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Male character armor/outfit needs improvement!!! (Art contest???)

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Is there any particular reason why female characters got all the sexy outfit that shows a lot of skin but male character are so conservative and covers everything up?


HELLO we are not in middle east here I think we can reveal some skin!!! Whoever is doing the outfit or armor design is not doing a good job or it's being bias or sexist whatever it is because male character should be able to show some skin too!! NOT ONLY when I'm freaking diving and with a hideous boxer!!! (god forbid I will never get caught dead wearing that IRL)


I think we need some gay designer or something because that boxer is fugly sorry for the rant but I can't handle this crap no more!! how about a community art work competition and then make it happen in the game if your designer can't come up with something satisfying!?!!!! B)

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Because I don't want to see the hairy legs of a super manly norn. And shaving is again not manly.


Let's be more serious: In every game and in every artbook I have, the male clothes are always longsleeves and such. Even the evenstar set on my Lalafell Blackmage (Japanese game) had, unlike the female version with the skirt, no free skin visible. The Cra in Dofus/Wakfu (French) have typical clothes and even at my company, which re-designed their work clothes for the 110,000 employes, gave pretty distinctive clothes for each gender.


I would find it irritating and love to buy blue boxer shorts with carrots on it.



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I think we're stuck with the "naked" underwear because it's part of the character(1). (This isn't the case in all MMORPGs - if you play Korean ArcheAge, you can, indeed, strip your character actually naked - but it is usually the case for "western" games, including western builds of oriental games.)


However, I'd like for the big huge male norn I recently created to be able to show off his torso full of tattoos.


(1) And while the yellow semibikini may be slightly boring, it's better than the grey sports bra and granny panties that all SWTOR female characters wear under their armour. Well, all except the companion Lana Beniko. Hers are a darkish purple instead.

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people think it's normal than men want to look bada$$ and women want to look sexy, and sadly most of the forums are okay with those being the ONLY choices for our characters, and completely ignore the rest of us who want to have ALSO the choice to have sexy male characters and bada$$ female characters.

This topic has been done time and again (by me more than a few) and still nothing has changed, and the replies are always the same "if you don't like it go away".

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> @"coso.9173" said:

> people think it's normal than men want to look bada$$ and women want to look sexy, and sadly most of the forums are okay with those being the ONLY choices for our characters, and completely ignore the rest of us who want to have ALSO the choice to have sexy male characters and bada$$ female characters.

> This topic has been done time and again (by me more than a few) and still nothing has changed, and the replies are always the same "if you don't like it go away".


Why not both? The Governator wearing his pair of leather underoos in the first Conan movie is _both_ sexy and badass


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> @"Tom Hsiao.9705" said:

> Is there any particular reason why female characters got all the sexy outfit that shows a lot of skin but male character are so conservative and covers everything up?


> HELLO we are not in middle east here I think we can reveal some skin!!! Whoever is doing the outfit or armor design is not doing a good job or it's being bias or sexist whatever it is because male character should be able to show some skin too!! NOT ONLY when I'm freaking diving and with a hideous boxer!!! (god forbid I will never get caught dead wearing that IRL)


> I think we need some gay designer or something because that boxer is fugly sorry for the rant but I can't handle this crap no more!! how about a community art work competition and then make it happen in the game if your designer can't come up with something satisfying!?!!!! B)


here, man boob


![](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/8/80/Barbaric_armor_human_male_front.jpg/273px-Barbaric_armor_human_male_front.jpg "")



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Friend of mine plays a male human guardian, and I play a female sylvari mesmer. At one point his chest armour was literally just a diagonal strap across his torso, whereas most of my armour has been fully-covering robes. I'm a little less covered now with Tier 3 light racial armour but still not "in your face" revealing. I've found that GW is actually better in terms of choices for armour looks - especially with the transmutation system - than a lot of other MMOs.

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Very much this!



Replace male character's basic underwear to Lord Faren's Southsun Swimsuit. Also provides the outfit version.



Replace male character's basic underwear to Lord Faren's Tarzan Pants. Also provides the outfit version.


Honestly, both assets and artwork are already in-game. Maybe need coding and tweaking.


Jokes aside, there are some male revealing chest, but not pants:



Funerary (Personal Favorite) - https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Funerary_armor_(light)

Warbeast - https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Warbeast_armor_(light)



..... (I don't think there is any)



Scallywag - https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Scallywag_armor



Daydreamer's Finery - https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Daydreamer%27s_Finery_Outfit



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Most men irl would not want to be seen showing skin because they can be taken for something they are not. I'm sure you can imagine what it is that they don't want to be taken for.


Most women irl would want to show more skin, especially if they are good looking so that everyone can see appreciate their...assets. After all, what woman would not want to feel desired?


No, this is not real life, this is a video game, but people use their preferences from real life when they make and dress their characters. Therefore it makes sense that there aren't many revealing options for males. Those who would use them would be few despite being very vocal about it.


For me, the problem, if there is such at all, is not that males have too few skimpy armors, but that most female armors look like swimsuits. For example, I wanted to make a necromancer and for casters I usually go for women. I was put off by the idea of making a female necro, because most female armors will not make the character look intimidating, but rather like a stripper on a bad day. Can't take it seriously.


This is the Armor of the Lich. Compare the male and female version and you'll why.


I have to say nice cleavage on the female one, though. This may be just a game, but if i want to stay alive in a fight, I would not expose my chest to enemy...swords like that.



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Actually GW2 is one of the few fantasy games were skimpier armour makes sense because the idea is not to tank or absorb attacks, but to dodge around them. Thematically the combat is more akin to Conan in his naked glory dodging and weaving around his opponents than its two knights in full plate dunking it out with one another. A Warrior going bare-chested into GW2 combat isn’t really as stupid as it first appears.


In fact, when you think about it, the actual stupid thing about GW2 combat is how little defense their full plate sets provides. It really makes no sense for anyone to be wearing it at all!

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> @"EpicName.4523" said:

> Most men irl would not want to be seen showing skin because they can be taken for something they are not. I'm sure you can imagine what it is that they don't want to be taken for.


This comment just makes me sad. I wonder how fragile your hetrosexuality is that it could be shattered by simple showing off your body. Male fashion is finally becoming an acceptable topic again, don't let yourself get stuck in the past.

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> @"ZRoosty.7391" said:

> > @"EpicName.4523" said:

> > Most men irl would not want to be seen showing skin because they can be taken for something they are not. I'm sure you can imagine what it is that they don't want to be taken for.

> >

> This comment just makes me sad. I wonder how fragile your hetrosexuality is that it could be shattered by simple showing off your body. Male fashion is finally becoming an acceptable topic again, don't let yourself get stuck in the past.


A lot can be said about this and most of it has little to do with the game itself. In order to give proper response I'll have to go way off-topic for a gaming forum. I'll only say that whenever someone wants to push forward certain way of thinking or behavior which is quite different from the norm, they often like to say that everyone who disagrees with them has some inner fears, insecurities or is just" stuck". The accused person then quickly goes on the defensive to prove that they are not. I won't go there. I know exactly where I am standing and got nothing to prove.


As far as male fashion goes there is nothing wrong with that. The difference between good fashion and perversely bad taste can be very slim, though. I don't see no reason for the devs not to make some skimpy male pajamas which will allow certain players the admire the perfect anatomy of their characters or whatever. Some will even buy such outfits for gems, I am sure. Personally, I'd rather have more believable female armors instead of more ridiculous male ones.

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> @"EpicName.4523" said:

> > @"ZRoosty.7391" said:

> > > @"EpicName.4523" said:

> > > Most men irl would not want to be seen showing skin because they can be taken for something they are not. I'm sure you can imagine what it is that they don't want to be taken for.


Sweety it's 2018 people wear jeans with holes on it!!!!! So I'm SURE people are ok with showing their skin!!! B)


> @"Funky.4861" said:

> The 'problem' is that the designers are stuck pandering to (notoriously conservative) American cultural ideals. If we had some sexy armour like tera- castanics or more asian/italian fashion themes, we might all be a bit better-off.


I couldn't have agree MORE!! Whoever designed men's attire need to think outside the box or go read some GQ.

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> @"EpicName.4523" said:

> > @"ZRoosty.7391" said:

> > > @"EpicName.4523" said:

> > > Most men irl would not want to be seen showing skin because they can be taken for something they are not. I'm sure you can imagine what it is that they don't want to be taken for.

> > >

> > This comment just makes me sad. I wonder how fragile your hetrosexuality is that it could be shattered by simple showing off your body. Male fashion is finally becoming an acceptable topic again, don't let yourself get stuck in the past.


> A lot can be said about this and most of it has little to do with the game itself. In order to give proper response I'll have to go way off-topic for a gaming forum. I'll only say that whenever someone wants to push forward certain way of thinking or behavior which is quite different from the norm, they often like to say that everyone who disagrees with them has some inner fears, insecurities or is just" stuck". The accused person then quickly goes on the defensive to prove that they are not. I won't go there. I know exactly where I am standing and got nothing to prove.


> As far as male fashion goes there is nothing wrong with that. The difference between good fashion and perversely bad taste can be very slim, though. I don't see no reason for the devs not to make some skimpy male pajamas which will allow certain players the admire the perfect anatomy of their characters or whatever. Some will even buy such outfits for gems, I am sure. Personally, I'd rather have more believable female armors instead of more ridiculous male ones.


The female armour is perfectly believable _within the setting/context of the game_.


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This is actually my biggest pet peeve in this game.


I agree that male armor designers should really step up their game. I haven't got much to complain about heavy or medium armor sets though, but male light armor sets and outfits are very often absolutely hideous. There's nothing wrong about more revealing armor pieces either if it looks good, but why OH WHY does it have to be made like this:


[Nightmare Court Armor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Nightmare_Court_armor_(light)_human_male_front.jpg "Nightmare Court Armor")

[Feathered Armor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Feathered_armor_human_male_front.jpg "Feathered Armor")

[Funerary Armor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Funerary_armor_(light)_human_male_front.jpg "Funerary Armor")

[Warbeast Armor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Warbeast_armor_(light)_human_male_front.jpg "Warbeast Armor")

[Elonian Armor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Elonian_armor_(light)_human_male_front.jpg "Elonian Armor")

[incarnate Armor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Incarnate_armor_human_male_front.jpg "Incarnate Armor")


[Daydreamer's Finery Outfit](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Daydreamer%27s_Finery_Outfit_human_male_front.jpg "Daydreamer's Finery Outfit")

[Crystal Savant Outfit](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Crystal_Savant_Outfit_human_male_front.jpg "Crystal Savant Outfit")

[inquest Exo-Suit Outfit](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Inquest_Exo-Suit_Outfit_human_male_front.jpg "Inquest Exo-Suit Outfit")

[Winter Monarch Outfit](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Winter_Monarch_Outfit_human_male_front.jpg "Winter Monarch Outfit")


Many of which would look way better without the completely weird naked spots.


If a more revealing look really is what we need, why not take inspiration from for example [barbaric Armor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Barbaric_armor_human_male_front.jpg "Barbaric Armor"), frigging [Disney's Aladdin](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/mario-sonic-and-sora/images/4/4a/Aladdin_KHREC.png/revision/latest?cb=20130613183445 "Disney's Aladdin") or absolutely anything more revealing people in real life would actually wear.


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I would appreciate some more revealing armor choices for males indeed. The sunspear outfit is a good step in the right direction but only for pay.

![](https://i.imgur.com/zJviT5D.jpg "")


And for the rest it would be nice to have some more revealing armors that do not have bones hanging from it. A few stylish choices would be very welcome as light armor.

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