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do u want a love interest for ur hero?

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Nahh. My hero has friends; he doesn't want or need more than that.

...besides, he doesn't have the time to devote to a romantic relationship. That's something that requires a lot of effort and time and devotion, and he knows he can't make that commitment on top of trying to save the world. :tongue:


> @"Abakk.9176" said:

> I've seen it done in SWtoR and that was a teeth gnashing cringefest.


> The only way such a thing can be done is in wide sweeping, allrounding cliché's.


> Bléééggh ..... :(


Aww, I love SWTOR's romances. ...mostly. There are a few that are terrible (Doc comes to mind) but for the most part it's kind of adorable*. But, of course, to each their own. And I don't think something like that would work here in GW2. Different games, different tones, different stories and main characters.



>! QUINNMANCERS UNITE! [waves purple flag around]

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> @"ShadowGryphon.6257" said:

> > @"Samnang.1879" said:

> > BONUS question: why are there no interracial couples in gw2?


> I believe you mean "inter-species" , yes?



Besides I believe we've actually seen some examples of Sylvari dating outside their race in the in-game dialogue. There are references of Norn/Human romances as well, though interspecies cross-breeding is flatly stated by the devs as impossible, so no half and half children.


To the topic, I don't think it's necessary nor do I think it would work well with the way the story for this game is set up. Some sort of in game marriage system between other players would probably be welcomed by more than a few, though. It's also notable, asexual does not necessarily mean a-romantic. One can have romantic feelings for another without having any kind of sexual desire. There are asexual relationships, and the couple that I know who are in one are one of the happiest couples I've ever met.

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> @"Battledoll.1803" said:

> Yes, I want marriage for my female characters, ONLY if the game also allow divorce so I can collect alimony to maintain my lifestyle. A 100 gold per day would be sufficient.


If you're richer than the male, you have to pay.

Just like britney pays her ex $10k per month for child support.


> @"ShadowGryphon.6257" said:

> > @"Samnang.1879" said:

> > BONUS question: why are there no interracial couples in gw2?


> I believe you mean "inter-species" , yes?



Scientifically, interspecies aka bestiality. Semantically, interracial.


Unless ANET changes the official wording of describing "Races" to "Species", the semantically correct term is interracial.





> @"Fremtid.3528" said:

> I would marry the crap out of Canach but you know I don't think that fits in with my lifestyle. But still he's a babe.


No offense to anyone, but canach is uglier than asuras and charrs combined. The only things uglier are sylvaris with mushroom growing out of their hair?/head?

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> @"Samnang.1879" said:

> > @"Battledoll.1803" said:

> > Yes, I want marriage for my female characters, ONLY if the game also allow divorce so I can collect alimony to maintain my lifestyle. A 100 gold per day would be sufficient.


> If you're richer than the male, you have to pay.

> Just like britney pays her ex $10k per month for child support.


> > @"ShadowGryphon.6257" said:

> > > @"Samnang.1879" said:

> > > BONUS question: why are there no interracial couples in gw2?

> >

> > I believe you mean "inter-species" , yes?

> >


> Scientifically, interspecies aka bestiality. Semantically, interracial.


> Unless ANET changes the official wording of describing "Races" to "Species", the semantically correct term is interracial.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/2OqANPs.png"")



> > @"Fremtid.3528" said:

> > I would marry the crap out of Canach but you know I don't think that fits in with my lifestyle. But still he's a babe.


> No offense to anyone, but canach is uglier than asuras and charrs combined. The only things uglier are sylvaris with mushroom growing out of their hair?/head?


Canach makes me laugh. Anyone who can make me laugh is automatically more sexy. Though, I doubt Canach has that kind of interest being a planty dragon minion.


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> > @"Fremtid.3528" said:

> > I would marry the crap out of Canach but you know I don't think that fits in with my lifestyle. But still he's a babe.


> No offense to anyone, but canach is uglier than asuras and charrs combined. The only things uglier are sylvaris with mushroom growing out of their hair?/head?


Luckily, I don't base 100% of who I spend the rest of my character's life with on looks but rather their personality. I called him a babe because he's hilarious and his sarcastic voice is amazing. Like I'd be like do the dishes Canach and he'd give me some sarcastic comeback and I'd totally forgive his sass coz of that velvet. Canach is my favorite part of personal story. I didn't like him when I first saw him but he grew on me, like a weed or a tree. When you're old and well on your way to some Tyrian Heroes Retirement Home, looks will fade but your personality will remain. We should definitely keep our finances separate though coz he seems to have a gambling problem.

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Between players, yes. Player and NPC, no. I don't need the game to help me with that. I'd find it rather pushy, actually. I switched from Gwen to Nyn for the story because Nyn fit the personality of the Commander. She already has a dearheart, I don't need an unwanted involvement forcing its way into my setup.

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