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Fractal/open world Legendary armor

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> > The problem there is in allowing market speculation to determine pricing.


> The map currencies also have a market value, most of them at least, but yes this is probably the major "problem" with the reward system in the first place. I can only imagine how amazing the map rewards would be if those materials didn't have a trade value. You'd pick the zone that drops what you want, do events there and get the material you need, instead of farming on other zones, selling what you got and then buying what you actually need.


There's plenty of that already in the game. Crystalline ore, bandit crests and geodes for precursor collections, etc. Heck, you can even farm fine materials indirectly now in Istan. What more do you want in this respect?

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PvE is just memorizing a scripted, instance based encounter, yes a 6 year old can do that, so can a 70 year old grandmother, since it has no outside influence, or random happenstance about it. Content like Raids, Fractals and Dungeons are very sanitized content, it will always be the same encounter with no variance or other random influences every single time you do it, as such once the mechanics are memorized, it becomes simple matter of repetition, Instance Based Content, is like playing a Piano, but, you don't need to read music, or learn the notes, you just need to memorize the key strokes to the song, as that is all you will ever play, the more you repeat the song, the better you get at that song, but you are not better at playing the piano, you are just better at playing that song.


PvE open world, deals with needing to learn how to read the music, and play the notes, because the song changes all the time, in some cases, the song changes mid way though it, and you need to adapt. Sure, you might never be able to play a single song that well because, while random, the songs are often easy to deal with and in many cases, making mistakes, or not being that good, is not a problem, like a hundred pianos lined up, the music tends to blend together, so the good ones and the bad ones slowly harmonize during the song, and it sounds decent enough to get it done.


Now WvW, is different, see, you go to play a song (PvE), now you might just play the song, or someone else may show up and now you have a dueling pianos, and the one that knows how to play the best, wins, and unlike Raids, and Sanitized Instance Based Content, WvW players have no control over how any single encounter will go, it is a risk they take, far beyond what any PvE player does, and vastly more chaotic and challenging then what any Instance Player does.


In WvW, Sometimes it is just one person that shows up and you have a team of 6, they might be good enough to kill a few of you, they might just die, they could be playing a class that can easy disengage, you have no idea. Other times, you and your small team gets collided by zerg blob, I have been in fights where we won, I have been in fights where we got rolled, I have seen battles go back and forth though doors and walls, with bodies and death all over the place. But nothing is scripted, which is what makes it the most challenging of any of the modes of play.


In WVW, You try to flip a camp thinking that it's going to be PvE, but, no, you learn that this is WvW, and a guild group was there waiting for you, or a solo player who really knows how to play that OPed build, and stomps you. See, this is something that people who do not play the mode, will never understand, about the challenge. It is just too many levels above what people who think scripted PvE is a challenge can grasp.


It is that aspect of other players trying to stop you from capping points is what makes WvW the most Challenging game mode out there, every single time you head out into the battleground, what happens next is totally unscripted, you need to learn and know how to play, not simply memorize a song like Instance Content, nor learn to blend in what the others around you (PvE Meta Events), you need to know how to play the piano, how to roll a fast paced competitive play-off, because you have zero control over who else in on that stage, how good they are, and what they will do once you start trying to play.


It is by far the most risky and challenging game mode, and yet, it gives bad rewards in comparison to PvE.

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> @"Ze Dos Cavalos.6132" said:

> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > So, like... the ultimate achievement in sports isn't winning an Olympic medal, it's drinking beer. Because, you know, it is more *convenient*? :lol:

> > >

> > > Sports are competitive. GW2 is not a sport, it's a game. The "ultimate achievement" in GW2 is doing whatever *you* find to be most fun. For *you* that might be raiding, but that doesn't make it the "ultimate achievement" for everyone else.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > To be fair, they have obviously never been in professional drinking competition, or else they would know better then to think it was any level of convenient.

> >

> > But yah.. PvE is not competitive, it's routine, memorization, and repetition, in short, it's a grind.

> >

> > However PvP is competitive, so, it stands sPvP and WvW should have the absolute best rewards in the game.. and yet.. they don't.

> >

> > So much for that whole mantra of skill/challenge thing should offer better rewards..


> The problem with the current pvp and wvw is that their rewards are the easiest to get, a 6 years old can get the pvp and wvw rewards but cant get the raids or high end fractals ones.

> You don't need any skill at all to farm pips in ranked pvp and no skill at all to farm wvw pips, only patience xD.

> PvE you need some gaming skill to do raid and high end fractal, you cant leech the same way you can leech in pvp and wvw.

> You can say wvw and pvp are harder than raids but that's not the point, the point is the way players are rewarded even when they lose in pvp or when they afk pip farm in wvw, you really think losing and afking should give the best rewards in the game?




> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > To be fair, they have obviously never been in professional drinking competition, or else they would know better then to think it was any level of convenient.

> >

> > But yah.. PvE is not competitive, it's routine, memorization, and repetition, in short, it's a grind.

> >

> > However PvP is competitive, so, it stands sPvP and WvW should have the absolute best rewards in the game.. and yet.. they don't.

> >

> > So much for that whole mantra of skill/challenge thing should offer better rewards..


> You can get the PVP and WVW rewards without ever killing one enemy player, it's just a mindless grind, ever heard of PvDoor? The PVP and WVW reward system needs a mass overhaul to move their respective rewards towards skill and -actual competition- because right now there is nothing competitive about most of the PVP and WVW rewards. The PVP backpack was a step towards a good direction, as it required some competence in fighting other players in order to get, especially when it was time limited and you absolutely had to reach a high enough division to get it. Now even that part was removed and you can simply grind it and cross enough divisions over many seasons, making that requirement a simple grind again. Fortunately you still need lots of rated wins, on multiple professions.


> PVP Tournaments could get the absolute best rewards in the game, yes I agree with that, those take actual skill to compete in. From what I recall those that performed well in the PVP tournaments always got Legendary Weapons or Legendary Weapon precursors as rewards, or lots of GEMS, something you can't get in other parts of the game. Heck when the game was released they had automated PVP tournaments, the best teams moved to monthly tournaments and the reward for winning there was actual GEMS. It was all removed because it was also easily abused.


As someone who is 400 ascended shards away from a full set of PvP Legendary Armor, I would like to speak to this. Yes you could lose your way through pvp, but you quickly realize how slow the whole process takes and how disheartening it would be to complete the entire set this way. Not to mention the hard time gates that they also placed on the set. Trust me,human nature will kick in and you’ll be fighting to score a win to get those 11 pips to finish off the chest set etc. You almost start to crave the wins in the game and get really pissed off when you lose.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > > Nope.. You need to do Fractals to complete Legendary Weapons, as such weapons already require Instance based Content, which is what makes them **Legendary**, I personally think they should put back in requiring WvW map completion to get Legendary Anything.

> > > >

> > >

> > > A tiny bit of Fractals, not even high levels, just solo T1 and a bit of WvW to get one gift of Battle which you can get really fast, is all you need to craft a Legendary Weapon outside the Open World. There is also the dungeon tokens but you can get those faster from WVW/PVP semi-afking than from running actual dungeons. Is requiring a tiny bit of instanced content (the easiest part of it) and a tiny bit of WVW/PVP (again the easiest parts) what makes them **Legendary**?

> > >

> > > If making a legendary weapon required at least playing T4 Fractals (not CMs), doing at least a reasonable fraction of what is required for either of the WvW or PvP backpacks (or both) then yes, they'd be "legendary" in terms of requiring enough of each type of content in order to craft. Now they are 99.9999% Open World PVE and an afterthought of anything else.

> > >

> > > If a Legendary Weapon was supposed to show how experienced someone is with every type of content in the game, it failed miserably, because in reality it's not showing anything.

> >

> > I think when they originally designed the content way back near release you had to do a good amount of WvW. The gift of battle required badges that you got over time and gift exploration required all the WvW maps to be explored as well, which required you to play a significant amount of WvW, obviously they changed it.


> You got those badges out of the 5k ap chests so you could buy gift of battle without steping foot in wvw witch is why they changed it to reward track.


Yeah I recall upon release these were a little bit harder to acquire. I remember having to farm obsidian sanctum was that for badges I don’t remember.

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> @"Ze Dos Cavalos.6132" said:

> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > So, like... the ultimate achievement in sports isn't winning an Olympic medal, it's drinking beer. Because, you know, it is more *convenient*? :lol:

> > >

> > > Sports are competitive. GW2 is not a sport, it's a game. The "ultimate achievement" in GW2 is doing whatever *you* find to be most fun. For *you* that might be raiding, but that doesn't make it the "ultimate achievement" for everyone else.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > To be fair, they have obviously never been in professional drinking competition, or else they would know better then to think it was any level of convenient.

> >

> > But yah.. PvE is not competitive, it's routine, memorization, and repetition, in short, it's a grind.

> >

> > However PvP is competitive, so, it stands sPvP and WvW should have the absolute best rewards in the game.. and yet.. they don't.

> >

> > So much for that whole mantra of skill/challenge thing should offer better rewards..


> The problem with the current pvp and wvw is that their rewards are the easiest to get, a 6 years old can get the pvp and wvw rewards but cant get the raids or high end fractals ones.

> You don't need any skill at all to farm pips in ranked pvp and no skill at all to farm wvw pips, only patience xD.

> PvE you need some gaming skill to do raid and high end fractal, you cant leech the same way you can leech in pvp and wvw.

> You can say wvw and pvp are harder than raids but that's not the point, the point is the way players are rewarded even when they lose in pvp or when they afk pip farm in wvw, you really think losing and afking should give the best rewards in the game?




You don't need skill to clear raids, or high tier fractals, you can leech as neither content are balanced around the entire group being skilled, only part of the group. Being carried through raids takes significantly less time to earn legendary sets than losing most of the time in Ranked PvP or failing in WvW (especially for the visual set with the rank req).

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> @"Yamazuki.6073" said:

> > @"Ze Dos Cavalos.6132" said:

> > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > > @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> > > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > > So, like... the ultimate achievement in sports isn't winning an Olympic medal, it's drinking beer. Because, you know, it is more *convenient*? :lol:

> > > >

> > > > Sports are competitive. GW2 is not a sport, it's a game. The "ultimate achievement" in GW2 is doing whatever *you* find to be most fun. For *you* that might be raiding, but that doesn't make it the "ultimate achievement" for everyone else.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > To be fair, they have obviously never been in professional drinking competition, or else they would know better then to think it was any level of convenient.

> > >

> > > But yah.. PvE is not competitive, it's routine, memorization, and repetition, in short, it's a grind.

> > >

> > > However PvP is competitive, so, it stands sPvP and WvW should have the absolute best rewards in the game.. and yet.. they don't.

> > >

> > > So much for that whole mantra of skill/challenge thing should offer better rewards..

> >

> > The problem with the current pvp and wvw is that their rewards are the easiest to get, a 6 years old can get the pvp and wvw rewards but cant get the raids or high end fractals ones.

> > You don't need any skill at all to farm pips in ranked pvp and no skill at all to farm wvw pips, only patience xD.

> > PvE you need some gaming skill to do raid and high end fractal, you cant leech the same way you can leech in pvp and wvw.

> > You can say wvw and pvp are harder than raids but that's not the point, the point is the way players are rewarded even when they lose in pvp or when they afk pip farm in wvw, you really think losing and afking should give the best rewards in the game?

> >

> >


> You don't need skill to clear raids, or high tier fractals, you can leech as neither content are balanced around the entire group being skilled, only part of the group. Being carried through raids takes significantly less time to earn legendary sets than losing most of the time in Ranked PvP or failing in WvW (especially for the visual set with the rank req).


Few people will carry forever a bad player. Even if you're just a DPS who doesn't have to do any specific mechanic, the more LI you have the more DPS people will expect of you, so if your DPS is very bad pugs will probably kick you. Also it's very difficult to be lucky enough to not being asked to do ANY mechanic in 150LI that you need for the first legendary armor. You'll be probably be asked to at least do cannons in Sabetha.

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> @"nia.4725" said:

> > @"Yamazuki.6073" said:

> > > @"Ze Dos Cavalos.6132" said:

> > > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > > > @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> > > > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > > > So, like... the ultimate achievement in sports isn't winning an Olympic medal, it's drinking beer. Because, you know, it is more *convenient*? :lol:

> > > > >

> > > > > Sports are competitive. GW2 is not a sport, it's a game. The "ultimate achievement" in GW2 is doing whatever *you* find to be most fun. For *you* that might be raiding, but that doesn't make it the "ultimate achievement" for everyone else.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > To be fair, they have obviously never been in professional drinking competition, or else they would know better then to think it was any level of convenient.

> > > >

> > > > But yah.. PvE is not competitive, it's routine, memorization, and repetition, in short, it's a grind.

> > > >

> > > > However PvP is competitive, so, it stands sPvP and WvW should have the absolute best rewards in the game.. and yet.. they don't.

> > > >

> > > > So much for that whole mantra of skill/challenge thing should offer better rewards..

> > >

> > > The problem with the current pvp and wvw is that their rewards are the easiest to get, a 6 years old can get the pvp and wvw rewards but cant get the raids or high end fractals ones.

> > > You don't need any skill at all to farm pips in ranked pvp and no skill at all to farm wvw pips, only patience xD.

> > > PvE you need some gaming skill to do raid and high end fractal, you cant leech the same way you can leech in pvp and wvw.

> > > You can say wvw and pvp are harder than raids but that's not the point, the point is the way players are rewarded even when they lose in pvp or when they afk pip farm in wvw, you really think losing and afking should give the best rewards in the game?

> > >

> > >

> >

> > You don't need skill to clear raids, or high tier fractals, you can leech as neither content are balanced around the entire group being skilled, only part of the group. Being carried through raids takes significantly less time to earn legendary sets than losing most of the time in Ranked PvP or failing in WvW (especially for the visual set with the rank req).


> Few people will carry forever a bad player. Even if you're just a DPS who doesn't have to do any specific mechanic, the more LI you have the more DPS people will expect of you, so if your DPS is very bad pugs will probably kick you. Also it's very difficult to be lucky enough to not being asked to do ANY mechanic in 150LI that you need for the first legendary armor. You'll be probably be asked to at least do cannons in Sabetha.


But Yamazuki is correct in a guild setting rather then a pug setting.

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> @"nia.4725" said:

> > @"Yamazuki.6073" said:

> > You don't need skill to clear raids, or high tier fractals, you can leech as neither content are balanced around the entire group being skilled, only part of the group. Being carried through raids takes significantly less time to earn legendary sets than losing most of the time in Ranked PvP or failing in WvW (especially for the visual set with the rank req).


> Few people will carry forever a bad player. Even if you're just a DPS who doesn't have to do any specific mechanic, the more LI you have the more DPS people will expect of you, so if your DPS is very bad pugs will probably kick you. Also it's very difficult to be lucky enough to not being asked to do ANY mechanic in 150LI that you need for the first legendary armor. You'll be probably be asked to at least do cannons in Sabetha.


Of course teams can carry bad players with assured completion, that's how they can sell raid clears. Not to mention many guilds that once they establish a solid static team, will train or carry their own, so they are always under a constant cycle of carrying a bad player, maybe not the same player, but at least carrying someone.


Pugs, are their own thing, but, when it comes to static and guild, carrying a friend is very common.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> > The problem there is in allowing market speculation to determine pricing.


> The map currencies also have a market value, most of them at least, but yes this is probably the major "problem" with the reward system in the first place. I can only imagine how amazing the map rewards would be if those materials didn't have a trade value. You'd pick the zone that drops what you want, do events there and get the material you need, instead of farming on other zones, selling what you got and then buying what you actually need.



Wait, didn't you say you would love it if you could exchange mag shards for Legendary Precursors so you didn't need to do the content for the reward, and now are saying that everything should be content locked.

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> @"Yamazuki.6073" said:

> You don't need skill to clear raids, or high tier fractals, you can leech as neither content are balanced around the entire group being skilled, only part of the group. Being carried through raids takes significantly less time to earn legendary sets than losing most of the time in Ranked PvP or failing in WvW (especially for the visual set with the rank req).


Finding a group to carry you in Raids is significantly harder than "failing" PVP or WVW. Of course asking friends / guild mates, or talking to sellers, is the exception but the first requires having competent friends in the first place and the second requires some amount of gold. On the other hand, failing in PVP or leeching in WVW is available to anyone at any time without any real consequences. Just click the ranked/un-ranked button, disable chat and afk at spawn or just follow a random tag around and spam some random abilities, bonus points if you are a Guardian spamming 1 on staff while following that tag. Although it might be slow, you will eventually get it. On the other hand, getting through Raids might be impossible for some people (hence why they ask for easy modes all the time). And for WVW specifically it depends on your server mostly, if your server is dominating and can field way more people than the others, then you can't "fail" even if you only leech.

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > @"nia.4725" said:

> > > @"Yamazuki.6073" said:

> > > You don't need skill to clear raids, or high tier fractals, you can leech as neither content are balanced around the entire group being skilled, only part of the group. Being carried through raids takes significantly less time to earn legendary sets than losing most of the time in Ranked PvP or failing in WvW (especially for the visual set with the rank req).

> >

> > Few people will carry forever a bad player. Even if you're just a DPS who doesn't have to do any specific mechanic, the more LI you have the more DPS people will expect of you, so if your DPS is very bad pugs will probably kick you. Also it's very difficult to be lucky enough to not being asked to do ANY mechanic in 150LI that you need for the first legendary armor. You'll be probably be asked to at least do cannons in Sabetha.


> Of course teams can carry bad players with assured completion, that's how they can sell raid clears. Not to mention many guilds that once they establish a solid static team, will train or carry their own, so they are always under a constant cycle of carrying a bad player, maybe not the same player, but at least carrying someone.


> Pugs, are their own thing, but, when it comes to static and guild, carrying a friend is very common.


Dude, just read context. I was talking about raiders, not people who buy raids.


Statics don't carry bad players unless they're teaching them, but few experienced statics will take a noob as a member.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > You can't buy your way to a Win in WvW.

> >


> What??? Server transfer exists. Transferring to a bandwagon server is pretty much buying wins in wvw.


I see you don't play WvW at all or even understand how it works.. and truth be told, I have neither the crayons nor enough alcohol to explain this to you.

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > You can't buy your way to a Win in WvW.

> > >

> >

> > What??? Server transfer exists. Transferring to a bandwagon server is pretty much buying wins in wvw.


> I see you don't play WvW at all or even understand how it works.. and truth be told, I have neither the crayons nor enough alcohol to explain this to you.


Rank 770. Yeah, I hardly play it at all.

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> @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> A few things to note, you can’t just play any PvP or any WvW to acquire Legendary Armor, you have play a specific sub game mode in those gamemodes ie can’t get Legendary playing in Hot Join/Unranked and cant get Legendary in EotM

True, but in case of WvW EotM is considered to be even more niche than raids are for PvE, and in case of SPvP Ranked is practically the same content as unranked, there's no real difference in either difficulty or playing style.


> @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> you have to go to the specific sub mode in those gamemodes to get the Legendary armors, just like how it is in PvE

Nope. In WvW you'd have to practically avoid everything most wvw players consider WvW content to not be able to progress the armor. In SPvP the difference is not so extreme, but still, i'm pretty sure most of the PvP players (_including_ casual ones) do in fact play Ranked.

It's not playing a niche content. It's playing more than just one niche content. So, in fact, it's something completely opposite of PvE where you have to stick to one small and very narrow niche, and everything else doesn't help you at all.


> @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> EotM is still a sub mode of WvW, so quit trying to spread false information as if it isn’t a sub mode of WvW.

Exactly. If WvW armor could be obtained _only_ by playing EotM (a minor submode of WvW), it would be similar to the PvE case. But as a matter of fact it can be obtained by playing the _majority_ of WvW, with the _exception_ of that one submode. In PvE, the equivalent would be getting envoy armor by doing practically anything _except_ raids.


> @"Ze Dos Cavalos.6132" said:

> You don't need any skill at all to farm pips in ranked pvp and no skill at all to farm wvw pips, only patience xD.

You may see it as a problem. I don't. Not when the main reason behind existence of rewards like legendary armor is to keep people in the game by giving them a longterm reward _they can someday get to_. Not to make them disinterested because they realized said reward was placed beyond their reach,




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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > A few things to note, you can’t just play any PvP or any WvW to acquire Legendary Armor, you have play a specific sub game mode in those gamemodes ie can’t get Legendary playing in Hot Join/Unranked and cant get Legendary in EotM

> True, but in case of WvW EotM is considered to be even more niche than raids are for PvE, and in case of SPvP Ranked is practically the same content as unranked, there's no real difference in either difficulty or playing style.


> > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > you have to go to the specific sub mode in those gamemodes to get the Legendary armors, just like how it is in PvE

> Nope. In WvW you'd have to practically avoid everything most wvw players consider WvW content to not be able to progress the armor. In SPvP the difference is not so extreme, but still, i'm pretty sure most of the PvP players (_including_ casual ones) do in fact play Ranked.

> It's not playing a niche content. It's playing more than just one niche content. So, in fact, it's something completely opposite of PvE where you have to stick to one small and very narrow niche, and everything else doesn't help you at all.


> > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > EotM is still a sub mode of WvW, so quit trying to spread false information as if it isn’t a sub mode of WvW.

> Exactly. If WvW armor could be obtained _only_ by playing EotM (a minor submode of WvW), it would be similar to the PvE case. But as a matter of fact it can be obtained by playing the _majority_ of WvW, with the _exception_ of that one submode. In PvE, the equivalent would be getting envoy armor by doing practically anything _except_ raids.


> > @"Ze Dos Cavalos.6132" said:

> > You don't need any skill at all to farm pips in ranked pvp and no skill at all to farm wvw pips, only patience xD.

> You may see it as a problem. I don't. Not when the main reason behind existence of rewards like legendary armor is to keep people in the game by giving them a longterm reward _they can someday get to_. Not to make them disinterested because they realized said reward was placed beyond their reach,





Again you seemed to have missed the point which is a common occurrence, Every game mode has one sub mode that provides a route to Legendary Armor, just because certain people don’t like that doesn’t mean it needs to be changed, so many people cried that they can’t get Leggy Armor From EotM or from Unranked and look Anet didn’t cater to those people, and Anet is perfectly comfortable with the one Path for PvE Legendary Armor, hence why it’s still tied to Raids after so many complaints.


So far the standard from Anet is 1 Legendary Armor Per Gamemode and if a player wants the Legendary Armor they have to do the sppecific submode in that gamemode


Also PvE already has its own form of Reward track it’s called the map bonus but hey what are facts.... you get participation for playing in maps and get a rewards from said participation funny how that works.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > A few things to note, you can’t just play any PvP or any WvW to acquire Legendary Armor, you have play a specific sub game mode in those gamemodes ie can’t get Legendary playing in Hot Join/Unranked and cant get Legendary in EotM

> True, but in case of WvW EotM is considered to be even more niche than raids are for PvE, and in case of SPvP Ranked is practically the same content as unranked, there's no real difference in either difficulty or playing style.


> > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > you have to go to the specific sub mode in those gamemodes to get the Legendary armors, just like how it is in PvE

> Nope. In WvW you'd have to practically avoid everything most wvw players consider WvW content to not be able to progress the armor. In SPvP the difference is not so extreme, but still, i'm pretty sure most of the PvP players (_including_ casual ones) do in fact play Ranked.

> It's not playing a niche content. It's playing more than just one niche content. So, in fact, it's something completely opposite of PvE where you have to stick to one small and very narrow niche, and everything else doesn't help you at all.


> > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > EotM is still a sub mode of WvW, so quit trying to spread false information as if it isn’t a sub mode of WvW.

> Exactly. If WvW armor could be obtained _only_ by playing EotM (a minor submode of WvW), it would be similar to the PvE case. But as a matter of fact it can be obtained by playing the _majority_ of WvW, with the _exception_ of that one submode. In PvE, the equivalent would be getting envoy armor by doing practically anything _except_ raids.


> > @"Ze Dos Cavalos.6132" said:

> > You don't need any skill at all to farm pips in ranked pvp and no skill at all to farm wvw pips, only patience xD.

> You may see it as a problem. I don't. Not when the main reason behind existence of rewards like legendary armor is to keep people in the game by giving them a longterm reward _they can someday get to_. Not to make them disinterested because they realized said reward was placed beyond their reach,





Wrong. The main reason for legen armor isn't that. I invite you to read this https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/legendary-armor-is-coming-soon/

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > You can't buy your way to a Win in WvW.

> > >

> >

> > What??? Server transfer exists. Transferring to a bandwagon server is pretty much buying wins in wvw.


> I see you don't play WvW at all or even understand how it works.. and truth be told, I have neither the crayons nor enough alcohol to explain this to you.


im not 100% wvw player but I'm rank 1k+ and I understand everything about wvw and how things work :bleep_bloop:


> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Ze Dos Cavalos.6132" said:

> > You don't need any skill at all to farm pips in ranked pvp and no skill at all to farm wvw pips, only patience xD.

> You may see it as a problem. I don't. Not when the main reason behind existence of rewards like legendary armor is to keep people in the game by giving them a longterm reward _they can someday get to_. Not to make them disinterested because they realized said reward was placed beyond their reach,


I don't see any problem with that, I just mentioned that to explain why wvw and pvp cant have the best rewards in the game.

I'm happy theres easier ways for everyone to get armor with legendary stats change.




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> @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> Again you seemed to have missed the point which is a common occurrence, Every game mode has one sub mode that provides a route to Legendary Armor

No, _you_ missed it. A small niche submode is not the same as main content. There's a difference between having 5% and 95% of content providing a path, and trying to make those seem equal is nothing more than intentionally misrepresenting the situation.


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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > Again you seemed to have missed the point which is a common occurrence, Every game mode has one sub mode that provides a route to Legendary Armor

> No, _you_ missed it. A small niche submode is not the same as main content. There's a difference between having 5% and 95% of content providing a path, and trying to make those seem equal is nothing more than intentionally misrepresenting the situation.



Nope it’s 1 Path per Gamemode, and a specific submode of each Gamemode and each submode they chose are the more competitive of the available submodes per gamemodes funny how that works and Anet has stuck with that through all the whining from people wanting it to be different, it’s pretty obvious.

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