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Where is zojja?


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So in the Q&A i asked the devs whats up with Zoja and why is she not here for the fight? The sad troth is they ignored anything about Zoja so hard that thare were over 6 diferant post and not a single one get a small hint of Zoja being ok or is still recovering or even on a mission to help us so... Now is the time they need to tell us whats up with Zoja. If she is not in the next episode then Anet will get slamed with so meany peps asking were is Zoja why is she so silent when can we see her and will we ever see her in the story at all? This is some major stuff that needs fixed by the next episode.

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The [recent German interview](http://www.buffed.de/Guild-Wars-2-Spiel-17072/Specials/Interview-Alles-oder-Nichts-1274436/) about Episode 5 gave us an update from Linsey Murdock regarding Zojja's absence (translated from German source):


> **Linsey Murdock, Design Lead:** Zojja was badly wounded in the fight against Mordremoth. The blighting pods have attacked the greatest strengths of Logan and Zojja. For Logan it was his physical talent, but for Zojja it was her mind. Traumatic brain injuries can lead to a long healing process and often have ongoing negative effects. I think Zojja's loved ones want to protect her from the ongoing conflict so she can concentrate on her recovery.


I wish this information carried into the game with some off-hand remark from some related ally, either voiced or in some written optional dialogue box. It feels weird to see Snaff without allowing Zojja to be briefly reunited with her dear mentor so they can have proper closure (and maybe even give some to Eir and Zojja as I believe Zojja still isn't aware of Eir's passing).


Zojja was at least [considered](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/45957/destinys-edge) for Episode 2 (where she would've been kidnapped by the "bad guy") before the Season 4 rewrites, so it seems the Narrative Team is waiting for a proper opportunity to include Zojja into the story again while using her recovery from the Mordrem Pod as a reason for her absence for the time being. With the introduction of Overseer Kuda, Kudu's daughter (or at least it's heavily implied to be so), and her continuing Kudu's crosscorruption research via Subject Beta (whose very existence, along with Subject Alpha, Kudu's Monster and arguably Kudu himself before his demise, proves Canach and Taimi's statements in "The Crystal Blooms" wrong as dragon minions can indeed be crosscorrupted with sylvari immunity being a special exception), I'd be surprised if Zojja intends to stay put as soon as she's able to move as she should be fully aware of the dangers her archenemy Kudu's research can bring forth, especially if Kuda (who curiously seems to share Zojja's facial features) proves to be as cunning as her late father in pursuing such unnatural avenues of science...

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> @"Kossage.9072" said:

> The [recent German interview](http://www.buffed.de/Guild-Wars-2-Spiel-17072/Specials/Interview-Alles-oder-Nichts-1274436/) about Episode 5 gave us an update from Linsey Murdock regarding Zojja's absence (translated from German source):


> > **Linsey Murdock, Design Lead:** Zojja was badly wounded in the fight against Mordremoth. The blighting pods have attacked the greatest strengths of Logan and Zojja. For Logan it was his physical talent, but for Zojja it was her mind. Traumatic brain injuries can lead to a long healing process and often have ongoing negative effects. I think Zojja's loved ones want to protect her from the ongoing conflict so she can concentrate on her recovery.


> I wish this information carried into the game with some off-hand remark from some related ally, either voiced or in some written optional dialogue box. It feels weird to see Snaff without allowing Zojja to be briefly reunited with her dear mentor so they can have proper closure (and maybe even give some to Eir and Zojja as I believe Zojja still isn't aware of Eir's passing).


> Zojja was at least [considered](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/45957/destinys-edge) for Episode 2 (where she would've been kidnapped by the "bad guy") before the Season 4 rewrites, so it seems the Narrative Team is waiting for a proper opportunity to include Zojja into the story again while using her recovery from the Mordrem Pod as a reason for her absence for the time being. With the introduction of Overseer Kuda, Kudu's daughter (or at least it's heavily implied to be so), and her continuing Kudu's crosscorruption research via Subject Beta (whose very existence, along with Subject Alpha, Kudu's Monster and arguably Kudu himself before his demise, proves Canach and Taimi's statements in "The Crystal Blooms" wrong as dragon minions can indeed be crosscorrupted with sylvari immunity being a special exception), I'd be surprised if Zojja intends to stay put as soon as she's able to move as she should be fully aware of the dangers her archenemy Kudu's research can bring forth, especially if Kuda (who curiously seems to share Zojja's facial features) proves to be as cunning as her late father in pursuing such unnatural avenues of science...


The cross corrupted may be special exceptions to the rule as Anet is advising that dragon minions can’t be corrupted by other dragon’s.

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> @"Kossage.9072" said:

> The [recent German interview](http://www.buffed.de/Guild-Wars-2-Spiel-17072/Specials/Interview-Alles-oder-Nichts-1274436/) about Episode 5 gave us an update from Linsey Murdock regarding Zojja's absence (translated from German source):


> > **Linsey Murdock, Design Lead:** Zojja was badly wounded in the fight against Mordremoth. The blighting pods have attacked the greatest strengths of Logan and Zojja. For Logan it was his physical talent, but for Zojja it was her mind. Traumatic brain injuries can lead to a long healing process and often have ongoing negative effects. I think Zojja's loved ones want to protect her from the ongoing conflict so she can concentrate on her recovery.



Hm? Logan is already on the battlefield, pretty well recovered. As a joke, from the speed he recovered it seems Logan's mind has been attacked - but having no brain he is immune to this kind of aggression =). So, he is back on the battle. Now is time to see Zojja back with the others. Why? Because if we recall what Glint said, only fighting **all together** will be Destiny Edge (now Dragon Watch) able to defeat Kralky. In the first fight Logan was not there. In the second fight Zojja missed. I think that now is the right moment to bring Zojja back - for the story and respecting what Glint foresaw.


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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> Hm? Logan is already on the battlefield, pretty well recovered. As a joke, from the speed he recovered it seems Logan's mind has been attacked - but having no brain he is immune to this kind of aggression =). So, he is back on the battle. Now is time to see Zojja back with the others. Why? Because if we recall what Glint said, only fighting **all together** will be Destiny Edge (now Dragon Watch) able to defeat Kralky. In the first fight Logan was not there. In the second fight Zojja missed. I think that now is the right moment to bring Zojja back - for the story and respecting what Glint foresaw.


That reminds me of Spellforce, where a mind mage's bread and butter offensive spell's damage output was proportional to the target's intelligence. Animals would hardly notice your mental assault, but Necromancers (int based caster) took nasty damage.

There's a good chance Mordremoth's mental assaults worked in a similar manner, being proportionally worse for those that let their thoughts dwell on all the things in the world and are quick to embrace new concepts. They'd be shocked and unprepared to be confronted with the elder dragon that created their magical trees.

Similarly, a brilliant golemancer like Zojja might have tried to wrestle with the mind of Mordremoth outside of the dream, where you can beat someone to death with your mental imagery. But that really doesn't mean we've seen the last of her.

I'm strangely optimistic that she and Mr Sparkle will show up and give the Commander a pep talk.

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> @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > @"Kossage.9072" said:

> > The [recent German interview](http://www.buffed.de/Guild-Wars-2-Spiel-17072/Specials/Interview-Alles-oder-Nichts-1274436/) about Episode 5 gave us an update from Linsey Murdock regarding Zojja's absence (translated from German source):

> >

> > > **Linsey Murdock, Design Lead:** Zojja was badly wounded in the fight against Mordremoth. The blighting pods have attacked the greatest strengths of Logan and Zojja. For Logan it was his physical talent, but for Zojja it was her mind. Traumatic brain injuries can lead to a long healing process and often have ongoing negative effects. I think Zojja's loved ones want to protect her from the ongoing conflict so she can concentrate on her recovery.

> >

> > I wish this information carried into the game with some off-hand remark from some related ally, either voiced or in some written optional dialogue box. It feels weird to see Snaff without allowing Zojja to be briefly reunited with her dear mentor so they can have proper closure (and maybe even give some to Eir and Zojja as I believe Zojja still isn't aware of Eir's passing).

> >

> > Zojja was at least [considered](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/45957/destinys-edge) for Episode 2 (where she would've been kidnapped by the "bad guy") before the Season 4 rewrites, so it seems the Narrative Team is waiting for a proper opportunity to include Zojja into the story again while using her recovery from the Mordrem Pod as a reason for her absence for the time being. With the introduction of Overseer Kuda, Kudu's daughter (or at least it's heavily implied to be so), and her continuing Kudu's crosscorruption research via Subject Beta (whose very existence, along with Subject Alpha, Kudu's Monster and arguably Kudu himself before his demise, proves Canach and Taimi's statements in "The Crystal Blooms" wrong as dragon minions can indeed be crosscorrupted with sylvari immunity being a special exception), I'd be surprised if Zojja intends to stay put as soon as she's able to move as she should be fully aware of the dangers her archenemy Kudu's research can bring forth, especially if Kuda (who curiously seems to share Zojja's facial features) proves to be as cunning as her late father in pursuing such unnatural avenues of science...


> The cross corrupted may be special exceptions to the rule as Anet is advising that dragon minions can’t be corrupted by other dragon’s.


Except that HoT promotions (and S2) established that the sylvari's immunity came from the Dream, not from them being dragon minions. Unless ArenaNet's just playing amnesia (again), it wouldn't be that dragon minions can't be corrupted by other dragons. Only sylvari are, and only thanks to the Dream.


Mordremoth never corrupted the sylvari who became Mordrem Guard, but used the Dream to mindfuck them into servitude. And we know it isn't because they're "already corrupted" as Kralkatorrik branded at least two of Glint's Facets, which would similarly be "already corrupted". And arguably Mordremoth does corrupt Faolain and the three Commanders, given their grotesque differences (and Diarmid did die thus losing Dream protection, arguably...).


(Huh, the censorship isn't working on that iteration of the F word there for me... Interesting)

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > > @"Kossage.9072" said:

> > > The [recent German interview](http://www.buffed.de/Guild-Wars-2-Spiel-17072/Specials/Interview-Alles-oder-Nichts-1274436/) about Episode 5 gave us an update from Linsey Murdock regarding Zojja's absence (translated from German source):

> > >

> > > > **Linsey Murdock, Design Lead:** Zojja was badly wounded in the fight against Mordremoth. The blighting pods have attacked the greatest strengths of Logan and Zojja. For Logan it was his physical talent, but for Zojja it was her mind. Traumatic brain injuries can lead to a long healing process and often have ongoing negative effects. I think Zojja's loved ones want to protect her from the ongoing conflict so she can concentrate on her recovery.

> > >

> > > I wish this information carried into the game with some off-hand remark from some related ally, either voiced or in some written optional dialogue box. It feels weird to see Snaff without allowing Zojja to be briefly reunited with her dear mentor so they can have proper closure (and maybe even give some to Eir and Zojja as I believe Zojja still isn't aware of Eir's passing).

> > >

> > > Zojja was at least [considered](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/45957/destinys-edge) for Episode 2 (where she would've been kidnapped by the "bad guy") before the Season 4 rewrites, so it seems the Narrative Team is waiting for a proper opportunity to include Zojja into the story again while using her recovery from the Mordrem Pod as a reason for her absence for the time being. With the introduction of Overseer Kuda, Kudu's daughter (or at least it's heavily implied to be so), and her continuing Kudu's crosscorruption research via Subject Beta (whose very existence, along with Subject Alpha, Kudu's Monster and arguably Kudu himself before his demise, proves Canach and Taimi's statements in "The Crystal Blooms" wrong as dragon minions can indeed be crosscorrupted with sylvari immunity being a special exception), I'd be surprised if Zojja intends to stay put as soon as she's able to move as she should be fully aware of the dangers her archenemy Kudu's research can bring forth, especially if Kuda (who curiously seems to share Zojja's facial features) proves to be as cunning as her late father in pursuing such unnatural avenues of science...

> >

> > The cross corrupted may be special exceptions to the rule as Anet is advising that dragon minions can’t be corrupted by other dragon’s.


> Except that HoT promotions (and S2) established that the sylvari's immunity came from the Dream, not from them being dragon minions. Unless ArenaNet's just playing amnesia (again), it wouldn't be that dragon minions can't be corrupted by other dragons. Only sylvari are, and only thanks to the Dream.


> Mordremoth never corrupted the sylvari, but used the Dream to mindfuck them into servitude.


> (Huh, the censorship isn't working on that iteration of the F word there for me... Interesting)


This is what I thought as well, however seems Anet now has a different thought in mind. They have an npc ask it then a dev advises about this as well.


Much like how after Zhaitan’s death the other dragons were able to make minions from the dead, even though there other sprinkles of information stating otherwise.

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