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Underwater Expansion [Speculations]

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> @"Ovalkvadratcylinder.9365" said:

> Or maybe an underwater fractal


I think this is more likely than anything else.

We already know aquatic was up for a rework, it wouldn't surprise me at all if they also looked at the classes and noticed some very glaring issues in previous underwater design that required it to be reworked.

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We will have to see if it’s good, or a bust. If arenanet adds another trait tab just for underwater combat. And then be able to use more weapons, and underwater mount to be added. Then maybe I would expect the next expansion to be underwater. But all we know is arenanet could add few features and then only add few fractals, and only could be for living world season 4 ep 3.


Let’s not get high hopes but, let’s take this as a celebration and hope for underwater combat to come back to life.

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> @"Ojyh.9842" said:

> They would never release a fully underwater expansion. But maps 50% land 50% water is possible I guess.



As we journey into the ocean, cartographers discover a new archipelago and our map is updated.

Boom, islands to break up the water.

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Ive been jokingly saying it since HoT release.

An underwater expansion where we fight Bubbles (Deep Sea Dragon), a new race (Largos) and the introduction of the t2 underwater legendary weapons.

I wouldn't mind it actually if the underwater combat ever got balanced.

Also, prediction is the final boss fight is on land just because.

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> @"blambidy.3216" said:

> We will have to see if it’s good, or a bust. **If arenanet adds another trait tab just for underwater combat.** And then be able to use more weapons, and underwater mount to be added. Then maybe I would expect the next expansion to be underwater. But all we know is arenanet could add few features and then only add few fractals, and only could be for living world season 4 ep 3.


> Let’s not get high hopes but, let’s take this as a celebration and hope for underwater combat to come back to life.


I think this is really important

You dont want to be forced to use a traitline just because 1 important trait for underwater is inside it while its not that useful on land...


Either this or just create full new traitlines with different traits for detailed underwater build choices (if an actual underwater-themed expansion is planned then a proper rework like this would be better)

keeping the same specialization line names (like air, fire, earth, ... on Ele) but rebalancing/changing each trait for Underwater if necessary

... some simple traits could stay the same ofc (like bleed on crit, reduced cooldown, etc..) while others just need rework (falldown damage traits, land weapon traits)

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> @"Sarpan.9074" said:

> I also hope it doesn't become a big part of the game simply because I'm terrible in a 6dof environment. But, if they build it, I will come and do my best.


It seems extremely unlikely. I anticipate number changes, possibly some small skill mechanic changes as we have seen on normal weapon skills, and that is in. No fundamental difference to the current model - exactly because there is no way to make the 6DOF environment not suck with the input and display controls we have.

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> @"Orangensaft.7139" said:

> > @"blambidy.3216" said:

> > We will have to see if it’s good, or a bust. **If arenanet adds another trait tab just for underwater combat.** And then be able to use more weapons, and underwater mount to be added. Then maybe I would expect the next expansion to be underwater. But all we know is arenanet could add few features and then only add few fractals, and only could be for living world season 4 ep 3.

> >

> > Let’s not get high hopes but, let’s take this as a celebration and hope for underwater combat to come back to life.


> I think this is really important

> You dont want to be forced to use a traitline just because 1 important trait for underwater is inside it while its not that useful on land...


> Either this or just create full new traitlines with different traits for detailed underwater build choices (if an actual underwater-themed expansion is planned then a proper rework like this would be better)

> keeping the same specialization line names (like air, fire, earth, ... on Ele) but rebalancing/changing each trait for Underwater if necessary

> ... some simple traits could stay the same ofc (like bleed on crit, reduced cooldown, etc..) while others just need rework (falldown damage traits, land weapon traits)


Yea the traits aren’t really affected I think, But to add a new trait tab just for underwater would add some taste to it. We might not need traits just for underwater, but we do need skills designed just for underwater to replace half the skills we can not use. If somehow they did add maybe close to 10 skills, I could see everyone close to be satisfied. But arenanet would need to add quite a bit for people to be satisfied underwater. Tbh some classes I wouldn’t want to have just because how horrible condi is underwater.


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