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A-Net Please make it easier to the Gift of battle.

Last Crysis.1934

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> @"Blanche Neige.7241" said:

> ah, but on some servers, when a PVE player goes into WvW to get his GoB, he also take the spot of a WvW player who has to sit in queue for XX minutes.


Not really.

First, regardless of why the player is there, they are still playing for your world. A reluctant WvWarrior is still playing WvW. Second, how many people do you think are doing this and for how often?


And finally, why wouldn't every serious fan of WvW want to see as much potential fresh blood into the game mode as possible? For every 100 newbies, you might only get 5 or 10 future veterans, but where else will WvW get people to replace those burning out after 4 years?

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> @"Reven.2489" said:

> On a scale of 1 to OP, how lazy are you?


I am not here calling ppl named and I am Not lazy I just don't like WvW I hate having to fight over players. All I am asking for is another means to get the GoB if they make a supper hard way to get one that does not require me to pvp I would be fine with it.

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> @"Last Crysis.1934" said:

> All I am asking for is another means to get the GoB if they make a supper hard way to get one that does not require me to pvp I would be fine with it.

The entire reason that ANet keeps updating the requirement for GoB is to get you into WvW, for whatever reasons they have. (They've been explained above, but it's moot.)


If you don't want to do anything that risks fighting another player, then do the "Big Spender" daily when it comes up, typically 3-5x per month. Each time it does, you get a potion that progresses your active WvW reward track by 0.125%, so you need 80 of these. At 4/month, that's 48/year, so it will take you 2 years.


If you want to speed up the process and are willing to take small risks of fighting other players, there are several other dailies that require only dealing with NPCs (unless an enemy is there to do the same thing, hence: small risk). Those dailies involve killing a supply yak, killing NPCs to take a camp (or letting others do it while you jump in the ring), killing one of three veteran creates on borderland maps, killing a sentry (and capping its location), and capping a ruin. 1-3 of those happen just about every day, so you can easily get 10/week or 40/month. So that reduces the time to GoB to 2 months.


ANet is **not** going to change the GoB requirement any time soon, so your best bet is to use one of the above methods even as you agitate for change.



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I was recently helping a guild member get a Gift of Battle. It took us about 9 hours total to complete the track for them. Frustrating hours filled with endless running to objectives, building siege, PvDoor, blob on blob battles that consisted of condi bombs and massive cc, running back from wp when killed, gankers trying to pick off stragglers, and taking the same objectives over and over. Also add a little bit of some veteran WvW players making comments about PvE noobs ruining their battles (which is probably correct, however not once did any of the vets offer to teach anyone that I saw), and you get a picture of my most recent WvW experience.


I'm a PvE player and not a big fan of WvW - wouldn't have gone in if it weren't for the GoB. This latest experience didn't change my mind at all. This has nothing to do with being lazy - I tried this game mode and don't find it enjoyable. I really wish there was a way to get this without going into WvW.


On the up side, I got 2 GoBs for myself in the process so I'll hopefully not have to set foot back there for a long time.

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> @"stone cold.8609" said:

> I was recently helping a guild member get a Gift of Battle. It took us about 9 hours total to complete the track for them. Frustrating hours filled with endless running to objectives, building siege, PvDoor, blob on blob battles that consisted of condi bombs and massive cc, running back from wp when killed, gankers trying to pick off stragglers, and taking the same objectives over and over. Also add a little bit of some veteran WvW players making comments about PvE noobs ruining their battles (which is probably correct, however not once did any of the vets offer to teach anyone that I saw), and you get a picture of my most recent WvW experience.


> I'm a PvE player and not a big fan of WvW - wouldn't have gone in if it weren't for the GoB. This latest experience didn't change my mind at all. This has nothing to do with being lazy - I tried this game mode and don't find it enjoyable. I really wish there was a way to get this without going into WvW.


> On the up side, I got 2 GoBs for myself in the process so I'll hopefully not have to set foot back there for a long time.


A lot of WvW'ers are in some weird mind-state where they think they are superior to PvE players when they are pretty much the same. WvW isn't true PvP and it's not true PvE, it's some weird amalgamation of the two so they're stuck in the middle. Anyway, your post is correct for the most part and it's something that hasn't really been mentioned in this thread yet as to why people avoid WvW in large numbers and feel like it's an annoyance and not fun at all to go in there just for one item they need.


In a perfect world we would be able to gather the materials needed to build legendaries from preferrerd game modes entirely and none of this would be an issue.

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> @"stone cold.8609" said:

> not once did any of the vets offer to teach anyone that I saw

You say that as if the same thing isn't true for fractals, raids, or open world PvE. Some vets are super salty about all sorts of things and they can't be bothered to help out even a little. Some are constantly offering to help and can't find people who want to learn. And in between, we've got people who want to be helpful, but are bad at it; people who like feeling superior who use training as a means to do that. And the same "diversity" holds true for newbies: some who show up salty and can't be bothered to pay attention when people are offering help etc.


The point is: people aren't any worse or better because they play WvW; they're still people with human foibles and failings. Helping people move out of their comfort zone is hard on the mover and the mentor.


Regardless, ANet's decided that they want active WvW participation to be a component of making a legendary. And there remain several options for those who are new to the game mode: learn it for real, push through it (as you & your friend did), do the PvE-style dailies, or do just the Big Spender daily, with the time varying from 6-12 hours at the short end, to a few months, with two years being the worst case scenario for someone who just can't do it. Another possibility is paying someone 400g for supplying the gifts of battle/exploration/dungeon.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"stone cold.8609" said:

> > not once did any of the vets offer to teach anyone that I saw

> You say that as if the same thing isn't true for fractals, raids, or open world PvE. Some vets are super salty about all sorts of things and they can't be bothered to help out even a little. Some are constantly offering to help and can't find people who want to learn. And in between, we've got people who want to be helpful, but are bad at it; people who like feeling superior who use training as a means to do that. And the same "diversity" holds true for newbies: some who show up salty and can't be bothered to pay attention when people are offering help etc.


> The point is: people aren't any worse or better because they play WvW; they're still people with human foibles and failings. Helping people move out of their comfort zone is hard on the mover and the mentor.


> Regardless, ANet's decided that they want active WvW participation to be a component of making a legendary. And there remain several options for those who are new to the game mode: learn it for real, push through it (as you & your friend did), do the PvE-style dailies, or do just the Big Spender daily, with the time varying from 6-12 hours at the short end, to a few months, with two years being the worst case scenario for someone who just can't do it. Another possibility is paying someone 400g for supplying the gifts of battle/exploration/dungeon.


I want to clarify a point:


I never said or implied that I thought people are better or worse because they play WvW. I don't think that at all. People like to play their preferred game mode and after 5+ years a few of them are less tolerant of new players. I have no issue with the players in WvW and have seen similar behavior in PvE (and never implied that it doesn't happen here either), but my post wasn't about PvE - it was about my most recent experience in WvW.


I disagree with ANet's strategy about trying to force players to play outside of their preferred game mode in the hopes that maybe they will like it an continue playing. But ultimately it's ANet's game and they make the rules. All I can do is try to influence their decisions through posts like this.

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> @"stone cold.8609" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"stone cold.8609" said:

> > > not once did any of the vets offer to teach anyone that I saw

> > You say that as if the same thing isn't true for fractals, raids, or open world PvE. Some vets are super salty about all sorts of things and they can't be bothered to help out even a little. Some are constantly offering to help and can't find people who want to learn. And in between, we've got people who want to be helpful, but are bad at it; people who like feeling superior who use training as a means to do that. And the same "diversity" holds true for newbies: some who show up salty and can't be bothered to pay attention when people are offering help etc.

> >

> > The point is: people aren't any worse or better because they play WvW; they're still people with human foibles and failings. Helping people move out of their comfort zone is hard on the mover and the mentor.

> >

> > Regardless, ANet's decided that they want active WvW participation to be a component of making a legendary. And there remain several options for those who are new to the game mode: learn it for real, push through it (as you & your friend did), do the PvE-style dailies, or do just the Big Spender daily, with the time varying from 6-12 hours at the short end, to a few months, with two years being the worst case scenario for someone who just can't do it. Another possibility is paying someone 400g for supplying the gifts of battle/exploration/dungeon.


> I want to clarify a point:


> I never said or implied that I thought people are better or worse because they play WvW. I don't think that at all. People like to play their preferred game mode and after 5+ years a few of them are less tolerant of new players. I have no issue with the players in WvW and have seen similar behavior in PvE (and never implied that it doesn't happen here either), but my post wasn't about PvE - it was about my most recent experience in WvW.


> I disagree with ANet's strategy about trying to force players to play outside of their preferred game mode in the hopes that maybe they will like it an continue playing. But ultimately it's ANet's game and they make the rules. All I can do is try to influence their decisions through posts like this.


There is nothing wrong about making certain things tied specifically to individual gamemodes, it has been this way since the creation of the game, and even then there has always been a way(after WvW was deleted from GoE) to cut out playing one of those gamemodes completely ie Never having to participate in WvW to acquire GoB, players not wanting to participate in WvW and still acquire the GoB can do that, but in all honestly it is less hassle and headache to spend less than 4.3 hrs in WvW to acquire it than going the pure PvE route.

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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> Dear Anet,


> Please let me sell all the extra Gifts of Battle I have in storage to other people.


> Sincerely,

> Ubi


> Edit: P.S. Let me sell the Gifts of Maguuma too, I have 22 of them.


I'd legit pay 500-1000g for Gifts of Maguuma. I'm not sure if its because I'm lazy or just hate map completion that much...maybe both? It really is literally the only thing keeping me from having a single gen 2 legendary weapon though.

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I made Nevermore, and would never go through that again (Gen 2). If I ever decide I want another legendary, I'll just save up and buy a Gen 1.

I know they aren't ever gonna change it, but I would legit give away a few gifts to people in Lions Arch as prizes for games or something.

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> @"stone cold.8609" said:

> I want to clarify a point:


> I never said or implied that I thought people are better or worse because they play WvW. I don't think that at all.

What you implied was that you expected that people in WvW would help. Here's the actual quote again:


> not once did any of the vets offer to teach anyone that I saw


If you approached fractals or raids or even open world with the same "I wouldn't be here except for my legendary goal" attitude, how many fractal vets or raid vets or open world vets would reach out to help?


I'm not criticizing you at all for wanting to avoid WvW (I felt the same when GW2 launched). It's unsurprising that people didn't stop what they were doing to help people who didn't seem to want to be there.



> I disagree with ANet's strategy about trying to force players to play outside of their preferred game mode in the hopes that maybe they will like it an continue playing.

We don't actually know if that's the reason. We only know that they've tripled down on requiring active WvW participation to complete a legendary. We presume that getting people into WvW must be a critical factor, but it could simply be that they want the legendary to mean people master large parts of the game, not just one mode. (And either theory begs the question: why don't they treat PvP the same?)


> All I can do is try to influence their decisions through posts like this.

I don't fault you for wanting to change ANet's mind. My point is that part of your rhetoric had nothing to do with ANet and everything to do with the behavior of other players.



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> @"Celsith.2753" said:

> > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > @"Solori.6025" said:

> > > > @"Last Crysis.1934" said:

> > > > Having to spend 6+ hour in WvW is ruining the game for me, just to get the Gift of Battle. I don't find it fun getting killed ever minute when i am just trying to find away to get my participation up and repairing walls for that whole time is boring. So PLEASE A-net do something for the ppl who don't like WvW or any type of pvp.

> > >

> > > NO.

> > > They already made it so you no longer have to go into WvW for map completion. Anything more and they may was well revamp the entire game.

> > > I don't want to have to go and do map complete in PvE only. They should just give away the gift of exploration because I dont like PvE

> > >

> > > I don't want to farm for gold either. Lets just make all materials free. Cause I find farming boring.

> > >

> > > Lets just dumb down the game so everyone can just have everything with no effort.

> > >

> > > Cause that's basically what you're asking for.

> > > Reward with no effort

> >

> > Actually, they removed map comp from wvw because pvers used to flood the maps and not participate in wvw stuff... That aside, GoB is pretty easy to get, I agree


> Actually they moved it because pvers cried and cried and cried about it.


To be fair, individual players had no agency in WvW map comp. What POIs you had access depended entirely on which color/homemap you would have over the course of at least a few months, the performance of your server doing a match up, and what hours you were on. Well defended objectives like the Garrisons could be inaccessible to you for months at a time, and creating a window of opportunity relied on your team being able to successfully take it in the first place. Now repeat that 2 more times for the other BL and EBG Keeps. When I first got into WvW, I spent so much time on Red, I didn't even realize colors were assigned by previous week's ranking.

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> @"Last Crysis.1934" said:

> > @"Reven.2489" said:

> > On a scale of 1 to OP, how lazy are you?


> I am not here calling ppl named and I am Not lazy I just don't like WvW I hate having to fight over players. All I am asking for is another means to get the GoB if they make a supper hard way to get one that does not require me to pvp I would be fine with it.


I'll never understand the complete adversity people have to Player versus Player. Pixels on a screen. Find a commander tag and casually drop aoes on people and flip objectives. At the end of the day, people are playing to have fun. WvW is so easy and never HAS to be stressful. A real solution is getting yourself in a better head-space, and even if you genuinely don't enjoy the mechanics of PvP, treat it as an easy grind.... because it is.


A "LEGENDARY" item should genuinely be worthy of its title, and this game doesn't even make you be competitive in wvw. It's literally a participation ribbon.


Thank god there's even this. Human opponents are a real challenge. Running around a map, collecting LOGS, and being a genuine carebear all the time never made anything feel legendary.




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  • 1 year later...

> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > heck, if gob is too hard for some, anet don't need to change anything - I can do it for these people for a fair sum XD


> I would only charge 1000 gold.


Surely someone has done the math on what a Potion of WvW experience is worth? Just take that times 80 :tongue:

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