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Full Counter hits way too hard

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> @"Xca.9721" said:

> You guys realize that full counter only deals additional damage, transfers conditions and gives resistance by using the major grandmaster trait? And it has to be procced of course. Besides Spellbreaker hits like a wet noodle, the rampage skills have an obvious tell and can be easily avoided.


> Btw I dont play spellbreaker myself anymore cause its kitten boring. Warrior in general is kitten boring since they removed berserker from spvp.


1. The only grandmaster trait useful in PvP.

2. It can be procced by AoE, clone, pet, projectile fired 2 secs ago, NPC (lord, beast) just about anything.

3. Rampage skills are easy to tell.

4. You said it yourself. You dont play warrior anymore, because it's boring. Boring because it's so easy against lower level players to 1v1 or even bunker 1v2.


Warrior shouldn't be unkillable 1v1 bunker. Otherwise team with 2 best warriors win everytime. (Talking about tourneys).

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> @"Xca.9721" said:

> You guys realize that full counter only deals additional damage, transfers conditions and gives resistance by using the major grandmaster trait? And it has to be procced of course. Besides Spellbreaker hits like a wet noodle, the rampage skills have an obvious tell and can be easily avoided.


> Btw I dont play spellbreaker myself anymore cause its kitten boring. Warrior in general is kitten boring since they removed berserker from spvp.


You do realize that its the unblockable AoE daze that can be procced simply by walking into an AoE that is the problem, not hte damage, right? You don't have to trait it to get that unblockable daze

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> @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

>Dying to FC usually means you made a mistake.


Full Counter activates instantly, any sensible warrior will only activate FC when their opponent is about to complete a cast, thus guaranteeing that the FC is proc'ed immediately with the opponent having no time to cancel.


There is no excuse for a warrior to ever fail a FC.



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> @"OriOri.8724" said:

> > @"Xca.9721" said:

> > You guys realize that full counter only deals additional damage, transfers conditions and gives resistance by using the major grandmaster trait? And it has to be procced of course. Besides Spellbreaker hits like a wet noodle, the rampage skills have an obvious tell and can be easily avoided.

> >

> > Btw I dont play spellbreaker myself anymore cause its kitten boring. Warrior in general is kitten boring since they removed berserker from spvp.


> You do realize that its the unblockable AoE daze that can be procced simply by walking into an AoE that is the problem, not hte damage, right? You don't have to trait it to get that unblockable daze


Its just that ppl have been complaining about that stuff assuming all of this comes natural and without a traitline. Btw even if you procc the full counter, u can still dodge it.

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> @"Mutaatti.2789" said:

> > @"Xca.9721" said:

> > You guys realize that full counter only deals additional damage, transfers conditions and gives resistance by using the major grandmaster trait? And it has to be procced of course. Besides Spellbreaker hits like a wet noodle, the rampage skills have an obvious tell and can be easily avoided.

> >

> > Btw I dont play spellbreaker myself anymore cause its kitten boring. Warrior in general is kitten boring since they removed berserker from spvp.


> 1. The only grandmaster trait useful in PvP.

> 2. It can be procced by AoE, clone, pet, projectile fired 2 secs ago, NPC (lord, beast) just about anything.

> 3. Rampage skills are easy to tell.

> 4. You said it yourself. You dont play warrior anymore, because it's boring. Boring because it's so easy against lower level players to 1v1 or even bunker 1v2.


> Warrior shouldn't be unkillable 1v1 bunker. Otherwise team with 2 best warriors win everytime. (Talking about tourneys).


Well thats the current role of Spellbreaker, hold nodes while 1vX. You dont do much damage but are really tanky. Not the way a warrior should be played imo.

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Although i do not think FC is necessarily 'overpowered', considering most classes have something in their arsenal of similar strength, it would be fine if the damage was reduced (And by quite a bit). The point of the skill is to be more of a defensive burst, or a utility. Be it to set up another burst/mitigate damage/proc prot/interrupt to strip boons.


Warrior already has so much damage in other areas that a fairly substantial damage nerf to this particular skill would be fine.


Yes it can be dodged, yes it can be avoided, but as people have said, this become far less easy when you are in a team fight, and hitting 5 targets because of 1 players mistake for a fairly substantial amount of damage/interruption/boon strip/possible (low maintenance) condis is a bit much.


But i think the unblockable interrupt is fine so long as the damage is reduced.


In the same breath of all the above though, its nice to have a aoe cleave for the 100 mesmer clones flying around ^^

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As an op mirage I don't found FC op but on a side note,

this king of argument :

>Full Counter is the consequence for mindlessly spamming skills.

Make me remember that they remove clones on death traits because of thoses mindless people who spam cleave/aoe. And it was not only one skill but an entire part of the three main mesmer's mecanics (fantasms, clones, shatter.).

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Something has to change further with the ability I dont care what but something. But I disagree about the damage its too much regardless of what they change it has to go down. There is not enough skill involved in using it that it should hit a non glass cannon build for 5-6k with the cooldown it has and the other things it does. Much less damage then that plus all the other things it does is plenty of "punishment" for so called ability spamming. I also don't want to hear the Warrior supremecy at duels is supposed to be a thing. I believe that is bad game design and a total refutation of how this game was supposed to work. If Warrior abilities to win duels goes down and it makes them less viable then Im all for buffs in other aspects. But dont defend op aspects of the class by saying x is all the keeps Warriors viable! That has never stopped an op ability from getting nerfed in this history of pvp MMORPGs. A-net knows its a problematic ability they have already nerfed but unfortunately they use toe nail clippers instead of ball peen hammers for starters most of the time.

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> @"Vova.2640" said:

> > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > > @"Vova.2640" said:

> > > I couple nights ago in wvw, I used a meteor shower into an enemy zerg and got hit for 11k with full counter.

> > > Fun stuff.

> >

> > Let it be forever enshrined in this thread that a staff elementalist casted a three second attack into a zerg in wvw, close enough to himself that he could be crit by a warrior using full counter.

> >

> > You were already dead my guy. Warrior or not.

> >


> ???

> It was basically a max range meteor shower on top of an enemy zerg to pressure downs.

> I don't even know where the warrior was all I know is I got insta-down, looked into my combat log and I see an 11k full counter.

If you cast meteor Shower at the max range of 1,200 units there is no way a full counter with a range of 300 units killed you. something else killed you, or you're lying.



> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> >Dying to FC usually means you made a mistake.


> Full Counter activates instantly, any sensible warrior will only activate FC when their opponent is about to complete a cast, thus guaranteeing that the FC is proc'ed immediately with the opponent having no time to cancel.


> There is no excuse for a warrior to ever fail a FC.




Any sensible person fighting SB knows to dodge FC and/or bait it out.> @"JayAction.9056" said:

> Can we stop using "it has an obvious tell" as an argument????


> Every skill in this game has an "obvious tell" if you know what to look for.


> Full counter is ridiculous.


> 2.0 damage coefficient on a skill that is:

> -Aoe Daze

> -Aoe moveable block

> -Self Stability

> -Evade

> -100% Damage reduction


> Has ability to also:

> **-Transfer 5 conditions to target and grant resistance with a damage boost**


> It's basically a 1.5 second invuln every 12 seconds (used to be 8).


> The handful of good warriors in this game are immortal in everything except a 1v3 because you can avoid near all damage cycling this crap with GS #3, Shield Block, Double Endure Pain, **Dodge Key**( bold because everybody forgets this exists), & balanced stance. Then they don't even have down time to cast a heal skill (heal signet lmfao) and it's just stupid.


> **Pro Tip: Scream full counter out loud every time you press it for maximum effectiveness.**


Sure, every skill has an obvious tell, but some are more obvious than others. A giant yellow glowy circle is one of the more obvious ones.



It's 2.0 in Pve and 1.5 in PvP.


-An aoe daze of half a second, which is nothing.

-It's not technically a block, it's damage reduction for ONE hit. (The hit that triggers it.)

-Self stability of two seconds, long enough for full counter to trigger, and that's it.

-Evade for half a second less than a normal dodge.

-100% damage reduction for only the hit that triggers it, then it switches to the evade!

-Only transfers condis three IF traited, (five in PvE) and grants a whopping two seconds of resistance.


This skill is meant to punish you for triggering it, which it does. It's not OP, and it has counterplay.



**Protip: play a class and learn it before complaining on the forums for maximum effectiveness.**

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> > @"OriOri.8724" said:

> > The unblockable daze, which has heavy synergy with the rest of the spellbreaker line, is the issue, not the damage.


Daze is there to interrupt people freecasting within 300r of the Warrior, or precasting attacks to hit after the warrior does FC, since his anims are locked during the cast and any subsequent hit. Removing it would hamstring the class and punish the warrior for using FC for teams timing their attacks, rather than punishing the team for not paying attention to where they're standing.



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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:


> > > @"OriOri.8724" said:

> > > The unblockable daze, which has heavy synergy with the rest of the spellbreaker line, is the issue, not the damage.


> Daze is there to interrupt people freecasting within 300r of the Warrior, or precasting attacks to hit after the warrior does FC, since his anims are locked during the cast and any subsequent hit. Removing it would hamstring the class and punish the warrior for using FC for teams timing their attacks, rather than punishing the team for not paying attention to where they're standing.




Option A - Punish entire team because 1 person made a mistake


Option B - Punish a single player when the other team coordinates an attack against that one player


Which option is healthier here? Because literally every warrior in this thread is trying to argue that option A is the healthier option, when option B is what happens in a well balanced game.

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> @"OriOri.8724" said:

> Option A - Punish entire team because 1 person made a mistake


> Option B - Punish a single player when the other team coordinates an attack against that one player


> Which option is healthier here? Because literally every warrior in this thread is trying to argue that option A is the healthier option, when option B is what happens in a well balanced game.


That depends on situation. I can understand the frustration of being dazed/interrupted because of someone else's mistake, but consider that this happens in a small radius and that narrowing it to hit the entity that originated the attack would cripple spellbreakers versus mesmers, rangers, and other entities with adds without any invested effort in counterplay. FC has been nerfed multiple times because "teammates don't know when to stop hitting, drop AoEs at the wrong time". At what point are we going to stop hitting FC and start blaming people for smashing their face against it?


Also let's be reasonable here. in any major situation where the range of full counter is extremely important (on point), you will at most have two people fighting the spellbreaker in any proper rotation, unless there is a snowball in which case the warrior will die before he downs anybody. I don't think it takes much effort to give yourself twelve seconds to lay into a warrior before quickly moving out of 300r and letting your teammate look for FC before coming in again. Its being made out like the warrior is winning 5v1 because of a daze.


And if you're 1v1ing, that job is even easier. So I fail to see why we're continuing to shave FC to compensate for rallybots.


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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:


> > > @"OriOri.8724" said:

> > > The unblockable daze, which has heavy synergy with the rest of the spellbreaker line, is the issue, not the damage.


> Daze is there to interrupt people freecasting within 300r of the Warrior, or precasting attacks to hit after the warrior does FC, since his anims are locked during the cast and any subsequent hit. Removing it would hamstring the class and punish the warrior for using FC for teams timing their attacks, rather than punishing the team for not paying attention to where they're standing.




What?! How the fuck is blocking all attacks heading your way, dealing damage and copying 3 condis in 300 aoe is a “hamper” without a daze again?!

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Pitchforks are on Warrior this week it appears...


Of all the things, it's Full Counter...


Here's some things that even a scrub like myself can do:

- Don't attack a Warrior using Full counter

- Use unblockable attacks

- Proc Full Counter from range

- Use Stability if you fight melee range

- Use blinding attacks

- Apply Weakness

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Whenever i fight a spellbreaker i don't feel like i am engaging into pvp with another player. I feel like im fighting some PvE boss and trying to kill the boss solo for a challenge and only asking to join a group for help when im unable to do it alone fast enough.


Outside of support roles like firebrand, i see no reason for these stalemate, sustainy as hell dps role builds. Im so happy druids heal got nerfed.

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I dont think it hits to hard i think it has to short a cool down for what it does....12-15 seconds to have a solid invulnerability mixed in what warrior already has with evades, vigor, weapons skills, and endure pains, i would like to see full counter on a 25-30 second and a traited 20-25 second cd...i think this is fair cuz right now you can just chain everything together to have really good survivability.

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> @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> I dont think it hits to hard i think it has to short a cool down for what it does....12-15 seconds to have a solid invulnerability mixed in what warrior already has with evades, vigor, weapons skills, and endure pains, i would like to see full counter on a 25-30 second and a traited 20-25 second cd...i think this is fair cuz right now you can just chain everything together to have really good survivability.


how to kill an elite trait 101

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> Pitchforks are on Warrior this week it appears...


> Of all the things, it's Full Counter...


> Here's some things that even a scrub like myself can do:

> - Don't attack a Warrior using Full counter

> - Use unblockable attacks

> - Proc Full Counter from range

> - Use Stability if you fight melee range

> - Use blinding attacks

> - Apply Weakness


Unblockable attacks procs it.

Not all classes have access to range skills or gap closers

Blind doesn't work because they get resistance on proc.

Weakness doesn't work because they get resistance on proc.

Stability only saves you from the .25 second daze, which is the least issue with the skill.


But hey, at least a scrub like you can do all those things.

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> >

> > > > @"OriOri.8724" said:

> > > > The unblockable daze, which has heavy synergy with the rest of the spellbreaker line, is the issue, not the damage.

> >

> > Daze is there to interrupt people freecasting within 300r of the Warrior, or precasting attacks to hit after the warrior does FC, since his anims are locked during the cast and any subsequent hit. Removing it would hamstring the class and punish the warrior for using FC for teams timing their attacks, rather than punishing the team for not paying attention to where they're standing.

> >

> >


> What?! How the kitten is blocking all attacks heading your way, dealing damage and copying 3 condis in 300 aoe is a “hamper” without a daze again?!


Read the post right above the one you made.

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So i feel like this thread is full of many mixed messages

1. its not the unblockable daze its the unblockable damage...

2. its not the unblockable damage its the unblockable daze

3. its neither of them, its the 3 condition reflect, tiny stability, evade, protect and little resistance

4. its not 3 its the short cool down

5. the cooldown is fine, but the damage is too high


I mean how can it be nothing and everything at the same time guys

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> @"Cloud Windfoot Omega.7485" said:

> > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > I dont think it hits to hard i think it has to short a cool down for what it does....12-15 seconds to have a solid invulnerability mixed in what warrior already has with evades, vigor, weapons skills, and endure pains, i would like to see full counter on a 25-30 second and a traited 20-25 second cd...i think this is fair cuz right now you can just chain everything together to have really good survivability.


> how to kill an elite trait 101


If u dont think an invulnerablity every 12-15 seconds is alittle op then your thought process for balance is very skewed in the wrong direction.

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> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > Pitchforks are on Warrior this week it appears...

> >

> > Of all the things, it's Full Counter...

> >

> > Here's some things that even a scrub like myself can do:

> > - Don't attack a Warrior using Full counter

> > - Use unblockable attacks

> > - Proc Full Counter from range

> > - Use Stability if you fight melee range

> > - Use blinding attacks

> > - Apply Weakness


> Unblockable attacks procs it.

> Not all classes have access to range skills or gap closers

> Blind doesn't work because they get resistance on proc.

> Weakness doesn't work because they get resistance on proc.

> Stability only saves you from the .25 second daze, which is the least issue with the skill.


> But hey, at least a scrub like you can do all those things.


Yup a scrub like me can handle full counter fine... Makes me think that this is a bronze tier problem/thread.

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