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Things I miss from gw1

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Hi, I used to play gw1 a lot and really loved it but when gw2 I immediately got turned off by the games change. I quit, but now I am returning and I have to say it evolved into a really good game. I don't want this to a rant but more of a "in memory of" and a "how come" discussion. A few features I loved were removed that made guild wars one of the greatest games ever. Even though gw2 is good, it isn't what made guild wars in the first place! It is not by any means as unique of a game it was back then.


Firstly, the instanced exploration areas. The fact you can only see people in towns made an incredibly unique gaming structure. Whoever you left town with is all all who you will see. I loved this because compared to now its one big easy cluster of groups of people doing things together. Although I think large group based is essential to a game, having a whole area to yourself to explore made it much more mysterious and awesome to explore. I remember when I got my first black dye from a mob. That was awesome and im not even sure if in gw2 the enemies can even drop anything worthwhile. Also because of these instanced areas, it also brought unique content. For example, the achievements for clearing every single mob in a zone. This was very hard to do because if you died the death penalty would stack. And no matter how op you are, you never know when a mob pull is going to kill you. This was very challenging and rewarding to finally get the area cleared after a long time.


Secondly, signet of capture was the most unique thing that really made me enjoy the game. The fact you can see what each unique elite enemy has and collect them all was also fun. Seeing a glowing green elite enemy knowing I can get another cool ranger skill was dope. Nothing more to say, an awesome feature taken away.


Missions you can queue up for. It made it feel like an accomplishment rather then something in the open world you can easily spawn and finish again. If you died, you have to start over. There was also hard bonus missions and then you can even play the missions on hard..which were HARD and challenging. Having a red cross with two swords through it on every mission was a huge accomplishment.


It is a dang shame to see games dumb down and go easy mode. The point of gw1 was hard content that was rewarding. You didnt have to play hard content if that wasnt your style but it wasnt easy mode like it is today. I am just curious why these features were removed? Why did the devs deviate so much from such a sucessful game. Maybe it is because gw2 is more successful and fun games like this are beat by the idea of the average gamer dishing out money for dyes, skins and other things? I sure miss the good ol days where games like gw1 were beating the market and you can see the passion they put into their ideas.

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It deviated because gw1 for all t did right (and lets not forget it got a lot wrong too), it was a lot more restrictve in design and wasnt the dynamic multiplayer experience they wanted to progress the franchise to the place they wanted it to be.

Sure gw2 may have its own flaws, but it is a vastly more successful product with a much larger population.


There is no shortage of passion and ideas from the dev team though. Being more accessible and casual is not the stigma i think some believe it to be.



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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> It deviated because gw1 for all t did right (and lets not forget it got a lot wrong too), it was a lot more restrictve in design and wasnt the dynamic multiplayer experience they wanted to progress the franchise to the place they wanted it to be.

> Sure gw2 may have its own flaws, but it is a vastly more successful product with a much larger population.


> There is no shortage of passion and ideas from the dev team though. Being more accessible and casual is not the stigma i think some believe it to be.




That makes sense, but they could have still kept alot of gw1 features while incorporating these. I understand your points.

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What i miss from GW1


1- Actual pve, a thing gw2 doesn't have.

2- Build variety, a thing gw2 doesn't have.

3- Challenging content that cannot be completed by simply spamming skills.

4- Dervish.

5- PVP game modes. Circles capping crap is the worst pvp i've played in years, anet. How can this thing be your main spvp mode in soon to be six years is insane.

6- 100% the map (especially in Factions and Hard Mode) was really fun in gw1. In GW2, its a chore. Unplayble chore. Doing one million hearts was a mistake.

7- No time gating garbage

8- No skins locked behind achievements.

9- 55hp farming for unique skins in pretty much any zone in the game, depending on the skin you want.


GW2 is so barebones compared to gw1.

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> What i miss from GW1


> 1- Actual pve, a thing gw2 doesn't have.

> 2- Build variety, a thing gw2 doesn't have.

> 3- Challenging content that cannot be completed by simply spamming skills.

> 4- Dervish.

> 5- PVP game modes. Circles capping crap is the worst pvp i've played in years, anet. How can this thing be your main spvp mode in soon to be six years is insane.

> 6- 100% the map (especially in Factions and Hard Mode) was really fun in gw1. In GW2, its a chore. Unplayble chore. Doing one million hearts was a mistake.

> 7- No time gating garbage

> 8- No skins locked behind achievements.

> 9- 55hp farming for unique skins in pretty much any zone in the game, depending on the skin you want.


> GW2 is so barebones compared to gw1.


I have to challenge the idea that 100% mapping in GW1 wasn't a chore. Wall scraping barely visible fogged areas, often needing an overlay to find a missing bit to 100% is one of the strangest and poorly designed exploration elements I have encountered in a game. Taking out the hyperbolic "1 million hearts", nothing about mapping in Gw2 I;d say is worse than what GW1 put out for 100%ing. For me, GW2 has the exploration trumped hands down


What do you mean by "actual pve" as well? That doesn't really make sense since GW2 does have a pretty decent pve for an MMO


Build variety and time gating are fair points

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > What i miss from GW1

> >

> > 1- Actual pve, a thing gw2 doesn't have.

> > 2- Build variety, a thing gw2 doesn't have.

> > 3- Challenging content that cannot be completed by simply spamming skills.

> > 4- Dervish.

> > 5- PVP game modes. Circles capping crap is the worst pvp i've played in years, anet. How can this thing be your main spvp mode in soon to be six years is insane.

> > 6- 100% the map (especially in Factions and Hard Mode) was really fun in gw1. In GW2, its a chore. Unplayble chore. Doing one million hearts was a mistake.

> > 7- No time gating garbage

> > 8- No skins locked behind achievements.

> > 9- 55hp farming for unique skins in pretty much any zone in the game, depending on the skin you want.

> >

> > GW2 is so barebones compared to gw1.


> I have to challenge the idea that 100% mapping in GW1 wasn't a chore. Wall scraping barely visible fogged areas, often needing an overlay to find a missing bit to 100% is one of the strangest and poorly designed exploration elements I have encountered in a game. Taking out the hyperbolic "1 million hearts", nothing about mapping in Gw2 I;d say is worse than what GW1 put out for 100%ing. For me, GW2 has the exploration trumped hands down largely due to the better scenery and dynamic events


> What do you mean by "actual pve" as well? That doesn't really make sense since GW2 does have a pretty decent pve for an MMO


> Build variety and time gating are fair points


I never used any overlay and simply hugged the edges. Worked perfectly fine. Yes, you could have missed 0.2% and not get the 100% but that's where the challenge came from.


What i mean by pve, is have goals. You want to do Urgoz for Zodiac items, you do it as many times as you want. You want to farm a certain zone with 55hp for a skin you'd like, you do it. Need money? Do UW/Fow speed runs. You can't do anything in gw2. Its just an open world with brainless events that reward you with salvagable garbage. All gw2 dungeons are time gated, have laughable rewards and forgotten by anet. Raid is hard and fun for your first 5 times, then, it becomes easy, and most importantly, have joke rewards for what is supposed to be the apex pve content. You compare the raid rewards to FoW/UW from GW1 and you see the difference. Not only is raid time gated by a long ass time, but you can't even make money by playing it. What's the point of doing the most challenging pve content when you can't even make any gold? I just can't stand how whatever you do in gw2, all you get as a "reward" is chests with useless Blues and Greens you salvage as soon as they're in your inventory. You want a nice looking weapon skin? Great! Instead of doing challenging content with a group of people, you gotta do braindead chores aka Achievements. To me, that's a joke. This is how YOU DON'T do pve.

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> 6- 100% the map (especially in Factions and Hard Mode) was really fun in gw1. In GW2, its a chore. Unplayble chore. Doing one million hearts was a mistake.

Mapping in GW2 is vastly better than GW1. Not only are there actual rewards for it, _you don't have to do the whole zone in one continuous session_.


> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

>You want a nice looking weapon skin? Great! Instead of doing challenging content with a group of people, you gotta do braindead chores >aka Achievements.

Dungeons, fractals, and raids all have plenty of weapon skins you can get via playing them. For that matter, what weapon skins are locked behind achievements, anyway? Most of the skins you get from achievements are armor pieces

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > 6- 100% the map (especially in Factions and Hard Mode) was really fun in gw1. In GW2, its a chore. Unplayble chore. Doing one million hearts was a mistake.

> Mapping in GW2 is vastly better than GW1. Not only are there actual rewards for it, _you don't have to do the whole zone in one continuous session_.


Better play Farmville 2 than do another Heart. Do it in one or fifty sessions doesn't matter. What you're doing is the definition of trash quests, and you have hundreds of them. What a mistake these were.

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > > What i miss from GW1

> > >

> > > 1- Actual pve, a thing gw2 doesn't have.

> > > 2- Build variety, a thing gw2 doesn't have.

> > > 3- Challenging content that cannot be completed by simply spamming skills.

> > > 4- Dervish.

> > > 5- PVP game modes. Circles capping crap is the worst pvp i've played in years, anet. How can this thing be your main spvp mode in soon to be six years is insane.

> > > 6- 100% the map (especially in Factions and Hard Mode) was really fun in gw1. In GW2, its a chore. Unplayble chore. Doing one million hearts was a mistake.

> > > 7- No time gating garbage

> > > 8- No skins locked behind achievements.

> > > 9- 55hp farming for unique skins in pretty much any zone in the game, depending on the skin you want.

> > >

> > > GW2 is so barebones compared to gw1.

> >

> > I have to challenge the idea that 100% mapping in GW1 wasn't a chore. Wall scraping barely visible fogged areas, often needing an overlay to find a missing bit to 100% is one of the strangest and poorly designed exploration elements I have encountered in a game. Taking out the hyperbolic "1 million hearts", nothing about mapping in Gw2 I;d say is worse than what GW1 put out for 100%ing. For me, GW2 has the exploration trumped hands down largely due to the better scenery and dynamic events

> >

> > What do you mean by "actual pve" as well? That doesn't really make sense since GW2 does have a pretty decent pve for an MMO

> >

> > Build variety and time gating are fair points


> I never used any overlay and simply hugged the edges. Worked perfectly fine. Yes, you could have missed 0.2% and not get the 100% but that's where the challenge came from.


> What i mean by pve, is have goals. You want to do Urgoz for Zodiac items, you do it as many times as you want. You want to farm a certain zone with 55hp for a skin you'd like, you do it. Need money? Do UW/Fow speed runs. You can't do anything in gw2. Its just an open world with brainless events that reward you with salvagable garbage. All gw2 dungeons are time gated, have laughable rewards and forgotten by anet. Raid is hard and fun for your first 5 times, then, it becomes easy, and most importantly, have joke rewards for what is supposed to be the apex pve content. You compare the raid rewards to FoW/UW from GW1 and you see the difference. Not only is raid time gated by a long kitten time, but you can't even make money by playing it. What's the point of doing the most challenging pve content when you can't even make any gold? I just can't stand how whatever you do in gw2, all you get as a "reward" is chests with useless Blues and Greens you salvage as soon as they're in your inventory. You want a nice looking weapon skin? Great! Instead of doing challenging content with a group of people, you gotta do braindead chores aka Achievements. To me, that's a joke. This is how YOU DON'T do pve.


I understand that side of the argument, but to me, that was just very narrow scoped gameplay, which involved grinding the same content over and over for a small chance of maybe getting something decent, whilst what posed as the equivalent to open world became largely dead content after the story was done if you didn't run for what passed for achievements in GW1 (HoM) or were capping a single skill from a single mob. 55hp monks especially were a very specialist, albeit creative gameplay method. Sure it shows how fantstically deep and customisable the build crafting was in GW1 could be, but you often had to grind the same mob over and over and over to get the reward. I'm not convinced that is a healthy reward structure.


For me, GW2 has variety in terms of what I can do and in some respects it can feel different every time I play through on a respective alt due to the greater dynamic layer of the game, or at least in open world. Whether it is challenging or not, I don't find a compulsive enough qualifier for whether it is good. It needs to be fun, accessible and entertaining - something GW2 excels at for me. Is it perfect? No, not at all, but it's definitely doing a lot right in pve for it to be going as strong as it is after almost 6 years

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I will say this though, I do miss alliance battles. I hate pvp in mmo's, but alliance battles remains some of the most fun I ever had in a competitive game mode. WvW and Spvp have never quite been as fun for me as AB


I also miss the campaign style storytelling. Whilst the stories weren't any better written at times as we we have here, the structure was something I much preferred. This Living World is an interesting idea and has some merits, but I think a solid campaign structure worked much better

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Heroes that you could set builds for. Build templates.


If these were a thing, I'd go back into dungeons and fractals. For group content I'd rather be playing WvW.


That's about it at this stage, honestly. I liked the ambience of a cleared Nightfall / EotN instance, but GW2 doesn't have roaming patrols all over the map and looks a lot prettier.


[Edit: Ok, I missed something. Real PvP modes. I was looking forward to PvP in GW2, then that Conquest thing became the release mode. 6 years later, I almost forgot GW2 "PvP" existed because it's so daft.]

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You all make good points, but both games are good. I just think that gw1 had those unique core stuff. You guys added by saying 100% map exploration and building your heroes was fun as well. Besides WoW I think gw2 is the best mmo out there but gw1 was better then all of it in its prime. I think we can all agree we do miss those unique aspects of gw1. Although the amount of content trumps gw1.

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Honestly, I couldn't go back to GW1 at all now, simply because of the combat system. Fallen so in love with the GW2 combat (action).


that said I do miss a bunch of other things from GW1:


* Pre-searing (If they remade this as a own mode in gw2, you wouldn't be able to get me out of there)

* Level 20 max

* Stats separated from gear, you could adjust the "stats" like build.

* Patrolling Charr warbands, by golly I miss those! In general harder enemies in PVE. Using our own classes against us.


On the other hand I don't miss the MTG inspired "combo build" system at all.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > 6- 100% the map (especially in Factions and Hard Mode) was really fun in gw1. In GW2, its a chore. Unplayble chore. Doing one million hearts was a mistake.

> Mapping in GW2 is vastly better than GW1. Not only are there actual rewards for it, _you don't have to do the whole zone in one continuous session_.


> > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> >You want a nice looking weapon skin? Great! Instead of doing challenging content with a group of people, you gotta do braindead chores >aka Achievements.

> Dungeons, fractals, and raids all have plenty of weapon skins you can get via playing them. For that matter, what weapon skins are locked behind achievements, anyway? Most of the skins you get from achievements are armor pieces


The reward in mapping in gw1 was the title. A meaningful title, not like the ones in gw2... they add 5 new titles per week, you're flooded with crappy titles. Also, when you say that you're rewarded for mapping, is a few silver and useless items that you will salvage are reward worthy? Certainly not to me. They're more of a inventory filler than a "reward". Maybe if you're new to the game, but certainly not someone with thousands of hours.

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> @"HellzGlaDiaToRX.2156" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > It deviated because gw1 for all t did right (and lets not forget it got a lot wrong too), it was a lot more restrictve in design and wasnt the dynamic multiplayer experience they wanted to progress the franchise to the place they wanted it to be.

> > Sure gw2 may have its own flaws, but it is a vastly more successful product with a much larger population.

> >

> > There is no shortage of passion and ideas from the dev team though. Being more accessible and casual is not the stigma i think some believe it to be.

> >

> >


> That makes sense, but they could have still kept alot of gw1 features while incorporating these. I understand your points.


They could, and specifically about capturing skills from enemies. I would love to have that mechanic in the game, I think its a very fun mechanic in games. However, I would also hate it. Its very toon-unfriendly. You put in that time and work to get that skill, but then if you make another toon, you would have to go through all that again to get the skill to drop. Simply in terms of acquiring skills, I think GW2 is amazing, in that you can acquire all of your core class' skills simply through leveling up.

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> @"OriOri.8724" said:

> > @"HellzGlaDiaToRX.2156" said:

> > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > It deviated because gw1 for all t did right (and lets not forget it got a lot wrong too), it was a lot more restrictve in design and wasnt the dynamic multiplayer experience they wanted to progress the franchise to the place they wanted it to be.

> > > Sure gw2 may have its own flaws, but it is a vastly more successful product with a much larger population.

> > >

> > > There is no shortage of passion and ideas from the dev team though. Being more accessible and casual is not the stigma i think some believe it to be.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > That makes sense, but they could have still kept alot of gw1 features while incorporating these. I understand your points.


> They could, and specifically about capturing skills from enemies. I would love to have that mechanic in the game, I think its a very fun mechanic in games. However, I would also hate it. Its very toon-unfriendly. You put in that time and work to get that skill, but then if you make another toon, you would have to go through all that again to get the skill to drop. Simply in terms of acquiring skills, I think GW2 is amazing, in that you can acquire all of your core class' skills simply through leveling up.


They did it at one point. But it was such a huge success (irony inside) that it was removed and the whole systeme revamped.

Just like hearts some people don't like it sure, but if they made them repeatable there's a reason. I for one prefer by far the exploration in GW2 than the one in gw1.

As for the instanced maps.... that's a different game. GW1 was not a MMO. GW2 is.

Comparing the 2 is like saying I regret that civilization does not have 1rst person combat like DOOM to capture cities.

GW1 had interesting features and bad ones (sit in the ring for days festival,...).

So does GW2

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If anyone has read any of my posts you will know I miss cantha in the game. I miss things such as alliance battles and fort aspenwood/jade quarry. I loved those, happily spend hours in AB. So in essence I miss being a kurzick. Coming from a game which had different 'sides' that fought each other, I still think there is enough there for the game to evolve with cantha. We have WvW sure but it would be nice to kill a few luxons again , even bring it into the open world.

I miss how the armour looked, couldn't get enough vabbi stuff.

I don't know if I miss hench/hero's unless they could stop me pugging fractals ;/

I miss standing in spamadan and shing jea.

I also miss the sense of achievement when I finally got the GWAMM title the first time and then on the second.

I miss some of the missions, gate of madness hardmode anyone?

But most of all I miss the atmosphere, the feeling. I don't get how I felt in the first game as I did in the second. I like GW2 sure, but there's something different that I can't place my finger on.


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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > > What i miss from GW1

> > >

> > > 1- Actual pve, a thing gw2 doesn't have.

> > > 2- Build variety, a thing gw2 doesn't have.

> > > 3- Challenging content that cannot be completed by simply spamming skills.

> > > 4- Dervish.

> > > 5- PVP game modes. Circles capping crap is the worst pvp i've played in years, anet. How can this thing be your main spvp mode in soon to be six years is insane.

> > > 6- 100% the map (especially in Factions and Hard Mode) was really fun in gw1. In GW2, its a chore. Unplayble chore. Doing one million hearts was a mistake.

> > > 7- No time gating garbage

> > > 8- No skins locked behind achievements.

> > > 9- 55hp farming for unique skins in pretty much any zone in the game, depending on the skin you want.

> > >

> > > GW2 is so barebones compared to gw1.

> >

> > I have to challenge the idea that 100% mapping in GW1 wasn't a chore. Wall scraping barely visible fogged areas, often needing an overlay to find a missing bit to 100% is one of the strangest and poorly designed exploration elements I have encountered in a game. Taking out the hyperbolic "1 million hearts", nothing about mapping in Gw2 I;d say is worse than what GW1 put out for 100%ing. For me, GW2 has the exploration trumped hands down largely due to the better scenery and dynamic events

> >

> > What do you mean by "actual pve" as well? That doesn't really make sense since GW2 does have a pretty decent pve for an MMO

> >

> > Build variety and time gating are fair points


> I never used any overlay and simply hugged the edges. Worked perfectly fine. Yes, you could have missed 0.2% and not get the 100% but that's where the challenge came from.


You call that fun? Hugging edges?



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I miss the fun my guildies and I used to have in the pseudo-PvP areas, Jade Quarry and Fort Aspenwood. Especially two things in Jade Quarry: massively stacking traps on top of the spawn points...the actual effect on the fights were negligible, but the animations were lol-worthy. The second thing was hiding in the back of the shrines and frantically healing the NPCs to keep possession of the shrines. So many times we were down to one NPC in a shrine needing a single jade carrier for the win...those were fun battles.

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> @"HellzGlaDiaToRX.2156" said:

> Hi, I used to play gw1 a lot and really loved it but when gw2 I immediately got turned off by the games change. I quit, but now I am returning and I have to say it evolved into a really good game. I don't want this to a rant but more of a "in memory of" and a "how come" discussion. A few features I loved were removed that made guild wars one of the greatest games ever. Even though gw2 is good, it isn't what made guild wars in the first place! It is not by any means as unique of a game it was back then.


> Firstly, the instanced exploration areas. The fact you can only see people in towns made an incredibly unique gaming structure. Whoever you left town with is all all who you will see. I loved this because compared to now its one big easy cluster of groups of people doing things together. Although I think large group based is essential to a game, having a whole area to yourself to explore made it much more mysterious and awesome to explore. I remember when I got my first black dye from a mob. That was awesome and im not even sure if in gw2 the enemies can even drop anything worthwhile. Also because of these instanced areas, it also brought unique content. For example, the achievements for clearing every single mob in a zone. This was very hard to do because if you died the death penalty would stack. And no matter how op you are, you never know when a mob pull is going to kill you. This was very challenging and rewarding to finally get the area cleared after a long time.



You prefer instanced exploration PvE to Open area PvE? That was one of the things i _didn't _ like about GW1. Dungeons, Fractals, LS, Personal Story and Raids are all instanced. Being able to interact with other players "out there" in the world is way, way better than sitting in a city. The only thing is that I wish some of the instances were better. That I'll give you. I'd love to see a revamp of Dungeons, but given the limited resources of the development team, I doubt that's in the cards.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> It deviated because gw1 for all t did right (and lets not forget it got a lot wrong too), it was a lot more restrictve in design and wasnt the dynamic multiplayer experience they wanted to progress the franchise to the place they wanted it to be.

> Sure gw2 may have its own flaws, but it is a vastly more successful product with a much larger population.


> There is no shortage of passion and ideas from the dev team though. Being more accessible and casual is not the stigma i think some believe it to be.


I don't know about "vastly more successful". It had a strong opening quarter but that's it.


GW1 basically didn't have any skins in the ingame store while it was in development and still managed to have about the same quarterly revenue with a much smaller crew as GW2 in rcent years. We can't properly compare the two because of their different business models however.


Outside of the game the GW2 community isn't that big.. there are barely any viewers on youtube vids that are not WP, and even today if you'd gather streamers that used to play GW1 back in the day their numbers would dwarf GW2's.


GW1 was discontinued at its prime, just as e-sport was taking off, to this day I think that was the biggest mistake Anet has ever made.


Lot more restrictive in design, who cares.. MOBAs are a lot more restrictive in design as well and last time I checked some of them were doing much better than GW2 ever will.

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > It deviated because gw1 for all t did right (and lets not forget it got a lot wrong too), it was a lot more restrictve in design and wasnt the dynamic multiplayer experience they wanted to progress the franchise to the place they wanted it to be.

> > Sure gw2 may have its own flaws, but it is a vastly more successful product with a much larger population.

> >

> > There is no shortage of passion and ideas from the dev team though. Being more accessible and casual is not the stigma i think some believe it to be.


> I don't know about "vastly more successful". It had a strong opening quarter but that's it.


> GW1 basically didn't have any skins in the ingame store while it was in development and still managed to have about the same quarterly revenue with a much smaller crew as GW2 in rcent years. We can't properly compare the two because of their different business models however.


> Outside of the game the GW2 community isn't that big.. there are barely any viewers on youtube vids that are not WP, and even today if you'd gather streamers that used to play GW1 back in the day their numbers would dwarf GW2's.


> GW1 was discontinued at its prime, just as e-sport was taking off, to this day I think that was the biggest mistake Anet has ever made.


> Lot more restrictive in design, who cares.. MOBAs are a lot more restrictive in design as well and last time I checked some of them were doing much better than GW2 ever will.


Uhh the Bonus Mission Packs weapon sets were ingame store skins...hello?

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> @"Kekkei Genkai Kage.5930" said:

> > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > It deviated because gw1 for all t did right (and lets not forget it got a lot wrong too), it was a lot more restrictve in design and wasnt the dynamic multiplayer experience they wanted to progress the franchise to the place they wanted it to be.

> > > Sure gw2 may have its own flaws, but it is a vastly more successful product with a much larger population.

> > >

> > > There is no shortage of passion and ideas from the dev team though. Being more accessible and casual is not the stigma i think some believe it to be.

> >

> > I don't know about "vastly more successful". It had a strong opening quarter but that's it.

> >

> > GW1 basically didn't have any skins in the ingame store while it was in development and still managed to have about the same quarterly revenue with a much smaller crew as GW2 in rcent years. We can't properly compare the two because of their different business models however.

> >

> > Outside of the game the GW2 community isn't that big.. there are barely any viewers on youtube vids that are not WP, and even today if you'd gather streamers that used to play GW1 back in the day their numbers would dwarf GW2's.

> >

> > GW1 was discontinued at its prime, just as e-sport was taking off, to this day I think that was the biggest mistake Anet has ever made.

> >

> > Lot more restrictive in design, who cares.. MOBAs are a lot more restrictive in design as well and last time I checked some of them were doing much better than GW2 ever will.


> Uhh the Bonus Mission Packs weapon sets were ingame store skins...hello?


1) BMP released after they already started working on GW2.


2) You didn't buy the skins themselves, you bought a DLC with 4 missions that had great lore, story, cutscenes etc and you _earned_ things through playing it.

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