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time to lower the rank requirement again.

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People who got high ranks cheated at the start of the game. In the old days you could use badges of honors to buy wvw potions. People who played in the old days could farm 5000 ranks in a couple of weeks.


Then anet nerfed that so...


Guilds started farming kills in obsidian sanctum by kill trading and farming wvw exp.


Anet nerfed that too...


Today it's very hard to wvw ranks because of low activity and also because there is 10,000 levels.


Most new players feel the wvw talents are a painful grind and rather not do it. Nobody cares about we've tracks or ascended gear or titles.


Any ways wvw needs to be readjusted and make it to where you can spend wvw tickets on wvw potions of exp or gear or track exp. That would make it a win win situation and much more fun.

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Contrary to raids(yes I know, it´s always Burn down Carthage! when I start with this :) ) wvw lets you do it your way. I play nearly exclusively a ranger and am currently a sliver general, do not really care about boosters and I sometimes even enrage my fellow players with my general ineptness, lack of build and lack of skill in 1on1 situations.

I scout and defend, that´s what I like to do.


My speed regarding wvw levels may be glacial, but I am satisfied whenever I log off from wvw because I have done something that netted me some points on a reward track. I have no problem with the current requirements. I like it that not everyone can walk into wvw, learn how it works by watching videos and guides and then bash his head against a wall for some dsays until either the head or the wall breaks.


If you don´t like wvw by default, you will indeed never have fun in it. My attempts at raiding and pvp usually leads to complete boredom after half an hour or so, and I am pretty sure that many people feel that way about wvw too.

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Maybe they could make the first 10k ranks easier to grind but then add in another 10k ranks that keep the original leveling model and then add all sorts of new skins for people who are able to climb the second ladder. That way the beginners can get their triumphant gear and the veterans still have some sort of prestige item to hold over others.

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> Maybe they could make the first 10k ranks easier to grind but then add in another 10k ranks that keep the original leveling model and then add all sorts of new skins for people who are able to climb the second ladder. That way the beginners can get their triumphant gear and the veterans still have some sort of prestige item to hold over others.


Sure... if they make one of the other gifts required for legendary armor to require proportionally as much effort/dedication in the new system as the old.

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Even on the most deserted server and day of the week, there are maps with things to do...camps to take, shrines, vets. And then you can, if you try, find a small group. At least I manage to find a few people to follow around for a while when I want a group at all. All in all, I've never found it difficult to generate some income and start generating pips...the tier three requirement and all that. Anyway, I suppose it might be different on a really empty server. Best of luck and WvW is about the best thing on GW2...great fun.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > Maybe they could make the first 10k ranks easier to grind but then add in another 10k ranks that keep the original leveling model and then add all sorts of new skins for people who are able to climb the second ladder. That way the beginners can get their triumphant gear and the veterans still have some sort of prestige item to hold over others.


> Sure... if they make one of the other gifts required for legendary armor to require proportionally as much effort/dedication in the new system as the old.


Maybe they could add an exclusive set of WvW legendary armor that you can only begin to unlock at rank 5-6k. That way you can still get your legendary armor done at lower ranks with the triumphant set but still have something to work towards if you're a veteran.

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It's been nearly 1 year since ascended armor was introduced. Around this time last year, I recall certain people in this thread claiming to be sub 1k and stating it would take forever to reach the 1.5k requirement for T3 ascended armor.


A year later and those people now claim to not only have surpassed the 1.5k rank, but also claim to be a higher rank than people such as myself who've been playing for 5 years on a guest server.


This does illustrate there's a problem gaining ranks in game, just not in the way this thread would like everyone to believe.


Restructure will hopefully split the difference between the 2k ranks a casual T1 player can earn in a year and the 600 ranks a casual T3/T4 player can earn in the same year. If that happens, then I'd wager the lower ranked, lower tiered players would see this as a reason to keep working, while the higher tiered players would hopefully see that more even numbered fights, while maybe not as profitable are actually more numerous and thus more fun.


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> @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

> It's been nearly 1 year since ascended armor was introduced. Around this time last year, I recall certain people in this thread claiming to be sub 1k and stating it would take forever to reach the 1.5k requirement for T3 ascended armor.


> A year later and those people now claim to not only have surpassed the 1.5k rank, but also claim to be a higher rank than people such as myself who've been playing for 5 years on a guest server.


> This does illustrate there's a problem gaining ranks in game, just not in the way this thread would like everyone to believe.


> Restructure will hopefully split the difference between the 2k ranks a casual T1 player can earn in a year and the 600 ranks a casual T3/T4 player can earn in the same year. If that happens, then I'd wager the lower ranked, lower tiered players would see this as a reason to keep working, while the higher tiered players would hopefully see that more even numbered fights, while maybe not as profitable are actually more numerous and thus more fun.



As a Solo/small scale roamer...I hope so :p


I just hit 700 the other day. Been wvw'ing for about 1.5 - 2 years casually. Im not in it for rewards but for fun fights :p

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> @"AikijinX.6258" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > Some people have been rank 10k for years already, so if you cant get rank 2k you just didnt play hard enough


> Or they abused the WvW pots back in the day when it was bugged and exploitable.

What do you mean with bugged and exploitable? Affected by WXP buffs?

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > @"AikijinX.6258" said:

> > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > Some people have been rank 10k for years already, so if you cant get rank 2k you just didnt play hard enough

> >

> > Or they abused the WvW pots back in the day when it was bugged and exploitable.

> What do you mean with bugged and exploitable? Affected by WXP buffs?


Somewhere in this thread, a subliminal thought was planted that all 10kers bought wxp and farmed os and eotm back in the day and were able to earn 5k ranks in 2 weeks, and like most subliminal thoughts it stuck.

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