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Suggestion: Fishing in the Game [merged]

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> @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

> > @"Aaralyna.3104" said:


> If fishing was to be implemented, I would like to see it being fairly interactive, requiring frequent player input like reloading lures/bait every 1-2 mins at least. Alternatively, there could be a mechanic whereby the fishing player is randomly attacked every 5-10 mins and has to "fight" with their "catch" with a chance to be defeated if they fail to win the encounter.


It should be based off fishing irl, if you don't have to reload bait irl you shouldn't have to do it here either. But in order to catch the fish you have to be interactive. u can't just fall asleep for 30mins and expect to catch anything. The fish will steal your hook, line and fishing pole!



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> @"Bilgato.8034" said:

> The best thing about fishing is that if you don't want to do it...you don't have to do it.

> That being said, why would anyone not want to allow others to something just because they don't want to do it themselves?


Waste of dev resources, time and money imho that could be used elsewhere!!!!


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> @"Blude.6812" said:

> > @"Bilgato.8034" said:

> > The best thing about fishing is that if you don't want to do it...you don't have to do it.

> > That being said, why would anyone not want to allow others to something just because they don't want to do it themselves?


> Waste of dev resources, time and money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not to hard to comprehend!!!!

Yeah, i don't like SAB either. :expressionless:


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I loved fishing in WoW, logging in and traveling around to various fishing spots.


I'd like to see pools of fish -- fishing nodes -- at various parts of relevant maps, that drop different fish types based on area level or location and "special" nodes only found at certain hard to get to or hidden locations.


Another thing I liked about fishing was that you'd get more than just fish... you'd get various herbs used to craft potions (so I guess, stuff useful for both cooking and artificing... or material used for sigils/runes for other professions) and you'd get a chance to get a chest, which would drop stuff that was also nice to get.


They'd just have to add nodes, and then add a new gathering tool for those nodes. Gathering tools skins (and now the new addition of glyphs) are all pretty popular. I mean, I've bought lots of gathering tools from the gemstore -- maybe that's just me, but my impression is they are making money from them. I also think it would be cool if there was an underwater and on land animation -- fishing pole and net. Half the time the animated effect has NOTHING to do with with a pick or axe, so they could go that route too, making more fantastical visual effects for the tool.


If they added in game contests as an addition that would be nice, but personally I don't like the games in GW2 and I don't think a special instance that's just a game is what I'd want for fishing. It's more of an exploring/gathering experience. Unlike the other node which sometimes seem randomly spread out, I'd rather see fishing spots you'd need to go to or certain coastlines you'd follow.

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> @"Abakk.9176" said:

> Yeah, i don't like SAB either. :expressionless:



Thank you! I thought I was the only one that hated that so much. Every time they wheel it back out I'm like "......here comes another wave of those ridiculous minis with the atrocious sounds." I seriously played it a couple of times and was like ".......so an early 90's 16 bit game is what you're working on here.....right." I have no idea why it's so popular.


But back to fishing ;) I would definitely like it if you could catch more than fish, like crafting components and weapons and stuff. And trash, there's always trash thrown in, of course, but, finding something cool from fishing would be amazing!

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I'm okay with Anet adding "fishing nodes" that you run up to and hit "F" to use the equipped tool. Such tools would be available from vendors and of course have unlimited versions in the gem store, with glyphs that give a chance of a clam, pearl or worm (junk item).

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> @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> Ordinarily, I think fishing is a bore, both in real life and in games. However, it could be made interesting in GW2 with some of the suggestions above, like being able to go from 400 to 500 in cooking with fish recipes, having various collection achievements, perhaps a rare random chance of hooking a fish that swallowed some amazing treasure, and so on.


> Make it so, ANet.


Hell no. This is the reason why fishing fails in so many games because they try to entice people to fish by rewarding them with PVE items. This causes people to participate in the activity even though they hate the time spent doing it. This is HORRIBLE gameplay and a terrible philosophy to follow. Just look at the number of people who join PVP games solely for the dailies and care not one ounce about actually PVPing. (Anet thought they were boosting the PVP population by adding PVP dailies but what they actually did was dilute the game mode and eventually replaced the PVPers with PVErs.)


I would only support fishing if it was able to survive in the game on its own merit (i.e. it's an enjoyable enough activity that people are willing to fish for the sake of fishing) and was COMPLETELY optional. Any rewards you receive would only be applicable within the realm of fishing (e.g. trophies for biggest fish caught) and would be mainly just cosmetic rewards, common items (nothing unique), bragging rights, some coins, better fishing gear, etc.

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> @"Bilgato.8034" said:

> The best thing about fishing is that if you don't want to do it...you don't have to do it.


My fear would be that the new foods would become the meta for wvw and the ingredients be account bound, meaning we'd be required to sit fishing for hours to get them.



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> @"Blude.6812" said:

> > @"Bilgato.8034" said:

> > The best thing about fishing is that if you don't want to do it...you don't have to do it.

> > That being said, why would anyone not want to allow others to something just because they don't want to do it themselves?


> Waste of dev resources, time and money imho that could be used elsewhere!!!!



Like where, in another thing not everyone else wants? ;)

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> @"Celsith.2753" said:

> > @"Bilgato.8034" said:

> > The best thing about fishing is that if you don't want to do it...you don't have to do it.


> My fear would be that the new foods would become the meta for wvw and the ingredients be account bound, meaning we'd be required to sit fishing for hours to get them.




When you add all that you're probably right. :s

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Lucky Quaggan fishing tool: You blow in a conch and a quaggan swims up and dances/swims in a circle in a pool of fish node and says various things like: "Kyooo, preeeety!" and "Oooo fishies for yoooou" "Yummy yummy, so gooood" "Here fishie fishie! Woooo!"

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> @"Udolpho.1209" said:

> Lucky Quaggan fishing tool: You blow in a conch and a quaggan swims up and dances/swims in a circle in a pool of fish node and says various things like: "Kyooo, preeeety!" and "Oooo fishies for yoooou" "Yummy yummy, so gooood" "Here fishie fishie! Woooo!"


Gotta love the Quaggan..




..especially in a nice Normandy sauce :)

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It's time to stop. Can't understand the motivation there... fishing? We already have fishing events, quests. Also fish for cooking recipes. As other stated it would just burn ressources for nothing. But who knows? Surely it will be another 800 gems toy... Just.. see minecraft they added these last times many things into water like ruins and sunken chests (hmm like in gw2?), it haven't make water better, and fishing... boring.. fish some puffer fish to craft water breathing potions? (Infusions here?)..... At this point, why not simply adding an emote /fish? Hmm? It will give you a stick with a lure with a small animation, yeah...

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> It's time to stop. Can't understand the motivation there... fishing? We already have fishing events, quests. Also fish for cooking recipes. As other stated it would just burn ressources for nothing. But who knows? Surely it will be another 800 gems toy... Just.. see minecraft they added these last times many things into water like ruins and sunken chests (hmm like in gw2?), it haven't make water better, and fishing... boring.. fish some puffer fish to craft water breathing potions? (Infusions here?)..... At this point, why not simply adding an emote /fish? Hmm? It will give you a stick with a lure with a small animation, yeah...

Fishing (pole fishing in particular) isn't for everybody, just like other gametypes aren't for everybody.


By your definition, anything you don't like to do ingame is 'burned resources'. Like, i think SAB stinks... does that mean it's burned resources?


GW2 shores, waterfronts, sandy beaches and even some swampy area's are **screaming** for a fishing mini game. And it's a step up for gathering resources.


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You compare it with a real mini~world which have his own enemies, assets and story. SAB is a festival. At the first launch it was amazing, after It became boring since they haven't added anything new to it. They haven't waste ressources, since some proples bought the glider or minis. But sure why not as an activity? What I pointed out, is you already have "fishing": renown heart near beetletun, sandswept isles event with the tribe, you can even kill some fish, and get fish loot. But explain me, I'm all ears. Surely it's not obvious, but I supported your idea by giving you an helpful. The thing is, I don't think that is on Anet priority list (I'm wrong? Who knows). I can't spot how you want it to be implemented, gems? Free after doing a quest?


-sum up: I never was against fishing, but It should be well implemented. I'm not again RP, but what would be the motivation to fish? Would you stop crafting legendary or doing your living story for fishing? In real life, fishing is boring. It should be exciting. But if you want my opinion, I'm okay with a free fishing rod, but it will never happens, sound like to be released on gemstore.


PS. After checking, you spoke about fishing pole with his own skillset. So hmm? How do you get it? Activity, gems or quest?

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> You compare it with a real mini~world which have his own enemies, assets and story. SAB is a festival. At the first launch it was amazing, after It became boring since they haven't added anything new to it. The big PLUS is that Fishing is a nice activity by itself. If implemented well enough it doesn't need (much) regular newness.

Everything gets old and a lot of people seem to need a constant influx of fresh and new. Everyone experiences things differently and Fishing (the IRL way) requires patients, focus and some skill. That is how i'd like it to be implemented.

> @"hugo.4705" said:

> What I pointed out, is you already have "fishing": renown heart near beetletun, sandswept isles event with the tribe, you can even kill some fish, and get fish loot.

There currently is no fishing in GW2. Doing a lobsterquest does not equal a fishing skill whith all the trimmings.

> @"hugo.4705" said:

> But explain me, I'm all ears.

Explain what?

> @"hugo.4705" said:

> The thing is, I don't think that is on Anet priority list (I'm wrong? Who knows).

Nothing ever is... until it's asked often enough for and then suddenly it gets implemented.

> @"hugo.4705" said:

> I can't spot how you want it to be implemented, gems? Free after doing a quest?

I want Fishing in GW2... do i have to design and implement it myself? Do the devs need help from me to get them going? I don't think so.

> @"hugo.4705" said:

> -sum up: I never was against fishing, but It should be well implemented.

Just like everything else.

> @"hugo.4705" said:

> I'm not again RP, but what would be the motivation to fish?

Peace and quiet, a nice change from the normal slaying of mobs, items, cooking, you name it... everything and it's grandad can be linked to fishing.

> @"hugo.4705" said:

> Would you stop crafting legendary or doing your living story for fishing?


> @"hugo.4705" said:

> In real life, fishing is boring.

For you maybe.

> @"hugo.4705" said:

> It should be exciting.

It already is.

> @"hugo.4705" said:

> But if you want my opinion, I'm okay with a free fishing rod, but it will never happens, sound like to be released on gemstore.

Who cares? I just want Fishing. I'll buy it if need be. (if reasonably priced)

> @"hugo.4705" said:

> PS. After checking, you spoke about fishing pole with his own skillset. So hmm? How do you get it? Activity, gems or quest?

Again, i don't care really. All i want is Fishing in GW2... how they implement it is their concern.



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Okay thanks for your answer, it's clear now. And yup fishing in real life, everyone with his own opinion ^^ about "explain me" I was speaking about renown hearts and so on... But you perfectly answered this point :) That's your point of view, ask for it, I respect it, respect mine, I'm satisfied with these quests and events. For implementation, sorry but yes, you have to say what you want, developers can't project themselves into your mind, but that is their works, I agree. But I think It doesn't matter, just have to be implemented in some ways.


(Ah, and I just saw it, I have to underline a point: I don't consider what I hate as wasting resources, this is the first post where I say I'm against and you make an hyperbole. It would be the same with anything, only one person (me) or several ones, don't liking an Idea don't mean we consider it as wasted resources, I used the term to simply explain, they are currently many efforts put into living story/extension, it's a waste because it will slow down story production, but If many players really want it, it's not a waste anymore. I'm personally waiting for an Anet answer about this subject.)


Here end my conversation. Sorry to have perturbed you if that is the case, I agree that my first comment was kinda rude, I haven't expected to engage such a long discussion. After all it could be nice as a side-activity to do like the recent underwater update and their sunken chests. I have enough of slaying mobs too.

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It would be cool if fishing worked like in Dark Cloud 2. Depending on the direction the fish is pulling the bait, and depending on the size of the fish, you need to hit more keys in order for the bait to stay on while reeling in the fish.


After you catch the fish, you can:


• raise it in an aquarium, give it names, feed it food, and breed new fish with it


• use fish in weighing contests for exclusive rewards


• use fish in swimming contests to see if your's is the fastest for exclusive rewards (determined by stats built in the aquarium through feeding/breeding)


It'll be a neat side activity for players, so I'm all for it.

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> @"Abelisk.4527" said:

> It would be cool if fishing worked like in Dark Cloud 2. Depending on the direction the fish is pulling the bait, and depending on the size of the fish, you need to hit more keys in order for the bait to stay on while reeling in the fish.


> After you catch the fish, you can:


> • raise it in an aquarium, give it names, feed it food, and breed new fish with it


> • use fish in weighing contests for exclusive rewards


> • use fish in swimming contests to see if your's is the fastest for exclusive rewards (determined by stats built in the aquarium through feeding/breeding)


> It'll be a neat side activity for players, so I'm all for it.


I think your proposal would make Fishing a complete new game in itself. Still, i'd try it because it looks like fun :)

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  • 1 month later...

Okay I know this has been at some point talked about probably.I have been with guild wars from GW1 at the start all the way thru to now.I know alot of other games have done this I care less who done it first does it last ect.I personally and I think alot of others woudl like to see fishing in the game.I mean if you look at it there is alot that can be worked off of with it.Cooking profession can use it,artificer,leather worker ect .we could even make our own fishing rods or even Anet could use it as a sales for the Gem store. would anyone pay 1000 gems for a fish rod I would.

All I am saying is me and others are not asking for the world to be made simple and easy.I have to say with all the balance patches changes coming to WvW PvP ect.that takes alot of work and effort on the company's part.I personally think if they can put that much focus into the WvW and PvP. Well give up in PvE and little something FISHING.All I am asking from Anet is to sit down and instead of just tossing it to the trash take a logical look at this.we have so many wonderful things in the game why not add one more something new. am I a full time raid person or fractal no I am not.I do not do WvW or PvP I do PvE when I can get time from work to play.and I think fishing woudl be a very nice thing to stand around and do in game and as I said you can tie it to the other professions.even generate sales in the gem store for thing for it.

So with that said in closing as i asked please take a little time to look at the idea before you just trash it or dismiss it to the wind.as for others who like to comment on this post feel free to but I would like to get a thread going with those with some good input on it and maybe just maybe the Dev's will stop read and take a look at this for a change.

Thank you all for your time to read this and happy gaming Medavc

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