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Living story is the single worst gaming experience so far in my entire life.

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> @"Elva.6372" said:

> > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > To keep things in perspective of someone overseeing possible improvements to the game, this thread is extremely contradictory thus most of the feedback from this is likely going to be brushed off. You have some saying this or that is dumb while another says it's fine, or this and that is too hard while another says its easy. It's taking personal opinion multiple steps out of bounds that it's difficult to distill any semblance of direction from what should be discussed (and coming from a poster who often times plays devil's advocate in topics, it's pretty split to the extreme).

> >

> > This all just seems like spinning wheels in mud if neither end of the conversation is either willing to put down the hyperbole stick or give some metric to gauge their perspective from.


> Perhaps spinning wheels if one doesn't understand the distinct difference between open world,/raids/ dungeons and story content, and why "story mode" (LW/PS) is not the proper place to put in these type challenges -it exists to propel and progress the game's story. Lengthy boss fights, aggravating mechanics and long drawn out encounters are notconducive to moving the story forward for ALL PLAYERS.


> So, the solution is simple:


> Make a story mode for story mode...


> Or stop locking "bought and paid for" game content behind story mode ordeals.


The only reason for the story to exist in a game is to give us a reason to go to new places, go through lengthy fights with new monsters and mechanics, and kill powerful bosses.


There are already many solutions to your problem.


You can join someone else that play the missions for you while you just watch the story.

You can watch it on Youtube.

You can read the story on the Wiki.

You can also read books if all you want are stories.

Or watch movies if you think reading books demand too much efforts.


All those are better solutions than taking dev time from the game to make it more like a movie for a few who don't want to play games.



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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:


> There's no such thing as "story mode" in GW2, the LW seasons are sliced into episodes, look at them as new open world zones that contain a story...but they are not story mode, there has never been a "story mode".


Not going to go into a semantic diversion with you but the LW instances are very much an off-shoot continuation of the original personal stories with some elements of the episodes happening in the public space of the game.

> ....

> Every boss fight does have an explanation of what to do, either from the NPC's around you or your members of Dragons Watch that are with you, even the Beast at the end of Bitterfrost frontier told you what you should do to beat it...people just don't listen to the surrounding talking that's the biggest problem.


Doesn't make it more enjoyable for me or less tedious, I want the story to be less of this type of content.



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LWS2 (I've only completed that and a small fraction of HoT) was a double edged sword for me. I actually dug the story, especially playing as a Sylvari (I had an actual "WTF" moment when you're doing that mission as Caithe and you find out the secret. I won't spoil it in case anyone's not there yet). But because season 1 is no longer playable, I didn't have that adjustment between main story, and S2's reworked mechanics. So I found myself getting my shit wrecked regularly. It was frustrating, but as I came to learn what the game expected of me and broke the habits I'd picked up in "vanilla", my deaths became less frequent. I like that the game moved from being "apply DPS until boss falls over" to having new quirks.


I'm replaying it now with a friend who's trying to catch up to me, and I gotta say - it's definitely a lot easier with 2 people. We had our first deaths at the World Summit. And where on my own that fight had me literally naked because all my armour broke, we only died once each. Well, twice if you include me throwing myself off the side because I wasn't looking where I was going.


Regarding Kas and Marjory's relationship - some people have said it feels overbearing and forced upon you, but I never got that. It didn't feel any more pushed than any other relationship in the game. I think it just stands out more because homosexual relationships in most forms of storytelling are still rare compared to heterosexual ones, and when they do come up they become more noticeable due to that.


I do kinda agree that Rox is annoying. She feels very meek, and if I was to not look at the screen when she's talking I'd think it was a human. There's not enough gravel or feral nature in her voice to mark her as a charr in my mind.

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LS content is hard? What? Excuse me?


Am I reading this right? I can sympathize with you if you are mentioning specifically Lake's Doric final boss since that one is pretty hard. But the rest, is a walk in the park. With the latest LS is probably the easiest one I ever played.


In writing, yes, LS2 and LS3 is cringe fiesta, but every story content on PoF and LS4 seems polished and have engaging, fun story.

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> @"keramatzmode.1906" said:

> LS content is hard? What? Excuse me?


> Am I reading this right? I can sympathize with you if you are mentioning specifically Lake's Doric final boss since that one is pretty hard. But the rest, is a walk in the park. With the latest LS is probably the easiest one I ever played.


> In writing, yes, LS2 and LS3 is cringe fiesta, but every story content on PoF and LS4 seems polished and have engaging, fun story.


The main contribution to the difficulty is that between the main story and LWS2 content, there's a switch in mechanics, mainly about endurance conservation and learning what can be dodged by running and what you need to evade etc, plus the bosses get some new quirks and mechanics usually unseen in vanilla mode. People who didn't play season 1 don't get the ease-into-it that others did - Season 2 drops you right in the deep end of the changes.


Once you adjust, the game goes back to being fairly simple again. It's just that adjustment period that catches many off-guard. Like it did to me.

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> @"Dashingsteel.3410" said:

> Why does the first instance of an episode have to be so long? There are those of us who don't enjoy the living story but do enjoy the maps that they reveal. Please make the first instance short so that those of us who want to play the new maps aren't forced into tedious gimmickry.


Rather able to skip it rather than making lesser story because people aren't interested in it.

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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> To keep things in perspective of someone overseeing possible improvements to the game, this thread is extremely contradictory thus most of the feedback from this is likely going to be brushed off. You have some saying this or that is dumb while another says it's fine, or this and that is too hard while another says its easy. It's taking personal opinion multiple steps out of bounds that it's difficult to distill any semblance of direction from what should be discussed (and coming from a poster who often times plays devil's advocate in topics, it's pretty split to the extreme).


> This all just seems like spinning wheels in mud if neither end of the conversation is either willing to put down the hyperbole stick or give some metric to gauge their perspective from.


The ones saying everything is fine and easy are the raiders with their Ascended gear; the ones saying it's dumb and too hard are "_regular_" players. So, what is different from every other game?

Elitists inevitably say everything is fine and dandy and easy -- noting that they have the gear "_regular_" players do not have. They're the ones always castigating other players and telling them that the game doesn't need to be easier... everyone else just need to "learn to play", gear up, and use the same spec they use...

Of course, those same elitists are the ones telling everyone that they don't need raid gear if they're not raiding...

Talking out of both sides of the mouth is a skill reserved for elitists and white knights. The rest of us shouldn't bother to go there if we want to maintain any sense of integrity...

Unfortunately, ANet made the decision -- stupidly, IMHO -- to cater to the elitists and forget about all of their everyday, casual players... those players who constitute more than 90% of the base. But stupid management decisions are not something we can overcome.

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> @"Lord Kreegan.8123" said:

> > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > To keep things in perspective of someone overseeing possible improvements to the game, this thread is extremely contradictory thus most of the feedback from this is likely going to be brushed off. You have some saying this or that is dumb while another says it's fine, or this and that is too hard while another says its easy. It's taking personal opinion multiple steps out of bounds that it's difficult to distill any semblance of direction from what should be discussed (and coming from a poster who often times plays devil's advocate in topics, it's pretty split to the extreme).

> >

> > This all just seems like spinning wheels in mud if neither end of the conversation is either willing to put down the hyperbole stick or give some metric to gauge their perspective from.


> The ones saying everything is fine and easy are the raiders with their Ascended gear; the ones saying it's dumb and too hard are "_regular_" players. So, what is different from every other game?

> Elitists inevitably say everything is fine and dandy and easy -- noting that they have the gear "_regular_" players do not have. They're the ones always castigating other players and telling them that the game doesn't need to be easier... everyone else just need to "learn to play", gear up, and use the same spec they use...

> Of course, those same elitists are the ones telling everyone that they don't need raid gear if they're not raiding...

> Talking out of both sides of the mouth is a skill reserved for elitists and white knights. The rest of us shouldn't bother to go there if we want to maintain any sense of integrity...

> Unfortunately, ANet made the decision -- stupidly, IMHO -- to cater to the elitists and forget about all of their everyday, casual players... those players who constitute more than 90% of the base. But stupid management decisions are not something we can overcome.


I can guarantee you that I'm not a great player, but I can solo all of the LS naked, just for you. I'm on EU, I usually play on Saturdays, between 11:00-16:00 server time.

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> @"Lord Kreegan.8123" said:

> > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > To keep things in perspective of someone overseeing possible improvements to the game, this thread is extremely contradictory thus most of the feedback from this is likely going to be brushed off. You have some saying this or that is dumb while another says it's fine, or this and that is too hard while another says its easy. It's taking personal opinion multiple steps out of bounds that it's difficult to distill any semblance of direction from what should be discussed (and coming from a poster who often times plays devil's advocate in topics, it's pretty split to the extreme).

> >

> > This all just seems like spinning wheels in mud if neither end of the conversation is either willing to put down the hyperbole stick or give some metric to gauge their perspective from.


> The ones saying everything is fine and easy are the raiders with their Ascended gear; the ones saying it's dumb and too hard are "_regular_" players. So, what is different from every other game?

> Elitists inevitably say everything is fine and dandy and easy -- noting that they have the gear "_regular_" players do not have. They're the ones always castigating other players and telling them that the game doesn't need to be easier... everyone else just need to "learn to play", gear up, and use the same spec they use...

> Of course, those same elitists are the ones telling everyone that they don't need raid gear if they're not raiding...

> Talking out of both sides of the mouth is a skill reserved for elitists and white knights. The rest of us shouldn't bother to go there if we want to maintain any sense of integrity...

> Unfortunately, ANet made the decision -- stupidly, IMHO -- to cater to the elitists and forget about all of their everyday, casual players... those players who constitute more than 90% of the base. But stupid management decisions are not something we can overcome.


Ascended gear isn't "raid gear". I don't raid, but I have ascended gear (which I crafted/collected slowly over a period of a year on the two characters who are fully ascended). I'm definitely not what one would consider an "elite" player as far as skill goes, and I typically stay away from most of the "elite" content. But I still say that the difficulty levels for 99% of PvE stuff, including story instances, are perfectly fine. I say that even though I sometimes have trouble when playing on my non-ascended-wearing characters, although a big part of my struggles on those characters is simply the fact that I don't know those classes as well as my classes with full ascended gear.


So, as someone with a couple fully geared characters and with quite a few not-so-geared characters: You do not need ascended gear (or "raid gear", whatever that is) to play content that isn't high tier Fractals or raids. However, having ascended gear definitely makes things a lot easier for you. But so does learning your class, knowing when to change some skills/traits around, and generally paying attention to what's going on. You don't even need to play the "meta" spec set-ups to get through it all.

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> @"Lord Kreegan.8123" said:

> > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > To keep things in perspective of someone overseeing possible improvements to the game, this thread is extremely contradictory thus most of the feedback from this is likely going to be brushed off. You have some saying this or that is dumb while another says it's fine, or this and that is too hard while another says its easy. It's taking personal opinion multiple steps out of bounds that it's difficult to distill any semblance of direction from what should be discussed (and coming from a poster who often times plays devil's advocate in topics, it's pretty split to the extreme).

> >

> > This all just seems like spinning wheels in mud if neither end of the conversation is either willing to put down the hyperbole stick or give some metric to gauge their perspective from.


> The ones saying everything is fine and easy are the raiders with their Ascended gear; the ones saying it's dumb and too hard are "_regular_" players. So, what is different from every other game?

> Elitists inevitably say everything is fine and dandy and easy -- noting that they have the gear "_regular_" players do not have. They're the ones always castigating other players and telling them that the game doesn't need to be easier... everyone else just need to "learn to play", gear up, and use the same spec they use...

> Of course, those same elitists are the ones telling everyone that they don't need raid gear if they're not raiding...

> Talking out of both sides of the mouth is a skill reserved for elitists and white knights. The rest of us shouldn't bother to go there if we want to maintain any sense of integrity...

> Unfortunately, ANet made the decision -- stupidly, IMHO -- to cater to the elitists and forget about all of their everyday, casual players... those players who constitute more than 90% of the base. But stupid management decisions are not something we can overcome.


Ive never raided.


I dont have even one full set of ascended gear for even one character (though I do have ascended trinkets)


I dont run a meta build.


I play very casually.


I have the reflexes of a man approaching 50.


I have never had a problem with LS instance difficulty (even if I do have other concerns about LS).

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> @"Lord Kreegan.8123" said:

> > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > To keep things in perspective of someone overseeing possible improvements to the game, this thread is extremely contradictory thus most of the feedback from this is likely going to be brushed off. You have some saying this or that is dumb while another says it's fine, or this and that is too hard while another says its easy. It's taking personal opinion multiple steps out of bounds that it's difficult to distill any semblance of direction from what should be discussed (and coming from a poster who often times plays devil's advocate in topics, it's pretty split to the extreme).

> >

> > This all just seems like spinning wheels in mud if neither end of the conversation is either willing to put down the hyperbole stick or give some metric to gauge their perspective from.


> The ones saying everything is fine and easy are the raiders with their Ascended gear; the ones saying it's dumb and too hard are "_regular_" players. So, what is different from every other game?

> Elitists inevitably say everything is fine and dandy and easy -- noting that they have the gear "_regular_" players do not have. They're the ones always castigating other players and telling them that the game doesn't need to be easier... everyone else just need to "learn to play", gear up, and use the same spec they use...

> Of course, those same elitists are the ones telling everyone that they don't need raid gear if they're not raiding...

> Talking out of both sides of the mouth is a skill reserved for elitists and white knights. The rest of us shouldn't bother to go there if we want to maintain any sense of integrity...

> Unfortunately, ANet made the decision -- stupidly, IMHO -- to cater to the elitists and forget about all of their everyday, casual players... those players who constitute more than 90% of the base. But stupid management decisions are not something we can overcome.


Well I feel there can be a constructive middle ground to be had that benefits "elitists", "casuals" and those in-between. Most would say swinging the pendulum either way will just enrage the opposite side but why not just have measures to scale difficulty to make the content harder or easier? Even shift it in such a way that it's actually beneficial to play around on both ends of the scale...

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> Ive never raided.


> I dont have even one full set of ascended gear for even one character (though I do have ascended trinkets)


> I dont run a meta build.


> I play very casually.


> I have the reflexes of a man approaching 50.


> I have never had a problem with LS instance difficulty (even if I do have other concerns about LS).



> @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

> I can guarantee you that I'm not a great player, but I can solo all of the LS naked, just for you. I'm on EU, I usually play on Saturdays, between 11:00-16:00 server time.


And I feel either of these posts are quite beside the point (if you read the intent of the quoted posts). You're not disproving someone else's experience with an experience of your own.

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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > Ive never raided.

> >

> > I dont have even one full set of ascended gear for even one character (though I do have ascended trinkets)

> >

> > I dont run a meta build.

> >

> > I play very casually.

> >

> > I have the reflexes of a man approaching 50.

> >

> > I have never had a problem with LS instance difficulty (even if I do have other concerns about LS).


> .

> > @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

> > I can guarantee you that I'm not a great player, but I can solo all of the LS naked, just for you. I'm on EU, I usually play on Saturdays, between 11:00-16:00 server time.


> And I feel either of these posts are quite beside the point (if you read the intent of the quoted posts). You're not disproving someone else's experience with an experience of your own.


I responded to someone wbo claimed that anyone who felt that the current difficulty was fine was a raider and elite player outfitted in top tier gear.


Since he was commenting about me, dispelling his inaccurate statements is appropriate. I am in no way claiming that others' experiences are invalid...but I am responding to someone who, essentially, is.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > Ive never raided.

> > >

> > > I dont have even one full set of ascended gear for even one character (though I do have ascended trinkets)

> > >

> > > I dont run a meta build.

> > >

> > > I play very casually.

> > >

> > > I have the reflexes of a man approaching 50.

> > >

> > > I have never had a problem with LS instance difficulty (even if I do have other concerns about LS).

> >

> > .

> > > @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

> > > I can guarantee you that I'm not a great player, but I can solo all of the LS naked, just for you. I'm on EU, I usually play on Saturdays, between 11:00-16:00 server time.

> >

> > And I feel either of these posts are quite beside the point (if you read the intent of the quoted posts). You're not disproving someone else's experience with an experience of your own.


> I responded to someone wbo claimed that anyone who felt that the current difficulty was fine was a raider and elite player outfitted in top tier gear.


> Since he was commenting about me, dispelling his inaccurate statements is appropriate. I am in no way claiming that others' experiences are invalid...but I am responding to someone who, essentially, is.


That why I said "if you read the intent". I mean, sure we can spin our wheels correcting each other on particular statements but how close does that get us to getting the devs to make improvements to the game? And this is an epidemic of practically every forum. I'll admit, I do like giving the old one-two to someone's ill-conceived posts/threads too but if you've got any stock in the health of the game why not think of ways to make it better for more players?

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In an MMO you are not compelled to do everything.

In fact there are no rules which define what playing a MMO even means , so content which for whatever reason you dont like , you dont have to do.

There is no point in becoming frustrated by certain types of content.

Just do the things you like.


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> @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

> > @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > > @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

> > > "Oh look, something that is slightly harder than open world, let me complain about it with godly over-exaggeration."

> >

> > how many would buy a casual mmo for HARDCORE STORY CONTENT? lol


> You think GW2 is hardcore? lol


> Living story requires you to press something else than your autoattack button.


Well now I'm tempted to do an entire play through of the story using only auto attacks, dodges, and heals.


Thanks for the idea! Maybe I'll record it and put it up on YouTube.

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> @"mauried.5608" said:

> In an MMO you are not compelled to do everything.

> In fact there are no rules which define what playing a MMO even means , so content which for whatever reason you dont like , you dont have to do.

> There is no point in becoming frustrated by certain types of content.

> Just do the things you like.



Was this directed toward my post?


Again, this seems rather beside the point. Just because all content isn't meant for all players, should we just ignore the prospect of improvement?


That isn't to say any change could be an improvement, but we're in the context of discussion and brainstorming here. Wouldn't you want your content to be more robust? Or are you looking at the subject as if the content will just be dumbed down and made worse?

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> @"mauried.5608" said:

> In an MMO you are not compelled to do everything.

> In fact there are no rules which define what playing a MMO even means , so content which for whatever reason you dont like , you dont have to do.

> There is no point in becoming frustrated by certain types of content.

> Just do the things you like.



To be fair, the core story of an RPG can be argued to be the thing that most people, if not everyone, are expected to participate in. We arent talking about raids and pvp here.

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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > @"mauried.5608" said:

> > In an MMO you are not compelled to do everything.

> > In fact there are no rules which define what playing a MMO even means , so content which for whatever reason you dont like , you dont have to do.

> > There is no point in becoming frustrated by certain types of content.

> > Just do the things you like.

> >


> Was this directed toward my post?


> Again, this seems rather beside the point. Just because all content isn't meant for all players, should we just ignore the prospect of improvement?


> That isn't to say any change could be an improvement, but we're in the context of discussion and brainstorming here. Wouldn't you want your content to be more robust? Or are you looking at the subject as if the content will just be dumbed down and made worse?


My concern is that, to date, from what I recall, dumbed down and made worse is a pretty sold description of what occurs when ANet tampers with content in response to this sort of discussion.


I am not at all opposed to seeking to improve the game, but that is the opposite (IMO) of what seems to be on the table here.

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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > Ive never raided.

> >

> > I dont have even one full set of ascended gear for even one character (though I do have ascended trinkets)

> >

> > I dont run a meta build.

> >

> > I play very casually.

> >

> > I have the reflexes of a man approaching 50.

> >

> > I have never had a problem with LS instance difficulty (even if I do have other concerns about LS).


> .

> > @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

> > I can guarantee you that I'm not a great player, but I can solo all of the LS naked, just for you. I'm on EU, I usually play on Saturdays, between 11:00-16:00 server time.


> And I feel either of these posts are quite beside the point (if you read the intent of the quoted posts). You're not disproving someone else's experience with an experience of your own.


The post I quoted was saying that LS is raid-difficulty, which it obviously isn't, unless that guy played in some kind of hard mode I think all of us' experience are the same.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > @"mauried.5608" said:

> > > In an MMO you are not compelled to do everything.

> > > In fact there are no rules which define what playing a MMO even means , so content which for whatever reason you dont like , you dont have to do.

> > > There is no point in becoming frustrated by certain types of content.

> > > Just do the things you like.

> > >

> >

> > Was this directed toward my post?

> >

> > Again, this seems rather beside the point. Just because all content isn't meant for all players, should we just ignore the prospect of improvement?

> >

> > That isn't to say any change could be an improvement, but we're in the context of discussion and brainstorming here. Wouldn't you want your content to be more robust? Or are you looking at the subject as if the content will just be dumbed down and made worse?


> My concern is that, to date, from what I recall, dumbed down and made worse is a pretty sold description of what occurs when ANet tampers with content in response to this sort of discussion.


> I am not at all opposed to seeking to improve the game, but that is the opposite (IMO) of what seems to be on the table here.


That's why I feel it's an apt opportunity to try and get a discussion going on ways to make both parties happy.

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> @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

> > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > Ive never raided.

> > >

> > > I dont have even one full set of ascended gear for even one character (though I do have ascended trinkets)

> > >

> > > I dont run a meta build.

> > >

> > > I play very casually.

> > >

> > > I have the reflexes of a man approaching 50.

> > >

> > > I have never had a problem with LS instance difficulty (even if I do have other concerns about LS).

> >

> > .

> > > @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

> > > I can guarantee you that I'm not a great player, but I can solo all of the LS naked, just for you. I'm on EU, I usually play on Saturdays, between 11:00-16:00 server time.

> >

> > And I feel either of these posts are quite beside the point (if you read the intent of the quoted posts). You're not disproving someone else's experience with an experience of your own.


> The post I quoted was saying that LS is raid-difficulty, which it obviously isn't, unless that guy played in some kind of hard mode I think all of us' experience are the same.


yea because there is only one player, playing one class with one build, right?

what you can do only matters the minute you are willing to pay for my account too

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> @"vampirelazarus.9403" said:

> > @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

> > > @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > > > @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

> > > > "Oh look, something that is slightly harder than open world, let me complain about it with godly over-exaggeration."

> > >

> > > how many would buy a casual mmo for HARDCORE STORY CONTENT? lol

> >

> > You think GW2 is hardcore? lol

> >

> > Living story requires you to press something else than your autoattack button.


> Well now I'm tempted to do an entire play through of the story using only auto attacks, dodges, and heals.


> Thanks for the idea! Maybe I'll record it and put it up on YouTube.


please do it. i want to see how far you get

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