in the first place, no matter how awesome and shiny the reward is. I won't lose any sleep over that. This is not real life, where we sometimes have to do things we don't like. It's a game. You can do whatever you like whenever you like, and no one forces you to do anything except yourself.


And I don't know how long you've been playing this game, but you must not have been there for dungeons just after launch. They were far from the cheese fest they are now. Reward tracks didn't even exist back then. Dungeons actually were the only way to get their specific skins and their difficulty was much higher than it is now. Legendary armor in Raids is anything but arbitrary. The choice was a conscious one and it was a fact, even beforehand, that not everyone would appreciate it. But in my humble opinion it's nothing more than people who refuse to do certain things but still want the reward from those certain things they refuse to do. No pixellated shiny in any game is worth doing something I don't like to do. I choose to do things I enjoy in my spare time. I wish everyone else would be smart enough to do the same, instead of frustrating themselves over shinies they can only get by doing things they don't want to do. I literally don't see any logical sense in that, especially for something as voluntary as playing a computer game. Why would people frustrate themselves with their leisure time activities? Do something you do like instead, and accept that not everything is for everyone.

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I never see a reason to lock content behind a single method. There are tons of ways people love to play this game weather it's pve, pvp, raids, etc... there should always be multi methods people can achieve something. Sure, you can make it simpler for one method over another however you should always have multi methods to obtain an item, etc...


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Raids, WvW, PvP, Fractals and open world PvE are 5 different game modes. They should ALL have DIFFERENT obtainable legendary armor sets.

It was anet being lazy* like usual by not giving WvW + PvP UNIQUE legendary skins imo.


_*i don't know the reason why they coulnd't have done this from the start, (like how sitting in chairs should have been done from launch, kind of lazy)._

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idk it seems like the went overboard like usual on one thing(Raid legendary armor) and then didn't want to spend/ waste that same amount of time on the other sets.

They should have planned ahead, and learned from past mistakes ~cough cough original Legendary weapon collections couch cough~ but they didn't.


Anet has a real problem with the obvious of what not to do.

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > @"Hibiskus.8294" said:

> > Yes a pve-legendray armor would be awesome.....


> Raiding is PvE.



Yes, its player vs environment, but really it is it's own niche game mode.


2ndly guild decoration rewards for raiders? Is that really something they want? It seems more something that open world, PvE, Rp'ers would want more then raiders. but that's me. AND raiders have access to tons of guild decorations btw, WHY????



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