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Do people still do Zealots in Domain of Vabbi?

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Whenever I manage a successful host, it is usually the event that starts half an hour before server reset (about 20 minutes after I post this). Start forming a group an hour before reset, organize well, advertise plenty, and if you get enough competent people you can do it. You just need a commander tag, and also a good understanding of the CC capabilities of most classes.


The commander tag is key here. I'm rarely on a successful run that I myself did not organize. Somebody's got to do it, and if nobody is around then you've got to do it.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> Whenever I manage a successful host, it is usually the event that starts half an hour before server reset (about 20 minutes after I post this). Start forming a group an hour before reset, organize well, advertise plenty, and if you get enough competent people you can do it. You just need a commander tag, and also a good understanding of the CC capabilities of most classes.


> The commander tag is key here. I'm rarely on a successful run that I myself did not organize. Somebody's got to do it, and if nobody is around then you've got to do it.


Dang man, we got like 25-30 ppl before not enough cc to get those 5 zealots from detonating......failed T.T

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Yeah, you either need a lot of people or a good amount of competent people with good class/build composition. Preferably the former, because bizarrely everyone brings their Soul Beast and Scourge to this event, who have terrible CCPS. Seriously, every time, 20+ scourges and Soul Beasts. I thought it was just a fluke, but its been 3 separate weeks now...

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I have yet to complete this event since returning to the game, and I say that after completing TT a few times to get all achievements/ mastery points.


I really feel this needs to be readdressed by the devs. Every HoT meta is pretty mindless and is a case of wait thirty minutes and kill an enemy in two seconds. Even the Maw was a cinch compared to meta after meta of this failing.


Anyway, will attempt to try one of the recommended times (and thank you). I just think that something needs to be looked at as its clearly not rewarding once people have the achievement item they're after. I just want to get the funerary glove box done after returning to the game earlier this year, and clearly, there's backpiece items people need and seem to be unattainable by many.


I don't like complaining but I've not seen any Hot/PoF meta fail time after time, but that's probably down to the times I usually play I suppose.

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> @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> eehhhh.....another fail today. (Max 40-50 showed up)

> There's just not enough ppl coming to this event.

> Maybe ArenaNet should put this as daily, then there is chance of ppl finishing this.


40-50 is more than enough people to get it done, so your issue isn't the number of people coming to the event. The issue is that not enough people bring hard CC skils to get that second part done, either because they just don't know to bring it, don't know what CC skills are, or don't care enough to switch out their weapons/skills for CC skills. The times I've seen this event succeed with just randoms from the map were the times the commander or others took the time to explain to people about CC skills and how they're required. If you're preparing to do the event, take it upon yourself to type out what's needed to get that part done. Explain what CC is, and ask that people bring any knockdowns/knockbacks/launch/pull skills they have. Explain that even if they only have soft CC skills to bring them. Also, tell people to get on their rabbit mounts if they can and to use the Cannonball skill as the fight begins, to help things get off to a good start.

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Managed to get it done Friday @18:30 server time (EU servers), but the second phase was a bit close.


@Anet, please add elegy mosaics to the reward chest lol. Might be the easiest way to fix this :/. I actually enjoyed doing this and Maw more than any of the HoT metas. All I kept hearing during the event were non-participants (and there were a lot as there was a daily bounty going on) saying that it wasn't rewarding enough. I can't blame them, but can't offering an additional 10-15 mosaics per meta be a valid alternative to leg bounty farming? Stacks of 100 trade contracts aren't as useful and far more easy to farm.



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Open community EU do it every thursday iirc


Ive been n two pug attempts last week, one fail, one success. Cant say my inclination is to return to such poorly rewarding event given the chore of it. It needs a proper incentive or scaled better. Plus the final bosses are unviewable due to the special effects. They would have been better split apart somehow.


For those with numbers and failing, strongly encourage everyone brings a lot of cc. Post example skills if u have to, but reiterate enough to get the point across. There is little margin for error on Phase 2.

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> @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> > eehhhh.....another fail today. (Max 40-50 showed up)

> > There's just not enough ppl coming to this event.

> > Maybe ArenaNet should put this as daily, then there is chance of ppl finishing this.


> 40-50 is more than enough people to get it done, so your issue isn't the number of people coming to the event. The issue is that not enough people bring hard CC skils to get that second part done, either because they just don't know to bring it, don't know what CC skills are, or don't care enough to switch out their weapons/skills for CC skills. The times I've seen this event succeed with just randoms from the map were the times the commander or others took the time to explain to people about CC skills and how they're required. If you're preparing to do the event, take it upon yourself to type out what's needed to get that part done. Explain what CC is, and ask that people bring any knockdowns/knockbacks/launch/pull skills they have. Explain that even if they only have soft CC skills to bring them. Also, tell people to get on their rabbit mounts if they can and to use the Cannonball skill as the fight begins, to help things get off to a good start.


CC is the hard one. The second hardest one is that people don't know how to split up. Every time I organize, I put down the map markers and put splitting instructions in the group message so everyone sees it the moment they join my squad. I ping this message several times both during the forming and during the hunt. And yet... 30% of the squad is geometrically challenged. When it comes to phase 2, the entire 2:30 countdown until the event is filled with me answering questions as to where they are supposed to go.


"Where is the heart?"

"What is a cyan swirl?"

"Which group am I in?"

"Where does group 3 go?"


And always, one of the marks is almost completely empty. Every single person in that group has no idea where to go. I have to aggressively yell at people to head there, and in worst case scenarios I have to personally message everybody in that group to head to the darn mark. Because people are so reluctant to follow the brightly lit markers and mash their utility skills on command, I have to slowly explain the complex mechanics of phase 2, just to hammer home the simple instructions of "spread out the brightly colored shapes and CC."

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Well, got it to 4% in 2nd stage and failed.

I just don't know why people don't read description when it says "Bring CC" or even when commander tells nicely that the break bar is hard and give it everything.

I play FireBrand, have access to quite a lot of hard cc, not sure if i should try with like a warrior dagger/shield with hammer or mace/mace with utilities like kick and bulls charge.

Spent this weekend scouring thru LFG and the 3 times we did get people, it failed.

Maybe ...just maybe, Anet should for once stop putting these achievement things locked behind events like these.


@Blood Red Arachnid.2493 I do have to agree with you regarding rangers in this event. Asked 1 guy politely please equip things like "Spike traps" and use a gazelle cos he's full signet with bear. So he's like "my build is signet build and prefer that way."

I don't know what to say to that.

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:


> please note, we are on NA servers only ;)


Thanks, im on NA as well and just now just tried with your guild.

Commander tagged and and was trying to get people in.

Then some assholes started doing DDOS attacks, the whole LFG fucked up and we couldn't get the people for the event. Failed sadly.

So pissed off right now.

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