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Which 2nd Gen Legendary would you like to see next?

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> @"RandomWolf.3986" said:

> None. There's plenty of them as it is and the results aren't worth the grind. I would prefer to see all that money and time being spent on more content and actual decent-looking skins and rewards.


"I don't like having more options because I don't want to spend money on something I don't like"


Well, good that you have the option to not do so then. It's good that they still release Gen 2 Legendaries because they were a HoT thing and there is absolutely no justification for them abandoning that. Besides, they are already done with them they just look for ways to tie them into the releases.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"RandomWolf.3986" said:

> > None. There's plenty of them as it is and the results aren't worth the grind. I would prefer to see all that money and time being spent on more content and actual decent-looking skins and rewards.


> "I don't like having more options because I don't want to spend money on something I don't like"


> Well, good that you have the option to not do so then. It's good that they still release Gen 2 Legendaries because they were a HoT thing and there is absolutely no justification for them abandoning that. Besides, they are already done with them they just look for ways to tie them into the releases.


Good for them then! <3

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

> > Waiting for Scepter of Orr still. :u

> That was a staff.


> Also it's me, the one person who likes warhorns. I've been sitting on a Howl for ages waiting to see the 2nd gen warhorn to see which I'd rather make.


Well new Legendary warhorn coming next week so you win XD

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> @"Omnicron.2467" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > Since they make all the 2nd gen ones look like toys or cheesy bad taste trinkets, I don't care what comes next.

> >

> > It would be sweet to have some decent looking new legendaries for a change.


> Not always, look at 2nd gen pistol, dagger, staff, sword, axe, mace, shortbow etc which are not funny weapons


Oh, I am sorry. I thought "2nd gen" were all the ones that are no longer obtained the old fashioned way, but [that's incorrect](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Legendary_weapon/table "that's incorrect"). I would therefore like to correct my statement: **All 2nd gens _except_ Nevermore.**


(And no, the dagger, for instance, looks like a toy as well regardingits texture and those fake looking gems, and so do the rest of the 2nd gens. All awful in their own way, IMO - either gaudy, gigantic, childish, or otherwise a display of poor taste.)

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LOOL !! It seems ANet truly checks the poll results on certain topics :-) In this case, I think they made an error in interpretation of the results: That **1** for the Warhorn means 1% and not the 1-st place in the top of the most desired weapons :#


So, according to the trend, I expect next the Greatsword, followed by the Scepter. And, because the Longbow has a such low score (place no.40) it will be delivered last.

The rangers will have the Longbow around March 2019.

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altough the weapons look really nice, and i voted for longbow, i would like to see a gem store weapon with that kind of art.

even while legendary weapons are stat wise better you can just as much buy the gen#1 and be done with it, it doesn't gain Anet anything but more work.

if i could buy the skin then i don't have to grind for it, i loath grind and really don't care much about the stats.

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