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Got called out as OP


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nah pretty sure Ithwilien is just super bad at the game and wouldn't get past 1300 raiting even if chrono was twice as strong, which is the reason she thinks mesmer is so weak.I mean Ithwilien complains about mesmer beeing to weak since 2012 even after HoT.


Vieux on the other hand is just super biased cos it's his main class and he can finally feel relevant by playing overpowered sepcs. Considering his statements that reveale his game knowledge it is obvious he's pretty bad as well, tho.


> @"Vieux P.1238" said:


> Wasn't Bunker Chrono eliminated from play after 1 season it came out because it was broken? It's not like it lasted 2 or 3 seasons. I really don't see the problem. It got removed quick!


It remained enough **months** to start the downfall of ESL and with it the whole competitive pvp scene, losing like more than 50% of the whole pvp playerbase.

Pathetic to consider this 'quickly'

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> @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> > It's been my experience that whenever I defeat a sore loser, one of two things happen: You're either called a noob or you're called OP. Either way, I just move onto the next. Don't let sour grapes ruin your fun or experience. That said . . . good job! B)


> Did this guy even read the first post ?


Yes, I did. Did I read yours? Nope. When you open with "Bro . . ." I tend to think your opinion isn't worth reading afterwards. And given this reaction? I continue to hold that belief.


Hope that answers your question. :)

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> @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> I've just come from a match, I was called out as OP and the other player said he "can't wait for the Mesmer nerf" after winning an extended 1v1. He won the fight, then called me OP.


> **The funny part is that I was playing a core PU Mesmer.** This is one more illustration that a lot of the nerf calls are simply reflex.


> For the 5+ years I've played GW2 there has been an ongoing trend of reducing Mesmer power and giving away our skills ..**It's to the point that Mesmer literally cannot do a single thing that isn't at least partly replicated by another class.** Even shattering is matched by exploding turrets.


> *The specialization of Mesmer is to have no specialization at all.*


> Mesmer went years, acknowledged as "trash tier." It's time to find a new target.


Just... why?


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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> Yes, I did. Did I read yours? Nope. When you open with "Bro . . ." I tend to think your opinion isn't worth reading afterwards. And given this reaction? I continue to hold that belief.


> Hope that answers your question. :)



The OP is trying to persuade any who will listen that Mesmer is historically the underdog, brings nothing unique anymore, and should not be nerfed under any circumstances.


The OP's point is not her experience being soured by being called OP, it's about demonstrating how everyone who thinks Mesmer should be nerfed is clearly just biased/delusional, [which is ironic.]


So yeah it would seem you barely read the OP, and I didn't start this post with "bro" so maybe you'll not judge my opinion as worthless too :hushed:

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“I’ll take TTNH for $800 Alex”


Idk based on past history and personal experiences idk how much stock can be put into this, but then again there is the known performance level involved and how the game tries to put similar performance levels against each other so at that level it could be plausible.

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**-Coffee Sip-**




_Mesmer has never been sub par._


* [Here is a snapshot of a tier list from 2012. ](https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/pvp/A-look-at-how-each-class-performs-in-the-psuedo-trinity "https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/pvp/A-look-at-how-each-class-performs-in-the-psuedo-trinity")


* [Here is a Tier List from 2013](https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/pvp/Class-Tier-List-Post-December-10th-Patch "")


* [Here's a snapshot from six months prior: ](https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/pvp/sPvP-Class-Tier-List-Updated-6-30 "https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/pvp/sPvP-Class-Tier-List-Updated-6-30")


* [ Heres one from 2014.]( https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/pvp/Best-PVP-Class-1-January-2014 " https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/pvp/Best-PVP-Class-1-January-2014")


* [ Here's a "Skill Demand for Damage output" snapshot for 2015. Note where PU Mesmer is](https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/pvp/So-what-builds-are-considered-hard " ")


* [in 2016 We had Bunker Chronomancer. ](https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/pvp/Fix-Chronomancer-For-The-Sake-Of-Community "https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/pvp/Fix-Chronomancer-For-The-Sake-Of-Community")


* In 2017 We had the advent of Condi Mirage.


* Now We have Chronomancer again.


Your class has never been victimized or cast out of the meta entirely for the entire life of GW2. They have had periods where they "were not THAT op" but they have never been largely agreed upon as unviable or struggling at any point in Guild Wars 2's history.


*-Coffee sip.-*



Also please be mindful of directly attacking individuals instead of their ideas. All that it will do is detract from the point of all this.


@"Ithilwen.1529" Please point to the "Years Mesmer went acknowledged as trash tier".

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> @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> **Mesmer really doesn't need another extended period of being sub par.**


_laughs in revenant_


How about a class that has existed for 2.5 years and has been sub par for probably more than half that time? You just have it so fucking awful don't you...


Also PSA:

It's pointless to get started in pointing out OP mesmer builds with Ithilwen. You'll just get stonewalled with favorite sayings such as "I play core PU condition mesmer so mirage and chronomancer don't exist!" or "I won't play chronomancer because revenant has alacrity!"

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> @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> > Yes, I did. Did I read yours? Nope. When you open with "Bro . . ." I tend to think your opinion isn't worth reading afterwards. And given this reaction? I continue to hold that belief.

> >

> > Hope that answers your question. :)



> The OP is trying to persuade any who will listen that Mesmer is historically the underdog, brings nothing unique anymore, and should not be nerfed under any circumstances.


> The OP's point is not her experience being soured by being called OP, it's about demonstrating how everyone who thinks Mesmer should be nerfed is clearly just biased/delusional, [which is ironic.]


> So yeah it would seem you barely read the OP, and I didn't start this post with "bro" so maybe you'll not judge my opinion as worthless too :hushed:


Amazing. Just because I don't feel the need to tell someone on the forum that their spec is wrong, or their play style is weak, or any number of issues or personal attacks the rest of you feel the need to discuss, doesn't mean I didn't read the post. It means I don't feel the need to dog pile on that poster because their opinion differs from my own.


I meant exactly what I said. I wish the OP a better gaming experience and move onto the next.


My apologies I didn't rage and slam my fellow poster for their opinion, right or wrong, but it seems to me the rest of you did enough of that without my need to add on.


Hope I made that crystal clear now. Again, sorry that I tried to be positive and nice to someone, but I really didn't believe I had to explain to anyone else why I don't feel the need to criticize someone along with rest of the community.


And I truly hope these forums haven't turned that level of toxic.

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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> > @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > > @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> > > Yes, I did. Did I read yours? Nope. When you open with "Bro . . ." I tend to think your opinion isn't worth reading afterwards. And given this reaction? I continue to hold that belief.

> > >

> > > Hope that answers your question. :)

> >

> >

> > The OP is trying to persuade any who will listen that Mesmer is historically the underdog, brings nothing unique anymore, and should not be nerfed under any circumstances.

> >

> > The OP's point is not her experience being soured by being called OP, it's about demonstrating how everyone who thinks Mesmer should be nerfed is clearly just biased/delusional, [which is ironic.]

> >

> > So yeah it would seem you barely read the OP, and I didn't start this post with "bro" so maybe you'll not judge my opinion as worthless too :hushed:


> Amazing. Just because I don't feel the need to tell someone on the forum that their spec is wrong, or their play style is weak, or any number of issues or personal attacks the rest of you feel the need to discuss, doesn't mean I didn't read the post. It means I don't feel the need to dog pile on that poster because their opinion differs from my own.


> I meant exactly what I said. I wish the OP a better gaming experience and move onto the next.


> My apologies I didn't rage and slam my fellow poster for their opinion, right or wrong, but it seems to me the rest of you did enough of that without my need to add on.


> Hope I made that crystal clear now. Again, sorry that I tried to be positive and nice to someone, but I really didn't believe I had to explain to anyone else why I don't feel the need to criticize someone along with rest of the community.


> And I truly hope these forums haven't turned that level of toxic.


You don't need to justify your post. The people jumping to conclusions are the ones with the problem. I could tell what you meant but some people assume that if you're not actively arguing with the OP then you must support them in what they're saying.

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