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Can one full heal WAR make an impact in WVW?


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So in comparison I took the class with highest healing modifiers: Ventari revenant


(dwayna runes instead of monk due to you needing perma regen)

Healing power is 1883 + 30 (bloodlust)= 1913

so you you get 1.5%* 18.83+15%+20%+20%= 83.245 % extra healing modifier from salvation


utility is 18.83% *0.6+0.8 *2.4% = 13.218% healing effectiveness this time due to higher base healing power and concentration.


Healing effectiveness revenant can reach is 53%-10.476%(warrior utility)-10%(lack of monk runes) + 13.218%(rev utility)+83.245%= 128.987 %


(NOTE; healing effectiveness is not capped at 100% according to this reddit article



*edit: stacking healing power sigil gives even higher heals with these values of healing effectiveness but I cba to do the math again*




So regen tick will be 130 + 0.125 * 1913= 369 health/sec

With healing effectiveness it is 2.28987 * 369 = ~845 healing per sec

and with guardian 5 skill on resolve tome it is 845*1.2= 1014 health/sec which is 33% higher than warrior without relying on banner cooldown but only 5 targets.


**Tablet skills**


So the tablet moving ability heals 805+0.4 * 1913+325+0.05 * 1913 = 1991 every 3 sec just by tablet existing. which means ~664 health per sec

And natural harmony 1.124+2.25* 1913= ~4305 healing per 2 seconds which means ~2153 health/sec


Adding these up with effectiveness would mean (2153+664)*2.28987= 6450 health/sec from tablet skills.



Adding this with regen would mean Healing rev could reach 6450+1014= 7464 healing/sec (5 allied targets on tablet skills - regen modifier on yourself) without relying on carrying banner around. This would be around 37.5k /sec when necessary (obviously you have some energy limits due to using 23.333 energy every 3 secs but if you start at 100 you will gain 5 per sec which means you will be fine for 100/(8.333/3)= 36 seconds )


**Conclusion and comparison to warrior**


Well, warrior is interesting choice for healer as banner regen and shout heals are more reliable than revenant.


So warrior has 4 shouts per 20 sec reaching (7000 *4 - self healing modifiers )/20 + 762/s = 1400 + 762 healing/sec = 2162 healing/sec per target

while revenant is 7464 healing/sec per target while being less reliable.


Now I could prove that firebrand can reach way higher numbers than warrior but it is hard to compare these classes because warrior has most AoE cleanse out of all classes were talking about (about twice as much as firebrand if with trooper runes) whereas revenant has near 0.



If id have to rank them:

**Shout Warrior:**

Cleanse 5/5

Heals 2/5

Boons: 0/5

Kill potential 0/5 (5/5 as spellbreaker)

Survivability 4/5

Total: 11/25 (16/25 as spellbreaker)

**Minstrel Firebrand**

Cleanse 4/5

Heals 4/5

Boons 5/5

Kill potential 2/5

Survivability 5/5

Total: 20/25

**Ventari Revenant**

Clenase 0/5

Heals 5/5

Boons 3/5

Kill potential 2/5

Survivability 2/5 (NOTICE; as ventari)

Total: 12/25

**Boonshare Chrono** (Notice: illusion of life is better for WvW than warrior elite banner)

Cleanse 0/5

Heals 2/5

Boons 5/5

Kill potential 5/5

Survivability 3/5

Total: 15/25

**Aurashare ele**

Cleanse 2/5

Heals 4/5

Boons 3/5

Kill potential 2/5

Survivability 5/5

Total: 16/25

Now you see why firebrands are A class supports while Chrono, Aurashare ele and Shout Spellbreaker closely follow due to their kill potential with Bubbles, immobs focus pulls and gravity wells. Spellbreakers and Chronos have better synergy with Firebrand due to them providing more useful things than just heals(kill potential, different boons, boonrip, cleanse) and survivability


**TLDR**: Ventari rev heals almost 4 times as much as Shout warrior. Shout CORE warrior fares terribly compared to other supports, Shout spellbreaker has some potential.


Haha, did I really spend 2 hours doing these 2 posts. Well anyways, if you need any maths regarding builds, ask. I study math at university so I kinda like it.

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> @"Threather.9354" said:

> Okay so let see so build would be something like this

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQJBMhJ0CCh0gSVAyDomDAA-j1xDABAcCAea/hKV/hQlg4pH4Klfw/AA+MEAMBgVVqqqKpA8bmF-w


> **STATS**

> So total possible healing power is 30 from bloodlust buff + 255 from traited banner + 1746 + 250 from might (traits)= 2281

> So utility oil would be 0.6*17.46= 10.476% healing effectiveness (utilities dont scale with might, banner and bloodlust buff)



> Total healing effectiveness is 12.5%(sigil)+10%(sigil) + 10%(food) + 10% (runes)+10.476%(utility) = 52.976%

> **REGEN**

> So base regen tick is 130+0.125*2281= 415 health per sec.


> With healing effectiveness it is 415 * 1.52976= ~635 health per sec to allies constantly (no firebrand f2 tome 5 skill)

> Add firebrand tome of resolve 5 skill 20% increase(after nerf), you reach 635 * 1.2 = 762 health/sec max value for banner regen with reasonable ways.


> Okay, so then lets count shouts.

> **SHOUTS**

> Base value is 1000 + 2281 * 1.2= ~3737 health.

> 3737 * 1.52976= ~5717 healing (no firebrand f2 tome 5 skill).


> With guardian 5 skill on f2 tome this would be 5717 * 1.2= ~6860 healing for other allies.


> **TLDR; His math checks out while his logic of being capable of applying regen to 50 players with only 2 banners that have 10 man target-cap (i tested the regen target cap) doesn't though.**



> My personal opinion is that the build seems decent. Id still optimize it up by adding spellbreaker and adding in the elite bubble.. I myself been playing frontline shoutbreaker with trooper runes but no healing power (more dps focused) and the cleanse is 2-3 times of a guardian which is pretty insane.


> Overall I just dont like the idea of adding regen in the build just because banners are so clunky and it overlaps with the regen that your guardian should apply (guardians could reach about 1800 healing power with more healing effectiveness so there would be no point running regen warrior if you need more heals, all they need is the healing power from the banner to reach like 2k). I think running 7k AoE heal shouts might be worth it though instead of going damage. My Shouts can only heal

> 1280* 1.2* 1.2=1844 with max might and guardian resolve 5 :(


Missing a few things that mod healing ( common mistake)

Also, how to regen 50+ at a time is easy.Those that know how this works dont seem to talk about it.

This is a war game and I dont tell everything, that said...I over write all other classes regen at a HUGE range

I can go much into this, but wont.


All the talk and theory craft people do on these forums is cool and all.I have TESTED all classes, all gear sets, sigils and runes for 100s of hours in actual gameplay.

At a cost of nearly 40 000g.THis also goes much deeper but is not for this thread.

Again ,what I show to the public ( I have thousands of private vids) is just proof of concept..NOT what I can really do or what is max.


If people here had access to the good stuff it would ruin this entire game in 24 hours, literally(WVW anyway)

**Edit : as I got so many messages, I will sum all answers up here:

I have TESTED for thousands of hours healing this game (wvw). YES all classes can heal some amount.YES some can heal really nice in certain exact (rare) scenarios.

2 classes do it MUCH better (by far) 99% of the time

People do not play these builds...because they are hard.

last answer : Some people on MMOs get hung up on sticking with 1 class or another. I do not.

I play whatever is best by the numbers, math does not lie


Played 21 MMos now

I will be cryptic

healer rule #1 : A dead healer is not a very usefull healer.

#2 in 99% of cases a H.O.T is smarter/better then a direct heal .

#3 have other usefull skills besides healing

#4 learn who is worth healing and who is not.


Just deleted #5...I just cant share that with the public


Anyway, WAR can heal as vids show, and heal A LOT.

I find it fun and enjoy it.I did main healer on 20 other games though. On Pantheon and Camelot Unchained I will main a healer

Healing /support isnt for everyone.Nor can everyone do it.(well)






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Druid Glyph of Empowerment is not permanent and theres 0 reason to run druid so its not reasonable to add it to calculations.Also max statted bloodlust buff (60) is not reasonable (and shouldnt effect much).



But theres already optimal runes, gear, infusions, traits and foods so only thing that can be wrong is that the sigil of life is better than sigil of benevolence which kinda makes sense with warrior shout scaling (1.2).

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> @"Threather.9354" said:


> **Stats**

> So in comparison I took the class with highest healing modifiers: Ventari revenant

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQFAmnLbkInEppkJqEaqEIsEFglZNgDSw2uA-j1xDAB4pDAgLAwVK/qU9H4fAAEqEEl9H+MEAYVlqqqSKA/mZB-w

> (dwayna runes instead of monk due to you needing perma regen)

> Healing power is 1883 + 30 (bloodlust)= 1913

> so you you get 1.5%* 18.83+15%+20%+20%= 83.245 % extra healing modifier from salvation


> utility is 18.83% *0.6+0.8 *2.4% = 13.218% healing effectiveness this time due to higher base healing power and concentration.


> Healing effectiveness revenant can reach is 53%-10.476%(warrior utility)-10%(lack of monk runes) + 13.218%(rev utility)+83.245%= 128.987 %


> (NOTE; healing effectiveness is not capped at 100% according to this reddit article



> *edit: stacking healing power sigil gives even higher heals with these values of healing effectiveness but I cba to do the math again*


> **Regen**


> So regen tick will be 130 + 0.125 * 1913= 369 health/sec

> With healing effectiveness it is 2.28987 * 369 = ~845 healing per sec

> and with guardian 5 skill on resolve tome it is 845*1.2= 1014 health/sec which is 33% higher than warrior without relying on banner cooldown but only 5 targets.


> **Tablet skills**


> So the tablet moving ability heals 805+0.4 * 1913+325+0.05 * 1913 = 1991 every 3 sec just by tablet existing. which means ~664 health per sec

> And natural harmony 1.124+2.25* 1913= ~4305 healing per 2 seconds which means ~2153 health/sec


> Adding these up with effectiveness would mean (2153+664)*2.28987= 6450 health/sec from tablet skills.


> **Totals**

> Adding this with regen would mean Healing rev could reach 6450+1014= 7464 healing/sec (5 allied targets on tablet skills - regen modifier on yourself) without relying on carrying banner around. This would be around 37.5k /sec when necessary (obviously you have some energy limits due to using 23.333 energy every 3 secs but if you start at 100 you will gain 5 per sec which means you will be fine for 100/(8.333/3)= 36 seconds )


> **Conclusion and comparison to warrior**


> Well, warrior is interesting choice for healer as banner regen and shout heals are more reliable than revenant.


> So warrior has 4 shouts per 20 sec reaching (7000 *4 - self healing modifiers )/20 + 762/s = 1400 + 762 healing/sec = 2162 healing/sec per target

> while revenant is 7464 healing/sec per target while being less reliable.


> Now I could prove that firebrand can reach way higher numbers than warrior but it is hard to compare these classes because warrior has most AoE cleanse out of all classes were talking about (about twice as much as firebrand if with trooper runes) whereas revenant has near 0.



> If id have to rank them:

> **Shout Warrior:**

> Cleanse 5/5

> Heals 2/5

> Boons: 0/5

> Kill potential 0/5 (5/5 as spellbreaker)

> Survivability 4/5

> Total: 11/25 (16/25 as spellbreaker)

> **Minstrel Firebrand**

> Cleanse 4/5

> Heals 4/5

> Boons 5/5

> Kill potential 2/5

> Survivability 5/5

> Total: 20/25

> **Ventari Revenant**

> Clenase 0/5

> Heals 5/5

> Boons 3/5

> Kill potential 2/5

> Survivability 2/5 (NOTICE; as ventari)

> Total: 12/25

> **Boonshare Chrono** (Notice: illusion of life is better for WvW than warrior elite banner)

> Cleanse 0/5

> Heals 2/5

> Boons 5/5

> Kill potential 5/5

> Survivability 3/5

> Total: 15/25

> **Aurashare ele**

> Cleanse 2/5

> Heals 4/5

> Boons 3/5

> Kill potential 2/5

> Survivability 5/5

> Total: 16/25

> Now you see why firebrands are A class supports while Chrono, Aurashare ele and Shout Spellbreaker closely follow due to their kill potential with Bubbles, immobs focus pulls and gravity wells. Spellbreakers and Chronos have better synergy with Firebrand due to them providing more useful things than just heals(kill potential, different boons, boonrip, cleanse) and survivability


> **TLDR**: Ventari rev heals almost 4 times as much as Shout warrior. Shout CORE warrior fares terribly compared to other supports, Shout spellbreaker has some potential.


> Haha, did I really spend 2 hours doing these 2 posts. Well anyways, if you need any maths regarding builds, ask. I study math at university so I kinda like it.


All these rankings are way off

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> @"FASTCAR.7831" said:

> In an early vid I talk about NOT using any "runes" for max healing power. A trick I found by accident.

> I still do not use any rune sets on my healers.

Or trinkets. Are you even using weapons and armor or are you running being a healer using one of those patient robes with open backs and nothing under? Because that wouldnt really surprise me.


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"FASTCAR.7831" said:

> > In an early vid I talk about NOT using any "runes" for max healing power. A trick I found by accident.

> > I still do not use any rune sets on my healers.

> Or trinkets. Are you even using weapons and armor or are you running being a healer using one of those patient robes with open backs and nothing under? Because that wouldnt really surprise me.



Just not runes


I know the above was trying to troll (badly)

Other things are able to go into armor besides "runes"

I.E. Various gems, crests and other stuff

Few seems to know about or use them.

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> @"Threather.9354" said:

> Okay so let see so build would be something like this

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQJBMhJ0CCh0gSVAyDomDAA-j1xDABAcCAea/hKV/hQlg4pH4Klfw/AA+MEAMBgVVqqqKpA8bmF-w


> **STATS**

> So total possible healing power is 30 from bloodlust buff + 255 from traited banner + 1746 + 250 from might (traits)= 2281

> So utility oil would be 0.6*17.46= 10.476% healing effectiveness (utilities dont scale with might, banner and bloodlust buff)



> Total healing effectiveness is 12.5%(sigil)+10%(sigil) + 10%(food) + 10% (runes)+10.476%(utility) = 52.976%

> **REGEN**

> So base regen tick is 130+0.125*2281= 415 health per sec.


> With healing effectiveness it is 415 * 1.52976= ~635 health per sec to allies constantly (no firebrand f2 tome 5 skill)

> Add firebrand tome of resolve 5 skill 20% increase(after nerf), you reach 635 * 1.2 = 762 health/sec max value for banner regen with reasonable ways.


> Okay, so then lets count shouts.

> **SHOUTS**

> Base value is 1000 + 2281 * 1.2= ~3737 health.

> 3737 * 1.52976= ~5717 healing (no firebrand f2 tome 5 skill).


> With guardian 5 skill on f2 tome this would be 5717 * 1.2= ~6860 healing for other allies.


> **TLDR; His math checks out while his logic of being capable of applying regen to 50 players with only 2 banners that have 10 man target-cap (i tested the regen target cap) doesn't though.**



> My personal opinion is that the build seems decent. Id still optimize it up by adding spellbreaker and adding in the elite bubble.. I myself been playing frontline shoutbreaker with trooper runes but no healing power (more dps focused) and the cleanse is 2-3 times of a guardian which is pretty insane.


> Overall I just dont like the idea of adding regen in the build just because banners are so clunky and it overlaps with the regen that your guardian should apply (guardians could reach about 1800 healing power with more healing effectiveness so there would be no point running regen warrior if you need more heals, all they need is the healing power from the banner to reach like 2k). I think running 7k AoE heal shouts might be worth it though instead of going damage. My Shouts can only heal

> 1280* 1.2* 1.2=1844 with max might and guardian resolve 5 :(


yo might wanna check out my go on the sb worker, posted it some time ago in the warrior forum, my shouts with might get to around 2250 heal, while still getting 6k+ crits on hammer 2


PS. OP pls dont open a thread where you post your "build" and then being "cryptic" about everything, sounds like you just want the attention to me...post your full build an your "tricks" or dont post anything at all. thanks

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > @"Threather.9354" said:

> > Okay so let see so build would be something like this

> > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQJBMhJ0CCh0gSVAyDomDAA-j1xDABAcCAea/hKV/hQlg4pH4Klfw/AA+MEAMBgVVqqqKpA8bmF-w

> >

> > **STATS**

> > So total possible healing power is 30 from bloodlust buff + 255 from traited banner + 1746 + 250 from might (traits)= 2281

> > So utility oil would be 0.6*17.46= 10.476% healing effectiveness (utilities dont scale with might, banner and bloodlust buff)

> >

> >

> > Total healing effectiveness is 12.5%(sigil)+10%(sigil) + 10%(food) + 10% (runes)+10.476%(utility) = 52.976%

> > **REGEN**

> > So base regen tick is 130+0.125*2281= 415 health per sec.

> >

> > With healing effectiveness it is 415 * 1.52976= ~635 health per sec to allies constantly (no firebrand f2 tome 5 skill)

> > Add firebrand tome of resolve 5 skill 20% increase(after nerf), you reach 635 * 1.2 = 762 health/sec max value for banner regen with reasonable ways.

> >

> > Okay, so then lets count shouts.

> > **SHOUTS**

> > Base value is 1000 + 2281 * 1.2= ~3737 health.

> > 3737 * 1.52976= ~5717 healing (no firebrand f2 tome 5 skill).

> >

> > With guardian 5 skill on f2 tome this would be 5717 * 1.2= ~6860 healing for other allies.

> >

> > **TLDR; His math checks out while his logic of being capable of applying regen to 50 players with only 2 banners that have 10 man target-cap (i tested the regen target cap) doesn't though.**

> >

> > **FEEDBACK**

> > My personal opinion is that the build seems decent. Id still optimize it up by adding spellbreaker and adding in the elite bubble.. I myself been playing frontline shoutbreaker with trooper runes but no healing power (more dps focused) and the cleanse is 2-3 times of a guardian which is pretty insane.

> >

> > Overall I just dont like the idea of adding regen in the build just because banners are so clunky and it overlaps with the regen that your guardian should apply (guardians could reach about 1800 healing power with more healing effectiveness so there would be no point running regen warrior if you need more heals, all they need is the healing power from the banner to reach like 2k). I think running 7k AoE heal shouts might be worth it though instead of going damage. My Shouts can only heal

> > 1280* 1.2* 1.2=1844 with max might and guardian resolve 5 :(


> yo might wanna check out my go on the sb worker, posted it some time ago in the warrior forum, my shouts with might get to around 2250 heal, while still getting 6k+ crits on hammer 2


> PS. OP pls dont open a thread where you post your "build" and then being "cryptic" about everything, sounds like you just want the attention to me...post your full build an your "tricks" or dont post anything at all. thanks


No thanks

I show proof of concept, this is a war game. I am not here to help you

Join YB , tell you all you every wanted to know

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> @"FASTCAR.7831" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > @"Threather.9354" said:

> > > Okay so let see so build would be something like this

> > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQJBMhJ0CCh0gSVAyDomDAA-j1xDABAcCAea/hKV/hQlg4pH4Klfw/AA+MEAMBgVVqqqKpA8bmF-w

> > >

> > > **STATS**

> > > So total possible healing power is 30 from bloodlust buff + 255 from traited banner + 1746 + 250 from might (traits)= 2281

> > > So utility oil would be 0.6*17.46= 10.476% healing effectiveness (utilities dont scale with might, banner and bloodlust buff)

> > >

> > >

> > > Total healing effectiveness is 12.5%(sigil)+10%(sigil) + 10%(food) + 10% (runes)+10.476%(utility) = 52.976%

> > > **REGEN**

> > > So base regen tick is 130+0.125*2281= 415 health per sec.

> > >

> > > With healing effectiveness it is 415 * 1.52976= ~635 health per sec to allies constantly (no firebrand f2 tome 5 skill)

> > > Add firebrand tome of resolve 5 skill 20% increase(after nerf), you reach 635 * 1.2 = 762 health/sec max value for banner regen with reasonable ways.

> > >

> > > Okay, so then lets count shouts.

> > > **SHOUTS**

> > > Base value is 1000 + 2281 * 1.2= ~3737 health.

> > > 3737 * 1.52976= ~5717 healing (no firebrand f2 tome 5 skill).

> > >

> > > With guardian 5 skill on f2 tome this would be 5717 * 1.2= ~6860 healing for other allies.

> > >

> > > **TLDR; His math checks out while his logic of being capable of applying regen to 50 players with only 2 banners that have 10 man target-cap (i tested the regen target cap) doesn't though.**

> > >

> > > **FEEDBACK**

> > > My personal opinion is that the build seems decent. Id still optimize it up by adding spellbreaker and adding in the elite bubble.. I myself been playing frontline shoutbreaker with trooper runes but no healing power (more dps focused) and the cleanse is 2-3 times of a guardian which is pretty insane.

> > >

> > > Overall I just dont like the idea of adding regen in the build just because banners are so clunky and it overlaps with the regen that your guardian should apply (guardians could reach about 1800 healing power with more healing effectiveness so there would be no point running regen warrior if you need more heals, all they need is the healing power from the banner to reach like 2k). I think running 7k AoE heal shouts might be worth it though instead of going damage. My Shouts can only heal

> > > 1280* 1.2* 1.2=1844 with max might and guardian resolve 5 :(

> >

> > yo might wanna check out my go on the sb worker, posted it some time ago in the warrior forum, my shouts with might get to around 2250 heal, while still getting 6k+ crits on hammer 2

> >

> > PS. OP pls dont open a thread where you post your "build" and then being "cryptic" about everything, sounds like you just want the attention to me...post your full build an your "tricks" or dont post anything at all. thanks


> No thanks

> I show proof of concept, this is a war game. I am not here to help you

> Join YB , tell you all you every wanted to know


whatever yb is...

well since you only talk about "tricks" and not using runes since you get more healing w/o, for no logical reason, id say this would be a bug (havent tested it and am too lazy actually) and since you use a bug it would be an exploit making it a bannable offense... i want to know your "tricks" to determine if there are more bugs that should be fixed


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You're killing me FASTCAR! Do you mean you don't wear "any" runes or you don't wear "healing" runes? I can only Google so much, lol. (and I need to get some work done, lol)

Help an old guy out... :P (truthfully, I do understand your not sharing it all)




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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > @"FASTCAR.7831" said:

> > > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > > @"Threather.9354" said:

> > > > Okay so let see so build would be something like this

> > > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQJBMhJ0CCh0gSVAyDomDAA-j1xDABAcCAea/hKV/hQlg4pH4Klfw/AA+MEAMBgVVqqqKpA8bmF-w

> > > >

> > > > **STATS**

> > > > So total possible healing power is 30 from bloodlust buff + 255 from traited banner + 1746 + 250 from might (traits)= 2281

> > > > So utility oil would be 0.6*17.46= 10.476% healing effectiveness (utilities dont scale with might, banner and bloodlust buff)

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Total healing effectiveness is 12.5%(sigil)+10%(sigil) + 10%(food) + 10% (runes)+10.476%(utility) = 52.976%

> > > > **REGEN**

> > > > So base regen tick is 130+0.125*2281= 415 health per sec.

> > > >

> > > > With healing effectiveness it is 415 * 1.52976= ~635 health per sec to allies constantly (no firebrand f2 tome 5 skill)

> > > > Add firebrand tome of resolve 5 skill 20% increase(after nerf), you reach 635 * 1.2 = 762 health/sec max value for banner regen with reasonable ways.

> > > >

> > > > Okay, so then lets count shouts.

> > > > **SHOUTS**

> > > > Base value is 1000 + 2281 * 1.2= ~3737 health.

> > > > 3737 * 1.52976= ~5717 healing (no firebrand f2 tome 5 skill).

> > > >

> > > > With guardian 5 skill on f2 tome this would be 5717 * 1.2= ~6860 healing for other allies.

> > > >

> > > > **TLDR; His math checks out while his logic of being capable of applying regen to 50 players with only 2 banners that have 10 man target-cap (i tested the regen target cap) doesn't though.**

> > > >

> > > > **FEEDBACK**

> > > > My personal opinion is that the build seems decent. Id still optimize it up by adding spellbreaker and adding in the elite bubble.. I myself been playing frontline shoutbreaker with trooper runes but no healing power (more dps focused) and the cleanse is 2-3 times of a guardian which is pretty insane.

> > > >

> > > > Overall I just dont like the idea of adding regen in the build just because banners are so clunky and it overlaps with the regen that your guardian should apply (guardians could reach about 1800 healing power with more healing effectiveness so there would be no point running regen warrior if you need more heals, all they need is the healing power from the banner to reach like 2k). I think running 7k AoE heal shouts might be worth it though instead of going damage. My Shouts can only heal

> > > > 1280* 1.2* 1.2=1844 with max might and guardian resolve 5 :(

> > >

> > > yo might wanna check out my go on the sb worker, posted it some time ago in the warrior forum, my shouts with might get to around 2250 heal, while still getting 6k+ crits on hammer 2

> > >

> > > PS. OP pls dont open a thread where you post your "build" and then being "cryptic" about everything, sounds like you just want the attention to me...post your full build an your "tricks" or dont post anything at all. thanks

> >

> > No thanks

> > I show proof of concept, this is a war game. I am not here to help you

> > Join YB , tell you all you every wanted to know


> whatever yb is...

> well since you only talk about "tricks" and not using runes since you get more healing w/o, for no logical reason, id say this would be a bug (havent tested it and am too lazy actually) and since you use a bug it would be an exploit making it a bannable offense... i want to know your "tricks" to determine if there are more bugs that should be fixed



Not a bug no

Spend some time looking up items

ty for post

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> @"ZNICK.8537" said:

> You're killing me FASTCAR! Do you mean you don't wear "any" runes or you don't wear "healing" runes? I can only Google so much, lol. (and I need to get some work done, lol)

> Help an old guy out... :P (truthfully, I do understand your not sharing it all)


> Z



There are other items that can be slotted into armor instead of Runes that can impact most of your stats.

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> @"ZNICK.8537" said:

> You're killing me FASTCAR! Do you mean you don't wear "any" runes or you don't wear "healing" runes? I can only Google so much, lol. (and I need to get some work done, lol)

> Help an old guy out... :P (truthfully, I do understand your not sharing it all)


> Z





See "universal upgrades". People used to slot ruby orbs rather than runes on damage builds, for example, until Anet did a review and mass updates on runes that made them more useful and gave higher potential damage than straight stats.

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> @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > @"ZNICK.8537" said:

> > You're killing me FASTCAR! Do you mean you don't wear "any" runes or you don't wear "healing" runes? I can only Google so much, lol. (and I need to get some work done, lol)

> > Help an old guy out... :P (truthfully, I do understand your not sharing it all)

> >

> > Z

> >


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Upgrade_component


> See "universal upgrades". People used to slot ruby orbs rather than runes on damage builds, for example, until Anet did a review and mass updates on runes that made them more useful and gave higher potential damage than straight stats.


Well yeah I'm aware of that... I remember slotting the lower lev ones back in 2012... but even if you used the lev 80 ones, my 1st thought is it won't give much more than runes. I can use a rune that gives +18 to every stat and no crest can come close. You'd have 120 in 1 attribute but it's not enough.


I need to look into amalgamated gemstones and see how those work. I also wonder if it's healing power that you focus on tbh... you state so often "a dead healer is a bad healer" or whatever. Is it even HP you focus on?

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> @"FASTCAR.7831" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > @"Threather.9354" said:

> > > Okay so let see so build would be something like this

> > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQJBMhJ0CCh0gSVAyDomDAA-j1xDABAcCAea/hKV/hQlg4pH4Klfw/AA+MEAMBgVVqqqKpA8bmF-w

> > >

> > > **STATS**

> > > So total possible healing power is 30 from bloodlust buff + 255 from traited banner + 1746 + 250 from might (traits)= 2281

> > > So utility oil would be 0.6*17.46= 10.476% healing effectiveness (utilities dont scale with might, banner and bloodlust buff)

> > >

> > >

> > > Total healing effectiveness is 12.5%(sigil)+10%(sigil) + 10%(food) + 10% (runes)+10.476%(utility) = 52.976%

> > > **REGEN**

> > > So base regen tick is 130+0.125*2281= 415 health per sec.

> > >

> > > With healing effectiveness it is 415 * 1.52976= ~635 health per sec to allies constantly (no firebrand f2 tome 5 skill)

> > > Add firebrand tome of resolve 5 skill 20% increase(after nerf), you reach 635 * 1.2 = 762 health/sec max value for banner regen with reasonable ways.

> > >

> > > Okay, so then lets count shouts.

> > > **SHOUTS**

> > > Base value is 1000 + 2281 * 1.2= ~3737 health.

> > > 3737 * 1.52976= ~5717 healing (no firebrand f2 tome 5 skill).

> > >

> > > With guardian 5 skill on f2 tome this would be 5717 * 1.2= ~6860 healing for other allies.

> > >

> > > **TLDR; His math checks out while his logic of being capable of applying regen to 50 players with only 2 banners that have 10 man target-cap (i tested the regen target cap) doesn't though.**

> > >

> > > **FEEDBACK**

> > > My personal opinion is that the build seems decent. Id still optimize it up by adding spellbreaker and adding in the elite bubble.. I myself been playing frontline shoutbreaker with trooper runes but no healing power (more dps focused) and the cleanse is 2-3 times of a guardian which is pretty insane.

> > >

> > > Overall I just dont like the idea of adding regen in the build just because banners are so clunky and it overlaps with the regen that your guardian should apply (guardians could reach about 1800 healing power with more healing effectiveness so there would be no point running regen warrior if you need more heals, all they need is the healing power from the banner to reach like 2k). I think running 7k AoE heal shouts might be worth it though instead of going damage. My Shouts can only heal

> > > 1280* 1.2* 1.2=1844 with max might and guardian resolve 5 :(

> >

> > yo might wanna check out my go on the sb worker, posted it some time ago in the warrior forum, my shouts with might get to around 2250 heal, while still getting 6k+ crits on hammer 2

> >

> > PS. OP pls dont open a thread where you post your "build" and then being "cryptic" about everything, sounds like you just want the attention to me...post your full build an your "tricks" or dont post anything at all. thanks


> No thanks

> I show proof of concept, this is a war game. I am not here to help you

> Join YB , tell you all you every wanted to know


I was on YB, asked Fastcar in Discord why clicking was so advantageous, was told he'd explained it too many times wasn't going to again. "It just is."

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