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Unlimited Tools Usuable in Shared Slots

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You need to change the current mechanics so that any unlimited tool you have in your shared inventory is automatically used if the current character has no tool equip.

This simple fix would remove the unecessary need to unequip and requip each time you logged into a different character. This gets annoying when you have 14 characters and have to do this each time.

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> @"Icethorn.6570" said:

> You need to change the current mechanics so that any unlimited tool you have in your shared inventory is automatically used if the current character has no tool equip.

> This simple fix would remove the unecessary need to unequip and requip each time you logged into a different character. This gets annoying when you have 14 characters and have to do this each time.


Just equip some junk tool and double click the unlimited one in your shared slot when you log in. Make sure you pick the LOWEST gathering tool to equip because you will farm ruined mats ... and that's a GOOD reminder to swap.

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> @"Icethorn.6570" wrote

> This simple fix

It's only simple to describe; design & implementation are something else entirely.


> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> Are you actually logging in and playing 14 chars a day???

There are more than a few players who max out on berries (among other nodes) on a dozen toons or so. I dunno if that counts as "playing", but...


> If not then you’re only logging in on a few a day and remembering to swap out the tools directly from the account bound slots by clicking on them isn’t that big a deal.

Right, either way, if you use three shared slots for infinite-use tools (with chosen skins & glyphs) then...

* Keep a standard tool set on each toon.

* When starting a toon, double-click each of the shared slots to transfer the tools.

* Do your thing.

* Before pressing [f12], double-click again.


> @"Icethorn.6570" wrote

> would remove the unecessary need to unequip and requip each time you logged into a different character. This gets annoying when you have 14 characters and have to do this each time.

It's a minor inconvenience (and I'm sure I'd pay another few 1000s of gems to avoid it, if ANet makes that option available).



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