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Easy DPS class for raid

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Shoutout to Nike's SBSBSB, a great DPS build that doesn't lose too much compared to the full rotation Soulbeast. The build brings some offensive support (Stances), decent CC that interferes little with your "rotation" and has the option to bring spirits on top.

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> @"nia.4725" said:

> > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > Thief. Yeah its not Even close to top dps classes, but you can do 15-20k dps basically autoattacking :dizzy:


> Thief won't get accepted by all pug groups though.


That is true. Personally i would take noob thief over noob ele anytime. But in professional groups ele is just way much better than teef.


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If u play a dps role in raid, you should try to be able to play both condi and power dps. Try dragon hunter see if you like it..

War in raid has the least duty, I highly recommend if you are to start raid with pug. Check out SC guide and read all the explanation about this prof. Also video pov for boss fight in YouTube.


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> @"hatebreeder.8316" said:

> Are these warrior builds strong and easy to play? I am talking about Power Warrior or Spellbreaker.

> https://www.snowcrows.com/raids/warrior/


Power warrior is generally easy. Spellbreaker is really good but a bit more complex.


Since you already play scourge i would make a power based DPS class. I think DH is pretty much the easiest power class and i would recommend it. Pretty good in fractals as well cause of the high burst.


Another option is to play a banner slave. The rotations are easy for the bannerslave condi berserker and you can also shift easily to the pure condi DPS variant that uses exectly the same gear just with a different build. Good DPS class and the rotations is about as complex as the banner slave. That way you can also fill an extra role in the raids making pugging easier.

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> @"Turin.6921" said:

> Since you already play scourge i would make a power based DPS class. I think DH is pretty much the easiest power class and i would recommend it. Pretty good in fractals as well cause of the high burst.

To me, it always feels as if holo gets better results with the same or even less input, when compared to DH. The only downside of holo is being a bit more suicidal than DH.


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> @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

> > @"Turin.6921" said:

> > Since you already play scourge i would make a power based DPS class. I think DH is pretty much the easiest power class and i would recommend it. Pretty good in fractals as well cause of the high burst.

> To me, it always feels as if holo gets better results with the same or even less input, when compared to DH. The only downside of holo is being a bit more suicidal than DH.



Holo is definitely more complex than DH. I main holo and i agree it has the best ratio of effort vs rewards but in absolute values DH is a lot less complex. Holo has more transitions, skill cancellations are more problematic if you make a mistake, rifle 4 requires good timing to make sure you have stab when you use it etc. You can play the sword kitless build and that is completely brain dead and has fine dps but for that you need to pretty much faceroll the bosses since the sword has no range. So the rotations are dead easy but the complexity is moved keeping yourself both alive and always hugging the boss while avoiding mechanics without keeping any distance.

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Well, there is hardly any boss that prevents you from meleeing for sustained periods of time (Deimos mid strategy is the only one I can think about right now), so the disadvantages of the sword build are rather small. Besides, it's not as if DH didn't have a big chunk of stuff that requires being close to the boss, often even closer than melee holo needs to be.

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> @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

> Well, there is hardly any boss that prevents you from meleeing for sustained periods of time (Deimos mid strategy is the only one I can think about right now), so the disadvantages of the sword build are rather small. Besides, it's not as if DH didn't have a big chunk of stuff that requires being close to the boss, often even closer than melee holo needs to be.


There are a lot of mechanics that require you to move to survive. VG blues, cairn ports and greens, Xera orbs, gorse cc phases, sab bombs etc . With the kitless sword the moment you back off the boss 2-3 steps you suffer a dps loss. Rifle, nades and bombs are much more forgiving with movement. The main holo build is still malee but at least gives a space of a few steps to move out before you pay a significant dps loss.


Compared to DH, DH has a good deal of attacks that have range. You only need to be right at the hit box for GS2, traps are drop and go, GS AA has a better cleave, retaliation and half the rotation is scepter. DH also has a very quick and high opening burst meaning you can just do the opening fast and then move around the mechanics. Add the blocks and stab to the DH and you need less effort to play around the mechanics than with the kitless sword holo.


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> @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

> Yes, stepping back results in a dps loss. That just doesn't matter when the damage you do while sticking to the boss more than compensates for the loss during a few moments of stepping back.


That is the thing it does not really compensate for that. Kitless sword holo has about the same DPS as the DH on the golem (mind you the sword rotation on SC is not the kitless one and it is as complex as the rifle holo). And DH on a real fight has less of a penalty when moving around compared to the holo in this case.


In the end of the day both are fine builds and their potential is roughly equal. I just think that DH it is easier to use to its fullest on a real fight so more suitable for the OP.

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Well, raid reality tells me otherwise. When both a friend and I play DH, we're usually within a few hundred dps from each other when none of us has to play some special mechanics (e.g. Sab cannons). When I'm on my sword no-kit holo, I comfortably beat his DH unless I have a very bad day (or it's Deimos). A brain-dead build can avoid a lot of mechanics-induced rotation errors and that kind of holo is easier than DH while having a similar dps ceiling.

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don't go for easy, you're limited to the choices and you won't deal much in raids and be considered as a leech. go for best. scourge is easy? all those people say scourge is easy do half of my dps and fail really hard on the aspect damage of necro. you have 16 buttons to use and start rotation with 3 buttons at once together.

meta dps: weaver, scourge, mirage and holo(vul+cc cases as single holo in some bosses).

others will do less.


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Sorry about build and video spam, but here's some super-easy builds that Kitty's found really effective with low skill requirement to pull out full potential in raid situation.

Kitty's been testing a power axe/axe DPS zerker today in raids and she can really, really recommend it as easy DPS build. She finds it a lot easier than power spellbreaker as it's essentially "spam weapon skills off-CD, use kick before axe 5 and headbutt before berserk mode". Literally. 25,9k boss DPS at MO as wellknown deeerpy player prolly tells enough. Failsafe build is failsafe. Edit: Kitty tested the build again, now 29147 DPS.


Build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQJAnXnckC1dgVdA+dAElilfA795Wd3uKphswOwYBEAaAA-jhRBABPcCAoU9HzUCCwDA4q9Hlf4pHgUARsMC-e

Rotation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jn7-niNBajI


And another simple build Kitty can recommend is kitless sword+shield holo. She's created her own simplified rotation for it (even simpler than Keks) that she's found to work extremely well in raids. Essentially, rifle+photon wall toolbelts off-cd, "forge 34-auto-3-Laser Disk-PLB-auto-34" during photon forge and sword 2/auto-attack spam when forge is cooling down. Laser Disk's toolbelt right after overheat.

Build: http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vdAQJAsenUUBFJj1UBWIDcJjlRkq/fH4F+7UWlWBsWylAA-jhRBAB4pHAgTAwDPAAKV/5q9HlfmpEkUARsMC-e

Rotation video:


Then there's ofc power dag/dag deadeye that does a couple k lower damage just by using Mark and Shadow Flare off-CD, auto-attacking otherwise and spamming dag 2 when boss is below 25%. Truly braindead. Build: http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQJAoYn8MBFOh9FDOOB8PhFaCj/XuMbmaBgJUEYLPNc2TA-jhRBABXt/o8jS1fMTJ4DnAAAeAA4pHgUARsMC-e

Rotation video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsSAAr1cgqM


Then there's condi assassin/demon renegade which does good damage and doesn't require much skill. Essentially use Impossible Odds during Assassin stance and elite+Citadel Bombardment during demon stance 'til swap and in both, spam mace+axe 235):


Rotation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0Me-_xwBWQ


And as a rather new challenger, power renegade. Impossible Odds and Vengeful Hammers when entering Assassin/Dwarf Stance, Citadel Bombardment after entering Dwarf and spamming sword/sword 2-4-5 skills so that energy would reach 0 around the time stance swap comes off from CD.


Build: http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQJAssnXNuNSqJ7JR/kVlsgyrS4QZWJYrcskFNlidMWj34/HLylsdACgGA-jhRBABmpEEP9AXt/o87hHAAlq/AwJAgUARsMC-e

Rotation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inc_d0n-h1w


Edit: And since condi shortbow soulbeast was mentioned, Kitty made a fresh "rotation" video for it. Just spam 2, 4, F3 and utilities off-CD. Kitty had to do it solo so extra DPS from stance share doesn't show up, but if it already does almost 30k DPS solo...*shivers*

Build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQFAVnUqAtrg1sAm8Cs8iFDBrpDk6qaMBgRXpLv62dDvTIF-jBSAQBBUHAAeAA3UJoX2HYdLMQhLAQIV+FR1fIFwiKrA-e

Rotation: https://youtu.be/ue3kMG9PCc0

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