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SAB w3 + w4???

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HA betcha didn't see this topic coming.




But I wonder, do you think there is some limit to their refusal? This is a really unique event that is enjoyed by literally every "faction" of the community, WvW, PvE and PvP. Of all of the festivals, this for sure is the most anticipated and most cherished of them all.


But it's also the most **disappointing**. _roll emotional music_


Every year kids and adults all around the world hold hands and... **hope**... deep inside their hearts, for an update to come, that will make them happy in their favourite time of the year. But every year their hope is betrayed, and instead of a wonderful fun filled update. They find out that nobody had time to care, because they were too busy working on things those children and those adults never asked for. _mount races and extremely forgettable food items_


How much do we have to ask? How much do we have to tell them about the things we want to spend money on, before they stop making things we don't want to spend money on? How many threads, how many heart broken plea's, how many ama's, how many more times will they say, "**no!**?" before they say "**yes**"


2 more worlds

that's all

we're already past half way

can't we finish this and end this tragedy?


do we really have to petition or whatevs

if we do, how many will it take for the plea's to be heard?

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> Please, no. Not another post for SAB. That stuff has already been answered multiple times.


You and I both want the same thing, we both just want this meme to end.

But you can't beat the masses that want it, so I'm changing tack and throwing my lot in with them. They can't possibly [happiness and flowers](https://ibb.co/kcaru7 "censor") everyone, especially not their customers.


I genuinely believe the only way to end this now is to just finish sab. How could anyone possibly suggest that forcing everyone to stop asking is easier than just making the damn thing?

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> @"Zlater.6789" said:

> HA betcha didn't see this topic coming.




> But I wonder, do you think there is some limit to their refusal? This is a really unique event that is enjoyed by literally every "faction" of the community, WvW, PvE and PvP. Of all of the festivals, this for sure is the most anticipated and most cherished of them all.


> But it's also the most **disappointing**. _roll emotional music_


> Every year kids and adults all around the world hold hands and... **hope**... deep inside their hearts, for an update to come, that will make them happy in their favourite time of the year. But every year their hope is betrayed, and instead of a wonderful fun filled update. They find out that nobody had time to care, because they were too busy working on things those children and those adults never asked for. _mount races and extremely forgettable food items_


> How much do we have to ask? How much do we have to tell them about the things we want to spend money on, before they stop making things we don't want to spend money on? How many threads, how many heart broken plea's, how many ama's, how many more times will they say, "**no!**?" before they say "**yes**"


> 2 more worlds

> that's all

> we're already past half way

> can't we finish this and end this tragedy?


> do we really have to petition or whatevs

> if we do, how many will it take for the plea's to be heard?


Please check the double thread posting topic - there are multiple discussions being opened on this subject over and over again. Hopefully a forum mod can just merge this into one of them.


On topic - seeing how passionate a small minority are about SAB, I would say that perhaps they _should_ be given a chance.

Since I'm not an avid fan of SAB I would be against it's development stunting growth in other areas of the game (balance work, WvW restructuring, new FotMs, etc) so my suggestion would be to form a separate fund. Anyone who wants SAB w3+4 can have the option to donate gems to sponsor its development.

Once this fund reaches a certain level (let's say something reasonable, like 8mil gems), they can use those resources to complete that content.

Everybody wins.

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Living Story is utter rubbish. The irony here is that SAB is just about the most compelling content ANet ever made for GW2 and it was all just an April Fool's joke. Go figure.


Advantages of SAB over Living Story:


* A vibrant and whimsical game world - No angst, no drama, a simple objective that makes sense which the player can get behind.


* The dialog is incomprehensible - Only the bare minimum of speech is translated, the rest is in a language that the player cannot understand. Because of this, the player need not burden themselves with potential plot holes, ridiculous decisions or irritating behaviour that would otherwise be present.


* No inventory hell - Baubbles are the sole currency of SAB. There are no fragments of this, shards of that, caches of magic crystals or essences of etheral macguffins to collect, refine, combine and toss into the mystic forge.


* Compelling characters - Finally, characters that don't make you want to rip your eyes out. Moto and the Princess are actually decent, loveable people who you genuinely want to save and who don't burden you with their internal squabbles or deep seated character flaws.


* No DragonS. - There is only one dragon in SAB, and you don't have to spend 20 minutes shooting him with fireworks to kill him.


* Taimi is dead. - Technically, she doesn't exist, but that's merely a detail. Taimi does not exist in SAB. Neither do Rox or Braham. You no longer need to run an entire campaign based on the desires of a bunch of angsty teenagers dressed in adult clothing. This by itself should be the biggest reason to simply spend all of your time in SAB.


So please, ANet, consider making worlds 3 and 4, it would be by far the best story you have ever written!

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May I redirect your request to the following, now closed, thread: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/36729/request-for-world-3-and-4#latest


Yup it's sad, but I guess we have to live with it. I, for my part, have made peace with a world where SAB w3 and w4 will never happen. I'd love to have them, don't get me wrong, SAB is one of the many small things that set GW2 appart from all the other super-serious-all-the-time or super-silly-and-self-aware-all-the-time games out there and getting the missing worlds would at least complete the content and orphaned content is always sad to see and to be remembered of. Should it ever happen, it will be a very pleasant supprise for me, but I won't get my hopes up or make threads for the next three months requesting, demanding, hoping and begging for a thing that has been stated to be off the table numerous times in the last three years or so.



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