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Feedback: Official Forums

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Would be nice if signatures weren't locked behind some unknown condition (I know it's to do with getting helpful/thumbs up, but there's no exact breakdown of how much is required to unlock signatures).


Also lack of ability to embed images is really sad. I liked the old forums for this - hope it can be made to work with the new forums.

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The information density is much lower, with a too big focus on usernames and icons which contribute nothing to the actual content

(also the font on firefox is waaay too translucent, IE looks fine in comparison (default settings on both))

In the old style you can go smoothly through the posts without any distration, the new style is a ride interrupted by potholes every second

old: ![](https://imgur.com/tTuZLkF.png "")

(also the image embedding is kinda weird)

new: ![](https://imgur.com/zGwVtQN.png "")





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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"Boogiepop Void.6473" said:

> > My icon has a cage on it. I'm not sure if this is viable to everyone or just me, or what it means. If you are going to use iconography it has to be clearly defined.


> Can you take a screenshot of that, host it, and send me a link? That's weird!


It only shows up on mobile, so I have no way to screenshot it.

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> @Winderly.2718 said:

> "terrific features, including:

> ...Search Engine"

> Really ? We will finally have a functional search feature ? Skritt !


Well, maybe it'll actually, finally work sometime in 2018... or maybe 2050, because the Search function (even on this *new* forum) STILL isn't working right now :-1: ..... WOW! :angry:


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Not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but a way to increase/decrease text size, underline text, and change text color would be greatly appreciated. For those of us that like writing lists or other constructive posts for the community, having everything being the same size can make long posts difficult to read and organize.

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Well, I was going to upload an image straight from my PC of me sitting on my raptor in the "6 Days till pof. Whats the first thing u will do right after the button push?" thread.... but I can only do a URL image? Can we no longer upload images direct from our PC? The search function seems borked and I can't be bothered to read through 19 pages to see if anyone else has mentioned this. :'(

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> @Nyel.1843 said:

> Please please please remove the Thumbs Down (Up) option. The Elder Scrolls Online forum uses the same format and they have "Insightful", "Agree" and "Awesome" instead of Helpful / Thumbs Up / Down.


The URLs behind the buttons use: insightful, dislike, like. This might be a better visible wording for this forum.



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I often use the forums on mobile and currently there is no way to see the dev tracker on mobile. This is a major problem as under the old forums I used to be able to see the dev tracker on mobile. I'm not really sure how something like this could slip through?


I am also receiving some error messages on some messages in the dev tracker. On PC, when I click on the ArenaNet button to take me to the comment by the developer it sometimes says "Error." In addition, in the dev tracker it no longer shows what developer made a a comment and what that comment said. Instead, it shows the original thread title and the OP's username.


I consider this downgrade to the dev tracker to be a significant problem for the new forums.

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The new Dev tracker is very difficult to use.

The old one was perfect. It showed the posts themselves, and in a thread you could press to down or up arrow to move through the Dev posts.

But this new one only points you towards a thread where you then need to sift through the entire thing to find the responses. And there's no arrow to move between Dev posts making it even more difficult.

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> @Goatjugsoup.8637 said:

> my main feedback is it is so finicky to actually get to the new forums... the forums tab on the official website still links to the old forums and instead i have to find the news post that directs to the new forums


The forum link on https://www.guildwars2.com goes to the new forum for me. The only place I have found where the forum link goes to the old forum is on the old forum. Of course there is also the option to bookmark the new forum link for quick access.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Welcome to our new official forums! We're glad you're here, and hope you enjoy all the improvements these forums offer you.


> Please post your input about the forums here. If you encounter a forum bug, please share the details in this thread. If you find a graphical or visual bug, please host a screenshot on a photo-sharing site and provide a link.


> We will be gathering your input and will address issues as soon as we are able to do so.




There's one huge issue with the old forums that I hope you fixed here: getting ArenaNet to respond to posts. I'm hoping, but it seems unlikely, considering how many times we've asked questions with no replies.


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