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Please allow outfits to show own helm.


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We already have the option to turn off the helm component of an outfit by turning off our own helmet.


Why don't you move that option to the outfit pane itself (and consider doing the same for shoulders), and allow us to check on our wardrobe helm so we can use face paint and eye glow helms in unison with outfits?

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The Outfit panel could use a lot of QoL, honestly. Some features that should be on the tab itself:


Helm choice: None, Equipped, Outfit.

Same options for Shoulder and Glove (Assuming shoulders or gloves can be disassociated from the outfit. gawd, I'd buy Champion of Tyria if I could just ditch those shoulders!)

Larger on/off switch.


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> @Dante.1763 said:

> I dont think its possible as outfits are the own "weight" category, and it would be like if you previewed a light armor helmet on a medium armor toon(hides all your other armor). Not going to disagree here but..


I think it's possible, just disabled. I thought, at one point in the past, one could preview across weight class but when the devs started improving the preview feature, things started being disabled like the naked body codes (are those still usable in some form?).


Still, it might require creating duplicate versions of helms to work with outfits but maybe it's easier than trying to do the reverse? :p

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In this game, there's no way to combine an outfit with any stand-alone armor piece. That's why outfits are far, far cheaper for ANet to release, because they are single units that don't need to be mixed with anything else. (And as someone said above, they are a separate "weight" of armor; all existing helms are limited to light|medium|heavy and none are 'outfit')

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> In this game, there's no way to combine an outfit with any stand-alone armor piece. That's why outfits are far, far cheaper for ANet to release, because they are single units that don't need to be mixed with anything else. (And as someone said above, they are a separate "weight" of armor; all existing helms are limited to light|medium|heavy and none are 'outfit')


Sorry, but that's a load of crap given what happened with Braham's outfit. You can already turn the helm off. Why can't they just show the helm you have equipped?


There's no clipping with the necromancer face paints or mesmer face masks or revenant blindfolds. It's just meaningless restriction.

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Back when the wardrobe feature was added I glitched my hero panel to show my reading glasses instead of the outfit headgear and it was the best glimpse into a future that could have been. And so many outfits I like but don't care for the shoulders so I just don't bother. :(

The fact that we can disable head gear for outfits tells me that outfit head gear is already detached somehow anyway.

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> @Sqwyt.5731 said:

> In Gw1 outfits (costumes) had the option to be shown as full or only the helm/head piece. This way there actually we're more head pieces available for the regular armors.


No, in GW the costumes (outfits) were separate head and body gear that you could use independently from one another. You could for example; wear a nice Wintersday hat with your Grenth regalia during the festivities, or wear your fancy Pumpkin crown with the Grenth regalia to look like a minion of the Mad King.


I'd love to be able to do this again. More truthfully I would like to be able to equip different parts of different outfits as we do our normal armor.

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> @Zenith.7301 said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > In this game, there's no way to combine an outfit with any stand-alone armor piece. That's why outfits are far, far cheaper for ANet to release, because they are single units that don't need to be mixed with anything else. (And as someone said above, they are a separate "weight" of armor; all existing helms are limited to light|medium|heavy and none are 'outfit')


> Sorry, but that's a load of crap given what happened with Braham's outfit. You can already turn the helm off. Why can't they just show the helm you have equipped?


> There's no clipping with the necromancer face paints or mesmer face masks or revenant blindfolds. It's just meaningless restriction.


We've (almost) always been able to hide the neck-up portions of outfits. That's just a matter of adding a cut-off point and it's not the same as making it possible for the "outfit weight" to work with light, medium, or heavy skins. I suppose they could copy the design of headgear to the fourth weight, change the code to allow outfits to be mixed, retrofit previous headgear, add code to prevent some headgear from displaying, and then QA all of that with each new outfit...


But that's why they aren't doing it: it increases the cost of both outfits and headgear, something that isn't best for the game.


The very purpose of outfits is to be a simple "all on" skin, that bypasses the wardrobe system entirely. It's a workaround for the knot into which ANet tied themselves with armor. Thus, making outfits more like armor undermines the reason they exist is such great numbers.


I would sure like to see more armor sets, because I like only about 10% of those ANet has released. All the same, I'm willing to temper my expectations based on the limitations ANet has outlined for us.

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> @SleepyKitty.4071 said:

> Back when the wardrobe feature was added I glitched my hero panel to show my reading glasses instead of the outfit headgear and it was the best glimpse into a future that could have been.


I've encountered that same glitch myself. I had my charr elementalist wearing the noble outfit, and wearing the fire gem on his forehead at the same time. I want to be able to do that all the time, for real and not just in the hero panel.

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> @Rauderi.8706 said:

> The Outfit panel could use a lot of QoL, honestly. Some features that should be on the tab itself:


> Helm choice: None, Equipped, Outfit.

> Same options for Shoulder and Glove (Assuming shoulders or gloves can be disassociated from the outfit. gawd, I'd buy Champion of Tyria if I could just ditch those shoulders!)

> Larger on/off switch.


To add to that list:

* Separate show/hide options and

* Dye channels for head, shoulder, hands, feet, aura & obligatory butt-cape

* Cosmetic shoulder pieces shine through (Nightfury etc.)

* A hotkey for the outfit sub-window

* A hotkey for *Toggle Outfit*

* **All options saved per outfit, no more re-dyeing etc.**


This is fashion war, after all. Let us play it that way. And take our money for more outfits, ofc. ^^



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Came to the conclusion yesterday that ... I'm pretty much tired of all the Armor skins.... Barely liked any of the skins released since around launch. And had a giant dose of nostalgia and a dreamy look on my face as I thought "I miss town clothes..." And realized that at this point, I actually like costumes/outfits more than I like armor skins, simply because I'm so sick of being locked into set styles with the armor skins, and I end up recycling the same 2-3 skins on each armor weight to get away from that, and thus locking myself into another armor skin lock *sigh*


GW2 Heresy, I know.


But at this stage, I would actually love to see them do a couple of changes to outfits, and I'd barely bother to touch armor skins again:


* Enable/Disable shoulders on all outfits (retroactively)

* Change all outfit "hats" into normal hat skins

* So we can use any hat skin we want

* Allow us to dye the lava on the Balthazar outfit


I'd be a happy camper, and could ignore all the armor skins ever after. And I could play a Charr with the balthazar outfit with the dreadnaught helmet.


*readies himself for the downvotes for saying bad stuff about armor skins!*

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  • 1 year later...

I was about to make my own thread about it, but i guess i just Necro this one.


As a concept of outfits, i am really comfortable with it. With one but...


Outfits doesn't allow us to mix and match skins, like we can do with Transmutation Charges. And one particular element of outfits bothers me for very long. Unchecked Visability of Helm skin, removes it's Visability from Outfit sets aswell. This is proof enough, that Helm skin on Outfits not only can be hidden, but it's Visability Overwritten with Standart skin that currently Equiped in armor slot.


Myself, i really hope for one day to have that option.

My example is my Revenant with [Haunted Armor Outfit](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Haunted_Armor_Outfit "Haunted Armor Outfit"). Outfit's fog really fits well with thematic of Revenants and The Mist, but this Helm, one that Haunted Armor enforce on my Revenant... I rather have Blindfold instead of it.

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  • 9 months later...

> @"Sabs.3962" said:

> "RISE"


> I need this, look. I need a charr with Daydreamer outfit and sunglasses. I just need it, ok.


Its practically impossible(the effort is probably not worth the pay off) without recoding the entire game and by that i mean every single character model for every class would have to have their rigging redone, and so to would every single outfit and armor piece, due to decisions made years before the game was even released.


Each armor weight 4 total(light, medium, heavy, outfits) have their own rigging points on the skeletons of the characters. Mixing the armor weights by ripping armor models and character models out of the game and putting them in a modeling program leads to some very bad model breaking(there used to be videos on youtube, i have no clue if they are still there.) as they dont use standardized attachment points.

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