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Is the PVP population shrinking, and if so, why?

Crab Fear.1624

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From my perspective, it seems as if the PVP population is steadily shrinking.


I used to really enjoy PVP but for atleast the last year my frustration with this game mode has increased.


I am losing interest in the game mode because as it is now, I do not find it satisfying.


Some of the reasons I have seen others say made them leave PVP are:

* Slow balance

* Untested changes

* Slow to make fixes that should be addressed immediately

* same old conquest mode

* lack of team play in ranked

* allowance of ftp bots, cheats, hacks, and match manipulators

* pve reward driven system

* flavor of the season bandwagon OP class


**Have you quit, or drastically reduced your pvp game time?**


**Have you avoided this season because of the horrors from the last two?**



For me (meaning my personal opinion and experience), I find that the lack of a strong and important competitive scene in Guild Wars 2 demotivates me from playing other game modes in it. I become so frustrated with the game when I am in PVP that any other goals I may have set for the day are abandoned, because I log out in disgust.




I percieve that the PVP population is shrinking due to alot of well known, yet unaddressed issues. PVP is a core part of my GW2 experience, and PVP's current state demotivates me from playing the rest of the game.

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i’m mastering gladiator in for honor, that game rocks dudes


as far as spam wars 2 tho, it was the combination of two things made me leave


bad balance + cant play ranked w friends


those were the two main factors that got me to quit, those two plus WvW issues got rid of the rest of my guild. we’re all gone now. at least back when we had crappy balance in the past we could play as a group & still have some fun, but that’s gone. so it’s just bile & nostalgia now

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The game failed to attract a big audience in twitch, the official tournaments are gone, and most of people interested in the exclusive rewards (The ascension, the PvP legendary armor) are gradually reaching their goals. The balance patch pace is glacial, and instead of providing a wider variety of viable builds and new maps or exciting new game modes the PvP is progressively dumbed down to least amount of sigils, amulets and runes available and very few competitive builds (with some clases being subpar).


The combat system is amongst the best even created for a MMORPG, but only can carry so much if the other aspects are weak. Anyway, competitive PvP in MMORPGs is mostly in coma for EVERY game.

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1. Bad balance with no sign of getting to a healthy state EVER. Yes, they nerf some stuff, but everything is so stupidly strong that at the rate ANet moves, it can only ever get less bad - never to an even somewhat healthy state.

2. Inability to play with friends in ranked. PvP isn't that fun because of #1, and now I have to endure it alone. Rewards only motivate for so long.

3. All my PvP friends quitting or drastically reducing play time because of #1 and #2.


Since HoT, I've only played seriously for a few weeks every 3-4 months. I don't mind sitting out entire ranked seasons. I can only take so much before I just get too frustrated by the power creep. However, this time I think I'm done with PvP for good. Probably hop on to claim living story unlocks and that it's.


I've been filling my time with Overwatch, TV, and real-life hobbies.

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I blame lack of team queue...


It's mathematical:

Solo queue / Duo queue system: Max players brought into Mists = 2

Team queue: Max players brought into the mists = 5



Situations: 1 player wants to PvP with his friends, can only invite one person to play with and that person must be similar or higher skill level to reduce the risk of losing.


With Team Queue: 1 player wants to play PvP with his friends, he asks in guild chat if anyone wants to join. He gets 4 other people to queue with him, 2 people have never played PvP before but they really enjoyed playing it with their friends and continue to come back and ask guild chat to join in.... Cycle repeats itself.

1 player brings in 4, 2 stay and do the same, then we have 10+ players from 1 guild populating the mists.




If only Team que could work the same as our current Duo que, stop team games at 1600 so people can still chase their ego while the rest of us can play with our friends in a MMO.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> I blame lack of team queue...


> It's mathematical:

> Solo queue / Duo queue system: Max players brought into Mists = 2

> Team queue: Max players brought into the mists = 5


> __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

> Situations: 1 player wants to PvP with his friends, can only invite one person to play with and that person must be similar or higher skill level to reduce the risk of losing.


> With Team Queue: 1 player wants to play PvP with his friends, he asks in guild chat if anyone wants to join. He gets 4 other people to queue with him, 2 people have never played PvP before but they really enjoyed playing it with their friends and continue to come back and ask guild chat to join in.... Cycle repeats itself.

> 1 player brings in 4, 2 stay and do the same, then we have 10+ players from 1 guild populating the mists.


> ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________\


> If only Team que could work the same as our current Duo que, stop team games at 1600 so people can still chase their ego while the rest of us can play with our friends in a MMO.




Some people love to blame the removal of 5 man ranked play as the reason for PvP dying, yet ANet told us that it was the _vast minority_ of people that queued up in 5 man teams back when that was an option. You're free to not believe them if you want, but they have the data to back up their statements, and yall don't, so I know who I believe on the matter

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Because nobody enjoys need one person or an entire build just to counter a scourge that if left unchecked will just spam the entire team down in seconds. Or bunker warriors that do not die but still cleave everything down in a few hits.


Or bunker mesmers that interrupt you every .5 seconds while hitting you with shatters and blocks and defenders and disenchanters.


And the rating system is terrible unless you're of the chosen few that gets selected for teams of people that don't just zerg from point to point and still wipe.


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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> I blame lack of team queue...


> 1 player brings in 4, 2 stay and do the same, then we have 10+ players from 1 guild populating the mists.


> ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________\


> If only Team que could work the same as our current Duo que, stop team games at 1600 so people can still chase their ego while the rest of us can play with our friends in a MMO.


Well said. I was brought into this game from another MMO. We played DnD together as an Rp thing for ten years !!


They all quit this game with a guild hall and everything because we couldn't play ALL the aspects of the game together, in an MMO. So it's 10 people all playing an MMO solo, that are at the same LAN party, lol, wtf. Sad part is, we don't even roll dice together anymore either.

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Mesmers always ran off new players. I can't tell you how many new players I referred to the game and once they saw how ridiculous the learning curve was to deal with certain cheese builds...especially mesmers...they bailed. However, now they have made mesmers obscene at even the highest levels. There really is no point to playing when one profession is given the most annoying AI and the most viable builds that can excel at virtually anything they want...stealth, immunities, boons, boon rips, AOE, single target, condi, power, most minions, lowest cooldowns, lowest cast times, 100% scaling defenses, mobility, team support, etc.


The maps have also been dumbed down and are stale. Why on earth was underwater combat removed? It's synonymous with everything Anet has done wrong. Instead of fixing issues...they either drag their feet forever or just remove/dumb down things. There isn't any creative solutions anymore. It's just massive nerfs/buffs every season and literally ZERO adjustment to those changes during the dead period. You can't get any more proof that they don't care about PvP to just throw one massive change out every few months and do ZERO in the interim to fix obvious problems.


Need further proof? They recently asked on this forum for Mesmer feedback to be consolidated into one thread. That sounds fine and dandy, but how about just log into the game and play it to see the problems...it's even more obvious than the declining popularity of PvP.

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Power creep. The gameplay is not fun or engaging because the builds do everything with little effort. The result is you just spam a rotation on point. Every class has either insane 1 shot potential or perma invuln/evade/block mechanics.


So you have to just spam all your stuff on a point and hope that a few of your abilities (and their passive triggers) kill the opponent.


If you don't believe in power creep then try and run an off-meta build and see how it does. You will get shrekt. Which shows how broken the top builds are

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anet fail in the beginning with the statement of NO holy trinity.

its so bull crap as we do have it


ele, guard, druid .


ele hardly was anthing but healer/ supporter. few took it as fa direct dmg build (few brave ones)

guard was the only class who fulfill the no trinity system . could do direct dmg, condi dmg, support, bunker

druid mostly support from the start and bunker


the the holy trinity do exist

and the try to make each class do it all create the power/ sustain creep


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I'm just playing to my legendary armor at this point. Will be finished this season.


I've started my own 5 man team and we have a lot of fun just perfecting our team play. We hope to have a real competitive outlet soon. ATs need a major rework with one at least every hour if not constantly rotating.

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I queued a few times in February, once in March, and have yet to queue in April. I just can't find the desire to do so anymore. My motivation to try was killed almost immediately during the PoF demo weekend. The state of balance during that weekend was beyond horrific, and although it has improved in certain respects since then, witnessing the immense level of powercreep that was introduced was incredibly disheartening.


That is my primary reason for not PvPing anymore. On a conceptual level, I love the elite specs that PoF brought. However, in practice, there are a lot of design decisions that were made that just baffle me, and after a certain point, I lost my steam, and to a certain extent my faith. I question why I continue to play the game when it legitimately makes me angry at times, but its combat system has spoiled me. There is still a lot to love about the game, I just really wish they'd dedicate more resources to work on balance. That is the #1 most important thing to me as a player. It seems like they are gradually making it more of a priority, I just don't think gradual is enough for most players.

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I won 700 games with DH and luckily got my legi pvp wings right before PoF. Ive played a few games since the expansion and while having an occasional losing streak is completely normal, the way it is now is just permanently non fun. I pretty much only play WvW now and sometimes a PvE raid or dungeon.

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Because Anet has blindly tried to create an eSport with its PvP design choices, while not supporting this idea at all from a class design / balance cadence perspective.


If only they had created a bunch of different game modes over the last 5 years...

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