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Eliminate "You have placed your orders too quickly" error

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suggestion: can u get rid of "ERROR: You have placed your orders too quickly" through the Trading Post?


Like why does anet give us 1 million different items and then impose this restriction??? (Some ppl said to prevent bots)... but do they realize we're Gen Y and Z, not gen x? We're super fast, and like every time i sell 10 items i get this stupid warning... "ERROR blah blah"...


I believe the phrase, "you can't have your cake and eat it too" applies to this situation. You can't just give us a million items, and then when we have to clear our inventories you put a restriction... oh no you can't sell too quickly otherwise you're a bloody bot.


Get rid of it. Please for the love of my sanity.

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Minor correction: GW2 players are from all living generations. I know some people who let their very young kids play with supervision and I know of at least one person in her 90's who plays, as well as people of all ages in between.


Also I believe the warning is a functional necessity rather than some arbitrary restriction put in to annoy us. It used to be much worse (as it can up more often and took longer to 'reset' so you could sell stuff again) and a lot of people asked for it to be removed, but apparently selling things too fast can cause all kinds of problems like your items just disappearing or selling for 1c instead of the intended price.


I'd love it if Anet could remove it completely, but I've accepted that's not likely to happen, because we went through this before and the current situation is the best we could get.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Minor correction: GW2 players are from all living generations. I know some people who let their very young kids play with supervision and I know of at least one person in **her 90's who plays,** as well as people of all ages in between.



alsdkfj I probably be dead by then... but if I live to that age I would prob be in a wheelchair with arthritis.


> Also I believe the warning is a functional necessity rather than some arbitrary restriction put in to annoy us. It used to be much worse (as it can up more often and took longer to 'reset' so you could sell stuff again) and a lot of people asked for it to be removed, but apparently selling things too fast can cause all kinds of problems like your items just disappearing or selling for 1c instead of the intended price.


> I'd love it if Anet could remove it completely, but I've accepted that's not likely to happen, because we went through this before and the current situation is the best we could get.


They could always make compromises like increasing the limit of the sale order to infinite... instead of 250... so ppl dont' have to keep selling 1000 stacks of mithril ores and get ERROROROROROR.


But of course someone will come in here... "ooooooh waste resources on something useless" just live with the pain.

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It's not a restriction, or to combat gold sellers. ArenaNet has explained in the past (at least on the old GW2 forums) that it's a technical limitation in the system and there's nothing they can do about it. If they tried to get rid of whatever causes the issue, it would cause a ton of problems.


The only way to deal with it is to sell stuff slower in the trading post.

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> @"Charrbeque.8729" said:

> It's not a restriction, or to combat gold sellers. ArenaNet has explained in the past (at least on the old GW2 forums) that it's a technical limitation in the system and there's nothing they can do about it. If they tried to get rid of whatever causes the issue, it would cause a ton of problems.


> The only way to deal with it is to sell stuff slower in the trading post.


Ok why do ppl keep coming in to suggestion threads and say, "it's too complicated anet can't fix it"... or "deal with it"... what is the point of saying these things exactly? Yall said mounts were complicated yet they're here... and there are plenty of them... i need ppl to not write these things "it's impossible, it's complicated"... if other games can do it... why can't anet? What makes them more special than other programmers???




> @"CaelestiaEmpyrea.2617" said:

> ANet has already improved the issue considerably. You used to get the message after selling 3-4 items in a row. And it would lock you out of selling for up to 10 minutes. Things are MUCH better now, and are about as good as they can get without rewriting a huge chunk of the game engine.


To be fair, BEFORE HoT was released, there were FEWER items, and you couldn't get nearly as much ores or whatever junks as much as you do nowadays. I never get these error messages before... and I grinded a lot.

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> @"Charrbeque.8729" said:

> It's not a restriction, or to combat gold sellers. ArenaNet has explained in the past (at least on the old GW2 forums) that it's a technical limitation in the system and there's nothing they can do about it. If they tried to get rid of whatever causes the issue, it would cause a ton of problems.


> The only way to deal with it is to sell stuff slower in the trading post.


In addition, if they're aware of the "limitations"... why do they insist on adding more items to the game??????????? thats what i mean by "have the cake and eat it too"... if u know theres a limitation in ur game why push beyond those limitations and add a zillion items to the game????


Like call me an asshole... or whatever but I'm speaking my mind, and I'll be so damn mad if i get another infraction for simply saying the truth.

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> @"Samnang.1879" said:

>but do they realize we're Gen Y and Z, not gen x? We're super fast, and like every time i sell 10 items i get this stupid warning... "ERROR blah blah"...


Umm, what does generation have to do with it? I always have to laugh when other gamers say I can never do something fast with a keyboard ... I have muscle memory of using it for games going back to the 70s.


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> @"CaelestiaEmpyrea.2617" said:

> ANet has already improved the issue considerably. You used to get the message after selling 3-4 items in a row. And it would lock you out of selling for up to 10 minutes. Things are MUCH better now, and are about as good as they can get without rewriting a huge chunk of the game engine.


Yes, doing an event that yielded a lot of stuff to sell was practically torture.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, I am selling several items in the TP, and have about 10 items left when I get the red warning screen error telling me that I am selling to fast, and to wait a few minutes. I have seen the error pop up off and on over the years, but it seems lately it is happening far quicker than before. Anyone else seeing this happen more often, or is it just me. Really frustrating to take so long selling the last few things.

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> @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> Enjoy slowing down Sammy, you have a lot to look forward too.




_I'm in a hurry to get things done

Oh I rush and rush until life's no fun

All I really gotta do is live and die

But I'm in a hurry and don't know why.._


-- Alabama (At the Ryman)

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