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What is the best way to get ascended gear by only playing wvw big zerg fights with ele?


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Use the Reward Track (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Triumphant_Armor_Reward_Track). At the end of every cycle, this will give you a choice of exotic armor. You can visit the WvW Skirmish Supervisor hovering around spawn points in WvW to see what is available. Once you get an exotic piece, you unlock the equivalent ascended armor piece. You can then buy that with gold, grandmaster marks (tailors, etc.), WvW Skirmish Claim tickets, and 250 Memories of battle (you can earn these but they are also available on the TP). Check this: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skirmish_Supervisor to give you the overview on the cost of each piece.

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> @"misterman.1530" said:

> Use the Reward Track (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Triumphant_Armor_Reward_Track). At the end of every cycle, this will give you a choice of exotic armor. You can visit the WvW Skirmish Supervisor hovering around spawn points in WvW to see what is available. Once you get an exotic piece, you unlock the equivalent ascended armor piece. You can then buy that with gold, grandmaster marks (tailors, etc.), WvW Skirmish Claim tickets, and 250 Memories of battle (you can earn these but they are also available on the TP). Check this: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skirmish_Supervisor to give you the overview on the cost of each piece.


What about crafting? I have mats from salvaging and gathering? How good is crafting for me to get Ascended gear?

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> @"Annihilator.2617" said:

> > @"misterman.1530" said:

> > Use the Reward Track (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Triumphant_Armor_Reward_Track). At the end of every cycle, this will give you a choice of exotic armor. You can visit the WvW Skirmish Supervisor hovering around spawn points in WvW to see what is available. Once you get an exotic piece, you unlock the equivalent ascended armor piece. You can then buy that with gold, grandmaster marks (tailors, etc.), WvW Skirmish Claim tickets, and 250 Memories of battle (you can earn these but they are also available on the TP). Check this: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skirmish_Supervisor to give you the overview on the cost of each piece.


> What about crafting? I have mats from salvaging and gathering? How good is crafting for me to get Ascended gear?


you can check crafting from online guides.


dont rush it though. always bid not take the offer

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> @"misterman.1530" said:

> Use the Reward Track (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Triumphant_Armor_Reward_Track). At the end of every cycle, this will give you a choice of exotic armor. You can visit the WvW Skirmish Supervisor hovering around spawn points in WvW to see what is available. Once you get an exotic piece, you unlock the equivalent ascended armor piece. You can then buy that with gold, grandmaster marks (tailors, etc.), WvW Skirmish Claim tickets, and 250 Memories of battle (you can earn these but they are also available on the TP). Check this: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skirmish_Supervisor to give you the overview on the cost of each piece.


Nice tip. Now I know what to do with those items too ?

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Ascended trinkets: By far the cheapest way to obtain these are spending tickets and memories of battle at the skirmish supervisor, plus they are statchangeable if you in the future want to swap.

Armor: In order to buy ascended armor you will need marks, and these will cost you alot. But as you are an ele and can tag 100s of enemies within 15 minutes, so my advice is to increase magic find instead as dropping an ascended armor chest in WvW isn't such an uncommon experience when you get that mf up there. Downside is ofc it might take a little longer.

Weapons: Same as armor

Backpack: This must be crafted or gained from achievements (easiest ones are from PoF)


Tldr: Get the ascended trinkets first. Then wait for drops to get the weapon/armor, or if you get impatient (and have alot of gold) do the reward track and craft marks. Trinkets first because they equal roughly 60% of your total stats. Preferable order is Trinkets > Weapons > Armor.

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> @"Annihilator.2617" said:


> What about crafting? I have mats from salvaging and gathering? How good is crafting for me to get Ascended gear?


You have to be able to craft ascended gear to make the Grandmaster Marks. Not sure why everyone always neglects to mention this.



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> @"rng.1024" said:

> Ascended trinkets: By far the cheapest way to obtain these are spending tickets and memories of battle at the skirmish supervisor, plus they are statchangeable if you in the future want to swap.


Huge no. Living story season 3 is the most easy and cheap way to acquire trinkets, followed by laurels and guild commendations for core stat ascended trinkets. None of them require pve (but bitterfrost frontier farm takes like 10-15 minutes per character at most) since all of currencies can be acquired through reward tracks/daily logins/ wvw guild missions.


Tickets and MoB's are also used for armor/weaps, so it's pretty bad practice to use them for trinkets when much better choices exist.



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> @"steki.1478" said:

> > @"rng.1024" said:

> > Ascended trinkets: By far the cheapest way to obtain these are spending tickets and memories of battle at the skirmish supervisor, plus they are statchangeable if you in the future want to swap.


> Huge no. Living story season 3 is the most easy and cheap way to acquire trinkets, followed by laurels and guild commendations for core stat ascended trinkets. None of them require pve (but bitterfrost frontier farm takes like 10-15 minutes per character at most) since all of currencies can be acquired through reward tracks/daily logins/ wvw guild missions.


> Tickets and MoB's are also used for armor/weaps, so it's pretty bad practice to use them for trinkets when much better choices exist.




Easiest way I would say is PvP and the big Boon is they are stat swappable which compared to the others not so much, so long term it’s more conducive to get the PvP ones vs the PvE

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> @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > @"steki.1478" said:

> > > @"rng.1024" said:

> > > Ascended trinkets: By far the cheapest way to obtain these are spending tickets and memories of battle at the skirmish supervisor, plus they are statchangeable if you in the future want to swap.

> >

> > Huge no. Living story season 3 is the most easy and cheap way to acquire trinkets, followed by laurels and guild commendations for core stat ascended trinkets. None of them require pve (but bitterfrost frontier farm takes like 10-15 minutes per character at most) since all of currencies can be acquired through reward tracks/daily logins/ wvw guild missions.

> >

> > Tickets and MoB's are also used for armor/weaps, so it's pretty bad practice to use them for trinkets when much better choices exist.

> >

> >


> Easiest way I would say is PvP and the big Boon is they are stat swappable which compared to the others not so much, so long term it’s more conducive to get the PvP ones vs the PvE


Stat swapping isnt really a good argument to get those though. It's a lot more convenient to have multiple gear sets for multiple builds. Builds barely need to change their stats anyways, especially if they are power focused like staff ele.

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > @"steki.1478" said:

> > > > @"rng.1024" said:

> > > > Ascended trinkets: By far the cheapest way to obtain these are spending tickets and memories of battle at the skirmish supervisor, plus they are statchangeable if you in the future want to swap.

> > >

> > > Huge no. Living story season 3 is the most easy and cheap way to acquire trinkets, followed by laurels and guild commendations for core stat ascended trinkets. None of them require pve (but bitterfrost frontier farm takes like 10-15 minutes per character at most) since all of currencies can be acquired through reward tracks/daily logins/ wvw guild missions.

> > >

> > > Tickets and MoB's are also used for armor/weaps, so it's pretty bad practice to use them for trinkets when much better choices exist.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Easiest way I would say is PvP and the big Boon is they are stat swappable which compared to the others not so much, so long term it’s more conducive to get the PvP ones vs the PvE


> Stat swapping isnt really a good argument to get those though. It's a lot more convenient to have multiple gear sets for multiple builds. Builds barely need to change their stats anyways, especially if they are power focused like staff ele.


That’s under the assumption that one will stay with the same build forever, and the trinkets are extremely easy to stay swap, I know I am constantly test new builds so being able to stay swap to any stat set on the fly is much more conducive than having multiple sets clogging up my bags. And it’s easy to get all the trinkets sans Backpiece in a day or two

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> @"aspirine.6852" said:

> After another look at that guild wiki page, all I need is 25k memory of battle and 20k of skirmish tickets. So in 2020 I will have enough I think.


I hate how thats not as outrageous as it sounds. Still haven't finished a legendary armor set in WvW, and after all these weeks, I'm questioning if its even worth it.

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Ascended=\= Legendary

As others have stated, the smart way is to utilize multiple sources at once.

Jewelry and backpiece are provided by reward track currencies, armor from your tickets, and craft weapons to burn up all those mats you'll be getting.


You'll be all reds(mostly) in a month.



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If you want it from WvW only: Like I said tickets/MoB or random drops are the only way, and way faster than waiting 16 weeks for 200 laurels which only cover core stat trinkets. I still stand by you ONLY buy trinkets (doable in about 3 weeks), as everything else is a timeconsuming goldsink. Every reward track chest you get, every enemy you kill and every WvW levelup you have a chance at an ascended weap/armor chest, so it'll come :)

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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> meh, running around on Siren's Landing farming oysters gets you asc backpack quick and easy. Farming a bit in Bitterfrost gets you rings and trinkets quick and easy.


> Crafting? If you are a mat hoarder, a complete asc armor sets takes you only a couple of days....


If you craft all the items, crafting a set of Light Ascended takes 36 days.

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> @"Annihilator.2617" said:

> I only play wvw big zerg fights with ele. I do not want to play anything else more than 15 min a day. What is the best way to get ascended gear for me?


For the Triumphant "exotic to ascended unlock" you need to create grandmaster tailor marks. You will need 500 crafting to create its components. If you don't have that, it will be an additional cost for you.

The easy (but not very swift) way to get some ascended stuff is via the LS3 maps and their currencies. Pretty much all of them can be farmed individually by harvesting (unlike LS4, which requires you to do lots of events).

* Get Siren's Landing pearls for a back piece

* get rings, amulet and trinkets from the other maps (you can mix them); Bloodstone Fen ones have the ability to stat swap for a fee.

* concentrate on an ascended weapon over going for armour, because that has a larger impact on you damage dealt (compared to the damage received from a full ascended armour set. Doing a specialization collection might be the cheapest (and sure way), but it will require you to do quite a few tasks in the expansion (either HoT or PoF). Be aware you might have to do stuff on an alternate character too (e.g. you would need to play Druid or Daredevil or the staff)

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> @"Gorani.7205" said:

> > @"Annihilator.2617" said:

> > I only play wvw big zerg fights with ele. I do not want to play anything else more than 15 min a day. What is the best way to get ascended gear for me?


> For the Triumphant "exotic to ascended unlock" you need to create grandmaster tailor marks. You will need 500 crafting to create its components. If you don't have that, it will be an additional cost for you.

> The easy (but not very swift) way to get some ascended stuff is via the LS3 maps and their currencies. Pretty much all of them can be farmed individually by harvesting (unlike LS4, which requires you to do lots of events).

> * Get Siren's Landing pearls for a back piece

> * get rings, amulet and trinkets from the other maps (you can mix them); Bloodstone Fen ones have the ability to stat swap for a fee.

> * concentrate on an ascended weapon over going for armour, because that has a larger impact on you damage dealt (compared to the damage received from a full ascended armour set. Doing a specialization collection might be the cheapest (and sure way), but it will require you to do quite a few tasks in the expansion (either HoT or PoF). Be aware you might have to do stuff on an alternate character too (e.g. you would need to play Druid or Daredevil or the staff)


Or the tracks in WvW. The currencies are given in those that will allow you to get the ascended trinkets from the map vendors.

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> @"MachineManXX.9746" said:

> > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> > meh, running around on Siren's Landing farming oysters gets you asc backpack quick and easy. Farming a bit in Bitterfrost gets you rings and trinkets quick and easy.

> >

> > Crafting? If you are a mat hoarder, a complete asc armor sets takes you only a couple of days....


> If you craft all the items, crafting a set of Light Ascended takes 36 days.


I am a hoarder. And I craft spiritwood planks, elonian leather squares etc every day, so if I need them, I don't have to wait...


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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> > @"MachineManXX.9746" said:

> > > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> > > meh, running around on Siren's Landing farming oysters gets you asc backpack quick and easy. Farming a bit in Bitterfrost gets you rings and trinkets quick and easy.

> > >

> > > Crafting? If you are a mat hoarder, a complete asc armor sets takes you only a couple of days....

> >

> > If you craft all the items, crafting a set of Light Ascended takes 36 days.


> I am a hoarder. And I craft spiritwood planks, elonian leather squares etc every day, so if I need them, I don't have to wait...



Maybe so, but it still took you 36 days for light armor. You just did the 36 days before you wanted the armor.

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