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More Condi in WvW


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yeah its getting ridiculous with the way WvW is now. Really miss the good old days when you actually had to use skills and coordination with your guild to produce Power. That front line power train was awesome. It has gotten worse and its a shame because alot of people are ready to quit WvW because of this. Anet really has to do something about this condi in WvW. It is not the same :(.

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It really is unfortunate it isn't a balance of the two, power and condi, in a guild comp, but right now it can't be if you want to win. With the expansion it is now the case that if you step in condi for even half a second you can pop retaliation, condi clear, everything, and still die. Before you had to run it as the damage in your guild, and were stuck to a rigid comp to counter it. As it is now the problem seems to be magnified.

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Condi Damage is out of control in WvW right now. There are too many to deal with and fights tend to be whoever bombs first wins in large battles. Power, Toughness, Vitality; they are all meaningless in the face of 20k-30k of condi in 1 second. It is not that I am opposed to using condi but it needs some restraint. Limit the number of individual sources that can affect a character. Getting 8 different condis from 10-20 sources and all of them damage you? Nothing human can react in time before you are downed and even when you manage to clear there is no grace period after the clear before it is all reapplied. That needs to be fixed because it is definitely broke.

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The optimal strategy right now is to just run condi bombs with a zerg large enough to lag out the map. You're opponent wont be able to get off cleanses in a timely manner and you can just melt people.


Any kind of lord room fight with enough people to trigger skill lag is a complete nightmare to deal with.


This is almost as bad as the old culling + confusion bullshit from way back.

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You have to admit that condi is the best thing that happened for the blob. Spamming condi is the best way to get credit for kills. Heck look at the meta reaper. You don't even have to an an opponent targetted. Just spam shouts/aoes and hope it hits. Its replaced the standard '1-1-1-1-1' spammers. now the casuals are ecstatic they can actually spam more than one key now, so they must be getting better.

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They've also systematically removed a lot of the good spiking power builds or nerfed them while constantly bumping power-based mitigation. There's very little incentive to bother.


I mean look at signet thief which defined the notion of bursting priority targets in GvG. Its damage got dropped by almost 35% in one patch recently (the only thing it could do) during ANet's pathetic attempt to "buff" signets because they were downright terrible.


People need to stop being surprised. The profession team is failing this game and has been since before even HoT launched.

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The Red Tags, as in the Devs, really need to prick up their ears.


There are no arguments for condi that justifies it being at it's current level. It's profuse, unavoidable, and ultimately uncleanse-able due to the lack of a grace period (an excellent point edthunderstorm made). It is (or for many people already has) destroying the fun of small scale fights, G vs G fights, and zerg vs zergs fights, because the ONLY thing that matters, is who gets their condi out there first.


A relative lot of hoopla was made out of the consumable changes, and how it was part of an attempt to bring condition damage in line. Guess what? You Have FAILED. Oh sure, condi builds might not do as much damage as they would have with the old style consumables, but you also forced power builds to lose what toughness/vitality they'd managed to take or otherwise do less damage as well. Meanwhile, armor sets that reward being tanky condi-spewers remain in WvW, and there is ZERO way for more skill-based power builds to be as damaging and durable at the same time.


And now, with the advent of PoF, you've dumped even more skill-less condi BS into the mode. -_-


Seriously, genuinely, what is wrong with you folks (Meaning Devs)? This situation, as so many others have repeatedly pointed out so eloquently, is horrifically broken. It leaves one to feel as if you really DON'T care about what your community of players for this mode has been telling you; telling you for ages now, at this point.


WvW balance needs a hard, ugly divorce from the balance of various PvE modes, and in the mix condition damaged needs to be seriously re-tooled.


The lot of you, in too many situations, have failed the WvW mode. And worse, you have: Failed. To Listen. To Your Customers. Repeatedly. Because there are a lot of people around who aren't free to play, we paid to play.


You will lose players. You already are losing players. And, your number of paying customers will continue to shrink. And, bluntly, when you have no one left to play this mode, and you have nothing for gamers to do after your PvE has played out... you will have no one to blame but yourselves. *Shrugs*


-One more meaningless voice that's just about done

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It's lack of effort. The reason Condi has become king is over the last few years, Anet has paid attention to making pve somewhat balanced. To do this they took the easiest path, conditions. It's very easy to tune DPS using condies instead of power, so anet took the path of least resistance.


The thing is, they could also buff power or buff cleanses or buff the structure of cleanse priority (<-- PLEASE ANET MAKE CONDI CLEANSES MAKE SENSE) without impacting their pve baby. They just haven't given it the effort.

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I liked how GW1 handled condi. You had a maximum degen. Once that was reached, regardless of how you got there, you wouldn't take increased damage over time. That's what Condi was. Damage over time. They keep trying to add stop-gap measures like a few abilities here and there that reduce Condi damage but it's just not enough with how bursty and damaging Condis are right now.

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> @Kodiak.3281 said:

> I liked how GW1 handled condi. You had a maximum degen. Once that was reached, regardless of how you got there, you wouldn't take increased damage over time. That's what Condi was. Damage over time. They keep trying to add stop-gap measures like a few abilities here and there that reduce Condi damage but it's just not enough with how bursty and damaging Condis are right now.


I like that idea. You could use could use a percentage of the base health as damage limit per second.

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