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Swarming y'all with questions


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See what I did there? Because we've had recent story references to the Scarab Plague, and bug swarms...eh, never mind. This sylvari of mine was only ever good with wooden jokes. :(


Anyway, back to the topic...first of all, thanks for giving us the opportunity for such a lore-focused AFC! It's appreciated, and I've enjoyed the discussion and the back and forth seen so far. :)


I've compiled a wide number of questions below for various topics as I don't want to just spam them one thread at a time. For any participating developers reading this, feel free to pick whichever question(s) tickle your lore fancy.


1) Kormir mentions a Hero leading a mission to stop Abaddon in "Facing the Truth", and [Koss on Koss Extended Edition](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Koss_on_Koss_\(Extended_Edition\)) mentions Koss fighting alongside a Tyrian Hero. For the sake of documenting it in the [Hero (NPC)](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hero_\(NPC\)) article on GW2wiki, is there canonically only one Hero who did Prophecies, Factions, and Nightfall campaigns? Or were there multiple heroes dependent on which campaign the player played first as potentially suggested by [Young Heroes of Tyria](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Young_Heroes_of_Tyria) and the vision of what seem to be five heroes facing Abaddon shown during Kormir's speech in "Facing the Truth"? If the latter (multiple heroes) is true, was the Prophecies Hero the leader of these heroes as Koss on Koss Extended Edition mentions a Tyrian hero rather than an Elonian hero (unless his wording is meant to be symbolic given how the Hero saved the whole world, aka Tyria)?


2) Can Elona be considered its own continent lorewise, or should we just call it a nation for wiki documenting purposes?


3) What happened to Balthazar's divinity/power after the gods took it from him (given how a big deal was made about replacing Abaddon with Kormir in Nightfall)? Was the divinity given to some mortal/spirit who ascended to godhood as the new god/dess? If so, is there a story behind it (e.g. why he/she in particular was chosen as a replacement)?


4) After being freed by Rytlock and entering Tyria, how did Balthazar learn about the White Mantle's plans to resurrect Lazarus in order to begin his ruse?


5) After being stripped of his divinity, how was Balthazar (who had gained some power from absorbing the Maguuma Bloodstone) able to enter Primal Kiln in Draconis Mons to face Primordus and set up Taimi's Machine without being eaten/corrupted by Ol' Prim or its Destroyers? Did he still have a divine spark within him that allowed him to be unseen by Destroyers or his presence repelled them?


6) [Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire—Road to the Desert](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_Wars_2:_Path_of_Fire%E2%80%94Road_to_the_Desert) states that after absorbing a portion of the magic released by Mordremoth’s demise in 1328 AE, Kralkatorrik flew south. What attracted it to Vabbi in particular that it roosted there for (seemingly) two years until the events of PoF in 1330 AE? Was it the magic of the djinn, the Hidden City of Ahdashim?


7) Any news you can share on Shiny, the saltspray dragon we last saw in Nightfall chilling out in the Hidden City of Ahdashim next door to Vabbi? Was Shiny aware of what was going on with Glint, Vlast, and Kralkatorrik?


8) During the writing of PoF, were there ever considerations of having Zommoros play some kind of a role as in the finished game we get to interact with djinn and even enter Zommoros's lair?


9) Chak can drop [unidentified Lodestones](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Unidentified_Lodestone) while the only other NPCs to drop such in game are dragon minions. Is this simply a game mechanics issue, or is there a deeper lore meaning for this curious connection given the chak's ability to filter magic?


10) In Season 2 Rox was quite evasive and even [lied to us once](

) while we chatted with her in Camp Resolve. What was her mission there (was she spying on someone and if so, who and why?) and how's Smodur (or someone else in the Imperator's office) involved?


11) During some story instances in A Bug in the System, we were given hints of a male Inquest Director who appeared in some of the female holographic PA Announcer's messages. Is this Director simply the leader of Rata Primus, or is he someone way higher up in Inquest hierarchy?


12) Any clues or information on Overseer Kuda's mother given how Kudu (who seems to be the father based on hints) was shown to be quite the ladies' man back in the day (e.g. Plunka, Tazza)?


13) Any deeper meaning on why Kuda looks a bit like Zojja?


14) Any word on if Subject Alpha could have survived the destruction of the Crucible of Eternity given how durable it was as a foe and how one of its essences fled deeper into the facility before the base's destruction?


15) Back in Season 1 [it was once suggested](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/User:Kossage/Lore_Portal#On_Taimi.27s_parents_and_Zojja.27s_role_in_Taimi.27s_education) that we might learn more about Taimi's missing parents, including their identities, in the future. Has this plot point been talked about since, or has it been dropped?


16) Are Rytlock and Rox's parents still alive (maybe somewhere in Blood Legion Homelands), or are they dead by now?


17) Has Kasmeer met with her brother Kyle Meade lately, and is there a chance she might one day introduce Marjory and/or the Commander to him even if he's a black sheep of the Meade family?


18) What did Faolain do during the years between her escape in Twilight Arbor story mode (1325 AE) and appearance as a prisoner in HoT (1328 AE)? Why were she and the Nightmare Court in the Heart of Maguuma to begin with?


19) What caused Cadeyrn, the Secondborn founder and original leader of the Nightmare Court, to let Firstborn Faolain (who was a later convert) assume leadership of the court instead of him staying in power?


20) Is there any centralized leader for the Sons of Svanir, or at least a bigger representative for rallying them like Knut is for the independent norn in Hoelbrak? In personal story, open world and dungeons we only ever met what amounted to local Svanir chiefs at best.


21) What led to the selection of the specific hero NPCs for the ["Defeat the invading Awakened"](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Defeat_the_invading_Awakened) event in Central Tyria? It was really nice to see familiar faces (with dialogue!) fighting alongside us, going all the way from recent friends like Kerida and Ridhais to older veterans like Sigfast, Skarti, Ballista and Mangonel.


22) How was Braham's group capable of getting past what would likely have been thousands of Icebrood and dozens of dragon champions and braving the bitter cold effect of the north (for what must've been for days if not for weeks/months) to reach Jormag and surround the dragon as Braham's letter from "The Flow of Magic" from One Path Ends implied?


22) What caused Garm's (hopefully temporary) retirement? Was he simply not feeling ok fighting alongside Braham?


23) Any news on Braham's "Destiny's Edge"? Have these norn been disbanded, or is Braham still thinking about them? Would be fun to meet them one day if the story takes us in that direction again.


24) Were there any initial PoF drafts where we might've potentially interacted with other members of the Six aside from Balthazar and Kormir?


25) In "Facing the Truth", why was Kormir being cryptic about what we should do next rather than just telling us the truth flat out to save us time searching for answers (Kesho, Sohothin)?


26) As the gods seemed unwilling to face the Elder Dragons, does it suggest that the Forgotten never told them the plan involving Glint and her scions absorbing the power of the Elder Dragons and becoming benevolent balancers of magic? If so, why was there a lack of communication between gods and the Forgotten, as Glint herself showed frustration during "The Way Forward" at not being told what the gods may or may not have known?


27) Glint is said to be the scion of Kralkatorrik. Does this mean she's Kralky's biological daughter, or is this simply a symbolic phrase which means she became his "daughter" via Branding?


28) Who's Aurene and Vlast's father? Is it Kralkatorrik or some other unseen dragon, or was there never a father (depending on how dragon biology works)?


29) Aurene and Vlast are the only scions of Glint shown alive in GW2 times but in GW1 there were dozens of eggs. Were the other eggs destroyed by the Destroyers, or the Chosen who Glint claimed had returned to the lair to battle her (as per Edge of Destiny novel)?


30) What exactly is the timeline of Kesho and Vlast? In GW1 Vlast showed up in Glint's lair and was protected from Destroyers while in PoF Kesho is said to be his birthplace. Was he born in Kesho but then taken to dragon's lair for an initiation, or are the dozen or so Priory, local and Exalted NPCs wrong and he was only taken to Kesho after hatching? [book of Vlast](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Book_of_Vlast) claims that Vlast had protected Elona for generations, but the Branded only showed up with Kralkatorrik ten years prior at most given the events in Edge of Destiny.


31) According to timeline, Kralkatorrik would have roosted near (or at) Glint's lair for almost a decade following the events of Edge of Destiny. Discoveries in open world and PoF story reveal that Vlast chose to battle the Branded to contain the Brand after Glint's death. How was Vlast able to reclaim the Dragonsblood Spear from the crater and battle the Branded (including killing many veterans) so close to his mom's fallen lair without Kralkatorrik sensing his presence and personally going after him?


32) Has Mordremoth transcended his physical being to become an entity of Mind (given how his shadowy visage appears during story moments, notably as we enter the Dream and when he possesses Trahearne, and how he can move his consciousness across his corruption), and is the Mouth of Mordremoth simply his original body that merely became an extension of him after he "transcended"? Asking this for clarification so we know whether we need to replace the current image in Mordremoth's wiki page with the shadowy face in case that's the "true form" of Mordremoth.


33) What inspired Mordremoth's name? Is it simply a reference to Mordred from Arthurian legend, or is there more to it?


34) What's the canonical order of events regarding the final battle with Mordremoth? NPCs such as [Laranthir](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Laranthir_of_the_Wild#Heart_of_Maguuma) have dialogue in Dragon's Stand that changes whether you've completed Hearts and Minds or not while Canach suggests in Hearts and Minds that the events of Dragon's Stand are distracting the dragon during the party's infiltration. So, is the Mouth of Mordremoth canonically fought three times (before, during, and after Hearts and Minds)? Or is there only one battle while the pre- and post-Hearts and Mubds dialogues are non-canonical but added for gameplay's sake?


35) Are harpies able to breed with other sentient races, or are there male harpies that we haven't seen in game?


36) We see sylvari spirits in the Domain of the Lost. Does this mean all dragon minions such as Destroyers etc. have souls? If not, is the connection to the Dream that makes the sylvari a special case and if so, how?


37) What's the meaning behind Scarlet's enigmatic message to Caithe in the [spinal Blade Pack Blueprint](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spinal_Blade_Pack_Blueprint): "Caithe, someday you'll see, Tyria needs me."? Could it be Scarlet referring to her original plan (suggested by "What Scarlet Saw" short story) to pit Pale Tree and Mordremoth against one another to free sylvari, or is it her saying in a roundabout way how Tyria needs Mordremoth's guidance?


38) Anything you can share about the [Mysterious Stranger](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mysterious_Stranger_\(Tracking_the_Aspect_Masters\)) we saw observing our progress in the "Tracking the Aspect Masters" story instance in Season 2? Was he ever intended to play a bigger role in the narrative and if so, what that might have been?


39) Have we talked to E in person during Season 1 without realizing it?


If you read all the way through to the end, thanks for taking the time to do so. Have a wonderful AFC, everyone! :)

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Yep, I should've added a link to that in my post for context. That very answer was in fact what made me ask the clarifying question in the first place as the wording in the AMA is still ambiguous enough to me at least (because of the way it uses the verb "created", and "offspring" could be viewed symbolically rather than literally given how those Kralky corrupts are "reborn" in his image) to be taken either way. But admittedly I may be overthinking it. :)

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Kossage.9072" said:


> 11) During some story instances in A Bug in the System, we were given hints of a male Inquest Director who appeared in some of the female holographic PA Announcer's messages. Is this Director simply the leader of Rata Primus, or is he someone way higher up in Inquest hierarchy?


He was the director of Rata Primus.


> 22) What caused Garm's (hopefully temporary) retirement? Was he simply not feeling ok fighting alongside Braham?


Everyone deserves a chance to rest.


> 27) Glint is said to be the scion of Kralkatorrik. Does this mean she's Kralky's biological daughter, or is this simply a symbolic phrase which means she became his "daughter" via Branding?


Glint is Kralk's biological daughter.


> 28) Who's Aurene and Vlast's father? Is it Kralkatorrik or some other unseen dragon, or was there never a father (depending on how dragon biology works)?


We've never said how Elder Dragons reproduce.

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> @"Jessica Price II.9813" said:


> Glint is Kralk's biological daughter.



That opens many questions.

"Biological" means like most other animals, or is dragon biology very different?

How was Glint made in the first place? Directly created with magic? Of of a piece of Kalkatorrik? Born from an egg?

Is Kralkatorrik female and lays eggs and Glint did the same?

Was there another mother dragon?

Did Kalkatorrik just create Glint's egg as a ball of his magic and then she was born from a jolt of magic in a flash of light like Aurene did?

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