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[Suggestion] Expansion Players get own subservers

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > Imo, were ANet to change "Daily events in {zone}" to "Daily events in {region}," 60-80% of the problem would go away.


> You're kidding, right? We both know that would mean that "Daily events in Kryta" would mean every single 80 in the game trotting round Queensdale. B)


I would think that many 80s would do a world boss chain rather than battle for credit in the low-level events. Modniir in Harathi Hinterlands or Karka Queen in Southsun, for example. Although, some might opt for SB in Queensdale, as well.

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I sympathize with the OP, being out stripped like that, but keep in mind, Anet is trying to sell expansions, since the base game is free, so, it is in their interest to find ways to motivate players to buy the additional benefits that the expansion gives them, also not being rude at all here, but, the people that can't afford to buy an expansion, also are not the ones that will be buying gems, so, they are not a profitable demographic.


As such, I highly doubt they would do this as it would be a time (read: Money) investment that would not give them any profit in return.


Personally, I would rather see Each Expansion have their own Daily List, like WvW and sPvP has, just add them to the Overall List, but give them 5 options, and offer rewards geared towards that content.


That should cut down on the level 80's, riding their griffons in Queensdale for daily events.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > Imo, were ANet to change "Daily events in {zone}" to "Daily events in {region}," 60-80% of the problem would go away.


> You're kidding, right? We both know that would mean that "Daily events in Kryta" would mean every single 80 in the game trotting round Queensdale.


I don't know that. Some players would seek to do events in other Kryta zones, which would make QD less crowded than when the task is "Daily events in QD." I would, and I don't think I'm alone.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > Imo, were ANet to change "Daily events in {zone}" to "Daily events in {region}," 60-80% of the problem would go away.


> You're kidding, right? We both know that would mean that "Daily events in Kryta" would mean every single 80 in the game trotting round Queensdale. B)


Not always the lowest level zone though. The moment I would see ascalon I would WP to NW Diessa. My point is vets know where the most event-dense areas are and would congregate there, everyone else would have the run of the map without worrying about the issue.

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Why would you even suggest such a thing? Many of us have friends or guildlies, both with and without the expansions. What you are suggesting is to break up these communities just because you cannot afford (or most likely you refused to spend more money on this game) to buy expansions? Many who are reluctant to buy the expansions, they are fine with playing alongside with those who have. And, if they feel inferior without the expansions and love this game enough, they will buy the expansions. So, no please.

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > Imo, were ANet to change "Daily events in {zone}" to "Daily events in {region}," 60-80% of the problem would go away.


> Which is how things used to be (at least for some stuff). Why they did not go back to that ...



Because they want the player base on specific maps, hence the reason they went to "Daily events in [zone]" As for the OP's problem, I'm going to guess this happens about 99% of the time when it is those "Daily event in [zone]" days, I know those are almost the only time I go to maps other than the desert maps, but I usually just use my mount for transportation, I can dismount and tag a mob fast enough to get credit in almost all cases...even when others are using their mounts attacks.

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Where this happens is in 1-15 maps, early areas in 15-25 maps. There's almost always enough time to run and tag an enemy so long as it isn't an expansion daily event completer zone in a 24 or lower level map (and, considering the portion of f2p who are active AND do dailies is relatively small, a core daily event completer doesn't bring much more traffic to maps than they would've gotten anyway) - only times where poeple with mounts can steal kills/credit are those low level maps, where dismount attack takes anywhere form 100% to 70% of an enemy's health.


There's been a bazillion suggestions since PoF came out to nerf the dismount in starter zones, which bares very few downsides comapared to the multitudes of downsides seperating the population by expansion will bring. base game only maps will be ghost towns, newbs will largely only ever talk to newbs (may never get help if they have trouble and likely leave game)...

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MMOs change over time. It’s the nature of the genre and not something exclusive to GW2. If you choose not to purchase expansions and limit your gaming experience that is certainly within your right to do so - but don’t expect the game designers to make significant changes to accommodate you.


As others have mentioned - scaling of the mount attacks could certainly be looked at but the rest of the thread seems foolish to me.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> I will often map-chat request that players not mount-kill during daily events so that everyone has a chance to tag. Most of the time, I see most of the players comply, but there are a few "bad apples" who will mock me for my polite request. Still, it doesn't take much to ask and my experience has shown me that it helps.


People have no obligation to change their playstyle to benefit you and make things more difficult for themselves. It's reasonable to ask if there's a large squad and people are failing to tag completely (like Halloween Labyrinth) but even then, the smaller mobs have insignificant value.


The only reasonable suggestion in this thread is to reduce the dismount damage by a few % or just adjust the scaling on vanilla maps.

By purchasing expacs, players gained access to mounts/gliders and in all honestly I cannot believe that they effect core players so much that they need to complain about their game being "ruined". If someone on a raptor squashed a couple of mobs before you could get to them, it's not a serious enough reason to request to throw them onto another map.

Consider this - the majority of players have 1 or 2 expacs. If you cannot stand to share a map with these players, you're very likely to find yourself alone or with very few other people most of the time.

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I remember similar frustrations during LS1 in the base game, but my frustrations were based on me being a necromancer and everyone else being almost exclusively greatsword warriors and thieves heh. Tagging worked differently back then too, so there were lots of times when even getting hits in and dealing damage wasn't enough to guarantee credit for a kill. All the normal mobs would die before I could get a hit in (between comparatively terrible mobility and achingly slow projectile speed) and I wasn't doing comparatively enough damage to champions to get xp for them before they died. So I can definitely empathise with your situation. But in saying that, I don't think separate map instances is the solution. (Much as I would have liked back then for all the warriors and thieves to be consigned to their own map and let me play in peace at my own pace haha!)

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