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Commander mounts?

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Wouln't it be amazing to lead your army into battle on 'horseback'?


Have been thinking about a commander mount, for example:

- only Cmdr tags can use

- 33% speed boost if 5-9 squad members within range

- 45% speed boost for 10+ squad members within range

- commander knocked down/disabled if hit while mounted

- can only mount out of combat


This would encourage more squad/party play, and make commanders look more awesome.


As disadvantage, would mean that enemies could spot (and tag) commanders, so fights would be more focussed.


Thoughts? (different benefits/weaknesses)

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On the positive side, we would never run out of commander tags on WvW maps...


The negative side, none of them would be able to command anything. Just hordes of people tagging up to be able to mount, solo roamers, scouts, gank teams, you name it. Probably even PvE players trying to get a quick daily Veteran creature, imagine 20 of them standing with mounts and command tags waiting for Varg.


And one poor lone guy trying to actually command, and everyones screaming in mapchat "WHICH TAG?! WHERE?!"

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Thanks for feedback - I still (alone it seems) think it would be great, perhaps mount only available if 10+ in squad within range, and the 'aoe' boon etc applies then.


I also thought that cmdr tags were relatively rare due to cost, I'm possibly just being ignorant here.


*Tajiseed furiously scribbles out suggestion of mounted cavalry combat with charges/battle standards etc on a large open plan WvW map*

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> @"Tajiseed.7831" said:

> Thanks for feedback - I still (alone it seems) think it would be great, perhaps mount only available if 10+ in squad within range, and the 'aoe' boon etc applies then.


> I also thought that cmdr tags were relatively rare due to cost, I'm possibly just being ignorant here.


> *Tajiseed furiously scribbles out suggestion of mounted cavalry combat with charges/battle standards etc on a large open plan WvW map*


nah you're not being ignorant... but a lot more people have tags than will admit. On some special event nights like we used to have on Crystal Desert when I was on there we could have 20 tags running around in ONE guild, just for fun. so ya there's a lot of people with tags out there... most people just don't use them.


Back on the subject though... I still believe that in no way would mounts be beneficial in wvw ever. Easy enough to get around on ALL maps as it is if you know the maps. And as noted previously making it commander only, even if there was a squad number limit on it.. would just make the commander a target and he would be the first to fall every time. Definitely would not be a fun time for anyone except the people sniping down the commander ;)

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> @"AllNightPlayer.1286" said:

> If so, it should be the other way around. Everone *but* the commander should get a mount. Or why should the commander outrun his own zerg/squad all the time?


My suggestion is missing an important line (sorry) which was implied - **the speed buff applies to the whole squad. Given the player map limit there would be a small number of commanders able to benefit.**


Could also function as a bubble (along the lines of dolyak)

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